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Jeffrey Radloff, Ph.D.

137 Chelsea Drive Phone: (765)-414-8862

Cortland, NY 47909 Email:


Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, Science Education, August 2018

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Dissertation: Exploring the Role of Reflexivity in Supporting Preservice Elementary
Teachers’ Conceptions of Science as Socially and Culturally Embedded
Committee: Dr. David Eichinger (Chair), Dr. Selcen Guzey, Dr.
Alberto Rodriguez, Dr. Anita Roychoudury, and Dr. David Sears

M.S. Science in Biology (Ecology and Evolution), December 2012

Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN
Thesis: Investigating Trade-Offs Between Immunity and Reproduction in Female Burying
Committee: Dr. Curtis Creighton (Chair), Dr. Young Choi, and Dr. Michael Zimmer

B.S. Bachelor of Science in Biology, June 2010

Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN

Outstanding Dissertation Award, Department of Curriculum and 2018
Instruction. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Wilson Scholarship for Science Education, Department of Curriculum 2015
and Instruction. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Biology. Purdue 2013, 2014
University, West Lafayette, IN
Member of Golden Key International Honor Society, Purdue University 2010
Calumet, Hammond, IN
Dean’s List, Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN 2009, 2010

CITI Training 2020
Advanced Graduate Teaching Certificate from the Center for 2015
Instructional Excellence, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Graduate Teaching Certificate from the Center of Instructional 2014
Excellence, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Capobianco, B. M., Radloff, J., & Lehman, J. D. (2020). Elementary Science Teachers’ Sense-
Making with Learning to Implement Engineering Design and Its Impact on Students’
Science Achievement. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 31(6), 1-23.

Radloff, J. D., Guzey, S., Eichinger, D., & Capobianco, B. M. (2019). Integrating Engineering
Design in Undergraduate Biology Using a Life Science Design Task. Journal of College
Science Teaching, 49(2), 45-52.

Radloff, J., & Capobianco, B. M. (2019). Investigating Elementary Teachers’ Tensions and
Mitigating Strategies Related to Integrating Engineering Design-Based Science
Instruction. Research in Science Education, 49(3), 1-20.

Radloff, J., Capobianco, B., & Dooley, A. (2019). Elementary Teachers’ Positive and Practical
Risk-Taking When Teaching Science Through Engineering Design. Journal of Pre-
College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 9(2), 4.

Capobianco, B. M., Eichinger, D., Rebello, S., Ryu, M., & Radloff, J. (2019). Fostering
innovation through collaborative action research on the creation of shared instructional
products by university science instructors. Educational Action Research, 27(5), 1-22.

Capobianco, B. M., & Radloff, J. D. (2018). Exploring the use of approximations of practice in
the context of elementary teachers’ attempts at implementing engineering design-based
science teaching. Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt
Lake City, Utah.

Radloff, J. (2018). Exploring the Role of Reflexivity in Supporting Preservice Elementary

Teachers' Conceptions of Science as Socially and Culturally Embedded (Doctoral
dissertation, Purdue University).

Radloff, J. D., & Chase, A. (2018). Using expansive framing to enhance personal relevancy and
engagement in science. The Hoosier Science Teacher, 41(1), 29-36.

Capobianco, B. M., DeLisi, J., & Radloff, J. (2018). Characterizing elementary teachers’
enactment of high‐leverage practices through engineering design‐based science
instruction. Science Education, 102(2), 342-376.

Radloff, J., & Guzey, S. (2017). Investigating changes in preservice teachers’ conceptions of
STEM education following video analysis and reflection. School Science and
Mathematics, 117(3-4), 158-167.

Radloff, J. (2016). On teaching the nature of science: Perspectives and resources. Cultural
Studies of Science Education, 11(2), 527-538.

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Radloff, J., & Guzey, S. (2016). Investigating preservice STEM teacher conceptions of STEM
education. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(5), 759-774.

Radloff, J., Joslyn, C., & Capobianco, B. M. (2016). Humanization through action research as a
methodology. The Qualitative Report, 21(10), 1999.

Radloff, J. D. (2015). Give the students science: Creation and implementation of a fourth grade
STEM unit. Purdue Journal of Service-Learning and International Engagement, 2(1),


International and National

Radloff, J., & Capobianco, B. (2020, January). Developing and Implementing an Instrument for
Aligning Teacher Educators’ Science Content Course Curricula with Three Dimensional
Learning. A poster presentation at the annual meeting for the Association of Science
Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX.

Radloff, J., & Capobianco, B. (2020, March). Visualizing Connections between Nature of
Science and Engineering. A poster presentation at the annual meeting for the National
Association for Research in Science Teaching, Portland, OR.
(Conference Cancelled)

Barber, K., & Radloff, J. (2020, October). Developing an Elementary Math Think Tank to
Support Positive Math Identities. A paper presentation at the annual meeting for the New
York State Association for Teacher Education, Saratoga Springs, NY. (Submitted,
Conference Cancelled)

Capobianco, B. & Radloff, J. (2020, January). Preservice Elementary Science Teachers’ Shift
From Learner to Teacher of Engineering Design-Based Science Teaching. A paper
presentation at the annual meeting for the Association of Science Teacher Education, San
Antonio, TX.

Capobianco, B., & Radloff, J. (2020, March). Elementary Pre-service Teachers' Trajectories in
Learning to Teach Science Ambitiously through Engineering Design. A paper
presentation at the annual meeting for the National Association for Research in Science
Teaching, Portland, OR.
(Conference Cancelled)

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Radloff, J., & Capobianco, B. (2020, March). Elementary Teachers' Responsiveness to
Supporting Students' Engineering Design Feedback. A paper presentation at the annual
meeting for the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Portland, OR.
(Conference Cancelled)

Radloff, J., & Capobianco, B. (2019, March). Decomposing a teacher’s approximations of

engineering design-based science teaching. A paper presentation at the annual meeting
for the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MA.

Radloff, J., & Eichinger, D. (2019, March). Exploring and characterizing preservice elementary
teachers’ understandings of science as socially and culturally embedded. A paper
presentation at the annual meeting for the National Association for Research in Science
Teaching, Baltimore, MA.

Capobianco, B., & Radloff, J. (2019, January). Elementary preservice teachers’ approximations
to practice through engineering design-based science teaching. A paper presentation at
the annual meeting for the Association of Science Teacher Education, Savannah, GA.

Capobianco, B., & Radloff, J. (2019, January). Exploring ways elementary preservice teachers
conceptualize and operationalize engineering design. A paper presentation at the annual
meeting for the Association of Science Teacher Education, Savannah, GA.

Radloff, J. (2019, January). Examining the impact of increasing reflexivity on preservice

elementary teachers’ conceptions of science as socially and culturally embedded. A paper
presentation at the annual meeting for the Association of Science Teacher Education,
Savannah, GA.

Capobianco, B., & Radloff, J. (2018, December). Exploring ways elementary preservice teachers
conceptualize and operationalize engineering design. A paper presentation at the annual
meeting for the Association of Science Teacher Education, Savannah, GA.

Capobianco, B., & Radloff, J. (2018, December). Elementary preservice teachers’

approximations to practice through engineering design-based science teaching. A paper
presentation at the annual meeting for the Association of Science Teacher Education,
Savannah, GA.

Radloff, J. (2018, December). Examining the impact of increasing reflexivity on preservice

elementary teachers’ conceptions of science as socially and culturally embedded. A paper
presentation at the annual meeting for the Association of Science Teacher Education,
Savannah, GA.

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Capobianco, B., & Radloff, J. (2018, October). Exploring the influence of action research on the
creation and use of shared instructional products by university science faculty. A paper
presentation at the annual Collaborative Action Research Network conference,
Manchester, UK.

Radloff, J., & Capobianco, B. (2018, January). Investigating elementary teachers’ evolving
tensions with integrating engineering design-based science teaching. A paper presentation
at the annual meeting for the Association of Science Teacher Education, Baltimore, MD.

Radloff, J., Capobianco, B., Delisi, J., & Tyrie, N. (2017, April). Mapping an elementary
teacher’s enactment of engineering design-based science teaching. A poster presentation
at the annual meeting for the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San
Antonio, TX.

Radloff, J., & Capobianco, B. (2017, January). A systematic review of engineering design for
science education. A poster presentation at the annual meeting for the Association of
Science Teacher Education, Des Moines, IA.


Radloff, J. (2019, November). Curriculum & Instruction Graduate Student Association (CIGSA)
Presents a Lunch and Learn: Navigating the Job Market. Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN.

Radloff, J., & Capobianco, B. (2019, January). Leveraging strategies for integrating engineering
design-based science curriculum: How teachers address new science education reform. A
paper presentation at the annual Indiana STEM Conference, West Lafayette, IN.

Radloff, J. (2018, March). Exploring preservice science teachers' views of science as socially and
culturally embedded. A poster presentation at the Annual Graduate Student Education
Research Symposium, West Lafayette, IN.

Radloff, J., & Capobianco, B. (2017, March). Using event mapping as a tool for chronicling
teachers’ enactment of engineering design-based science teaching. A poster presentation
at the Annual Graduate Student Education Research Symposium, West Lafayette, IN.

Mitchell, L., Fisher, T., Luebcke, K., Minogue, J., Mucha, A., Schenkel, J., Radloff, J.,
Capobianco, B. (2017, February). Engineering: It’s elementary, my dear teacher! Using
engineering to meet the new Indiana Academic Standards. An extended workshop at the
Hoosier Association of Science Teachers, Inc. 45th Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Radloff, J., & Guzey, S. (2016, February). Investigating pre-service teachers’ change in
conception of stem education following video reflection. A poster presentation at the
Annual Graduate Student Education Symposium, West Lafayette, IN.

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Radloff, J. (2015, April). Give the students science: Creation and implementation of a 4th grade
STEM unit. A poster presentation at the Center for Instructional Excellence Service
Learning Symposium, West Lafayette, IN.

Radloff, J. (2015, March). Why are we doing this? Investigating biological information literacy
in the undergraduate classroom. A poster presentation at the Annual Graduate Student
Education Symposium, West Lafayette, IN.

Assistant Professor, Science Education –Childhood/Early Childhood 2019 – 2020
Education Department. SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY
ONR Grant, Math Think Tank, SUNY Cortland Classroom Innovation
Research Grant

Post-doctoral research assistant – Department of Curriculum and

Instruction, NSF-funded MSP: Science Learning through Engineering 2018 – 2019
Design (SLED) Partnership. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Graduate research assistant – Department of Curriculum and Instruction, 2016 – 2018
NSF-funded MSPI: Science Learning through Engineering Design
(SLED) Partnership. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Graduate research assistant – Department of Curriculum and Instruction, 2017 – 2018
NSF-funded IUSE: Using Principles of Design to Advance Teacher
Education. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Graduate research assistant – Department of Curriculum and Instruction, 2015 – 2016
NSF-funded MSP: Engineering TEAMS. Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN
Graduate research assistant – Department of Biology, research related to 2014
scientific information literacy and peer-led team learning. Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN
Graduate research assistant –Department of Biology, research related to 2013
graph construction, choice, and reasoning. Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN
Graduate research assistant – Department of Biology, electroretinography 2013
work birds. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Graduate research assistant – Department of Biology, burying beetle and 2010 – 2012
animal behavior work. Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN
Undergraduate research assistant – Department of Biology, burying 2009 – 2010
beetle and animal behavior work. Purdue University Calumet, Hammond,

Assistant Professor – Childhood/Early Childhood Department, EDU374: 2019-Present
Teaching Elementary School Science.
SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY

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Post-doctoral Teaching Assistant – Department of Curriculum and 2019
Instruction, EDCI 36500: Teaching Science in the Elementary School.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Graduate Teaching Assistant – Department of Curriculum and 2018
Instruction, EDCI 36500: Teaching Science in the Elementary School.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
I-Clicker Consultant, Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP). Purdue 2015
University, West Lafayette, IN
Professional Development Instructor – Department of Curriculum and 2015
Instruction, Summer In-Service Teacher STEM Professional
Development, Avon-Purdue Partnership, Indiana Department of
Education. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Educational Technology Support, Information Technology at Purdue 2015
(ITaP). Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Graduate Teaching Assistant – Department of Biology, BIOL13100: 2014-2016
Development, Structure, and Function of Organisms. Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN
Graduate Teaching Assistant – Department of Biology, BIOL22100: 2014
Microbiology. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Adjunct Faculty – Department of Biology, BIOL330 Ecology, 2013 – 2014
Biology102 General Biology, and BIOL222: Anatomy and Physiology.
Ivy Tech Community College, Lafayette, IN
Graduate Teaching Assistant – Department of Biology, BIOL333: 2013
Ecology, BIOL104: Environmental Science for Non-Majors, Department
of Biology. Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN
Biology Tutor – Department of Biology, BIOL24400: Genetics Lab, 2010 – 2013
Department of Biology. Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN
Journal of Science & Education 2019, 2020
School Science and Mathematics Journal, Reviewer 2019, 2020
Journal of Engineering Education, Reviewer 2019
Association for Science Teacher Education, Reviewer 2019, 2020
National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Reviewer 2019, 2020
Journal of Science Teacher Education, Reviewer 2019 – present
Journal of Environmental Education, Reviewer 2019
Association for Science Teacher Education, Reviewer 2018
National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Reviewer 2018
International Journal of STEM Education, Reviewer 2018, 2019
Journal of Science Teacher Education, Reviewer 2018, 2020
Journal of the History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science, Reviewer 2017
American Education Research Association Annual Meeting Proposal 2016

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Science Teachers Association of New York State 2019 – present
International Society for Technology in Education 2019
American Society of Engineering Education 2018 – 2019
National Science Teachers’ Association 2018 – present
National Association for Research in Science Teaching 2016 – present
Association of Science Teacher Educators 2016 – present
American Education Research Association 2016 – present

Ad Hoc Committee on Anti-Racism, Member, CECE Dept. 2020
Subcommittee on Criteria for Remote Teaching, Member, CECE Dept. 2020
Science Teachers' Association of New York State, Subject Area 2020
Representative - College Level:
SUNY Cortland Master Teacher Workshop Support 2019, 2020
CECE Dept. Student Learning Outcome Template Developer 2020
Spring Data Retreat Support/Sub-Group Member 2020
Spring Virtual Open House Support, SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY 2020
Student Advising, SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY 2019 – present
Fall Student Open House Help, SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY 2019
Dispositions Committee Member, SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY 2019
Co-presenter, Summer and Fall SLED workshops for Grade 5-6 teachers. 2018
Sunnyside Intermediate School, Lafayette, IN
Webmaster, Graduate Student Education Council. Purdue University, 2017 – present
West Lafayette, IN
Purdue College of Education Graduate Student Orientation Panelist. 2017, 2018
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Mentoring at Purdue HBCU Visiting Scholar Event Graduate Student 2017, 2018
Panelist. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Purdue Forge the Future Days, Volunteer Science Education Presenter. 2017
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Annual Graduate Student Education Research Symposium (AGSERS) 2016-2019
Organizer. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
National Chemistry Week Volunteer Teacher. Purdue University, West 2015, 2016
Lafayette, IN
College Mentors for Kids Volunteer, Department of Biology. Purdue 2015
University, West Lafayette, IN
State Science Fair Judge. Indianapolis, IN 2015
Digital Commons Meetings Educational Technology Support. Purdue 2015
University, West Lafayette, IN
Purdue Science Fair Judge. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 2014, 2015
Vice President, Graduate Student Education Council. Purdue University, 2014 – 2016
West Lafayette, IN

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Office of Naval Research Grant (Joined 11/19)
Grant Sponsor: Office of Naval Research
Grant Title: Engaging the Next Generation STEM Naval Workforce: Using
Communities of Practice to Build Teacher Capacity
Position: Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Angela Pagano)
Grant Years: 05/01/18 – 05/01/21 (includes one year no cost extension)
Amount: $152,552 per year ($610,210 total)

SUNY Cortland Classroom Innovation Research Grant (Received 11/19)

Grant Sponsor: SUNY Cortland
Grant Title: SUNY Cortland Classroom Innovation Research Grant
Position: Principal Investigator
Grant Years: 11/1/19-11/1/20
Amount: $1,500

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