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Southwestern University – PHINMA

Master in Public Administration

Module 1

Organization and Management



By: Analou A. Patindol , RMT

October 30,2020

P/SUPT Delia Reynoso, PNP (Ret), DPA

Bureaucratic Management


Bureaucratic Management is a system of government in which most of the

important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected

representatives. It means that  there is a uniformity of how things are done in a

complex organization. An organization or agency would achieve optimum

efficiency if authority is given to the most competent and qualified people than

those based on who you knew. This is how bureaucracy works.

Authority will not be gained by popularity but by qualification and skills.

In Bureaucratic Management ,there are division of labor ,where tasks are clearly

defined and the employees become skilled in a particular job ;hierarchy of

authority ,where there is chain of command to all employees;frameworkk of

rules ,where all rules are effort directed and cooridanated. To sum up,when we

speak of Bureaucratic Management ,everything that happens in a lower levels

should be well informed and decided from the highest officials.


Although a bureaucratic organization is ideal, it is not foolproof. One of the

obvious challenges a bureaucratic organization like the Department of Health

faces is growth without reward. When you work for a government agency like

ours, there is a huge tendency that you will grow old doing what you do - you will

be an expert at it, but there won’t be any room for additional learning or for

promotion. Since all staff in a particular division followed the same thorough

hiring process, more or less, all of these staff are similarly highly qualified. Now,

when a higher position opens, more or less there’s only going to be one position

that needs to be filled, so those who won’t get promoted will continue to do what

they are doing, will eventually get bored of it and will feel stuck. 


Based on my statement above, I think it is very important for all organizations to

really look after their people. If I had to develop an organizational theory, I’d call it

the People First theory. This would promote a holistic approach to taking care of

the employees. A worker would not want to leave his job if all his needs are taken

care of and are looked into. There should be paid vacation leaves for mental

health, for grieving the loss of loved ones, and really for just spending time with

family and friends ,especially for the Job Order employees. Money is a great

motivator, too, but with how the world is now where there’s just a lot of conflict, I

think it is very important that employees are given paid time off to reconnect with


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