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Computers and Chemical Engineering 47 (2012) 145–156

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Smart manufacturing, manufacturing intelligence and demand-dynamic

Jim Davis a,∗ , Thomas Edgar b , James Porter c , John Bernaden d , Michael Sarli e
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States
University of Texas – Austin, Austin, TX, United States
DuPont (retired), Sustainable Operations Solutions, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Rockwell Automation, Milwaukee, WI, United States
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering (retired), University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Smart Manufacturing is the dramatically intensified and pervasive application of networked information-
Received 12 April 2012 based technologies throughout the manufacturing and supply chain enterprise. The defining technical
Accepted 27 June 2012 threads are time, synchronization, integrated performance metrics and cyber-physical–workforce
Available online 6 July 2012
requirements. Smart Manufacturing responds and leads to a dramatic and fundamental business trans-
formation to demand-dynamic economics keyed on customers, partners and the public; enterprise
performance and variability management; real-time integrated computational materials engineering
Smart Manufacturing
and rapid qualification, demand-driven supply chain services; and broad-based workforce involvement.
Advanced manufacturing
Performance-based enterprises
IT-enabled Smart factories and supply networks can better respond to national interests and strategic
Supply chain performance imperatives and can revitalize the industrial sector by facilitating global competitiveness and exports,
Demand-dynamics providing sustainable jobs, radically improving performance, and facilitating manufacturing innovation.
Energy productivity
Sustainability © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Smart Manufacturing and as innovation and faster time-to-market for new products
becomes a key economic driver. Small, medium and large man-
Greater manufacturing complexity, dynamics-based economics ufacturers will depend on college level training and skills and the
and radically different performance objectives will require the manufacturing workforce will re-distribute throughout the sup-
pervasive application of networked, real-time information-based ply chain, advanced technology suppliers, and the innovation and
technologies that transform a facilities focus to knowledge- start-up companies (Devol, Wong, Bedroussian, Flor Hynek, & Rice,
embedded facilities, a reactive operational approach to one that 2010; Kaushal, Mayor, & Riedl, 2011; Nosbusch & Bernaden, 2012;
is predictive, incident response to incident prevention, compli- Nosbusch & Wince-Smith, 2010). Talent and workforce training will
ance to performance, and vertical decision-making to distributed no longer be about vertical factory operations but about dynamic
intelligence and local decision-making with global impact. Exist- interaction, innovation, rapid product changes, and new products
ing assets will need to become globally competitive while the to market all with safe and sustainable operations spread across a
installed base of equipment runs its investment life cycle. Capi- widely distributed base of small medium and large companies. Not
tal and operating costs will need to be lowered. Performance will only will talent and workforce training need to address a dramati-
need to be responsive to multi-faceted objectives. Advanced man- cally distributed manufacturing approach but also the technologies
ufacturing and advanced networked information and computation that support it.
technology will become synonymous (SMLC, 2009, 2011; Warren, In response, a coalition of companies, universities, manufac-
2011). turing consortia and consultants called the Smart Manufacturing
Additionally, the manufacturing workforce with substantially Leadership Coalition (SMLC) has been on a five year ‘journey’
more advanced training and skills will not only be fundamental to define, plan and implement the game changing roles for
but will also be the key competitive advantage as dynamic man- networked data and information within and across the manu-
agement and operation of demand-driven product profiles increase facturing process. Through a set of consensus-driven processes,
Smart Manufacturing has been defined as the dramatically inten-
sified application of ‘manufacturing intelligence’ throughout the
∗ Corresponding author. manufacturing and supply chain enterprise. Smart Manufacturing
E-mail address: (J. Davis). both leads and respond to a dramatic and fundamental business

0098-1354/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
146 J. Davis et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 47 (2012) 145–156

transformation toward demand-dynamic economics, performance- • Resources and optimized networks – 25% reduction safety inci-
based enterprises, demand-driven supply chain services and dents, 25% improvement energy efficiency, 10% improvement
broad-based workforce involvement and innovation. This intensi- overall operating efficiency, 40% reduction cycle times.
fication of ‘manufacturing intelligence’ comprises the real-time • Product – Product tracking and traceability throughout the supply
understanding, reasoning, planning and management of all aspects chain; pinpoint product recalls that are dynamically managed;
of the enterprise manufacturing process and is facilitated by the product trustworthiness, e.g. defense products.
pervasive use of advanced sensor-based data analytics, modeling, • Transition economics – 10× improvement in time to market in
and simulation (Caminiti, 2011; Chand & Davis, 2010a, 2010b). target industries.
Smart Manufacturing envisions the enterprise that inte- • U.S. industrial innovation base – 25% revenue in new products
grates the intelligence of the customer, its partners and the and services; 2× current small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
public. It responds as a coordinated, performance-oriented enter- addressing total market; more highly skilled sustainable jobs cre-
prise, minimizing energy and material usage while maximizing ated.
environmental sustainability, health and safety and economic com-
petitiveness. Business, operations, management, workforce and 1.2. Game changing IT
manufacturing process transformations are in response to new
ways of reasoning about the manufacturing process. These same The SMLC has strongly underscored the premise that manu-
transformations are facilitated by the application of manufactur- facturing continues to be data rich and knowledge poor, and as a
ing intelligence in a “generate-plan-apply” cycle that is sufficiently result, operates with constricted decision processes, even in opera-
accelerated to produce a new demand-dynamic performance ori- tions using sophisticated modeling and control technologies. New
entation. information technologies have been applied to optimize individ-
ual unit processes, but Smart Manufacturing (SM) systems that
integrate manufacturing intelligence in real-time across an entire
1.1. The Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC) production operation remain rare in large companies, and virtually
non-existent in small and medium size organizations. Real time
The SMLC is comprised of 25 large global companies, 8 man- management of energy consumption is a perfect example of the
ufacturing consortia, 6 universities, 1 government lab and 4 high contradiction between the potential benefits and barriers to the
performance computing centers. It has built on earlier NSF funded implementation of SM technology. In many industries, energy is
work by 20 companies and 20 universities to develop a roadmap frequently the second largest operating cost; but many compa-
for Smart Manufacturing (SMLC, 2009). The SMLC is committed to a nies lack cost effective measurement systems and modeling tools
comprehensive vision in which technology and the business, oper- and/or performance and management tools to optimize energy
ating and workforce models are transformed in concert to achieve use in individual production operations, much less in real-time
a steep change in manufacturing productivity with respect to value across multiple operations, facilities, or an entire supply chain.
add product economics. There is no doubt that the deployment As a result, business plans and day-to-day management decisions
of Smart Manufacturing involves complex on-the-ground detail, are being implemented with incomplete knowledge of the rela-
difficult applications of technical and operational approaches, dif- tionship between product output, energy use and environmental
ficult business models, the management of significant risk, and the impact, while approximately 30% of the energy delivered to U.S.
need for research and development in new technologies, business manufacturing sites is lost as waste heat. Generally speaking, a
models and organization engineering. The coalition comes together cost effective infrastructure to integrate real-time manufacturing
around a set of goals that no one company (even large and global) intelligence and active management above and across the control
can accomplish alone (SMLC, 2011): systems of an entire production operation does not exist today.
Clearly, there is a recognized interest and a base of literature
on flexible and adaptive enterprise wide optimization and deci-
• Integrate the intelligence of the customer, partner and public sion making (e.g. Christofides et al., 2007; Engell, 2007; Grossmann,
throughout the manufacturing supply chain. 2005; Stephanopoulos & Reklaitis, 2011; Wassick, 2009; Ydstie,
• Develop the collective capacity to respond as coordinated factory 2004). To help distinguish Smart Manufacturing, as a 21st cen-
and supply chain enterprises. tury advanced manufacturing model, from the prior 40 years
• Perform against new cross factory and supply chain key per- of implementing information, modeling, control and optimiza-
formance indicators (KPIs) that are radically different from tion technologies, advanced robotics and automation systems, and
traditional output/input metrics. financial and business systems, etc., we can draw some impor-
• Increase the base of workforce innovation. tant parallels with the recent health care IT initiative especially
• Radically increase productivity and quality by lowering the cost as it relates to the increasingly broad and pervasive access to
of IT infrastructure, sensing and the pervasive deployment of health care information and its meaningful use. Referring to the
modeling and simulation. December 2010 Report from the President’s Council of Advi-
• Build equivalent capability across small, medium and large enter- sors on Science and Technology (PCAST, 2010) to the President
prises together. and Congress entitled, “Designing a Digital Future: Federally
• Build a workforce that is trained in performance oriented decision Funded Research and Development in Networking and Information
making. Technology”, there are meaningful use scenarios for informa-
• Define the technology research and development that is needed tion technology that fundamentally change the existing health
to achieve the full vision. care model. We use two of these to draw some analogies for

In June 2011 the SMLC released its latest report entitled, “Imple- An ‘enterprise’ health care record for each patient – There is consid-
menting 21st Century Smart Manufacturing.” The report captures erable healthcare related data about each of us that exists across
the SMLC’s consideration of the most meaningful impacts in caregivers, treatments, facilities, pharmacists, etc. and across time.
intensifying stage wise application of manufacturing intelligence Sensors and other observational tools add to a data record of health
over a ten-year time horizon: and state and there is additional important data that we could
J. Davis et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 47 (2012) 145–156 147

contribute to our own record. The sheer value of a comprehen- effectiveness. The traditional source-to-customer directed supply
sive record of history and state is evident with respect to tracking chain is inverted to form a demand-dynamic supply chain. Addi-
and traceability of therapies, having full information for decision- tionally, real-time data across products, manufacturing facilities,
making, having the information to better gage and manage risk small and medium enterprises in the supply chain, distribution
and the basis for verifying the viability of actions and avoiding and customer response can be combined with data, information,
consistency and interaction errors. models and studies from other sources to produce new insights,
The application of health care intelligence – Data across popula- educational needs, alternative approaches, etc. Similarly, better
tions of patients, caregivers, and facilities can be combined with data and models of manufacturing processes can be used to pre-
data, information and studies from other sources to produce new dict, plan and/or manage risk around product transitions, dynamic
insights, educational needs, alternative approaches, etc. Informa- material and energy source situations, and machine operations.
tion can grow as scientific and medical knowledge progresses.
Data from simulated and virtual clinical studies can continuously
The comprehensive patient record, the aggregation of the data
grow through validation and update processes. Aggregated data
and direct patient involvement all together change a fundamen-
can be used to produce populations of disease or therapy situations
tally centralized process for health care delivery into a highly
that are otherwise impossible to generate locally. “Analyses can
distributed approach across many kinds of caregivers, including
apply information to individuals, populations and public health
the patient. The information-based processes create a greater base
situations and event monitoring carried out with knowledgeable
of information and new data for the study of healthcare therapies
healthcare professionals can detect situations requiring attention
and techniques. However, this pervasive application of healthcare
and trigger proactive interventions.”
intelligence remains orthogonal to the complex, expertise-driven
diagnoses, therapies and techniques. Their administration remains
By casting these healthcare objectives using Smart Manufactur-
the responsibility of healthcare professionals to provide and/or
ing terminology, some parallels with manufacturing are evident
manage the facilities required. Similarly for manufacturing, the
when one equates patient and product, and health care intelligence
experience and expertise to address the complexities of tasks and
and manufacturing intelligence. By analogy, Smart Manufacturing
operations that involve chemical, mechanical, material and energy
objectives are not just about applying IT but about game-changing
transformations and the various equipment and facilities assets to
promise to energize innovation, address productivity, achieve new
make and/or assemble a particular product remain with the man-
and structurally different performance goals, and drive the com-
ufacturers, suppliers, OEMs, etc. The application of manufacturing
petitive advantage of investments.
intelligence does not change specific manufacturing technologies
per se. However, it facilitates their review, improvement, integra-
An ‘enterprise’ manufacturing record for each product – Sensor data,
tion, role, effectiveness and dynamic management, and it is the
procedures, specifications, task records and other observational
basis for innovations in the overall process of manufacturing a
data across a manufacturer and its suppliers create an enterprise
good or product. These meaningful impacts of manufacturing intel-
data record of history, state, quality and characteristics of each
ligence are supported by the “attributes of the smart enterprise”
product. These are data that include supply chain, energy grid,
updated from the SMLC’s 2009 Smart Manufacturing Operations
business systems, factory, distribution center, and the customer
and Technology Roadmap.
that can be used to build models and new key performance indi-
The analogy with Health IT is an attempt to illustrate the role
cators. For example, supply chain data provides the source of raw
of manufacturing intelligence in the manufacturing process. There
materials or assembly components. Energy, transportation, dis-
are of course notable precedents in the design and engineering
tribution, raw material, process, etc. data can be used to build
domain. For example, there is the collaborative standards and infra-
the carbon footprint of the product. The product record provides
structure work by the FIATECH consortium (Fiatech, 2011), which
the global performance perspective for automated and workforce
has made considerable progress in managing data, information and
decisions at local points and the basis for optimally balancing
intelligence in the design, engineering and construction of capital
global and local management.
facilities. Smart Manufacturing is in fact an extension or continua-
Passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act is an illustrative
tion of the FIATECH capital program domain (SMLC, 2009)
example. The Act essentially requires the Secretary of Health and
Human Services to create a national food tracing system to stream-
line the process of finding the source of contamination in the
2. Alignment of Smart Manufacturing and advanced
food supply chain in days rather than weeks or months, should
an outbreak occur. Smart Manufacturing provides the enter-
prise technology, interoperability, operational infrastructure, and
Advanced manufacturing in a U.S. context, its scope, and the
approaches for tracking raw materials in plants and the entire sup-
need to focus attention on new models of competitiveness have
ply chain that are needed to address this requirement. A major
been defined and established through an extensive process con-
multi-billion dollar investment for a separate food safety tracking
ducted by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and
system should not be necessary.
Technology (PCAST). The roll up of many discussions and the overall
The application of manufacturing intelligence – Armed with infor-
findings are in the June 2011 PCAST report on advanced manufac-
mation about the product and ability to shape it toward
individual requirements, customers become active participants
and push demands that ripple in reverse through the supply “In this report, we focus in particular on advanced manufactur-
chain. These demands are responsive to cost, quality, value ing, which we believe offers the path forward for revitalizing
added customization, environmental effectiveness, etc. Smart manufacturing in the United States. The term refers to a fam-
Manufacturing enterprises adjust with more flexible produc- ily of activities that (a) depend on the use and coordination of
tion of variable volumes of products, become less vertically information, automation, computation, software, sensing, and
integrated and more information driven. Over the long term, networking, and/or (b) make use of cutting edge materials and
traditional performance metrics based on output/input productiv- emerging capabilities enabled by the physical and biological sci-
ity give way to performance measures related to customization, ences, for example nanotechnology, chemistry, and biology. This
flexibility, responsiveness, energy efficiency, and environmental involves both new ways to manufacture existing products, and
148 J. Davis et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 47 (2012) 145–156

especially the manufacture of new products emerging from new 2009; Fraunhofer, 2011; Science and Technology Policy Institute,
advanced technologies.” 2010).
This report was preceded and supported by a number of earlier
2.1. Game changing examples
federally generated reports (NEC, 2011; NSTC, 2008; PCAST, 2010;
STPI, 2010).
There are several excellent examples that provide a glimpse into
These reports thread the roles for networked information
the full potential of applying manufacturing intelligence across the
systems for advanced manufacturing into (1) discovery and innova-
factory and supply chain enterprise and changing the fundamental
tion, (2) design and engineering, and the (3) manufacturing process.
manufacturing process.
Discovery and innovation refers to the use of modeling, simulation
ExxonMobil has and continues to build an information
and data analytics for entrepreneurial discovery, prediction and
infrastructure that facilitates the sharing of information and man-
innovation, especially with respect to new products and new mate-
agement practices across its units globally. Already deployed are
rials. Design and engineering encompasses manufacturing process
standards and cyber security, life cycle cost and life expectancy
design, the engineering and design of specific manufacturing tasks
management, remote access and data visualization. In progress
or operations and digital engineering that refers to direct design
are global application engineering standards and tools, consistent
to product approaches. Manufacturing refers to the set of ordered
models, global RTO, refinery and regional planning and scheduling
tasks, the facilities, and the workforces that are required across fac-
tools, next generator operator tools, global console level monitor-
tories and supply chains to generate a product from raw material
ing tools and wireless (Sarli, 2006). Under a banner of “Operational
to customer distribution.
Excellence and Sustainability”, ExxonMobil is managing approxi-
Most importantly, and as the PCAST report states, these three
mately 100 cogeneration plants in more than 30 facilities together
roles are linked. New material discovery, product innovation,
(Pryor, 2009). It is leveraging scale and integration with 75% of the
design and engineering are activities that are facilitated by the
refining capacity integrated with its lubes and chemical businesses.
manufacturing process. Similarly innovation in the manufactur-
At the same time it is emphasizing a culture of safety through an
ing process is facilitated by new material and product innovations.
Operations Integrity Management System. Finally ExxonMobil is
Stated alternatively, economic viability and competitiveness is not
reaping significant benefit through a composition-based refining
achievable by invention alone. It is innovation in combination
program that is designed to capture the best value of every molecule
with the economics of product customization, value-add and qual-
at every point in the refinery (Glass, 2009; Quann, 1998). By mod-
ity manufacturing that drive competitiveness. Manufacturing is a
eling the real-time process operations with a significantly greater
central and irreplaceable core of a strong, secure economy and
fidelity and building a greater detailed understanding, ExxonMo-
manufacturing competitiveness involves attention, investment and
bil is able to radically improve the ability to plan and schedule its
research in all. These points are brought out not only in the PCAST
product portfolio (Kushnerick, 2005).
reports but also in Council on Competitiveness Ignite reports (2011)
Procter and Gamble uses “super computing” to model com-
and the 2010 NAM and NCMS reports.
plex problems while avoiding the need for expensive mock-ups
The 2011–2012 critical issues recently published by
or experimentation (Lange, 2010). P&G uses the phrase “Atoms
Manufacturing Executive Board (2011) provides an industry
to the Enterprise” to describe their vision (N.B. the similarity to
articulation of how manufacturing needs to change:
ExxonMobil’s “Molecule Management” phrase). High performance
computing arrays host complex, rigorous calculations such as com-
• The adaptive organization responds to the increasingly dynamic putational fluid dynamics algorithms to model and solve problems
nature of competition. such as the scale-up of the mixing of fluids in commercial scale
• Global value chain optimization recognizes that manufacturing equipment. Dynamics problems such as the behavior of bottles (full
plants, organizations, technologies, customers, and people are or empty) on a conveying system can also be modeled, avoiding the
nodes in large, complex global supply and demand networks. need to produce physical specimens of a new bottle design. These
• The innovative enterprise responds to accelerating change faster capabilities allow P&G to answer critical manufacturing questions,
and the manufacturing function becomes a source of innovation. e.g. What if, Why not and How Much? Faster and at a lower cost.
• Factories of the future build the products that are needed, when In Gujarat, India, Tata Motors Ltd. built a $417 million smart fac-
they are needed, and in the quantities in which they are needed. tory to manufacture its market-changing Tata Nano – the world’s
• Next generation leadership and culture responds to rapid market, least expensive car, selling at $2500 in India. The factory in India
business, and technological change. was designed to incorporate Smart Manufacturing technologies
• The new workforce drives industrial change, corporate growth and at every turn – technologies that enable the company to accept
professional excellence. custom orders from dealers and adapt on the spot to customers’
• The sustainability imperative requires companies to embrace inno- preferences. Those same technologies have allowed the company
vative sustainability strategies to survive. to track every part to its source and to confine a recall to just a
• Game-changing technologies continue to set new standards for the few cars by having the part tracking and traceability capability to
way manufacturing companies innovate, create, source, manage identify where a malfunctioning part was made, what shipments
and deliver their products. contained the part and what cars had used the part. The enter-
prise has a manufacturing execution system that captures data and
optimizes operations across the entire production process. When
How to enact these changes is in significant discussion and/or smart grids become available, the factory will be ready to connect to
action at the level of governments. In the U.S., resolution is them to optimize production to times that energy is most plentiful
still in debate and ranging from “leave it to industry and the or least expensive.
market” to a set of government activities that could include In China, Shougang Steel is an example of applying Smart
tax policies, visa changes, patent process changes, new work- Manufacturing to an enterprise of 20,000 workers with 100
force education and training and public-private partnerships college-educated workers running blast furnaces from a NASA-like
(Council on Competitiveness, 2011a, 2011b). Other countries command center. The plant produces 9+M tons of high-grade steel
have enacted government level plans to invest and accelerate per year, recycles 99.5% of its solid waste and 98% of its water.
changes in manufacturing (EPSRC, 2011; European Commission, Particulate matter is reduced to .44 kg per ton, and the steel has
J. Davis et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 47 (2012) 145–156 149

a low carbon footprint. There are 10,000+ workers in surround- simulation technology research, development and application,
ing small and medium enterprise (SME) businesses and a million and there may be short term advantages gained through propri-
new jobs is expected as this smart steel plant becomes a magnet etary application. However, the primary advantage to investment
for the Caofeidian industrial eco-city. This is compared to Xinhua in Smart Manufacturing comes from building the competitive
Steel as an example of current factory centric manufacturing tech- experience base of practice collaboratively as these information
nology. 65,000 employees with 1000 workers on dangerous blast technologies spread globally. The competitive advantage is not with
furnaces produce 6 M tons of average quality steel per year. The the technology itself nor is the technology the limiting factor. The
plant was closed during the Olympics to reduce particulate matter competitive advantage is with the workforce and the operational
in the atmosphere by 18,000 tons. practice in applying the technology to drive performance, and com-
petitiveness goals. Embracing demand-dynamic economics also
requires engaging the small and medium, as well as large enter-
2.2. The Smart Manufacturing business conundrum
prises in a collaborative manufacturing approach.
Immediate gains are expected in material, energy and oper-
The fact that the enterprise scale implementations of Smart
ating efficiencies, improved EH&S performance, tighter supply
Manufacturing are outside the U.S. is indicative of the advantages
chain coupling, and new integrated operating performance metrics.
of starting with greenfield vs. brownfield applications. This effect
Additionally there is significant immediate opportunity for in
is aggravated with the lack of current market drivers in the U.S.
production computational materials engineering and rapid qualifi-
and compounded with direct government involvement in other
cation. These give way quickly to product tracking and traceability,
countries that is accelerating change to Smart Manufacturing (i.e.
dynamically managed product trustworthiness and pinpoint prod-
European Commission, 2009). The overall result is exemplified with
uct recalls throughout the supply chain. With substantially
numerous examples of company-level deployments of Smart Man-
increased intelligence capabilities, the participation of small and
ufacturing elements but a limited number of deployments where
medium enterprises is drastically enhanced to address the total
core change in enterprise manufacturing infrastructure or process
product objective, production surge, variability planning and
is pursued (SMLC, 2009). These are significant implementations of
reduction, transition planning, time to market, and new demand-
Smart Manufacturing and illustrate that efficiencies, competitive
dynamic performance metrics. Smart Manufacturing ultimately
cost/per unit reductions, and productivity increases are possible
becomes the platform for new product and manufacturing inno-
and can be sufficiently large to justify investment.
vations. Early priorities for the Smart Manufacturing enterprise
However, “if Smart Manufacturing is such a smart idea, why
are local–global management performance tools deployed across
aren’t companies already doing it?”: Despite major projected impacts
the enterprise to manage dynamic production, use and storage of
of Smart Manufacturing, U.S. businesses continue to hold off, as
essential resources (energy, water, air) (see SMLC, 2011).
long as possible, replacing 20–40 year old Distributed Control Sys-
While there are excellent examples of Smart Manufacturing
tems that by their basic architecture preclude the use of many
elements deployed within some companies, by and large, the
“Smart Manufacturing” Technologies. New long life-cycle invest-
U.S. Smart Manufacturing infrastructure remains balkanized with
ments are further hampered by business, political and regulatory
limited factory and supply chain effectiveness along with sig-
uncertainties. At the company and factory level, vertically seg-
nificant replicated but uncoordinated investment in information
mented investments in (1) compartmentalized infrastructure, (2)
technology, modeling and simulation. It is estimated that as much
uncoordinated applications on replicated infrastructure, and (3)
as 70% of the average cost to manufacture a product goes to
operational assimilation of non standards based modeling and sim-
non-value-add aspects. Information technology is a significant and
ulation remain more easily justified relative to risky (perceived),
growing portion of this, especially when investments cannot be
expensive, longer term ROI Smart Manufacturing infrastructure
leveraged toward enterprise business or performance goals. It is
investments. In general, investment in process control and IT is
currently very expensive if not cost prohibitive to deploy infor-
associated with high disruption and cost factors while the value is
mation technology and it is certainly financially and operationally
low when implemented incrementally and in a compartmentalized
risky to trust and assimilate new roles for information-based
manner. This is in contrast, for example, to consumer-based elec-
approaches to operations. Of the 300,000 manufacturers in the U.S.
tronics in which incremental changes can have high value across a
over 95% are small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that are
large customer base with minimal disruption. For manufacturing,
often suppliers to the larger corporations (NCMS, 2010). For all
it is critical to target implementation for more than incremental
practical purposes, the cost and capability barriers prohibit the use
value and at the same time lower disruption and cost with indus-
of modeling and simulation of any kind for these SMEs.
try standards, collaboratively developed infrastructure and shared
Yet, the industry as whole can benefit if small, medium and large
risk. Currently, an investment may be scaled enough to be justified
companies have access to modeling and simulation tools together
and cost affordable for large companies. Access to the technology by
and can become part of network of shared information. Addition-
small and medium manufacturers remains essentially prohibited.
ally, there are aspects to the IT infrastructure that cannot be solved
Without a modern industrial infrastructure for Smart Man-
by a single company no matter how large. Approaching Smart Man-
ufacturing, incentives will at best push toward uncoordinated
ufacturing in a piecemeal fashion further pushes out the benefits
applications on replicated infrastructure and non-standards-based
and therefore the ROI of a comprehensive approach increasing the
modeling and simulation implemented in a piecemeal fashion. The
financial risk of deploying. All of this is aggravated by the fact
breadth and scale of Smart Manufacturing infrastructure and the
that retrofit application of Smart Manufacturing in U.S. brown-
technological transformation necessary to achieve industry-wide,
field plants is a much more difficult IT investment than for new
company-agnostic benefits is too great a leap in investment for any
greenfield plants which are mostly deployed in other countries.
single or even group of companies to take on (see SMLC, 2011;
The central theme of the SMLC, therefore, is this goal of
Council on Competitiveness Reports, 2011).
addressing a radically more aggressive and comprehensive deploy-
ment of Smart Manufacturing by raising the level of problem
3. Raising the level of abstraction abstraction and solution across large industry segments. The
objective is to bend the curve toward Smart Manufacturing by
The application of manufacturing intelligence is a journey. addressing key barriers, mitigating risks and demonstrating the
There is considerable need for new information, modeling and potential of collaborative manufacturing. While transitioning into
150 J. Davis et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 47 (2012) 145–156

coordinated, multi-company collaborations, Smart Manufacturing and information. The pervasive internet availability of this data
must also sustain individual company competitiveness. and information about the manufacturing process opens untapped
To achieve new enterprise demand-dynamic performance, opportunities for radically improving manufacturing productivity
there is a need to collectively hold the vision and progressively and performance with new manufacturing intelligence that results
work through several key phases, beginning with the foundations of from applying new, yet highly targeted, data and information not
an enterprise digital infrastructure. Each phase needs to define real previously used. By selecting and integrating data and information
implementation benefits that start small but maintain a view of the around specific performance metrics, it is possible to anticipate,
comprehensive end game. Costs need to be substantially lowered plan, manage risk and optimize across manufacturing tasks and
through pre-competitive shared infrastructure and a broadened suppliers. New degrees of freedom for performance, efficiency and
base of innovation, and risk needs to be mitigated through test beds productivity open with the global management of collections of
and pre-competitive collaborations on practice. manufacturing units. New forms of benchmarking from equip-
From a business and operations standpoint, there needs to be a ment to process levels are now possible. The network provides an
pathway to focus and test new technologies and practices in com- infrastructure for tracking and traceability of product and prod-
binations. The Smart Manufacturing Operations and Technology uct attributes from source to sale and there is now capability to
Roadmap (2009) defines these components. Fig. 1 is the graphic the operate with new, global performance metrics in real-time sit-
report uses to organize and illustrate considerable implementation uations. The network is a flexible structure in which the nodes
detail that exists in five interrelated areas of emphasis. In terms of can be aggregated into managed and secure domains such that
application tools and practice, there is the need to establish how to a domain can be a factory, multiple factories or multiple physi-
distribute and apply business and operating intelligence through cally distributed units within a company. Internet domains can also
integrated information across tasks, units and companies so that be established for specified kinds of data and information across
local decisions roll up into global performance objectives. This in companies and suppliers or specified kinds of equipment oper-
turn requires building an involved workforce that is using manu- ations for integrated operations, shared metric management or
facturing intelligence ‘on the ground’ to make decisions that drive benchmarking.
performance and objectives and not tasks. Moving into a dynamic With respect to software, the SM Platform supports a col-
distributed intelligent manufacturing and innovation model also laborative manufacturing approach that integrates information
demands the ability to calculate and manage risk and uncertainty technology, sensor-driven modeling and simulation, and com-
within very different operating structures. prehensive performance metrics in a framework that allows
To address the roadmap and the business objectives, the manufacturing organizations to assemble situational awareness,
SMLC has raised the level of abstraction focusing on the business decision support, active management and/or integrated control
model that creates true collaboration to lower costs, share pre- systems within and across layers of actionable modeling and sim-
competitive practices and technologies, collectively define research ulation. These management systems can be deployed at a much
and development areas and facilitate innovation around these. lower cost than is possible today, and they can extract new levels
These are captured in a program agenda (SMLC, 2011) that the SMLC of intelligence to optimize performance on multiple fronts.
is proceeding to implement (see Table 1). An overall objective is to enable active, real-time decisions to
manage performance in conjunction with new production per-
3.1. Collaborative manufacturing via an SM Platform formance metrics, and in so doing, establish new key drivers in
business decisions that can be applied across multiple manufac-
The SMLC has focused its immediate action agenda on col- turers. A key aspect of the SM Platform, therefore, is customizable
laborative manufacturing that is facilitated by an SM Platform performance metrics that are composable from standardized per-
of shared capacity and capability for (1) substantially reducing formance metric components. The use of common metrics to
development and deployment costs for manufacturing oriented measure and benchmark performance characteristics across an
modeling and simulation, (2) reducing costs for IT infrastructure, entire enterprise can be a powerful management tool and can ulti-
(3) access to Smart Manufacturing ‘apps’ and new models for inno- mately be used to form basic operating principles in a company.
vation, (4) an enterprise digital layer for applied manufacturing For example, a broad based, industry defined energy productivity
intelligence and applied performance metrics, (5) test bed demon- metric available through an application tool kit would allow man-
strations, and (6) dynamic involvement of small, medium and large ufacturers of all types and sizes to assemble customized energy
enterprises. productivity metrics in an energy management dashboard that
In information technology terms, the SM Platform contemplates addresses their specific business needs, e.g. key variables, weight-
the vision that manufacturing processes, tasks, steps, equipment ing factors, and ranges of measurement best suited to a particular
items, suppliers, and products (through various transformations process or production operation. Where there are collaborative
from raw material to customer products) that are related can business benefits, relevant data can be shared or used to provide
be coupled in data and models as nodes on a secure network. benchmarks.
Each node is both a producer and consumer of real-time data The defining technical threads in SM-oriented data driven
modeling and simulation are time, synchronization, integrated per-
Table 1 formance metrics and workforce–cyber-physical system require-
The SMLC program agenda. ments. The SMLC has asserted that, foundationally, multiple
layers of data management, modeling, performance metrics and
SMLC program agenda
Lower the cost for applying advanced data analysis, modeling, and simulation approaches to accommodate and ensure actionable windows in
in core manufacturing processes time are needed to cover the full scope of automation, con-
Build pre-competitive infrastructure including network and information trol, decision, management and optimization and still achieve a
technology, interoperability, and shared business data computationally tractable, actionable and real-time data driven
Establish an industry-shared, community-source platform and associated
software that functions as an “apps” store and clearinghouse
modeling and simulation capability. Layers are formed as a
Create and provide broad access to next-generation sensors, including result of the time scale characteristics of the management or
low-cost sensing and sensor fusion technologies operational objective, spatial and temporal scale limitations on
Establish test beds for Smart Manufacturing concepts and make them available real-time modeling, delineators on human-centered interaction vs.
to companies of all sizes
automation and synchronization and computational tractability
J. Davis et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 47 (2012) 145–156 151

Fig. 1. Operations and technology roadmap.

requirements and how these combine to achieve defined perfor- 3.2. Specifying an SM Platform
mance objectives.
These functional objectives require the SM Platform to also Building the SM Platform as a collaborative manufacturing
provide a standard protocol for building the internet modeling, sim- approach is non-trivial requiring significant cross-industry collab-
ulation and data analytic applications that put the manufacturing oration and agreement, and it depends on acceptable internet and
internet data into actionable forms. An industry driven SM Plat- cyber security protocols and practices already in place. Fig. 2 shows
form, therefore, provides and manages the protocols and standards four objective (Meta) and four ‘Challenge’ areas that define a multi-
for data and the plug and play standards for internet applications. dimensional Smart Manufacturing platform. The four Meta areas
The platform provides an applications development capability for define key enterprise objectives that set the stage for new business
building common application toolkits, open source and proprietary and operating models for manufacturing, recognizing the inter-
applications and an “apps store” for distribution and commerce. connected roles of all entities in the manufacturing enterprise.
The platform also provides cloud computation and repository ser- A primary objective is to establish shared pre-competitive infra-
vices for managing particular data and application domains for both structure and then organize/develop the technology to support it.
company and cross-company situations. Lastly, the platform pro- The four Challenge areas define areas of collaborative manufac-
vides training, consultation and support for building and applying turing that need to be solved through technical development and
the internet applications and assimilating them into useful deploy- cross industry agreement. The integration of activities to address
ment. these difficult problems in a coordinated way with suppliers and
The apps development and “apps store” functionalities draw cross-linked manufacturing facilities forms a Smart Collaborative
from an analogy with the smartphone operating systems offered Manufacturing System that is facilitated by the SM Platform.
by Apple or Google. These systems provide a standardized archi- Proceeding from Meta 1 to 4, Meta 1 represents the need to
tecture that promotes rapid, low cost development of compatible define manufacturing as integrated cyber-physical and workforce
applications (“Apps”) by numerous third parties, while maintain- systems driven by new performance, benchmark and risk reduc-
ing an understood level of security for individual users and the tion objectives and metrics. Meta 2 is about the transition to
basic operating system. With literally thousands of apps available dynamic, response-based economics that are keyed off of the cus-
to download, smartphone owners can customize the capabil- tomer and coordinated from customer to source. Meta 3 represents
ity of their phone to match their specific interests and needs; modeling and simulation pervasively applied in production man-
discarding, upgrading, and adding new apps as their personal agement to achieve higher fidelity operations relative to dynamic
situation evolves. As in the smartphone example, the SM Plat- opportunities and performance metrics. Meta 4 recognizes that
form will act as an overall operating system for manufacturing distributed control, automation, management and people systems
situational awareness, decision support and management sys- associated with individual supply chain manufacturers or com-
tems. The SM Platform will be open to industry and contain pany operations need to interoperate through selective networked
standardized interfaces for compatibility with existing process con- information sharing. Enabling new and dormant technologies is a
trol systems and data platforms, kits for development of new general recognition that there are considerable modeling and sim-
management applications by third parties, models and simula- ulation capabilities at the design and engineering phases that need
tion software, and a productivity metric toolkit as apps in the a pathway into production.
store. To achieve these goals, there is a need to address cross industry
The content and open architecture of the SM Platform will allow enterprise integration practices, pre-competitive and compet-
manufacturers to evaluate and assemble a combination of con- itive modeling and simulation assimilation, real-time syncing
trols, models, and energy productivity metrics with the appropriate of virtual and physical models and the development of at scale
scope and degree of rigor for their company. demonstrations.
152 J. Davis et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 47 (2012) 145–156

Fig. 2. Specifying the SM Platform.

Fig. 3. The Hub of SM Platform.

J. Davis et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 47 (2012) 145–156 153

Fig. 3 illustrates how the SMLC has determined how these • Precompetitive collaboration with proprietary and competitive
functions and collaborations can come together in the SM Plat- value-added processes
form to achieve objectives and address the challenges. Bringing • Virtual and physical integration with synchronization tools and
pre-competitive and competitive web based resource spaces seam- processes
lessly together produces a construct for an industry-driven Virtual • Community-source with production software practices
Smart Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (V-MDF). The V-MDF • Research with secure commercial computational environments
provides the ‘heart’ and the ‘circulatory system’ that brings the • Open-source distribution, apps store with comprehensive pack-
platform to life. It links manufacturers to form physical test bed aged software access
enterprises where knowledge is managed and exchanged within
competitive and intellectual property constraints. It provides a
The competitive aspects of the V-MDF infrastructure and
clearinghouse for integration practices and it facilitates the collabo-
the SM Platform are needed to manage the production design
ration business models to bring the players appropriately together.
requirements for manufacturers and large original equipment
To address the high cost of software, its customization for indi-
manufacturers (OEMs). Cyber security is a major requirement
vidual manufacturing facilities, and the difficulties of on-going
that needs to be addressed with state of the art practices
support, the V-MDF provides industry-driven processes, workflow
that meet user requirements. Workflow toolkits are general
toolkits and/or cloud facilities by which a manufacturing enterprise
apps while assembled workflows are proprietary to a particu-
can come together within a business model to define a global man-
lar manufacturer. Additionally, there can be ITAR export control,
agement need, e.g. active energy management, or product tracking
proprietary data requirements on the modeling and simulation
and traceability function. The V-MDF addresses standards and pro-
results and/or service-level agreements for computer resources
tocols to work across multiple vendor platforms and to deploy
that may be needed to guarantee a certain processing capacity,
software that is not easily applied across sectors or that is cost
uptime, backup, or auditing requirement. Materials or simulation
prohibitive. Lastly, the necessary application and software devel-
models might only be available to specific licensed customers, or
opment, certification, verification and validation capacity to design,
can be linked for simulation inside a workflow application while
develop, distribute and implement sensor-driven modeling and
the source code remains as protected IP. Authentication, autho-
simulation applications and workflows are provided.
rization, auditing, reservation, metering, billing all have to be
More specifically, the V-MDF:

• Provides workflow tools that will make it possible to assemble

and stage the real-time data supporting application models and 3.3. Assembling workflow applications in the SM Platform
metric calculations into coherent active performance manage-
ment dashboards. The SMLC has tested the feasibility of an applications architec-
• Supports workflow compatible applications for validating data, ture for constructing customizable real-time data driven modeling
projecting performance, and scenario-based decision risks. applications as composable apps, assembled, scheduled and man-
• Provides rapid evaluation of models and toolkits to determine aged in a workflow framework. Testing was based on multiple
the “right” rigor of the model and the “right” timeliness of data industry test beds and operational objectives across discrete, batch
to meet performance objectives with the goals of using the right and continuous manufacturing structures and a range of existing
model and right real-time data to achieve a specific objective. data management and modeling tools that would be used to build
• Makes it possible to progress in increasing levels of modeling an application.
sophistication as business needs and experience grows. Fig. 4 illustrates this fundamental design premise that all
• Enables manufacturers (from small to large) to adopt and cus- in-production, data driven modeling and simulation-based appli-
tomize software. cations are decomposable into individual apps that can be
• Standardizes models to enable consistent use and results, and reassembled. Individual apps can include data management, analy-
enable exchange of model input/output across various enter- sis and predictive modeling and simulation routines, performance
prises along the supply chain. metrics and distributed dashboards. Complex apps like reduced
• Makes software development faster, easier, and cheaper. order modeling and integrated performance metrics can, them-
• Improves usability in diverse environments. selves, be assembled from toolkits. The SMLC has tested the premise
• Engages entrepreneurs to develop new software modules. of the apps shown in the diagram for a range of applications span-
ning control and optimization at the sensor and actuator layer,
tradeoff and risk management within a decision support layer and
Building on an industry-driven ‘reference architecture’ that
variability planning and reduction at a supply chain layer. Reduced
ensures proprietary platform interoperability, the V-MDF com-
order modeling applied to real-time applications has proven to be
prises integrated precompetitive and competitive spaces to provide
particularly important.
a comprehensive array of services and resources that include
The SM Platform provides a standardized architecture that
collaboration tools, application and expertise markets, software
promotes very rapid, low cost development of compatible
development, an apps store, resources and facilities, direct opera-
apps by numerous third parties, while maintaining consistency
tional tools and manufacturing facility cross-linking. The SMLC has
and security for individual users and the basic operating sys-
demonstrated that manufacturers, suppliers and IT providers can
tem. What sets the SM Platform apart from the smartphone
come together to establish new collaborative roles and business
and application “Apps” store platform offered by Apple and
models for the SM Platform and in particular the V-MDF and to
Google, is the real-time data management, modeling, and per-
work through considerable intellectual property and competition
formance metric apps that can be assembled into a workflow to
barriers to facilitate collaboration on pre-competitive infrastruc-
inform real-time management decisions. The content and open
architecture of the SM Platform will allow manufacturers to
In this regard, the SMLC has considered the design of the V-MDF
evaluate and assemble a combination of controls, models, and
to use workflow and services to seamlessly integrate:
KPIs into a system with the appropriate scope and degree of
rigor for their company, regardless of industry or organization
• Research with application functions size.
154 J. Davis et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 47 (2012) 145–156

Fig. 4. Applying the Smart Manufacturing Platform.

3.4. New technology R&D 2. There is considerable need for focusing education and train-
ing so that the science, engineering and operating practices for
Smart Manufacturing fundamentally depends on networked- Smart Manufacturing and the necessary skills and expectations
based information technology, modeling and simulation. In raising for the workforce are always in concert.
the level of abstraction, Smart Manufacturing is seen as a new 3. Monolithic static and real-time modeling structures need to be
enterprise operating model in which demand-dynamic economics, redesigned for shared infrastructures, requiring architectures
active performance-driven management, and broad-based innova- that are oriented toward plug and play modules, apps store-like
tion are achieved by using technology to distribute global business distribution models, competitive and pre-competitive manage-
and operating intelligence throughout the enterprise to the local ment and managed crowdsourcing development approaches.
point of decision. Greater operating complexity and resiliency 4. Software development and application architectures that
involve greater levels of automation, while greater strategic man- support easier, lower cost management and operational sus-
agement and innovation require a new, involved workforce making tainability are vital.
decisions that drive performance and objectives, and not tasks. Pre- 5. Richer, lower cost sensing and actuation technologies need to
dictive modeling and simulation are used to explicitly manage risk be combined with richer real-time analytics, fusion and inter-
and uncertainty (i.e. Christofides et al., 2007). pretation to build greater manufacturing intelligence.
This leads to a view of the manufacturing enterprise as a cyber 6. There is a need for tools and rapid evaluation procedures for
physical workforce system itself. With each task, process, company, assessing the ‘right’ rigor of a model for a particular objective
supplier and person as a node on an overall network, technology as well as the means to progress stepwise with model sophis-
needs to be researched, developed and constructed from a different tication, i.e. how to deploy the right model for the objective at
perspective than it is today. Examples in discussion or planning hand. Similarly there is a need to assess and adjust for the right
today by the SMLC include: time for data collection and computation to take appropriate
action, i.e. what is the right ‘real time’.
7. A fundamental research area is to examine the premise of layers
1. The long-term success of Smart Manufacturing depends on and how many are needed to span larger time scales vs. the
new economic, business, performance and collaboration mod- tradeoffs, advantages and boundaries of viability of multiple
els such that at any given time the economics carries phased layers based on existing technological approaches.
objectives forward. There is considerable need to research, 8. There is the question of whether it is possible to distribute and
develop, prototype, practice and build experience with new coordinate technological approaches spatially or in computa-
collaboration business models that can evolve in a coordi- tional scale while increasing time scale. These questions may
nated manner together with the development and application be associated not only with a computational strategy but also
of existing technology that gives way to new technologies. an organizational strategy.
J. Davis et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 47 (2012) 145–156 155

9. The question of distributing intelligence opens the door to con- and data are used throughout a manufacturing company, from
sider the balance point criteria of distributed management or business planning, to the production facility, to modeling and
automation relative to supervision or centralization. control, to improved work processes, all driven by empowering
10. The calculation and projection of global and local decision people with actionable information in real-time. The Platform
and/or action risk is a critical requirement. Recognizing this is uses untapped manufacturing intelligence, removes constraints
an operational dependent activity, there needs to be tools that in the decision process, and delivers information in the right
allow risk calculations to be implemented and tuned. context, at the right time, to the right user (whether a machine
11. Modeling, control, optimization and planning applications or person). This transformational approach can lead to new levels
must become integrated to an extent that they become indis- of business optimization as organizations become smarter about
tinct and at the same time they must be distributable for local the performance metrics and the way they collect information to
responsive actions but in the context of global impacts. measure optimal performance.
12. Modeling and simulation architectures need to be redesigned to The Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC) have
accommodate modern processor architectures allowing break- combined respective efforts and strengths to begin building the
throughs in higher fidelity, real-time modeling. V-SMH, the foundational construct for the V-SMH as an indus-
13. Computer process architectures themselves need to be try, university, and government collaboration that facilitates the
redesigned for assured real-time actions involved with greater necessary capabilities, processes and structures.
levels of active management and automation.
14. There is a need for new technologies and approaches that facil-
itate real-time synchronization, verification and validation of
enterprise data and models with the current state of the phys- Caminiti, S. (2011). Manufacturing intelligence (second quarter). NYSE Magazine.
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15. Human-centered dashboards and interfaces need to reflect new Wrapper., pp. 28–33.
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expectations for distributed decision-making. Manufacturing Executive Leadership Journal.
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(2007). Smart plant operations: Vision, progress and challenges. AIChE Journal,
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large industry-shared challenges that no single company, however National Economic Council (NEC). (2011). A strategy for American innovation, securing
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