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8/25/2021 Quiz Unit 2: Revisión del intento

Página Principal Mis cursos 564I4/51296/21V04/B1/IDIOV/INGVI Unit 2 Quiz Unit 2

Comenzado el martes, 24 de agosto de 2021, 19:18

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en martes, 24 de agosto de 2021, 19:39
Tiempo 20 minutos 43 segundos
Puntos 12.00/15.00
Calificación 4.00 de 5.00 (80%)

Pregunta 1

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the text and choose the right answer.

Chef lost 101 pounds. Chef Alexandra McMuffin appeared on the morning program to discuss how she lost eighty
pounds since last year while eating pizza every day. The Chef is one of the most recognized ones in our country,
she said his weight increased to more than one hundred and seventy pounds after she moved from New Zealand
to England six years ago and started bingeing on junk food, soda and fried foods. She had trouble playing with her
children, and her doctor said she was at risk for a heart attack. That’s when McMuffin decided to implement the
most modern diet plan of all time: She made her own pizza dough using only flour, sea salt, water and yeast and
topped the pie with tomato sauce, mozzarella and basil. She calculated calories so each pizza has fewer than 600.
Also, McMuffin combined the pizza diet with other health eating habits, for example, multigrain cereal with fruit for
breakfast. On the other hand, for dinners she used to prepare salads, seafood and wine. She also started taking
kickboxing classes. She didn’t take any diet pills or magic powder. Her medicine was fresh food. Her addiction to
junk food is over, she only likes pizza now.

How did Chef McMuffin gain weight? 

Seleccione una:
a. She gained weight by eating pizza she prepared.
b. She prepared food with more than 600 calories.
c. She binged on junk food. 1/9
8/25/2021 Quiz Unit 2: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the text and choose the right answer.

Chef lost 101 pounds. Chef Alexandra McMuffin appeared on the morning program to discuss how she lost eighty
pounds since last year while eating pizza every day. The Chef is one of the most recognized ones in our country,
she said his weight increased to more than one hundred and seventy pounds after she moved from New Zealand
to England six years ago and started bingeing on junk food, soda and fried foods. She had trouble playing with her
children, and her doctor said she was at risk for a heart attack. That’s when McMuffin decided to implement the
most modern diet plan of all time: She made her own pizza dough using only flour, sea salt, water and yeast and
topped the pie with tomato sauce, mozzarella and basil. She calculated calories so each pizza has fewer than 600.
Also, McMuffin combined the pizza diet with other health eating habits, for example, multigrain cereal with fruit for
breakfast. On the other hand, for dinners she used to prepare salads, seafood and wine. She also started taking
kickboxing classes. She didn’t take any diet pills or magic powder. Her medicine was fresh food. Her addiction to
junk food is over, she only likes pizza now.

What did she use to prepare to lose weight? 

Seleccione una:
a. She implemented the hamburguer diet and drank magic powder.
b. She used to prepare junk food and take magic pills.
c. She started preparing her own food and pizza with lower calories.

Pregunta 3

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the text and choose the right answer.

Chef lost 101 pounds. Chef Alexandra McMuffin appeared on the morning program to discuss how she lost eighty
pounds since last year while eating pizza every day. The Chef is one of the most recognized ones in our country,
she said his weight increased to more than one hundred and seventy pounds after she moved from New Zealand
to England six years ago and started bingeing on junk food, soda and fried foods. She had trouble playing with her
children, and her doctor said she was at risk for a heart attack. That’s when McMuffin decided to implement the
most modern diet plan of all time: She made her own pizza dough using only flour, sea salt, water and yeast and
topped the pie with tomato sauce, mozzarella and basil. She calculated calories so each pizza has fewer than 600.
Also, McMuffin combined the pizza diet with other health eating habits, for example, multigrain cereal with fruit for
breakfast. On the other hand, for dinners she used to prepare salads, seafood and wine. She also started taking
kickboxing classes. She didn’t take any diet pills or magic powder. Her medicine was fresh food. Her addiction to
junk food is over, she only likes pizza now.

According to Chef McMuffin what was her medicine?

Seleccione una:
a. Eating fresh food.
b. Her addiction to pizza.
c. She took diet pills and a magic powder. 2/9
8/25/2021 Quiz Unit 2: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to these people talking and choose the answers according to the questions below.

0:00 / 0:44

What happened on wednesday morning?

Seleccione una:
a. She saw the weather forecast and went to the train station.
b. She saw the sky and thought it was going to rain
c. She saw the newspaper and saw there was a flood.

Pregunta 5

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to these people talking and choose the answers according to the questions below.

0:00 / 0:44

How long did she stay at the station?

Seleccione una:
a. The morning and afternoon.
b. The afternoon and evening.
c. The whole day and night.

Pregunta 6

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to these people talking and choose the answers according to the questions below.

0:00 / 0:44

 What did she eat during that time?

Seleccione una:
a. She ate a sandwich.
b. She ate a pizza.
c. She ate some fruit. 3/9
8/25/2021 Quiz Unit 2: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 7

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Select the appropriate verb in the simple past to complete the following sentences.
_____ you see Fidel's new apartment yesterday?

Seleccione una:
a. were
b. did
c. does

Pregunta 8

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the right option from the regular or irregular verbs form of the list.



Seleccione una:
a. irregular
b. regular 4/9
8/25/2021 Quiz Unit 2: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 9

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Select the appropriate verb in the simple past to complete the following sentences.

My brother ______ a giraffe at the zoo. She was excited.

Seleccione una:
a. saw
b. sees
c. seen

Pregunta 10

Puntúa 0.00 sobre 1.00

Select the appropriate verb in the simple past to complete the following sentences.

Sorry, I ________ hear you knocking at the door.

Seleccione una:
a. didn't
b. wasn't
c. am not

Pregunta 11

Puntúa 0.00 sobre 1.00

 Listen and choose the answers according to the questions below.


0:00 / 1:04

Why did he go back to the city?

Seleccione una:
a. Because he was sick and couldn’t work.
b. Because he had the acceptance letter from the university.
c. Because he had another job where he could check his cell phone. 5/9
8/25/2021 Quiz Unit 2: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 12

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the appropriate verb form.

She ________ too softly and the baby ________ asleep.

Seleccione una:
a. spoke / fell
b. spoken / fallen
c. speak/ fall

Pregunta 13

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Fill in the blanks with the time expressions to complete the text.

I visited Boston several years _______

Seleccione una:
a. in
b. last
c. ago
d. yesterday

Pregunta 14

Puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the appropriate verb form.

 When we were at the table we heard everything she ___________ .

Seleccione una:
a. say
b. says
c. said 6/9
8/25/2021 Quiz Unit 2: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 15

Puntúa 0.00 sobre 1.00

Fill in the blanks with the time expressions to complete the text.

Susan finished elementary school ______ 2019.

Seleccione una:
a. last
b. in
c. ago
d. yesterday

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8/25/2021 Quiz Unit 2: Revisión del intento

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