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Remedial Worksheets

I. Underline the verb in parentheses that makes the sentence correct.

1.) Unknowingly, people (don’t, doesn’t) care about the technology around them.
2.) They (are, is) interested only on how technology can make life easier.
3.) Every gadget or device (has, have) a chip that operates it but we are not aware of its presence.
4.) No one (is, are) going to tell you their purpose.
5.) The new computers (have, has) been restyled to suit the home and the office.
6.) Today, a Wi-Fi network (help, helps) connect your laptop to the Internet.
7.) Digital Camcorders (allow, allows) you to edit home videos on the computer.
8.) Conditions (is, are) now in place to make nano technology a real science.
9.) A number of people (prefer, prefers) to use licensed operating system in their computers.
10.) New chips (continue, continues) to turn up in all sorts of objects. We’ll never get to the end of

II. Encircle the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject of each sentence.
1.) The advice you gave me (is, are) effective.
2.) Butter (melts, melt) fast in the heat.
3.) The value of the knowledge imparted by our parents (is, are) beyond measure.
4.) Smoke (billows, billow) from the bonfire.
5.) Water (flows, flow) abundantly from the newly discovered spring.
6.) The information about the latest in computer technology (is, are) surely helpful.
7.) Milk (makes, make) our bones strong.
8.) Oxygen (keeps, keep) humans alive.
9.) Too much meat in our diet (causes, cause) our cholesterol level to rise.
10.) Spaghetti (is, are) our favorite Sunday meal.

III. Underline the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject in each sentence.
1.) The school president noticed that a number of students (have, has) joined the rally.
2.) The number of people joining the lottery (increase, increases) every year.
3.) A number of discoveries and inventions in the first five years of the millennium (has, have) been
4.) Don’t you know that the number of car owners (has, have) risen?
5.) The principal noted that a number of pupils (was, were) leaving their room during the science
6.) The orchestra (has, have) decided to find different jobs after Christmas.
7.) The jury (has, have) a unanimous verdict on the case.
8.) The committee (meets, meet) every Tuesday.
9.) The group (knows, know) its limitations and will abide by the rules.
10.) Our choir (is, are) depressed over the result of the contest.

IV. In each sentence, choose and underline the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1.) Most boys (like, likes) mountain climbing.
2.) My brother Joey (spend, spends) a lot of money for his mountain climbing gears.
3.) His friends (share, shares) this great liking of nature with him.
4-5.) They (say, says) that mountains (make, makes) them feel relaxed.
6.) Most girls, on the other hand, (tend, tends) to be more interested in beaches.
7.) They (like, likes) the feel of the sand and the view on the beach.
8.) They (love, loves) meeting new friends and engaging in conversations.
9.) Others simply (enjoy, enjoys) the great food and the fresh air.
10.) Indeed, nature (has, have) many things to offer.
V. In each sentence, write the past form of the verb in parentheses.
1.) Yesterday, I (visit) ________ the farm of my grandparents.
2.) I (pick) ________ some green and ripe mangoes.
3.) I (call) ________ some friends to join me in the fields.
4.) Justin (answer) ________ my call.
5.) I (invite) ________ him to come and play with me.
6.) We (play) ________ hide and seek.
7.) I (climb) ________ up to a tree house so he would not see me.
8.) He (look) ________ for me everywhere.
9.) Because it was taking too long for him to find me, I (shout) ________ his name.
10.) Justin was happy to see me, he (smile) ________ and (follow) ________ me up the tree house.

VI. Write FT on the line if the underlined verb phrase in each sentence is in its correct future
tense. If not, write the correct form of the verb.
________ 1. Next Friday, my parents and I will went to Cagayan.
________ 2. We shall visit my grandmother who has been sick for several days now.
________ 3. We shall take a bus somewhere in Manila.
________ 4. My sister will not come with us.
________ 5. She will preparing for her upcoming board exam.
________ 6. I shall brought my books so that I can read them during my free time.
________ 7. Grandmother will be surprised to see us.
________ 8. I am sure she will pretend not to be ill.
________ 9. She will appear strong and cheerful.
________ 10. I know that she will recover soon.

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