GMF Unit 1 SA Exam 2018

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Section A - Matrices

Question 1
There are two local cinemas in town, Hillage and Voyts, which sells tickets based on the age of the
customer: Children (C), Student (S), Adult (A) and Senior (R). The cost matrix P lists the prices of these
tickets, in dollars, from each cinema.
𝐻𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑒 15 18.5 R 22 12
𝑃= [ ]
𝑉𝑜𝑦𝑡𝑠 16 17.5 21.5 13

a. What is the order of matrix P?

1 mark
b. Describe the meaning of element P2,3 in the context of movie tickets.

1 mark

A large group wants to organise an outing. The number of tickets of each type they need to buy is listed in
the quantity matrix Q.

𝐶 2
𝑄 = 𝑆 [5 ]
𝐴 5
𝑅 3
c. Evaluate the matrix 𝑊 = 𝑃𝑄.

1 mark

d. At which cinema will the total cost of the tickets be lower?

1 mark

e. Explain why the matrix product 𝑄𝑃 does not exist.

1 mark
Total 5 marks

Question 2
At the market one day, Peter buys two apples and three avocados at a cost of $13.20. Jenny buys four
apples and one avocado for $8.40. Let a represent the cost of an apple and v represent the cost of an

Peter and Jenny’s purchases can be represented by the following set of simultaneous equations.

2𝑎 + 3𝑣 = 13.20
4𝑎 + 𝑣 = 8.40

a. Represent the two simultaneous equations as a matrix equation.

1 mark
Another couple also buy some apples and avocados at the same market. Their purchases have been used
to construct the matrix equation shown below.

𝐴×𝑋 =𝐶
3 2 𝑎 10.80
[ ]×[ ]=[ ]
1 3 𝑣 12.00
b. Find the inverse of matrix A.

1 mark

c. Write a matrix expression equal to matrix X (the solution equation).

1 mark

d. Find the cost of purchasing an apple.

1 mark
Total 4 marks
Question 3
In a swimming competition, 5 points are awarded for first place (F), 3 for second (S), 2 for third (T) and 1
point for unplaced result (N). The table below shows the top competitors’ results.
Name No. of races First placings (F) Second placings (S) Third placings (T)
competed in
Anh (A) 6 2 - 2
Betty (B) 4 4 - -
Celine (C) 5 3 2 -
Dana (D) 6 1 3 2
Eleanor (E) 6 2 3 -

a. Complete the matrix R below, showing the results of the top competitors.
𝐸[ ]
1 mark

b. Represent the points awarded in a column matrix P.

1 mark
Let matrix 𝑺 = 𝑹𝑷
c. Write the expected order of matrix S

1 mark
d. Evaluate matrix S

1 mark

e. Explain the meaning of element S3,1



1 mark
f. State who won the competition and their total number of points

1 mark

Total 6 marks

Section B – Graphs and Networks
Question 1
Underneath the city of Meereen is a series of tunnels. These function as the city’s water waste system,
channelling water and waste products into the ocean. In recent times it has been used by rebels to sneak
around the city unnoticed, showing a need for the palace guard to extend their patrols underground.
The locations of entrances and the distances of the tunnels (in metres) is shown in the network diagram

39 78
44 73 27
31 28
Palace A
E 62
50 33
40 Ocean outlet
G 23
a. A person wishes to travel from entrance A to entrance D via the tunnels. What is the shortest
distance between these two locations?

1 mark

b. Use Euler’s rule to verify that the Meereen tunnel network is a connected planar graph.

1 mark

c. A guard from the palace has been instructed to inspect each of the tunnels exactly once and finish
their inspection back at the palace. Explain why this is not possible.

1 mark

d. Identify the location that the guard’s inspection would end if they started at the Palace and
inspected each tunnel.

1 mark

e. The guard from the palace inspects every tunnel once and then travels back to the palace via the
shortest route. What was the total distance of the journey?

1 marks

Total 5 marks

Question 2
As the network is now regularly inspected by the palace guards, the rebels in Meereen want to install a
warning system so they know when someone has accessed the tunnels. This requires a switch at each
entrance connected by cables.

a. Draw over the network below to construct a minimum spanning tree that connects each of the

39 78
44 73 27
31 28
Palace A
E 62
27 33
40 Ocean
G 23
1 mark

b. State the shortest length of cable required.

1 mark

One of the rebels is tasked with dropping off the switches at each entrance, to later be installed by another
member of the team.

c. Give an example of a path that passes through each vertex exactly once starting at entrance A.


Given the large amount of excrement that travels along the tunnel from the Palace to the Ocean Outlet,
the rebels decide that they won’t lay the cable through it.

d. What is the name given to an edge (or tunnel) that if removed leaves the graph disconnected?

1 mark

e. How much more cable is required for the minimum spanning tree if the tunnel from the Palace to
the Ocean Outlet is excluded?

1 mark

Total 5 marks

Question 3
The network diagram shown represents the sharing of intel between four neighbouring cities.

Volantis (V)

Astapor (A) Meereen (M)

Yunkai (Y)

a. Which cities can receive intel directly from Meereen?

1 mark

b. Using the template below, complete the one-step communication matrix for the network diagram
𝐶 = 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑀 [ ]
1 mark

c. Calculate the two-step communication matrix.

𝐶2 = 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑀 [ ]
1 mark

d. What does element 𝑪𝟐 3 2 represent?

1 mark

f. Calculate a matrix showing the one and two-step communications for the network diagram above.

1 mark

Total 5 marks

Section C – Linear Graphs and Relations
Question 1
When Sarah bought her new ipod back in 2007 she immediately stored 1000 songs from her own collection
onto the ipod. During the next week she added 70 new songs that she downloaded. She continued to do
this each succeeding week.

a. Complete the table below to show the number of songs stored on her ipod at the end of each of
the first five weeks.

Week number (n) 0 1 2 3 4 5

Number of songs (S) 1000

1 mark

b. How many songs will she have stored on her ipod after 10 weeks.

1 mark

c. Write an expression for 𝑆, the number of songs stored on her ipod after n weeks.

1 mark

Total 3 marks

Question 2
A line has the equation 3𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 5

a. State the slope of this line

1 mark
b. State the x-intercept of this line as a coordinate

1 mark

Total 2 marks

Question 3
A hire company charges $60 per day plus 75 cents per kilometre for the hire of a car.

a. Construct a formula relating cost, ($ C ), to the distance travelled, ( d km ) if the car travels a
maximum of 250 kilometres for the day. Be sure to include the domain in your response.

2 marks

b. Sketch the graph of C against d.

2 marks

c. Find the total cost if a distance of 150 km was to be travelled in one day.

1 mark
Total 5 marks

Question 4
In one particular week, Hayley began with 50 litres of fuel in the tank of her car. After she had travelled
160 km there were 30 litres of fuel left in the tank of her car. The amount of fuel remaining in the tank of
Hayley’s car followed a linear trend as shown in the graph below.

a. Determine the equation of the line in the graph above, including the domain.

3 mark

b. Determine how much fuel Hayley had left in the tank after she travelled 40 kilometres

1 mark

c. Determine home much further Hayley could travel on this tank of fuel (eg. fuel=0) if it continues to
be used at the same rate.

1 mark

Total 5 marks

Question 5
Morgan owns a juice and Smoothie business. On one week, Morgan bought 12 kg of bananas and 20 kg of
apples for $112. On another week Morgan paid $86.50 for 10 kg of bananas and 15 kg of apples.

a. Using b for the cost of one kg of bananas and a for the cost of one kg of apples, write down two
linear equations that can be solved simultaneously.

2 marks

b. Find the cost of one kg of bananas and one kg of apples.

1 mark

c. Calculate the cost of buying 9kg of bananas and 18 kg of apples.

1 mark

d. This week Morgan spent a total of $61 on bananas and apples, $20 of which was on bananas, how
many kilograms of apples did he buy?

1 mark

Total 5 marks


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