Lesson 1B Worksheet

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1. Create a scenario where verbal or non-verbal communication could create a difference if it

was utilized properly. Also, try to explain how will verbal or non-verbal communication can


Two boys were struggling with a huge table in a doorway.

They pushed and pulled and upped it and downed it until both were exhausted.
Between gasps for air, one managed to say: “We better give up…because we’ll never get this
table into the house.”
The other boy replied: “Into the house? I thought we were moving it out of the house!”

*Due to lack of communication, the two did not manage to finish task they intended to do. Both
of the have different thing is mind, thus creating confusion.

Now, your turn:

Ave and Maria went to a fast-food restaurant buy some food because they would be late for class.
Hurriedly, they ordered two pieces of chicken with a large fries.
When the order was made, Ave sat in the vacant seat while Maria went out of the restaurant holding
their order.
Ave ran towards Maria and said: “Aren’t we eating inside the restaurant?”
Maria replied: “Dining in? I thought we are taking our orders out!”

*Due to absence of communications, the two girls did not make to class on time. The two of them were
confused of each other, hence creating uncertainty. Correct usage of verbal and non-verbal
communication helps one to fully understand what another person is talking about. It is really important
because through this, one can avoid misinterpretations.
2. Provide one situational example to each specifics of non-verbal communication. You can use
your personal experience.

Proxemics – space: When riding a jeepney, one cannot complain about having limited space
because jeepney seats are considered as a public space.

Chronemics – time: In a restaurant, customers show willingness to wait for their order to be

Oculesics – eye movement: When talking with a loved one, it is important to maintain eye
contact so that he or she can feel your sincerity.

Haptics – touch: When meeting a close friend, we always give each other a “high-five” as a sign
of greeting.

Kinesics – body movements and gestures: In a class presentation, I always observe proper
gestures so that my classmates would understand what certain topic or idea I am demonstrating.

Objectics – clothing, ornaments, jewelry, other artifacts: Whenever there is a gathering, I

always dress according to themes.

Vocalics – voice: When my friend is angry, he always speaks in a high tone.

Olfactorics – smell: We will know if a person ate durian because you can smell its strong

Colorics – colors: If one would eat a spaghetti with yellow as its sauce color instead of red, one
would feel weird about how it would taste based on its appearance.

Pictics – pictures: Whenever I make a powerpoint presentation, I often use pictures rather than
words. It is because using pictures is more effective in understanding a topic and it helps you to
visualize a certain topic.

Iconics - signs, symbols: When driving a motorcycle, I always look for road signs to avoid
3. Write a 100-word narrative essay discussing an instance where you used non-verbal
communication to relay certain message. You may refer to Functions of Non-Verbal
Communication to guide you on this exercise.

Non-verbal communication is important in relaying information. Personally, I often use non-verbal

communication when I am presenting in class. It is because when presenting, I want to point out
certain topics and proper gestures helps me in doing so. I also observe proper posture so that my
listeners perceive that I have enough of what I am talking about. As for my presentation, I use pictures
for the better understanding of my topic because it helps my listeners to visualize things. In addition, I
also dress formally to avoid distracting my viewers. Using appropriate non-verbal communication
helps me to convey my message properly and in avoiding misinterpretation.

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