Supernatural Tranformation of The Heart

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Supernatural Transformation of the heart HOP Teaching


Guard your heart above all else,
for it determines the course of your life. (Proverbs 4:23 NLT)

INTRODUCTION: If you learn to deal with • Stoicism. “Feelings aren’t

your emotions, you will have a huge important”, what matters is the
advantage over the rest of the people, intellect and the will.
most people don’t know how to do it.
There are sick people for not knowing Don’t go to extremes. If you make the
how to handle their emotions. What intellect your God or the emotions, then
comes out of you when you’re under God can’t be your God.
pressure? What comes out of you when
the sadness, anger etc., overwhelms you 3. WHY SHOULD YOU LEARN TO
for some difficult situation? When life MANAGE YOUR EMOTIONS? (1 Peter
shakes us, what comes out of us? All of 4:2)
the people have different emotions, some • To not be manipulated. (Prov.
look sad, others are happy, but many use 25:28) If you just get carried away by
a mask and the true feelings come out your feelings you can be manipulated
when they’re under pressure of life. by other people, friends, alcohol,
Because of that, it’s important to drugs, sex, etc. The favorite tool that
maintain a healthy heart because this the devil uses to hit you are the
determines the course of our life. negative emotions, using the fear,
resentment, jealousy, envy,
1. WHAT SHOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT bitterness, worry, and shame. (1 Peter
• Understand that God has • To please God. (Rom. 6:8)
emotions. God also has emotions: • To succeed in life. Did you know
anger, sadness, etc. something that can determine the
• Our ability to feel is a gift from success or failure in life is emotional
God. (Gen. 1:26) maturity? Someone who is very
sensitive, easily gets angry, gets
• Our emotions are a little bit
discouraged, or they resent, will not
reliable. (Prov. 14:12)
succeed spiritually, family,
• Emotions are produced by the brain,
ministerial, etc. in nowhere. In a job
but the heart is used to illustrate it.
before hiring someone, they’re not
• There are healthy hearts and sick only focusing on the intellect but in
hearts. How is your heart? the emotional intelligence because if
they are very emotionalists, they
2. TWO EXTREMES YOU MUST AVOID: know that by any problem they will
• Emotionalism. “Everything that miss work. (Prov. 5:23) How many
matters is what I feel.” They act upon people do you know that they have
according to what they feel, no matter ruined their lives for lack of control?
if they’re correct or not, or if it pleases
God or not.

Águilas Centro Familiar Cristiano

Supernatural Transformation of the heart HOP Teaching

4. HOW TO MANAGE A FEELING NOT negative and not hurt others with
DESIRED? your words.
• Give it a name. Identify what you
are feeling, sometimes it’s not easy to • Every day make the Word of
identify, you just feel that you have God your word. (Psalm 119:11)
lost peace. (Psalm 55:2)
Ask yourself: What do I really feel?
CONCLUSION: Ask the Holy Spirit to
• Discern and challenge. Don’t produce its fruit in you so that when
accept emotions just like that. you’re under pressure, that’s what
Think: Do they come from God or do comes out. Don’t let negative emotions
they come from the devil? make you bitter. It’s necessary that over
everything, guard your heart, (soul) to
Is it true what am I feeling? Is it
helping or hurting me? succeed in your life.

• Control it and change. Control

and change the negative emotion. SALVATION PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I
There are emotions so destructive recognize that I have sinned and that
and harmful that need to change. you died for me. Today I repent and ask
What would Jesus do? Would Jesus for forgiveness. I give you my life and
yell at my wife/husband? my heart so you can be my Lord and
Channel what you are feeling. Is my personal Savior, amen.
anger or sadness going to get what I
Getting angry is not a sin, the sin is INTERACTIVE QUESTIONS:
what you do with the anger. If you • What comes out of you when you’re
have the ability to get angry, it’s under pressure?
because God also gets angry over so • Are you letting your emotions control
much evil. Don’t let the negative your life?
emotions make you bitter and harm • Are your emotions predicting success
your heart. or failure in your future?


NEGATIVE EMOTIONS THAT YOU • Ask God every day to produce His
CAN’T CHANGE? fruits in your life
• Every time you feel uncontrolled with
• Every day ask God to fill you up
your emotions, talk to your leader or
with His Holy Spirit. (Gal. 5:22-
23) mentor so they could pray for you and
at the same time, open your heart and
• Ask God to control your you will feel peace.
tongue. (Prov. 10:19) To not speak

Águilas Centro Familiar Cristiano

Supernatural Transformation of the heart HOP Teaching


Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12 NIV)

INTRODUCTION : addiction", "I can’t graduate from

Disappointment brings about different college," etc. Disappointment steals
emotions and feelings of hopelessness. your faith. But when faith is there, you
Hope that is not fulfilled converts into say, “I can do all things through Christ
torment for the person and heart, this who strengthens me."
can bring on emotional and physical • So that we do not fulfill God's
illnesses. Disappointments sicken the purpose for our lives. His strategy
heart. Immature Christians don’t know is to distract, weary and make you
how to handle disappointments, though irrelevant in this world. He wants you to
we’re all going to experience become conformed. The devil knows
disappointments in life. that we are a threat to him and that’s
why he wants us to live in
1. WHAT IS DISAPPOINTMENT? It’s loss disappointment. We need to step in
of hope, desire and of illusions. It's front of disappointment say: "I’m
disillusion and deception. It’s feelings one
not going to let you steal my purpose."
has when expectations for something or
someone are not met. A feeling of
sadness when someone has violated the 3. CONSEQUENCES OF DISAPPOINTMENT:
trust you gave them, etc. • Disappointments cause
2. PURPOSE OF DESILUSIONS: • You no longer want to fight for your
(Ephesians 6:16 NIV) Fire causes chaos. marriage. You don't have the energy
The devil wants to burn down our lives by to study, etc.
sending arrows of fire. One of those • They open doors to the spirit of
arrows is disappointments. People are death, bitterness, depression, chronic
going to fail you, stumbling blocks are sadness, suicide, etc.
unavoidable. The enemy wants you to be • It kills our faith and steals our
emotionally unstable. Why does the expectations. You will have no
devil send those arrows? vision or dreams. You had come with
• He wants to wear down our so much illusion, with so many
strength and steal our faith. He dreams and then you get disillusioned
wants to steal the supernatural so that and you lose all of that: "To serve the
we stay in the natural. Ex: In the church, no. Win souls, no." One has no
natural, you say: "This marriage is strength to serve, or to pray.
not going to work anymore”, “I'm not • Fall ill in mind and heart. The
going to be able to overcome this mind gets closed off and panic comes

Eagles Christian Family Center

Supernatural Transformation of the heart HOP Teaching

into their lives, they forget Jeremiah • We must break free and close
29:11. They give place to depression, the doors to unclean spirits.
which then brings deep sadness, (James 4:7).
sorrow, lack of strength to go on. They • Affirm yourself in the goodness
feel like the world closes in on them of God. (Psalm 27:9-13) Your
and their mind. They see everything foundation should be in the true love of
negatively, they lose the vision, the God and in His goodness. How could
devil steals their dreams. Because one we blame God for things that happen
person failed them, they think others to us? We can’t blame God for those
will also fail them. They auto- that have done us wrong. Even
condition themselves to die. They though there are people who have
start entering a mode of destruction. disappointed you, God has never left
you, nor failed you. He’s never done
anything wrong to you. He always has
• Discover the root of your good plans for you.
disappointment. (John 8:32 NIV).
Why do you feel disappointed? What CONCLUSION: Every circumstance and
unrealistic expectations have you problem has an expiration date, but if you
placed on people? Did you lose an let disappointment nest in your heart, it will
important friend? Did your spouse rob you of your dreams and God's purpose.
disappoint you? Did you lose a job or You must resist the devil. Jesus came to give
a scholarship? Did the church you, life in abundance and to tell you not to
disappoint you? You must face the fear, rather trust in Him, for He has already
truth. overcome the world.
• Repent of the unreal
SAVING PRAYER: Lord Jesus I recognize
expectations you had. You can’t
that I have sinned and that you died for me.
put false expectations on anyone,
Today I repent and ask for forgiveness. I
because no one will fill your needs. give you my life and my heart so that you
Only God can fill the empty spaces in may be my Lord and personal Savior, amen.
your heart. Your spouse is not God.
Your identity must be based on God, INTERACTIVE QUESTIONS:
(Psalm 23:1) otherwise, you’ll live
How have disappointments affected you?
frustrated all your life. You’ll have
Have you put unrealistic expectations on
fires in your house all the time. The
anyone? Have you let the devil steal your
church isn’t perfect, the people at
church aren’t perfect. Sometimes
people think the church is Welfare
and when they don't receive the help PRACTICE APPLICATION:
• Pray and follow the steps to overcome
they want, they get disappointed.

Eagles Christian Family Center

Supernatural Transformation of the heart HOP Teaching

Eagles Christian Family Center

Supernatural Transformation of the heart HOP Teaching


Now His betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the One; seize Him.”
(Matthew 26:48 NKJV)

INTRODUCTION: Just as it happened with (Ephesians 6:12) We must be aware of

Judas the traitor, in betrayals there are it. We must be careful to not be betrayed,
kisses, hugs and greetings. People who are but also to not betray another. May God
closest to a person are the ones who give us discernment in this spiritual fight.
sometimes betray. The deepest wounds of
the heart and most difficult to heal are 2. THE PURPOSE OF BETRAYALS:
betrayals, so the enemy wants to use • To destroy both the betrayed and
betrayals to destroy us. the betrayer. Who gets hurt in an
infidelity? Both parties do. In church,
1. WHAT IS BETRAYAL? (Matthew 26:21,23) who is harmed, the leader or the disciple?
• Acting covertly, rebellion, wickedness, The end purpose is to destroy both
transgression and infidelity. To deliver sides. Betrayal sow’s iniquity in the heart
someone into the hands of another, and causes loss of communion with God.
especially in the hands of their enemies. One can be destroyed by a bitter heart,
• Betrayal is the most painful for the heart making the person lose their purpose and
to experience, as it leaves deep wounds. calling. It fills the heart with bitterness so
Betrayal is almost always done by people that one wants to abandon everything.
closest to us. This happened to our Lord • To stop and prevent us from
Jesus. Judas was someone who ate with fulfilling God's call and purpose in
Him, even from the same plate. It may our lives. The devil wants to stop you
happen with someone you’ve opened the and is going to use anything to do it,
doors of your house to, your discipleship, because he doesn't want you to advance.
etc. Child abuse almost always occurs by If you entertain the feelings of betrayal,
people who are close and who’ve been then you will feel discouraged and you
given the trust to enter the home. won’t advance in your purpose. The
Stepfathers, uncles, etc. Adulteries occur enemy achieved this with Judas. If we
with people you’ve given access to; best entertain those thoughts, we will feel
friend, etc. In ministry, with people disappointed and be tempted to leave our
you’ve empowered, and they failed. calling and family, business or
• Judas walked with Jesus, but Judas ministerial dreams.
didn’t feel part of Jesus' • To destroy those around you. What
discipleship. There are people in the is the condition of a family after a
church, but don't feel part of it. Not suicide? The devil not only wants to
everyone touched by Jesus is destroy the betrayed and the betrayer,
transformed by Jesus. but also the whole family. Everyone is
• The wounds that hurt most are those affected in an infidelity: children, in-
from the ones that have kissed you, from laws. Families are hurt and friendships
the one who promised to be faithful at the are lost. If it's in the church, he wants to
altar, in business, someone who gave you destroy the church and it makes it worse
their word and failed to keep it, those that if it was a leader who betrayed. The devil
are closest to you in your discipleship, knows that you carry something from
etc. God and wants to destroy your family,
• Remember that we are in a spiritual calling, health and your finances with a
warfare, we can’t see it, but it is real. betrayal.

Eagles Christian Family Center

Supernatural Transformation of the heart HOP Teaching

• To mature our character. Jesus was become stagnant. The devil wants to stop
betrayed and something good came out you, if you don't forgive you separate
of it. You have the choice to be bitter, yourself from God and the enemy wins.
mature or improve. You must let go of the load, let it go. Only
by forgiving those who betray us, as Jesus
did, can we disarm the enemy's plans.
Samuel 18:9) Absalom betrayed his father
and got left hanging between heaven and
earth. CONCLUSION: Maybe you feel horrible
• It’s easier for an animal to receive the because of a betrayal, because someone
blessing than the betrayer. (The mule close to you hurt you. But cast your burden
kept going, but he got left hanging) upon the Lord. Keep living right. Forgive
• He could not receive heavens blessings, those who have betrayed you. Don't fall on
(they don’t fulfill their purpose) or enjoy
their same path, so they won't betray you
God's blessings on earth. They don't
prosper. The same happened to Judas again, but forgive him. Even though
when he hung himself. someone has failed you, God has never
• Betrayal produces something betrayed you. He loves us and He's good. Do
momentary. Judas received money. The not lose the vision of God, don’t stop serving
unfaithful receives momentary pleasure, Him. Place your burden on the Lord, He is
but they end up in misery and in death, the one who will give you the strength to
like Judas. Sooner than later the truth continue.
comes out and destroys them. Judas had
that money for a very short time.
SAVING PRAYER: Lord Jesus I recognize
• Another example is Korah. (Num. 16:32)
They were swallowed up by the that I have sinned and that you died for me.
earth. Betrayers don’t have a good Today I repent and ask for forgiveness. I
ending, unless they repent, then they will give you my life and my heart so that you
obtain God's mercy. Peter betrayed may be my Lord and personal Savior, amen.
Jesus, but he repented, unlike Judas who
did not repent and only had remorse and INTERACTIVE QUESTIONS:
remorse kills. (Matthew 27:5) • What have you been tempted to abandon
or that you have abandoned because of
• Maintain focus on your life • Have you been betrayed by someone
mission. Don't waste your energy on the close? Have you forgiven?
ones who betrayed you. Use your energy • What did you learn after the betrayal?
on your purpose.
• Let them go. Don't try to convince PRACTICE APPLICATION:
someone who doesn't want to grow or • If perhaps there are people hurt by
change, don't obligate them. If someone betrayal, pray to God that He will heal
isn’t interested in what you’re interested them and fill them again with His love.
in, let them go. Don't try to convince • Confess forgiveness aloud towards the
someone who doesn't want to mature or person who betrayed you so that you can
grow up, let them go. be free.
• Practice forgiveness as a lifestyle.
You can't remain hurt or with the pain in
your heart. If you don't forgive, you'll

Eagles Christian Family Center

Supernatural Transformation of the heart HOP Teaching

Eagles Christian Family Center

Supernatural Transformation of the heart HOP Teaching


But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.
The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but
the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV)

ILLUSTRATION: God looks at the heart. In • Suicidal thoughts.

the natural, the heart pumps blood to the • Agree with demonic spirits.
rest of the body, but spiritually, the heart is • It contaminates your heart and you
one’s true self, my identity, it facilitates start watering bitterness, speaking
intimacy with God. I cannot relate to Him
words of contamination; "There is no
without the heart, there can be no intimacy.
There is no success without the heart, love in the church”
because the condition of your heart is the • You conform and become stagnant.
condition of your life. • You go back to your old lifestyle.
• You enter a state of spiritual dryness.
INTRODUCTION: Your heart must be • You become religious.
continually transformed. You can't have an • You become irrelevant.
intimate relationship with God with a
• You become a slave to the enemy.
wounded heart. Jesus came to bring
salvation, to save those who were lost, and • You will never know God's will for
then he came to heal the brokenhearted so your life.
that he could connect them with the Father. • You'll repeat cycles. Ex: Every 4
There are many people and even Christians months enter depression.
who at different stages of their lives were • The world will become your owner.
wounded in their hearts. They come to • You can't sustain blessings.
church, serve God, but they are sad,
• You won’t arrive at your destination.
discouraged, bitter, they hide their pain and
wounds of the past, because we are experts • You'll die spiritually.
in the church in controlling pain. When • Your health is affected.
wounds are not healed, they cause
bitterness. They come to church with a mask 2. WHAT IS TRANSFORMATION? (Rom.
on but they're bleeding from their 12:1-2)
heart. Time doesn’t heal wounds, only Jesus • Transformation: Composed of the
and the Holy Spirit can heal them. Every word "Metamorphosis", Meta:
wound that does not heal will prevent you
Change. Morfo: Another Shape.
from loving Your Heavenly Father.
Metamorphosis: Converting into
another form, in the image and
likeness of Jesus Christ.
Transformation: Transit and
WILL HAPPEN: movement. Without movement,
• A root of bitterness. there is no change nor
• Judgement of bitterness. (You will transformation.
always become what you judge) • When you stop changing, you become
• Secret oaths. "I will never trust religious. Religious people don’t see
another man or leader" the need for change, they conform.
• Bitterness becomes a stronghold that They don’t go far and always live with
will affect your behavior. the same ‘old wine’ mentality. God is

Eagles Christian Family Center

Supernatural Transformation of the heart HOP Teaching

a God of the new, always in motion, • Change your spiritual diet. Stop
always in transition. searching the internet for messages
• The purpose of transformation is the etc., seek the solid food of God's
change of heart. If your heart Word.
changes, your life changes. The origin • You need a breakthrough of your
of transformation is the heart. environment.
• Transformation is the process of • The Ministry of Internal Healing and
maturity that leads us to be more like Liberation. If the heart is healed, in
Christ. that moment the spirits leave, they
have no legal right to be there.
3. WHY BE TRANSFORMED? • The Presence of God.
• Because Christ wants his bride, his • A Supernatural Encounter of His
wife: clean, without spot, without Presence. (2 Corinthians 3:18.)
wrinkle, He wants a transformed and
changed church. CONCLUSION: For the transformation to
• If you are changed, you are at the occur and for change to take place in the
center of God's will. heart, you must take responsibility. Go to
• When you see someone with a healthy the cross and take responsibility. If you
heart, that person is an expression of don't do it, you're going to be blaming
God here on earth, impacting their others. Take those wounds to the cross and
be healed by Jesus' sacrifice. If you don’t do
city. Man’s heart is the place of rest of it, God will allow the pain in your life,
God's presence. For His presence and because He is giving you the opportunity to
glory to tangibly manifest, it needs an change. If you don’t want to do it, then there
expression and a habitation. God will be consequences.
wants you to be a carrier of His
presence and of His glory, so SAVING PRAYER: Lord Jesus I recognize
wherever you go, lives may be that I have sinned and that you died for me.
changed. In the old testament they Today I repent and ask for forgiveness. I
carried the Presence in an ark, now give you my life and my heart so that you
we carry it in our hearts. may be my Lord and personal Savior, amen.


TRANSFORMATION? Is your heart healthy or sick?
• Start with the continual renewal of Are you an expression of God's love or of
your mind. bitterness? Have you felt stagnant in your
• The finished work on the cross. Go to life?
the cross, there He nailed every
wound, every harsh word on your life. PRACTICE APPLICATION:
He suffered your pain and was Do a self-analysis to see if there are
mistreated for you. (Isaiah 53:4-5) characteristics of an untransformed person,
• Dying to SELF continually changes the if so, start taking action through the means of
heart. transformation that we learned.

Eagles Christian Family Center

Supernatural Transformation of the heart HOP Teaching

Eagles Christian Family Center

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