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- Fenn pursued Penthalon’s legend after 15ABY.

He learned about the ancient

teacher, the Guild of Scarlenian Jedi and the Shimuran Monks. He even found an
old monestary and learned the Force Light power.
- He discovered that Penthalon was among the prevailing number of Jedi who
believed that the Order should not get involved in the military. “We can protect
you, but we cannot fight a war for you.” Like the Jedi during the Mandalorian
Wars, Penthalon espoused non-violence, and indeed his own life was one of
peace, meditation and instruction. On the rare occasions when he was involved in
conflict, it was never as a soldier for a military.
- So Fenn tried to follow this example, believing it to be the correct path. He took
his first Padawan and tried to live the life expected of him as a Jedi. As a monk
who only got involved when it was truly necessary. He spoke with Luke during
this time, who was in the process of starting a new temple, but Fenn remained
adamant that he would stay removed from the mainstream, just as Penthalon had
- The galaxy was in a period of relative peace – the New Republic had disbanded
much of its military and there was no longer a need for a full-fledged fighting
force. While Fenn had maintained the NR-BDF until 15ABY, he realized there
was less need for it now, so he shut the operation down, transitioning its
responsibilities solely to the Bakuran government.
- So when he learned of the Resistance and the First Order, he opted not to take a
side. Instead, he stayed out of the fight, remaining neutral as the Jedi of old had
- But when he later learned that the First Order had actually been the Sith Eternal,
led by the resurrected Emperor Palpatine, he realized he had been wrong. His
inaction had been wrong, and had he stepped up to help, he might have been able
to make a difference. To stop the disaster at Hosnian Prime. To stop the creation
of the Final Order in the Unknown Regions … the very area of space that he had
safeguarded for so long with the NR-BDF.
- After the Battle of Exegol, when the call had gone out for anybody willing to join
the fight, and thousands of ordinary people had come to help, Fenn realized that
he’d been wrong. He was not a solitary monk, or reclusive hermit. He’d never be
the teacher Penthalon had been, and he was not destined for the life of a recluse.
He was a soldier, and always had been. His father had been a soldier, and since
he was a child, Fenn had always wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps. He’d
enlisted in the Scarlenian Defense Force as soon as he was able, and he’d joined
the Alliance in their fight against the Empire without hesitation.
- He’d led forces in battles across the galaxy, he’d stopped his brother Riff, and
he’d commanded the NR-BDF for a decade. He was a Jedi, but he remained a
- And so he returned to military service, helping to rebuild what remained of the
Resistance and the New Republic in the aftermath of the Battle of Exegol.
- Returning to Bakura, Fenn spoke to the new government there and began the slow
process of re-instituting the BDF – the Bakuran Defence Force. Though Bakura
was under new leadership, they remembered the alliance they’d had with the New
Republic decades earlier, and before long Fenn was working hard to re-establish a
military presence along the edge of the Unknown Regions as he had done before.
He was more convinced than ever that this was the right choice.
- When Rey started training a new generation of Jedi, Fenn stayed out of it. That
was not his place, and he understood that now.
- When the galactic government rebuilt in the wake of the Battle of Exegol, Fenn
merged the BDF with the larger galactic force.

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