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ENG 105 Research Paper

Abusive parents and its effects on children

Date:17 May 2021

To: Ms.Farhana Islam Tani

From: Tasbir haider

ID: 2021189630

Sec: 31


         This research has been conducted to analyze that abusive parent and their effect

on children. Children of Bangladesh are in an alarming position because of abusive

parenting and people, mostly parents are not aware of it. As a result, it increases

drastically day by day. The research will focus on how much children are being affected

by abusive parenting and what do parents think about it. It will also try to find out the

major reasons why do parents try to do abuse their children. My hypothesis is based on

the people especially children and parents of Bangladesh that what they think about

abuse. So, this research will provide some insight in this context by extracting and

analyzing public opinions on this matter and how to appease the current dismay that

has been created. 


I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to

complete this report. A special gratitude I give to my honorable faculty Ms.Farhana Islam Tani

whose contribution to stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped me to coordinate my

project especially in writing this report.Furthermore, I would like to thank all my senior,junior

and same age friends who suggested to me their opinion. A special thanks go to those people

who participated in my survey. I have to appreciate again the guidance given by my honorable

faculty especially in my project presentation that has improved my presentation skills.


Introduction ………………….............................................................................................4


Research questions..........................................................................................................................8


Research Methodology……………………………………………...…………………………....9

Data Presentation and Analysis.....................................................................................................10

Summary of Research Findings.....................................................................................................20



References  ...................................................................................................................................22

Child maltreatment by parents is a devastating social problem in Bangladeshi society . This

misnomer must be eradicated. Injurious nurturing of parents shows in a few different ways:

passionate, verbal, disregard, and actual maltreatment. It is terrible to think about any child being

mishandled, yet it's unquestionably an issue that should be in the headlights, not the shadows.

There are two perceived types of parental abuse of children, misuse and disregard. "Misuse

comprises an abuse of the privileges of guardians to control, discipline, and rebuff their

youngsters, while disregard speaks to the inability to perform parental obligations, including

those of oversight, nurturance, and security. Psychological mistreatment, while not

straightforwardly harming to a child truly, is viewed as damaging to his enthusiastic and

emotional well-being," as indicated by Jeanne M. Giovannoni's exposition "Parental

Mistreatment: Perpetrators and Victims. "As such, injurious acts are viewed as demonstrations of

commission and result in damage to youngsters. Careless acts will be demonstrations of

exclusion. Obviously, one doesn't block the other. So a parent may manhandle and disregard in

numerous manners. At the point when kids are being mishandled, it can influence each part of

their carries on, particularly confidence. How much mischief is done frequently relies upon the

circumstance and now and again on how extreme the maltreatment is. Now and again an

apparently minor thing can trigger a major response. Being contacted improperly by a relative, or

being disclosed to keep privileged insights, for instance, can be confounding and horrible.

The focus of my research would be abusive parents and its effect on the child, where I will find a

strong base why children are being abused, why parents of our society are holding this kind of
abusive thinking, it is done by parents consciously or subconsciously, and how much children are

being affected in their every spare of life. My research would also answer certain questions

regarding the actual scenario in our society and how different types of parenting influence our

children's lives and why it is important to modify their (parents) way of thinking in order to

ensure a healthy and secure environment for brought up children. I would like to find out why

parents find it the only way to bring up their children perfectly.


  As a culture, we see Childhood abuse mostly through an actual focal point. This misnomer

should be destroyed. Harsh nurturing shows severally: passionate, verbal, disregard, and actual

maltreatment. I realize it is horrendous to think about any child being mishandled, however it's

positively an issue that should be in the headlights, not the shadows.

There are two perceived types of parental abuse of children, misuse and disregard. "Misuse

establishes an abuse of the privileges of guardians to control, discipline, and rebuff their kids,

while disregard speaks to the inability to perform parental obligations, including those of

oversight, nurturance, and security. Psychological mistreatment, while not straightforwardly

harming to a youngster truly, is viewed as damaging to his passionate and emotional well-being,"

as per Jeanne M. Giovannoni's exposition "Parental Mistreatment: Perpetrators and Victims. "All

in all, injurious demonstrations are viewed as demonstrations of commission and result in

mischief to kids. Careless acts will be demonstrations of exclusion. Obviously, one doesn't block

the other. So a parent may manhandle and disregard multiple.

Emotional Abuse

The connection between mother and child is made during the earliest stages. The baby cries and

the parent reacts (or doesn't). This bond impacts connections made some time down the road.

While psychological mistreatment doesn't leave a wound and may not be obvious to the unaided

eye, it definitely has enduring and harming impacts on a youngster. Not exclusively does

psychological mistreatment seem, by all accounts, to be the most predominant type of youngster

abuse, however a few experts trust it to create the most ruinous outcomes. The impacts of

psychological mistreatment might be shown in the feeling of weakness and uselessness regularly

experienced by actually mishandled youngsters. Studies have additionally discovered "the

feeling of infringement and disgrace found in explicitly manhandled kids and the absence of

ecological incitement and backing for typical improvement found in ignored youngsters. "

Therefore, reason can't help thinking that psychological mistreatment might be the most harmful

type of abuse, influencing children' enthusiastic, physically just as the social and intellectual turn

of events. Child psychological mistreatment is a regularly "misconstrued type of injury that can

make harm a kid's creating cerebrum, prompting long haul learning troubles, dangerous

practices, and expanded occurrences of physical and emotional wellness issues." As a general

public, we have a commitment and obligation to help those who've persevered through such

treatment, and preferably, forestall this sort of misuse. To achieve this, we should start and

support administrations and strategies which improve children's turn of events, wellbeing, and

security and we should advocate for approaches and projects to help meet the fundamental

necessities of kids and families. The advancement of exploration, preparing, and state-funded

instruction is an unquestionable requirement. This will fortify our insight into and reaction to

chance components for psychological mistreatment.

Verbal Abuse

An obnoxious attack ordered as unsafe or potentially forceful language, which brings about

considerable mental as well as passionate pain and can change mental health in more youthful

youngsters. "Naturally introduced to a protected, mindful, and adjusted climate, the youngster's

cerebrum grows ordinarily; when naturally introduced to one which is either unsupported or

threatening, the cerebrum doesn't. Studies show that different pieces of the cerebrum are

influenced by an antagonistic circumstance, among them the corpus callosum (the conductor for

moving engine, tangible, and intellectual data between the mind's two halves of the globe); the

hippocampus (part of the limbic framework that manages to feel); and the frontal cortex (controls

thought and dynamic)." The familiar aphorism about sticks and stones is out.


As per Psychology Today, "Kid disregard is characterized as any affirmed or suspected

unfortunate act or oversight by a parent or other guardian that denies an offspring of fundamental

age-suitable necessities and subsequently results, or can possibly result, in physical or mental

mischief. More youthful youngsters are dismissed most, and a greater number of young ladies

experience the ill effects of disregard than young men." Under the umbrella of a kid, disregard

falls, absence of oversight, surrender, inability to take care of vital enthusiastic and mental

requirements, inability to give important sustenance, clinical consideration, instruction, cover, or

potentially attire. Disregard is connected to changes and deterrents in both psychological and

social turn of events. Guardians who misuse liquor or who were dismissed themselves are at a

higher danger of disregarding their posterity.

Physical Abuse
Actual maltreatment happens when a parent or watchman truly hurts a youngster by shaking,

wounding, kicking, hitting, or any conduct that results in substantial injury. Youngsters and

teenagers who are mishandled regularly struggle shouting out; thusly, realizing the signs is

essential: "incessant wounds, particularly in spots kids don't typically get wounds from play,

have stories to clarify wounds that don't bode well or continue changing, not have any desire to

return home, abstain from being with the victimizer, try not to be with others, give indications of

passionate injury, similar to dread, outrage, or inconvenience identifying with or confiding in

others, be dismal or discouraged, harasser others, hurt themselves, such as cutting, experience

bad dreams or difficulty resting, carry on in class, experience difficulty focusing, or be

hyperactive, use drugs."

                                                 Research Questions

In my research I plan to investigate the parent's mentality, their way of thinking of our society

and how can we make them aware of their miss parenting. My research will conduct the

following research questions:

● What are the ways of abusive parenting?

● How do abusive parenting spoil children's lives?

● Why is appropriate parenting needed for children's perfectly brought up?

● How can we make parents aware of their miss parenting?

● What are the long run impacts on children because of abusive parenting?

● What should be the way or steps of proper parenting for the peaceful life of a child?
● How should children feel when they are with their parents or in the arms of the

● How are parents doing miss parenting subconsciously or consciously?


From my research, I hope to discover what precisely are the issues children confronting on

account of oppressive nurturing. I additionally hope to discover the issues of guardians, their

method of serious pondering their children. I figure I will discover the explanations behind the

maltreatment of kids by their parents. I additionally figure I will discover how parents think they

are in good shape regarding manhandling their kids. The normal result of my exploration would

be the tendency of extreme or injurious nurturing hurts age by age, generation by generation, and

there are sure outright advantages of diminishing harsh nurturing for the government assistance

of our future generation.

                                                          Research Methodology

For my primary research, I will conduct a survey of a representative sampling of people from all

around the world about their opinion of abusive parents and its effect. I will also conduct

interviews with multiple parents and children Bangladesh in Dhaka and also some child

specialists, psychologists, and also some specialists who are working on the parents-children

relationship. This will guarantee I get data and information about both sides and both the bias

sides of the conflict. To that end, I will prepare a questionnaire with different types of questions
so as to get a range of useful data that will help me answer my research questions.

For my secondary research, I plan to use the North South University library and the myriads of

journals and magazines like Economist. I also plan to use online resources like online articles,

and standard search engines like Google and YouTube.

Data Presentation and Analysis

The survey directed for my research had some satisfactory information that enhances my

research purpose. I have gathered an example of 35 individuals and put all the data accurately for

making the analysis fruitful. I will clarify the outcomes that the survey brought me. I will clarify

10 significant inquiries with their outcomes in a graphical view.

1. Do you think child abuse by parents is a major problem?

My first inquiry was to comprehend the manner in which individuals are pondering kid

mishandling by their parents. To a given assertion the interviewees were asked the amount they

think indeed, never, or not generally. The figure reveals to us that, a great many people, which is
94.3%, said yes to the explanation that youngster maltreatment by parents is a significant issue.

2.9% of individuals said never. 2.9% said not generally.

The individuals who said yes are the ones who endured or saw kid manhandling by parents.

The quantity of individuals who said yes to the truth of the matter is much higher than the

quantity of individuals who denied it, plainly portraying the maltreatment of youngsters by their

parents in this patriarchal culture.

2. Have you ever abused by your parent?

Another question asked to the interviewee was, have you ever abused by your parent. As per the

survey findings, we can see that a significant number of survey takers, which is 65.7% claimed

that they have been abused by their parents.

Almost one-third of the survey-takers (34.3%) said that they have never been abused by

their parents. I think 65.7%, who have been abused by their parents, is a bad indication for our

society obviously.
3. Do you know at least one person who has an abusive parent?

It is the most important question for conducting my survey. The purpose of this question was to

acknowledge the actual picture of the society. The data in the pie chart illustrates that 71.4% of

people agree that they know at least one person who has an abusive parent. My rest interviewees,

which is 28.6% stated that they don't know any abusive parents.

Interestingly, 71.4% is my area of work. The survey proves that our society is in bad

condition, even parents in our society are not aware of abuse, they think it's normal behavior

towards a child.
4. If your answer is yes to question 1 (one), how often do you face abuse by parents?

The reason for choosing this statement as a part of my research is that I wanted to bring the fact

that “how frequently children are facing abusing by their parents” to light. 

A great number of people, which is 51.4%, said that they are being abused once a month

by their parents. 14.3% said that they are being abused once a week. However, 8.6% remained

they are being abused every day and the rate is alarming for us. 22.9% of people said that they

are never being abused by their parents.

The overall scenario is not satisfactory at all. if the rate of child abuse by their parents

increases day by day, it will affect our children's normal life, create many psychological

disorders, even they may commit suicide. They will start to think that life is a burden for them.
5. Is strict parenting abusive?

The purpose of putting the question in my survey is to know whether strict parenting is another

form of abusing children or not. The survey result is satisfactory. They think two things are

totally different. Strict parenting doesn't mean that they are abusing their children. Most of my

survey takers, (42.9%) thought strict parenting is not abusive. 22.9% of people think that strict

parenting is abusive. 25.7% of people are confused about whether strict parenting is another form

of abusing children or not. And 8.6% of people answered they don't know.
6. What is the most common form of abuse?

The next question I asked my interviewees is what they think is the most common form of abuse

by parents. 65.7% of people think verbal abuse is the most common form. 20% of people think

neglect is the most common form. Few people, a percentage of 11.4 marked disregarded, and

only 2.9% think in our country, it is physically beating a child.

Though 2.9% of people marked in our country, it is physically beating a child, the form is

very important in our country's perspective. Besides other forms of abuse, it has also seen very

frequently in our country. Moreover, verbal abusing, disregarded abusing and neglecting to

abuse hold a very important role in general.

7. What type of abuse is the hardest to detect?

The purpose of putting the question in my survey is to what type of abuse is the hardest to detect

for the children. 74.3% of people think that mental abuse is the hardest form to detect. And

25.7% of people think emotional abuse is the hardest to detect.

It's a very crucial question for entering the root of my thesis topic. When children are

being abused by mentally and emotionally rather than physically they cannot detect that they are

being abused. As a result, they feel lonely, they can be traumatized because it hurts their ego

very strongly, even they can be suicidal also. 

8. How can you make parents aware of their miss parenting?

It's another important question for my research purpose. Because in most of the cases parents are

not aware of abusing their children or miss parenting. 91.4% of people think that children should

tell their parents clearly. And 8.6% of people think children should avoid their children to stop


I think the first option is the most convenient one rather than avoiding parents. We have

to make aware of our parents the abuse of children so that parents can easily detect their fault in

case of behavior with their children.

9. What are the long-run impacts on children because of abusive parenting?

I have already discussed the long-term impacts on children because of abusive parenting earlier.

The suffering of the children because of abusive parenting in our society cannot be ignored.

37.1% of people think that depression is the long-run impact on children because of abusive

parenting. 31.4% of people think that low self-esteem is the main effect and the percentage is

significant. And 5.7% of people think distrust can be grown because of abusive parenting. 25.7%

of people think that they will be in trouble forming and maintaining a relationship in the future.

These issues are significantly serious issues for our children.

10. What should be the ways or steps of proper parenting for the peaceful life of a child?
 It was actually a checkbox question and I asked for the way of good parenting. It's very much

informative for my survey purpose. 57.1% of people answered try to be friends with them.

51.4% of people marked practice kind and firm positive parenting. 45.7% of people answered

love them and show them through action. And 28.6% of people answered to be a good role

model. I think every option of the questions is a significant way of good parenting.

Summary of Research Findings

Misuse and disregard seem to impact the course of advancement by adjusting numerous

components of the organic and mental turn of events; all in all, youth misuse and disregard have

a significant and frequently enduring effect that can envelop mental and actual wellbeing,

neurobiological turn of events, social abilities, and dangerous practices. The circumstance of the

maltreatment or disregard and its chronicity obviously matters for results. Specifically, the more

regularly youngsters experience misuse or disregard, the more terrible are the results.
During my research survey, I asked whether abusive parenting is abusive or not. Most of the

participants answered that it's a serious issue for our society. Because the future of a child

depends on how she/he was brought up. If a child has abusive parents it has multiple effects

throughout the whole life. Even that child can be an abusive parent in the future.

Another finding is that a huge portion of our children are being abused by their parents in any

way like; mental, verbal, physical, and so on. The important thing is children are being abused

more frequently. I also tried to find out whether people think abusive parenting means strict

parenting or not. Most of the participants think two things are totally different.

The most significant part of my research is most of the parents are not aware that they are

abusing their children. Even they don't know about abusive parenting. They consider it as a

brought up process for their children. So, it's really a great threat to our children and society.

Children are brought up as ferocious children as well as frustrated children.


To eradicate this problem Government should emphasize children's brought up process. The

Government can take more initiatives to be aware of our parents.

On the other hand, we can make our parents conscious and we can try to make them aware of

what is abusive parenting and its effect on children.

Moreover, we have to make aware of our young generation because they are very much

sensitive. As we know that the young generation is the core part of any country they should grow
up peacefully. If we are aware of our parents-children relationship it can be healthier rather than



In the wake of leading this research, I can reason that my theory has been demonstrated right that

injurious nurturing effects affect kids. After the exploration, the subject all in all opened window

for a ton of issues, perspectives, angles, and points of view of the theme being referred to. I

found that due to damaging nurturing youngsters endure a ton. The majority of the youngsters

carry on with an extreme life. They feel intellectually disappointed even if they end it all in light

of gloom. What's more, parents don't know about the issue. They believe it's a helpful method to

raise their kids. In my study, to mindful guardians about their miss nurturing, an enormous

number of individuals figure youngsters ought to keep away from their folks. It is a terrible sign

in the event of a parents-children relationship. We need to be mindful of our folks on the issue. If

necessary, parents have to be gone through counseling to solve the issue. Because parents and

children relationship is the most significant issue for bringing up properly as well as a future

concern of the children.


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