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Ashley Plemmons

BUS 310

Extra Credit

Joy of Stats

The Joy of Stats was a captivating journey into the world of statistics. I have seen

many statistics in my life for work, school and other purposes but never grasped how

and where these numbers came from. Statistics gives us perspective on the world,

numbers alone do not mean a thing without being analyzed.

Something that truly fascinated me was the help of supercomputers and statistics

to track down crimes in a city onto a topographical map which revealed the crime rates

around the area. I found this to be extremely helpful to many people and hope that it is

utilized more in some other factor. Using data such as this can help to keep police and

governments more accountable. Data monitors and define society.

The video relates to what we have learned in class because statistics is about

using data to come up with evidence to prove something. Hans Rosling is trying to

prove the remarkable power of statistics with evidence and these are new methods of

understanding the universe. The things that we learned in class such as confidence

interval, p-value, and many other tests are actually practical in real life and is used by
many companies globally on a day to day basis. Many things in life can be proven

through crunching numbers.

The video shows that statistics have evolved overtime along with the new

technology made available to solve extraordinary amounts of data and produce more

accurate results than before so today’s companies have better edge among the


Professor Hans Rosling was not dull explaining statistics in the least boring. He

showed relatable diagrams and fascinating examinations using statistical data. It was

captivating when Hans Showed the global development of 200 countries in 200 years

using data visualization, it was very in-depth and entertaining.

Other than the BUS 310 class, statistics is applied everywhere in life including

schools, employers, homes, enterprises, etc. schools have many statistics about the

college tuition rates, enrollment rates, graduation rates, and much more. Companies

and businesses use statistics in their sales, marketing departments, human resources,

customer service, finance, accounting and about every department. Overall, statistics is

a global tool, a universal language if you will to help with predictions and estimations of

different scenarios to acquire a clear description of the world.

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