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Prepositions of


Prepositions of Place
Table of Contents
Prepositions of Place

4 EXERCISE 1: Matchup
Write the letter of the picture that matches the preposition of place.

5 EXERCISE 2: In the Kitchen

Look at the picture and choose the best preposition.

7 EXERCISE 3: In the Living Room

Choose the best preposition for each sentence.

8 EXERCISE 4: Pair Work

Draw your own living room and describe it to your partner.

10 EXERCISE 5: Writing
Write two sentences for each picture.

11 EXERCISE 6: Class Survey

Ask and answer the questions.


Copyright 2016, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 1
Quick and Handy Grammar Review

Prepositions are short words that show time, place, direction, etc.
Some examples of prepositions are at, on, in, to, from, above,
under, of, and between. In this lesson, we will study prepositions
of place.

A. Common Prepositions of Place

in on
The fruit is in the bowl. The owl is on the branch.

next to / beside near

The movie tickets are The pencil is
next to the popcorn. near the eraser.

above under
The painting is The shoes are
above the sofa. under the table.

across from
The apple is
The fridge is
between the
across from the stove.
strawberry and the

in front of behind
The girl is The teacher is
in front of the boy. behind the desk.
Quick and Handy Grammar Review cont.
B. Common Sentence Patterns for Prepositions of Place

There are two common sentence patterns

that we use with prepositions of place.

1. The + noun + verb + preposition + the + noun.

• The cookie is on the plate. (singular)

• The strawberries are on the plate. (plural)

2. There + is + (a) + noun + preposition + the + noun.

• There is a cup of coffee on the table. (singular)

• There are bananas on the table. (plural)

C. Prepositions of Place with Similar Meanings

Some prepositions have similar meanings.

1. Next to and beside 2. On, above, and over 3. Under, beneath, and below
have the same meaning. have similar meanings. have similar meanings.
• The sunglasses are Use on when the two • The cat is under the bed.
next to the nouns are touching and
sunscreen. • The cat is beneath the bed.
above when they aren’t.
• The sunglasses are Use over when there is • The cat is below the bed.
beside the sunscreen. movement.

• The boat is on the water.

• The light is above the


• The plane flew over

the Eiffel Tower.
Exercise 1

Write the letter of the picture that matches the preposition of place.

e 1.
under g
4. behind
5. on
6. across from
7. a
8. next to
9. in front of
10. i

c h


e f
Exercise 2

A. Look at the Picture

Look at the picture of the kitchen below. Then answer the questions on the next page.
Exercise 2 cont.
B. Choose the Best Preposition C. Write Sentences
Look at the picture of the kitchen in Part A. Look at the picture of the
Then choose the best preposition for each kitchen in Part A. Now write
sentence. two more sentences. Use a
preposition of
1. The stove is the toaster. 6. The dishes are place in each sentence.
the cabinet.
a) above
b) near a) in
c) behind b) on
d) on c) across from
d) behind
2. The pot is the pan.

a) in front 7. The kettle is the

of microwave and the 2.
b) in fridge.
c) behind a) across from
d) on b) between
c) next to
3. The kettle is d) beside
the microwave.
8. The fridge is the stove.
a) across from
b) above a) beside
c) under b) behind
d) next to c) next to
d) across from
4. The pot is the stove.
9. The toaster is the stove.
a) in
b) above a) on
c) on b) above
d) under c) beside
d) across from
5. The cabinets are
the sink. 10. The sink is the cabinets.

a) under a) in front of
b) between b) behind
c) behind c) under
d) on d) above
Exercise 3
• in • under
Choose the preposition from the box that • on • between
matches each picture. Use each preposition • next to • in front of
only once. • above • behind

1. There is a cat under the coffee 5. There is a dog the sofa.


6. There is a remote control

2. There is a couch the recliner. the stereo cabinet.

7. There is an end table

3. There is a painting the sofa. the sofa and the recliner.

8. There is a coffee table the sofa.

4. There is a stereo the recliner.
Exercise 4
sofa recliner

A. My Living Room remote stereo


Draw the objects to the right

coffee table TV
in the empty square. end table

When you’re finished

drawing your living room,
describe it to your
partner. (See Part B.) lamp cat dog
Prepositions of

Exercise 4 cont.
B. My Partner’s Living Room

Listen as your partner describes his/her living room, and

draw the objects to match the description in the empty
box below.

C. Compare Drawings

Compare your Part B drawing with your

partner’s Part A drawing. Do your drawings

Copyright 2016, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 9
Prepositions of

Exercise 5

Write two sentences for each picture. Use a preposition in every

sentence. The second sentence must begin with There is or There are.

1. The books are under the TV. 5.

There are books under the TV.

2. 6.

3. 7.

4. 8.

Copyright 2016, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 1
Exercise 6

Ask your classmates these questions. Write their answers

in the boxes below. Try to talk to a different classmate for
each question. Practice using prepositions of place in your

# Question Classmate’s Name Answer

Is there a clock in
your classroom? Where
is it?

Where do you put

your books at

Where do you put

your books at home?

Do you have a cell

phone? Where is it?

What’s in your

Do you have any

paintings on your walls
at home?

How many pillows

are on your bed?

Do you have a nightstand

beside your bed? What’s on

How many pairs of

shoes are in your

10 What’s in your fridge?

Answer Key
Exercise 1 Exercise 5

1. e
3. a 5. j 7. c 9. g Answers may vary. Help your students
2. i
4. b 6. f 8. h 10. d with any vocabulary they are unfamiliar with.

Exercise 2 1. The books are under the TV. There are books under the TV.
2. The sushi is on the plate. There is sushi on the plate.
B. CHOOSE THE BEST PREPOSITION 3. The apple is between the bananas.
There is an apple between the
1. b 3. d 5. a 7. b 9. c 4. The palm tree is next to / beside / near the pine
2. a 4. c 6. a 8. d 10. d tree. There is a palm tree next to / beside / near
the pine tree.
5. The painting is above the bed.

C. WRITE SENTENCES There is a painting above the bed.

Answers will vary. 6. The fruit is in the bowl. There is fruit in the bowl.
7. The stove is across from the
fridge. There is a stove across from
Exercise 3
the fridge.
8. The shoes are on the floor / in front of the
1. under
4. behind 7. between couch. There are shoes on the floor / in front
2. next to
5. on 8. in front of the couch.
3. above of
6. in

Exercise 6

Exercise 4 Answers will vary.

Answers will vary. Monitor students for correct

preposition usage when they explain their drawings to
their partners. This lesson shows the American spelling of the word Practice.
Other English-speaking countries spell it this way: Practise
(when used as a verb; Practice when used as a noun).
Make it a challenge for your students to find this word
in the lesson and see if they know the alternate

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