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Script for Podcast

TITLE: BE U TEA with HOST 1 and HOST 2!

Hosts 1:


Host 1: Hello, Hello, Hello Dear Listeners for today! Welcome to BE U TEA with your
hosts, (name) live here in the best town in the south of Cebu

Host 2:and (name), Live in the best city, THE (ASA KA GA LIVE)! bringing you the best
lessons to learn about life!

Host 1: Today we will be talking about “Ang Salingsing” by Edgar Saldaña Godin. This
work of his reminds us how important education, perseverance, and hard work are.
Although these things are important, we must not forget how more important family is.
Also we must think about how time is not really something we all have. Another point
that I think is very important in every situation is to be grateful to Him who provides.

Host 1: A little background about our author Mr. Godin a.k.a Innocencio Dalisay and
Egay Talipsai is a Filipino author, born on February 28, 1971, in the city of Bogo, who is
known to be a writer in his language called Binisayang Sinugboanon. He grew up in
Bugho, Loon, Bohol where he learned skills that needed to be learned for him to
survive. As his parents were struggling to make a living, he had to stop schooling and
was forced to go back to Cebu and sell anything he could think of. From there, he
married Grace Balayong and was gifted with three children. 

Host 2: It says here that Mr. Godin started writing in 1997, with the help of Fidel B.
Mag-usara. In the year 1998, Liwayway Publishing Inc. and the owner of Bisaya
Magazines called him to showcase his works. "Ang Salingsing" was one of his best
works as it won first place in the Bathalad Mindanao 2002 and was then featured on
January 29, 2003. Along with his other works, "Ang Hulagway ug Ikaw", "Bingo", which
also won some awards. These masterpieces are just a few from his literary works and
his works of art are proof that he is one of the best local authors out there, don’t you
think so HOST 1?

Host 1: Indeed, they are! (thinking) So the literary text we are to extract life lessons from
today, is about a family living in poverty, with no source of income to sustain their living.
They were content and happy to eat kamunggay. They even depend on their
kamunggay or maybe other leafy vegetables, without protein, for food! However, we
could picture that the family was content with their poor standard of living or maybe not
content but they are surely happy! They are together after all and nothing is better than
being with family! Right Host 2?

Host 2: I am sure you are right on that one Host 1! The story goes on, one morning the
older son got confused as to why his father would cut the kamunggay. They had no
more viand and so he got angry at his father for he said had his father not cut the
kamunggay, they would have food to eat. Oh we can see how the son surely loves to
eat kamunggay! Simple living, we see!

Host 1: Here we have, one day, the son saw that the kamunggay had grown and leaves
were already sprouting.  He was happy to call out to his father but his father had already
collapsed and didn't see the newly sprouted kamunggay leaves. Why? What happened
to the father?

Host 2: Maybe he got tired or something? Towards the very end of the story, the father
told his son to look after his mother and brother and to take education seriously so that
they would have food to eat and no longer need to wait for the kamunggay to grow and
provide them food. Oh maybe the father died? It surely feels and sounds like a father’s
dying wish. That’s actually so sad!

Host 1: What about how the story was told? What can you say about it Host 2?

Host 2: I think it could have gone better if it was told using the son’s point of view. In that
way, we would know exactly how he feels or what he was thinking during those scenes
you know?

Host 1: Well for me, I think it would be much better with the father’s point of view. So
instead we would know how he felt when the son got angry at him or when he realized
how wrong it was to cut the kamunggay at that time.

Host 2: Yeah but let’s talk about the structure of the literary text.

Host 1: Yeah! About that, I think the author really meant to leave us hanging and you
know just enough to have us talking about what really happened or what could have
happened after! Did the father die or was he saved somehow? 

Host 2: I think that is what made him win an award. Just amazing. (wow voice)

Host 1: Host 2! Do you know what time is it? (buzzer beat)

Host 2: I think it's time to call on not just one but two of our listeners tonight to answer
our question!

Host 1: Please cite one theme that you can think of about the text and just
how do you think it deepened your understanding of the text?

Host 2: (ringing) Yes we have here CALLER 1. Express your thoughts CALLER 1.

Caller 1: Hello! Thank you for choosing me. Time together with family, it made
everything better especially with my understanding with the literary text. With family
there are always conflicts and misunderstandings because you are family and not
everything is all about peace and understanding. There will be times of pain and I know
not just think, that all the pain makes happiness, makes joy a hundred times sweeter. 

Host 2: (claps) Nice thinking caller 1! I like how you mention pain and joy. What about
your caller Host 1?

Host 1: We have our second Caller (short ringing), yes CALLER 2! What can you say?

Caller 2: Hard work and also education. I think that those two should go with
perseverance. They actually make everything better and you cannot give up no matter
what as long as you know it yourself that you are doing something good for you and for
the world.

Host 1: I like how our friends and listeners are being interactive with us Host 2.

Host 2: Indeed, Host 1!

Host 1: Now let us proceed to our own analysis Host 2. The argument between the
father and the son, gave emphasis to the theme about time with family. It showed how
even families with simple living get misunderstandings especially those experiencing

Host 2: I agree with that one Host 1. For the setting story, it was in a place where they
rarely get the opportunity to work because it was in a rural area unlike in the cities
where you can get jobs like selling just about anything decent to sell. Their option was
to plant since they had their land but their land was not so rich in soil, it was a bit rocky
and so they have to put in a lot of work plus in that area of theirs, they also had to deal
with some playful monkeys. 
Host 1: Yes, Host 2! There is actually a line in the text that goes,” Sa Bohol, naglisod
pag-ayo sila. Hilabihan kapait ang panguma sa ilang dapit tungod sa tuman kabatoong
yuta ug sa grabeng pagpanghasi sa siawng mga unggoy. Sipat kaayo ang maong mga
amo nga kinahanglan gayong bantayan kay tistisan man niini ang mabisan unsang
matang sa Tanom.”  These conditions really led to poverty and lack of food.

 A BREAK (short pause)

Voiceover 1: Like what you are hearing so far? Send more stories to our email and we will criticize and extract life lessons from those stories.

Voiceover 2:(joyfully) Be with us and we will make the whole world better.

Host 2: (sincere voice) You know host 1, I think about this a lot since we started reading
the literary piece. At the very first, the son thought a lot about the kamunggay. He was
very much happy whenever they have kamunggay for food but when his father and him
had a misunderstanding because of how he had cut the kamunggay. After a while,
towards the end, I think that the son’s view on how the world works just changed.

Host 1: "Oo, Tay. Moeskuyla gyod ko aron lami na pirme atong sud-an. Parehas ni Nong
Dario ba, nagtrabaho sa banko, di daghan siyag kuwarta kanunay, di ba, Tay?" I believe
that is the line to support your thoughts Host 2. He thought about doing good in school
and just working hard so that they could have more delicious food and in that way they
would no longer have misunderstandings about what they eat.

Host 2: Just how is it that you always know what I think and what to say? Matshona
Dhliwayo said,
“You may be poor, but important; uneducated, but wise; lowly, but noble; simple, but
insightful; and ordinary, but great.”

Host 1: (laughs) We are partners afterall. That very person you just quoted also
expressed these words, “True knowledge is wealth, even in the hearts of the poor.”
Speaking of words, what can you say about the antagonist and protagonist Host 2?

Host 2: The antagonist of the story is surely the kamunggay! You can see how he was
the reason why the son and father had conflict! Kidding aside, the snake that bit the

Host 1: I can’t really pinpoint as to what the motive was but I think it's a shame to say
this because it's a bit insensitive and it would be horrible for someone to experience it
but maybe it would make the son better? But I believe you know what I mean Host 2?
Adrienne Posey once said that, “Sometimes you're the protagonist, and someone else
is the hero.”
Host 2: I get what you mean Host 1. Let me say something about the protagonist. We
have the father, we can use him as protagonist or maybe the son but the father,
together with their situation, actually caused the son to have better thinking about what
to do.
“Putting a piece of you in your protagonist adds depth and merges the worlds of fiction
and reality.” By Adam Steven Page. Was the protagonist like the author in a way?

Host 1: I think it does actually you know with the fact that the author does love farming
too and I think, was it you or me who mentioned that he also went througha bit of a
struggle before. Actually Host 2, to be very honest, I kinda liked how the story portrayed
about family because I think it can touch many more people because I guess most of us
can relate to having a family. It also tackles poverty which we cannot deny is very
rampant in the country.

Host 2: Yeah that is actually great thinking there Host 1. A little more info on Mr. Godin,
he really was interested in farming that even the fact that he did not have a land to plant
on didn’t stop him! He grew veggies on his rooftop. His success in planting made him
leave his job in 2018 and went to back to his province, Bohol to continue farming there
in bigger lands. Although, regarding the story, I kind of disliked how they did not say
much about the other family members but yet again in centers on the happenings
between the son and father since they event or situations that were in the text mainly
involves them both because when those happened they were the only ones there.

Host 1: I do too but I also liked how it was about the kamunggay because I guess in the
Philippines, it’s really something pretty accurate especially to people living in areas
where there are lots of plants and its of abundance and actually really healthy.


Host 2: (seriously) As we can conclude our dear listeners. The author definitely wanted
to show how poverty could work and the possible unfortunate events that could happen
but I think he also wanted to say just how important plants or crops could be to people.

Host 1: Also, of family. We should all spend time with family while we still can, you
know! Education may be important but so is perseverance and hard work. It’s that time
again Host 2!

Host 2: I almost forgot but thank you Host 1. Let’s welcome our featured guest for
tonight to share her own call to action for our readers! 

GUEST: Thank you for having me here and giving me the opportunity to share my
The world can be a little cruel but it is round. Sometimes we are down but there will be a
time for us to be up. Poverty is something lots and lots of people are going through right
now and even the simplest thing like finding what to eat is definitely hard. For rich
people, they may be having a hard time with what to eat but just because they have a
lot and they just cannot decide while for the poor, it literally is just hard because they
have close or even really none. It would not hurt to be grateful for even the smallest
thing we have because not all of us have the privilege and luck to have what you
already have. It is okay to dream about what you want and actually work hard to get it.
“Some people are silently struggling with burdens that would break our backs.” by
Wayne Gerard Trotman
I would really like to share today, a very special, personal, and more meaningful quote
to me. It goes like this, we have to be kind even if others are not, cannot, and will not
because we don't know how much burden and problem people are carrying at the
moment and the smile, sincerity, and care that you show them, might just make
everything, even the world, a little better.

Host 1: And that concludes our daily segment here on BE U TEA! 

Host 2: These have been your hosts, HOST 1 and 2, hoping you have a great life ahead
because wishing would mean we don't think that’s possible but it is!

Host 1: Dear Listeners, if you have any more stories in mind, we would be very happy to
extract meaningful life lessons from them.!

HOST 2: Goodbye! Leave a comment about your thoughts for today’s episode. Don’t
forget to subscribe for more!


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