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A exercise

2. The plant hasn't grown nearly as fast

as she expected.
3. He wasn't strong enough to control
the horse.
4. A kilogram of iron isn't heavier than a
kilogram of feathers.
5. Sales have been marginally good
since June.
6. The harder the rain fell, the more
difficult the game became.

B exercise
Last year I went to Glastonbury Festival
of Performing Arts. It was a real eye-
opener. The festival takes place in a
remote valley and after you come off the
motorway the roads get smaller and
smaller. The closer you get to the site
the more cars full of festival-goers you
see. Everyone is so excited just to be
there. Then when you finally get into a
car park you have to
get through the gates and find a place to
camp. This is considerably harder than it
sounds, because you’re basically going
hill-climbing whilst carrying a tent and
bedding and clothes and all your food
and drink for the next five days.
The site is far bigger than any other
festival I’ve ever been to. As you sit by
your tent on the first night, these huge
cheers roll towards you across the valley
and get louder and louder until they’re
all around you and it’s your turn to cheer.
Tickets are slightly more expensive than
other festivals but, when you consider
that there are not nearly as many acts
and installations and nowhere near as
many people at other festivals,
Glastonbury is by miles the greatest
party on the planet.

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