Tasbir Haider 2021189630 - Assignment 2 - Research Proposal

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Research Proposal : Abusive parents

Date : 25.3.2021

To : Ms.Farhana Islam Tani

From : Tasbir Haider NSUID : 2021189630 Subject : ENG105 SEC:31

Sub: Proposal to conduct a research project on abusive parents and its effect on the children.


As a culture, we see youth misuse basically through an actual focal (physical) point. This misnomer must
be eradicated. Injurious nurturing of parents shows in a few different ways: passionate, verbal, disregard,
and actual maltreatment. It is terrible to think about any child being mishandled, yet it's unquestionably an
issue that should be in the headlights, not the shadows.

There are two perceived types of parental abuse of children, misuse and disregard. "Misuse comprises an
abuse of the privileges of guardians to control, discipline, and rebuff their youngsters, while disregard
speaks to the inability to perform parental obligations, including those of oversight, nurturance, and
security. Psychological mistreatment, while not straightforwardly harming to a child truly, is viewed as
damaging to his enthusiastic and emotional well-being," as indicated by Jeanne M. Giovannoni's
exposition "Parental Mistreatment: Perpetrators and Victims. "As such, injurious acts are viewed as
demonstrations of commission and result in damage to youngsters. Careless acts will be demonstrations
of exclusion. Obviously, one doesn't block the other. So a parent may manhandle and disregard in
numerous manners. At the point when kids are being mishandled, it can influence each part of their
carries on, particularly confidence. How much mischief is done frequently relies upon the circumstance
and now and again on how extreme the maltreatment is. Now and again an apparently minor thing can
trigger a major response. Being contacted improperly by a relative, or being disclosed to keep privileged
insights, for instance, can be confounding and horrible.

The focus of my research would be abusive parents and its effect on the child, where I will find a strong
base why children are being abused, why parents of our society are holding this kind of abusive thinking,
it is done by parents consciously or subconsciously, and how much children are being affected in their
every spare of life. My research would also answer certain questions regarding the actual scenario in our
society and how different types of parenting influence our children's lives and why it is important to
modify their (parents) way of thinking in order to ensure a healthy and secure environment for brought up
children. I would like to find out why parents find it the only way to bring up their children perfectly.

Research Questions 
In my research I plan to investigate the parent's mentality, their way of thinking of our society and how
can we make them aware of their miss parenting. My research will conduct the following research

● What are the ways of abusive parenting?

● How do abusive parenting spoil children's life?
● Why is appropriate parenting is needed for children's perfectly brought up?
● How can we make parents aware of their miss parenting?
● What are the long run impacts on children because of abusive parenting?
● what should be the way or steps of proper parenting for the peaceful life of a child?
● How should children feel when they are with their parents or in the arms of the parents?
● How are parents doing miss parenting subconsciously or consciously?


From my research, I hope to discover what precisely are the issues children confronting on account of
oppressive nurturing. I additionally hope to discover the issues of guardians, their method of serious
pondering their children. I figure I will discover the explanations behind the maltreatment of kids by their
parents. I additionally figure I will discover how parents think they are in good shape regarding
manhandling their kids. The normal result of my exploration would be the tendency of extreme or
injurious nurturing hurts age by age, generation by generation, and there are sure outright advantages of
diminishing harsh nurturing for the government assistance of our future generation.

Research Methodology 

For my primary research, I will conduct a survey of a representative sampling of people from all around
the world about their opinion of abusive parents and its effect. I will also conduct interviews with
multiple parents and children Bangladesh in Dhaka and also some child specialists, psychologists, and
also some specialists who are working on the parents-children relationship. This will guarantee I get data
and information about both sides and both the bias sides of the conflict. To that end, I will prepare a
questionnaire with different types of questions so as to get a range of useful data that will help me answer
my research questions.

For my secondary research, I plan to use the North South University library and the myriads of journals
and magazines like Economist. I also plan to use online resources like online articles, and standard search
engines like Google and YouTube.


My research paper will be divided into 4 distinct chapters ;

Chapter 1: Introduction and Background, Chapter 2: Research Methods and Procedures, Chapter 3:
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data and Chapter 4: Summary, Conclusions and
The research paper will also contain Acknowledgments and an abstract prior to the Chapters. It will
include in text citations and have References and an Appendix at the end of the Chapters. It will also
include all paperwork and drafts that will be required to complete the research paper.


I hope to complete my primary research by the , 2021 and my secondary research by the , 2021. I shall
complete writing the final draft of my Research Paper by , 2021 and submit it by the , 2021.

Request for Approval  

I thus demand your endorsement for my examination proposition. On the off chance that you wish me to
adjust or improve my proposition, I will submit it subsequent to consolidating the vital changes. I would
likewise be thankful for your recommendation and help in leading my examination and finishing the
undertaking. I thank you fully expecting the endorsement of the exploration proposition.

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