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Assignment: Research paper outline

Name:Tasbir haider

Draft an outline of your research paper based on the research paper organization discussed in
class. For this assignment, you only need to do the Introduction, Background, and
Hypothesis sections. Write the relevant points or subpoints of the main ideas under each
section. Please refer to the sample outline that has been uploaded to your google classroom.

Research Outline
The focus of my research would be abusive parents and its effect on the child, where I will find a strong
base why children are being abused, why parents of our society are holding this kind of abusive thinking,
it is done by parents consciously or subconsciously, and how much children are being affected in their
every sphere of life. My research would also answer certain questions regarding the actual scenario in
our society and how different types of parenting influence our children's lives and why it is important to
modify their way of thinking in order to ensure a healthy and secure environment for brought up
children.So I would like to find out why parents find it the only way to bring up their children perfectly.

  As a culture, we see childhood abuse mostly through an actual focal point. This misnomer should be
destroyed. Harsh nurturing shows severally: passionate, verbal, disregard, and actual maltreatment. I
realize it is horrendous to think about any child being mishandled, however it's positively an issue that
should be in the headlights, not the shadows.There are two perceived types of parental abuse of children,
misuse and disregard. Misuse establishes an abuse of the privileges of guardians to control, discipline,
and rebuff their kids. while disregard speaks to the inability to perform parental obligations, including
those of oversight, nurturance, and security. Psychological mistreatment, while not straightforwardly
harming to a youngster truly, is viewed as damaging to his passionate and emotional well-being. Parental
Mistreatment,Perpetrators and Victims are All in all, injurious demonstrations are viewed as
demonstrations of commission and result in mischief to kids. Careless acts will be demonstrations of
exclusion. Obviously, one doesn't block the other. So a parent may manhandle and disregard multiple.

From my research, I hope to discover what precisely are the issues children confronting on account of
oppressive nurturing. I additionally hope to discover the issues of guardians, their method of serious
pondering their children. I figure I will discover the explanations behind the maltreatment of kids by their
parents. I additionally figure I will discover how parents think they are in good shape regarding
manhandling their kids. The normal result of my exploration would be the tendency of extreme or injurious
nurturing hurts age by age, generation by generation, and there are sure outright advantages of
diminishing harsh nurturing for the government assistance of our future generation.

● Abusive parents
Parents are the main factors of abuse.

Children do big suffer on abusive parental issues

● Issues of abusive parents and effects on childrens.

Family careless behaviour.

Parents and children have huge age and generation gaps.

Create a misunderstanding relationship between parents and children .

● Types of abuse

Childrens get abuse of emotional,verbal,physical,neglect.

Parental abuse of children, misuse and disregard.

● Misunderstanding between parents and children.

Relationships get broken by many various kinds of misunderstandings.

Parents cannot understand children's needs or thoughts.

Parent cannot do right decision of right or wrong

● Culture of abusive parents.

The parents get and create lot of personal relation problems

● How does violence affect children's development?

children with long-term exposure are at an increased risk for: Behavioral, psychological, and
physical problems.

Some children exposed to violence learn to resolve their own conflicts in a violent manner.

● Why do abusive parents deny?

they're dependent on their parents, love them, and are powerless to leave home.
● Solution about Abusive issues.

Parents make good understanding with their children.

Parents have to share feelings and communicate with their children.

They have to short out the problems and help each other .

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