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Anthill protocol

A security protocol for trespassing-free and optionally anonymous discord servers.

Discord and similar social media sites are known for their easy accessibility, simple
moderation, flexibility, and customization. In these areas, the platform is ideal for sensitive
groups and activism organizations to meet and organize. Discord though, lacks any form of
anonymity or security in it’s own existence. IP logging, federal infiltration of servers, private
trespassing of servers, raids, and leaks of private information are all either sure or possible
downsides of Discord. There is, though, a way to maintain privacy on this customizable
platform, that isn’t an intentional aspect of the site. I present what I call, The Anthill Protocol.

The anthill protocol is a protocol one can easily build into the construction of a new
Discord server, that prevents any form of unsolicited entry of a Discord user into a specific
server, and allows for total cutoff of a server from any visibility in the outside web. Anthill
protocol also optionally allows total anonymity of the “ants”, or server members, on their part.

The anthill protocol consists of three main parts.

1. A main server (the nest)

2. An entry server (assimilation area)
3. Anonymization of members (ant-status)

3. Let us start with the anonymization of members, an optional activity on the part of each
potential server member. Members are made identical and untraceable on the level of their
location and IP address (ant-status), by routing their internet through the Onion Network, either
by use of the TOR browser or the Tails operating system. Ants will make discord accounts
using private emails like protonmail or .onion mails, and will resort to VPN’s if the TOR browser
or Tails OS does not allow access to Discord. Ants will also remove private information from
their account if they see fit and not use their real name or such information in the server.

2. Now that these potential server members have ant status, or not if they choose (they can just
be regular Discord users security-wise), they are ready to access the server. The only
permissible public access to the protected server, in accordance with anthill protocol, is a link to
the entry server, made public by whatever means the server owner chooses. In the entry
server, moderators vet members to make sure they fit whatever requirements the main server
has. If and when a member of the entry server meets the criteria, a moderator will give them a
dying link to the main server. This means the link is modded to either die in a period of time or
after a certain number of uses. Undying links cannot be used since an intruder could leak them
and give open access to the main server. This link is referred to as the “hole” of the anthill, the
one point of access to the nest.

1. The nest is the main point of the server. Make sure if any roles are used in the server, that
only the moderators/administrators have the ability to create links, otherwise ants may create an
undying, leakable, link.

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