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Question 26: C. aware of: nhận thức

A. anxious about: lo lắng
B. alert to: cảnh giác
D. forgetful (adj): mau quên
Question 27: D. who  people
Question 28: A. other + N số nhiều: những người khác
B. another + noun số ít: 1 người khác
C. every + noun số ít: mỗi
D. one + noun số ít
Question 29: A. inconsiderate (a): không ý tứ
B. insignificant (a): không đáng kể
C. inflexible (a): không linh hoạt
D. inattentive (a): không chú ý
Question 30: B. However: Tuy nhiên
A. Therefore Vì vậy
C. Moreover Hơn nữa
D. Otherwise Nếu không thì
Question 1: generously : adv + V
Question 2: effective : be + adj
Question 3: variety : a + N
Question 4: advancements : adj + N
Question 5: investments : adj + N
Question 6: athlete : an + N
Question 7: broaden : help + O + (to) Vo
Question 8: resignation : prep + N
Question 9: mysteriously : V + adv
Question 10: energize : will + Vo
Question 11: dependable : adj + N
Question 12: predetermined : be + V3

Question 1: generously : adv + V
Question 2: effective : be + adj
Question 3: variety : a + N
Question 4: advancements : adj + N
Question 5: investments : adj + N
Question 6: Construction : Thiếu S -> cần Noun
Question 7: widened : Thiếu V
Question 8: enthusiasm : adj + N
Question 9: abundantly : be + adv + adj
Question 10: achieve : ACHIEVEMENT
Question 11: responsive: be + adj
responsive + to (a): phản ứng nhanh
responsible + for (a): chịu trách nhiệm
Question 12: continuous: (đánh giá liên tục)

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