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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

WHO vs WHOSE (Relative Clauses)
⚫ Choose the best answers.

1. My classmate knows a person … 10. Our company wants to hire a person

can paint beautiful pictures. … can work very hard.
a) who a) who
b) whose b) whose

2. The man … sold me the car is my 11. That is my neighbor … wife is a

neighbor. doctor.
a) who a) who
b) whose b) whose

3. Mr. Brown, … brother works at my 12. I know a few people … are afraid
office, lives next door. to fly.
a) who a) who
b) whose b) whose

4. I have a cousin … can speak five 13. Are you someone … is honest and
languages. hard-working?
a) who a) who
b) whose b) whose

5. The driver, … car was parked near 14. The children, … mothers aren’t
the door, has to pay a fine. here, are making a lot of noise.
a) who a) who
b) whose b) whose

6. The children, … are playing outside, 15. The baby, … mother looks worried,
are making a lot of noise. is crying.
a) who a) who
b) whose b) whose

7. My friend, … last name is the same 16. I am one of the people … was late
as mine, is here today. for class today.
a) who a) who
b) whose b) whose

8. Do you know the people … are at 17. Please give this medicine to the
the next table? parents … child is sick.
a) who a) who
b) whose b) whose

9. She is a person … always tells the 18. The parents, … child is sick, are
truth. at the hospital.
a) who a) who
b) whose b) whose

17 – 18 = Excellent 15 – 16 = Good 14 or Less = Study More!

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Grammar Focus ‘Who’ vs ‘Whose’ (Relative Clauses)

Level Intermediate


1. A 10. A
2. A 11. B
3. B 12. A
4. A 13. A
5. B 14. B
6. A 15. B
7. B 16. A
8. A 17. B
9. A 18. B

Grades as
18 / 18 = 100%
17 / 18 = 94
16 / 18 = 89
15 / 18 = 83
14 / 18 = 78
13 / 18 = 72
12 / 18 = 67
11 / 18 = 61
10 / 18 = 56
9 / 18 = 50
8 / 18 = 44
7 / 18 = 39
6 / 18 = 33
5 / 18 = 28
4 / 18 = 22
3 / 18 = 17
2 / 18 = 11
1 / 18 = 6
0 / 18 = 0%

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

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