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Vol. 17, No. 12 Monday, March 28, 2011 - Sunday, April 3, 2011 of this issue

Slovakia backs NATO
P-word is
Slovakia’s state representat-
ives have said that the
country will not take an act-
hot again
ive role in the military in-
tervention in Libya, even as BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ
it backs NATO enforcing a Spectator staff
weapons embargo on Libya.
pg 2
PRIVATISATION is a word which
touches a raw nerve with the country’s
Traitor or hero? largest opposition party, Smer. But the
A bust of a controversial in- party’s chairman, Robert Fico, should
terwar politician, János prepare himself to hear the word much
Esterházy, unveiled in more frequently as the government of
Košice has laid bare division Prime Minister Iveta Radičová has made
between Slovaks and Hun- a firm decision to completely privatise
garians – and also among six heating companies currently owned
historians and politicians. by the state.
pg 3 There are more projects in the works.
Another government analysis states that
Slovakia could raise almost €1 billion by
OPINION selling its 49-percent stake in Slovak
Slovak Prime Minister Iveta Radičová attended an EU leaders' summit in Brussels on March 24 at which talks were Telekom to the company's majority
Integrity and justice reportedly dominated by the debt crisis currently facing several European countries. Photo: SITA shareholder, Deutsche Telekom.
The government is right to Moreover, the state is also exploring the
pursue reform of the Slovak possibility of selling its remaining
judiciary, but recent events
prove that the battle to re-
store public trust in the
justice system is far from
Officials' negligence shares in several bus companies.
The government already knows how
it would spend the receipts from privat-
isation: the money would go towards
helping health-care institutions reduce

pg 5

might lead to jail time their mountainous debts, and bridge a

state pension-financing deficit caused by
the launch of the privately managed
second pillar of the pension scheme.

Energy connections JUDGES could soon be allowed to fendant, and widening the scope of See HEAT pg 4
Slovakia is at the heart of put public officials in prison for crimes for which the police will be
moves to strengthen the in- wasting public funds because of
BY MICHAELA TERENZANI able to use persons other than po-
terconnection of central
Europe's energy transmis-
sion systems – especially
negligence, and use information
acquired via wiretapping in one
case as evidence in another case, if
Spectator staff

to the Act on Prosecution, which

lice officers as their agents during
an investigation.
Žitňanská stated that another
How to save
those for gas and electricity.
pg 6
the Justice Ministry’s proposed
changes to the Penal Code advance
through parliament in the form
also aims to open up and cast more
light into the prosecution system,
we come with another step, the
of the amendment’s aims is to
speed up criminal prosecution and
to limit the possibility for obstruc-
€1.17 billion
presented recently by Justice Min- aim of which is to make the judi- tions on the part of defendants by
The power of waste ister Lucia Žitňanská. Her proposed ciary in Slovakia more effective,” putting the responsibility for early BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ
Slovakia is only now waking amendment to the Penal Code is Žitňanská stated. selection of an attorney more Spectator staff
up to the fact that there is what she calls the next step toward One set of changes in this clearly on the defendant and by al-
real value in waste as a making Slovakia’s judiciary more amendment, which is now under- lowing plea bargain agreements
source of energy. It could effective – but some observers are going interdepartmental review, about a defendant’s guilt and pun- THE ARGUMENTS of Slovakia and other
also save money by throw- saying the amendment may not includes making vote-buying and ishment to be reached directly be- smaller eurozone members got a hearing –
ing less waste into landfills. emerge from parliament in its pro- illegal construction criminal of- fore the court. All the changes are and achieved something of breakthrough
pg 8 posed form. fences under the Penal Code, per- intended to become effective on – during a meeting of eurozone finance
“After opening up the judiciary mitting the use of information ac- September 1, 2011. ministers on March 21 that agreed finan-
to public control and after submit- quired by wiretapping to be used in cing arrangements for a new, permanent
CULTURE ting to parliament an amendment another court case against a de- See LAW pg 2 bailout fund for the zone, the European
Stability Mechanism (ESM). As a result of
The “A” Train rolls in a compromise proposed by Estonia, smal-
The Duke Ellington Orches-
tra, led by the great jazz
composer's grandson, will
Jobless rate hits post-crisis high ler countries like Slovakia, Slovenia and
Estonia itself will contribute around 17
percent less in contributions than they
visit Slovakia for the first currently do to the existing, temporary
time on April 3, with the rate might only begin in the Eastern Slovakia’s Prešov Re- bailout fund, the European Financial Sta-
virtuoso ensemble due to second half of 2011. gion registered an 18.43 percent bilisation Facility (EFSF). The compromise
play a concert in Bratislava.
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ February’s 13.16 percent job- jobless rate and Košice Region had should mean that Slovakia has to stump
Spectator staff less rate increased by 0.18 per- 17.78 percent, the two highest re- up about €1.17 billion less.
pg 15
centage points in comparison gional unemployment rates in the “We have achieved a significant re-
WINTER is traditionally unkind with January and in human country. duction of our contribution to solving the
to those seeking jobs but Slovakia terms it meant that 395,445 Michal Páleník of the Employ- financial crisis in the eurozone,” Slovak
SELECT FOREX RATES cannot blame its 13.16 percent people were registered as unem- ment Institute, an employment Finance Minister Ivan Mikloš said, as
€ benchmark as of March 24 unemployment rate in February, ployed at the country’s labour of- think tank, told The Slovak Spec- quoted by the SITA newswire. “This is
the highest post-crisis level, only fices, according to data released tator that the first quarter of the clear evidence that [former prime minis-
CANADA CAD 1.38 HUNGARY HUF 267.78 on cold weather. While Slovakia’s by the Labour, Social Affairs and year is traditionally not a very pos- ter] Robert Fico and [former finance min-
CZECH REP. CZK 24.56 JAPAN JPY 114.34 economy has been slowly getting Family Office (ÚPSVAR) on March itive period for improvements in ister] Ján Počiatek could have negotiated
RUSSIA RUB 40.05 POLAND PLN 4.02 back on its feet, recovery in the 21. The jobless rate in February the labour market, but that alone much better conditions for Slovakia last
GREAT BRITAIN GBP 0.87 USA USD 1.41 labour market has not kept pace. also stood 0.19 percentage points does not explain the lack of hiring. spring,” he said, referring to the agree-
Employers remain cautious in higher than the same month in “The economy is slowly growing ment that set the contribution terms for
hiring, waiting for a more stable 2010 and marks the highest num- but employment isn’t,” Páleník said. the EFSF.
level of orders and labour market ber of unemployed Slovaks since
analysts say a drop in the jobless January 2005. See UP pg 13 See ESM pg 4
2 March 28 - April 3, 2011 NEWS

Slovakia OKs Libya action

“I am happy that we
Prosecutor, judge accused of bribery BY MICHAELA have reached conclusions
TERENZANI dominated by the convic-
SUPREME Court judge Štefan man be released from prison, Spectator staff tion that the EU should fo-
Michálik, who is also head of the Sme daily wrote. cus its activities on human-
the Supreme Court penal If proved guilty, those itarian aid in the widest
senate, has been named in a accused of bribery face two to WHEN Prime Minister Iveta sense of the word,”
case in which prosecutor five years in prison. Accept- Radičová announced her sup- Dzurinda said in reference
Michal Barila and lawyer ing a bribe can be punished port on March 10 for military to the EU’s position towards
Ladislav Sčury have each with three to eight years be- intervention in Libya if the Libya, adding that the tasks
been charged with corrup- hind bars. UN Security Council approved of the EU and NATO are
tion, the Týždeň weekly re- The judge can only be it, stating that it was the complementary and “if
ported on March 18. Accord- charged with a crime if the hardest political decision of there is a need for military
ing to the weekly, the pro- Constitutional Court strips her life, it was not yet clear if intervention on the part of
secutor is alleged to have him of his immunity. Judge military action in Libya would the EU, it should happen
taken a bribe in return for Michálik later said he was actually be initiated. Two under the NATO umbrella”.
settling matters with the willing to cooperate with in- weeks later intervention is On March 22, NATO an-
judge to get a man who had vestigators and maintains he now a reality and Slovakia is nounced that it had decided
been charged with fraud re- has never taken a bribe, nor participating in international to launch military opera-
leased from jail. been offered one. organisations’ decision-mak- tions to enforce the arms
“The investigator has ac- “I would automatically ing even though its Defence embargo against Libya.
cused four persons of the have reported such conduct,” Minister says the country has Defence Minister Ľubomír Galko Photo: Sme - T. Benedikovič
crime of bribery and one per- he said, as quoted by the little militarily to contribute NATO’s role
son of accepting a bribe,” po- SITA newswire. at the moment. “I’m on the side of a The minister added that
lice spokesperson Andrea Michálik also said he was In unison, Slovakia’s state more temperate approach his opinion was that milit- “All Allies are committed
Dobiášová told the Sme daily. convinced his case is the representatives have said that because every dropped ary intervention should to meet their responsibilit-
The three remaining same as some that he said the country will not take an bomb and every fired mis- come only if there was a ies under the United Na-
people accused in the case had occurred at the Supreme active role in the military in- sile is a risky issue,” said Libyan violation of the no- tions resolution to stop the
are the man allegedly re- Court before, when criminals tervention in Libya even as it Foreign Minister Mikuláš fly zone. intolerable violence against
leased from prison following falsely accused Supreme actively supports the weapons Dzurinda, as quoted by the He stated that he views Libyan civilians,” NATO’s
payment of the bribe and two Court judges of taking bribes embargo to Libya and TASR newswire, following the mid-March military in- press release stated.
other businessmen who al- and whose accusations were provides humanitarian as- the meeting of the EU Coun- tervention as an effort to
legedly helped to deliver it. later proved false. sistance to Libyan civilians. cil of Ministers on March 21. protect Libyan civilians. See NATO pg 13
The crime is alleged to “These accusations after
have taken place after a Re- proper investigation turned
gional Court refused to re-
lease the accused man from
out to be a clear lie, but dam-
age to a good name is hard to
restore,” Judge Michálik
LAW: Lawyers question some changes
At this point, it is alleged, said, as quoted by SITA. Continued from pg 1 Wiretap uncertainty Act on Prosecution through parliament.
one of the businessmen Michálik was one of the Parliament passed the amendment to its
passed an envelope with Supreme Court judges who Negligent officials could be jailed The amendment also proposes to re- second reading at the March parliament-
€30,000 to the lawyer, who in 2006 reconfirmed several solve legal uncertainty about whether in- ary session only after passionate debate.
allegedly went to the prosec- communist-era convictions Another part of the amendment to formation acquired from a wiretap in one That amendment seeks to introduce
utor with another business- in the Cervanová case, one the Penal Code would introduce the particular case can be used as evidence in a recorded parliamentary vote for the
man and gave him the en- of the most controversial crime of negligence in wasting large another case. election of the general prosecutor and
velope. The Supreme Court decision in Slovak judicial sums of public money, €133,000 or “There have been cases in Slovakia would limit the top prosecutor to a
later ruled that the accused history. more, by a responsible public official. when people were convicted on this basis single seven-year term. In addition, the
“Negligence here concerns the du- already but there were varying legal opin- current position of prosecution clerks
ties that accrue from the law, regardless ions on that,” Žitňanská said, adding that would be eliminated, to be replaced by
Sterilised Roma case goes to ECHR of whether an intention is proven or the proposed amendment would not en- prosecution assistants, and a more
not, they [the duties] simply have to be large the necessary conditions for a transparent selection procedure for dis-
THE EUROPEAN Court for a hospital after her second fulfilled by a public official,” said Mária wiretap to be authorised. trict-level prosecutors would be intro-
Human Rights (ECHR) child was born in 2000. Kolíková, the Justice Ministry’s state Even though the Slovak Bar Associ- duced.
launched hearings in the The ECHR dealt with the secretary (i.e. deputy minister). ation (SAK) and judges cooperated with Representatives of the opposition
case of a Roma woman from case of eight sterilised Roma She said, for example, that if the the ministry in drafting the amendment, Smer party have accused Žitňanská of
Slovakia who claims she was women from Slovakia in 2010 rules of public procurement are viol- some attorneys do not share Žitňanská’s attempting to place prosecutors and
sterilised against her will and ruled that their rights ated, whether intentionally or not, and enthusiasm for using information from a judges under the political control of the
due to her ethnic origin, the had been violated because the damages are more than €133,000 be- wiretap in one case as evidence in another ruling coalition and have charged that
SITA newswire reported. they were not given access to cause of a public official’s violation of case. The SAK’s secretary, attorney Andrej she has done nothing so far to solve
The 30-year-old woman their medical documenta- the rules, it means a crime has been Popovec, said that wiretapping interferes problems in the judiciary.
took the Slovak government tion. Each of the women re- committed. with personal privacy and each such initi- “You are creating an infernal tool
to the ECHR after she was al- ceived compensation of Results of an investigation by ative must be preceded by a court order that can be misused in the future,”
legedly illegally sterilised in €3,500. Slovakia’s Supreme Audit Office (NKÚ) with reasoned justification. Robert Fico, the chairman of Smer, said
could serve as evidence in such a crim- “The proposed amendment would leg- during a parliamentary debate, as
inal prosecution, as well as practically alise violation of the constitutional right quoted by the TASR newswire, further
SMK boss silent on citizenship bid any other evidence, the state secretary to privacy protection without clear spe- accusing the ruling coalition of trying
added. cification and legal consent of a judge,” to put judges, prosecutors and police all
THE CHAIRMAN of the non- ing the dual citizenship “We don’t need to talk about specific Popovec told The Slovak Spectator. under its control so that it could “crim-
parliamentary Hungarian controversy with Hungary cases, but in one specific case we have Žitňanská said she understands that inalise the opposition”.
Coalition Party (SMK) József sooner. heard that intention will have to be attorneys want to widen their opportunity The parliamentary opposition has
Berényi, who announced in The latest attempts to re- proved,” Kolíkova said, hinting that she for defending clients, but added “I believe also rejected the idea of a public vote to
early January 2011 that he solve the issue are appar- meant Slovakia’s infamous bulletin- that it is in the interest of the state to have select the next general prosecutor. Fico
had applied for Hungarian ently deadlocked. board tender case. effective tools for discovering serious stated that he would never recognise a
citizenship under new rules The Slovak government “Under the new rules, in this case if criminal activities”. prosecutor elected by an open vote.
passed in Budapest that pro- drafted an inter-state con- someone had signed a document, he or The proposed amendment would also The Justice Ministry is also propos-
voked a controversy in bilat- tract to govern the mutual she would bear responsibility for it, as permit additional situations when an ing a ban on so-called negative orders, a
eral relations between the practice of granting citizen- well as everyone who had anything to agent who is not a member of the police process in which higher level prosec-
two countries, is now refus- ship, but the media has re- do with the document [if] the document corps could be used during the investiga- utors are currently permitted to order
ing to confirm whether or ported that the Hungarian caused damages,” Kolíkova stated. tion of crimes and the minister stated this subordinate prosecutors to not launch
not he has been granted government has yet to re- However, an expected change in the would help detect crimes by criminal or criminal prosecution against a suspect,
Hungarian citizenship, the spond to the draft. rules which would have held public offi- terrorist gangs. to not press charges or have a suspect
SITA newswire reported. The ruling coalition cials accountable with their personal as- “Today [the rules] mean that a police- arrested, or to cease criminal prosecu-
Currently, Slovak law failed to reach agreement on sets for a violation of the law, which was man needs to infiltrate a criminal gang; tion. Even some parties which are part
states that any citizen who issues surrounding dual cit- announced recently by Prime Minister under the new rules the police might be of the ruling coalition have voiced re-
acquires the citizenship of izenship and agreed that no Iveta Radičová, was not presented as able to agree with a member of the gang to servations about such a ban and the
another state, unless by proposal would be put for- part of the Penal Code amendment. cooperate as an agent,” Žitňanská said. acting head of the General Prosecutor’s
birth or marriage, will be ward without an agreement The Sme daily wrote that Rado Baťo, Office, Deputy General Prosecutor
stripped of his or her Slovak by all participating parties. Radičová’s spokesperson, said changes Battle over prosecution Ladislav Tichý, has stated he would
citizenship. to the law on material responsibility for take the issue to Slovakia’s Constitu-
Berényi criticised the Compiled by Spectator staff damages caused during the performance Lately, Žitňanská has been fully oc- tional Court if such a change is passed
government for not resolv- from press reports of public powers are now under way. cupied pushing her amendment to the by parliament.
NEWS March 28 – April 3, 2011 3

Esterházy: traitor or hero? €1.1 million for

tagging bears
mean he completely identi-
Bust of interwar fied with the intentions and SLOVAKIA’s nature protec- was asked to initiate public
Hungarian policies of Adolf Hitler,” tion agency hired a private tenders that could be won by
Zemko said. “More likely, he company from Bardejov to any firm. But at the same
politician hoped that Hitler’s revisionist perform tasks that had time the state companies
provokes and expansionist politics will already been finished by managing the forests had the
be useful in favour of Hun- state forestry companies responsibility to protect the
controversy garian revisionism too.” even before the tender was forests from bark beetles and
Claims of anti-Semitism opened. Critics called the had to use their own re-
can burden historical person- process absurd, while the sources within the effective
BY MICHAELA alities of that time, Kollai agency said applicable law time period and then hope
TERENZANI said, but in the case of bound them to the proced- that the expenditures would
Spectator staff Esterházy his anti-Semitism ure, the Sme daily reported. be reimbursed after the pub-
is not a strong issue, “because The State Nature Protec- lic procurement.
nobody can be sure whether it tion (ŠOP) agency was gran-
SCULPTURES continue to was genuine or only tactical ted €700,000 from Slovakia’s Pricey bear surveillance
demonstrate their power in behaviour”. Environmental Fund to pre-
Slovakia. After the equestrian Kollai claims that there vent bark beetles from Protecting state forests
statue of Svätopluk in front of are Jewish survivors who spreading in protected fores- from bark beetles is not the
Bratislava Castle divided soci- were saved by the Esterházy ted areas. ŠOP then prepared only service that LSO has
ety a year ago, a similar situ- Esterházy's bust was unveiled in Košice on March 14. Photo: TASR family, and some of them a tender for this work which provided under contract to
ation, though on a smaller even wrote letters to the Yad was won by LSO, a private, ŠOP, however. The Sme daily
scale, has now occurred in centration camps. Esterházy living in Czechoslovakia after Vashem Museum in Israel to Bardejov-based company. reported that LSO also has a
Slovakia’s second city, Košice, was the only MP not to vote in the Trianon Treaty had de- nominate Esterházy for the What LSO then did was to contract to run a bear monit-
where a bust of a controver- favour of the law, arguing termined the borders of the “Righteous Among the use the money it received to oring programme and that
sial interwar politician has that he could not support a new post-Austro-Hungary na- Nations” title. pay Lesy SR, the state for €1.1 million the company
laid bare the division between law which granted the right tion-states were not happy Zemko admits that forestry company, and other is required to capture a max-
Slovaks and Hungarians – and to the majority to expatriate a with their position and, al- Esterházy might have helped regional forestry companies imum of 15 bears in the High
not only between locals in minority. His stance won him though most of them did not some Jews who were which had earlier under- Tatras and tag them with
Košice, but also among histor- heavy criticism from the support the potential change threatened by the wartime taken the protective meas- GPS collars. Sme wrote that
ians and politicians. Slovak press at the time. of borders actively and were regime in Slovakia but says ures. Sme wrote that accord- the contract does not state
An argument that ended After the war, Esterházy not against Czechoslovak “he was far from being alone ing to the invoices, LSO the minimum number of
in a brawl marked the cere- was convicted by a Soviet statehood, they certainly wel- in this praiseworthy activity profited by €200,000 under bears that LSO must outfit
monial unveiling of the bust court, and later also by a court comed the change of borders in Slovakia, even among this tender. with GPS collars. In mid 2012,
of János Esterházy, a local in communist Czechoslov- which followed the Vienna politicians”. The preventive measures the company is required to
ethnic Hungarian politician akia. The Czechoslovak court Arbitration. against bark beetles must be submit a comprehensive
active mainly in the 1930s, at a first sentenced him to death, “Hungarians tried to ac- Bust or rehabilitation? taken between April and ethological study of the bear
private lot on the main street later commuting that to life cept their actual situation but September, and partly also in population in Slovakia.
of the city. The unveiling was imprisonment. Esterházy died it’s true that they were happy Views about whether October, in order to be effect- Sme wrote that LSO had
organised by the Košice Civic in a prison hospital in 1957. to see the kind of changes that Esterházy deserves to have a ive and the public procure- no previous experience with
Club on March 14, which is were happening in their bust in Košice differ, just like ment was not finished until similar projects and that so
the anniversary of the emer- Traitor or hero? favour,” Kollai told The Slovak the opinions about his histor- the end of October, Pavel far the company has set four
gence of the Nazi-allied 1st Spectator, adding that this is ical role. Matica Slovenská, a Mathe, a forester and former traps but has not captured or
Slovak Republic in 1939. A few Opinions on Esterházy are exactly where János state-supported cultural or- ŠOP employee, told Sme, tagged any bears.
ethnic Slovak Košice inhabit- divided even within the Slov- Esterházy serves as an ex- ganisation, rejected the bust adding that by the time of An expert in this field
ants turned out to protest ak community, as well as ample which could help Slov- as tension-inducing, and the tender the preventive told Sme that he believes this
against the bust. within the Hungarian com- aks to understand the position some human rights organisa- measures had already been contract was grossly over-
Peter Kalmus, a local artist munity. Most Slovak histori- of Hungarians in Czechoslov- tions have protested against it completed and it was clear to priced.
who was active in the ans claim he was a traitor to akia at that time. due to Esterházy’s record of what degree. “For this money you
November 1989 revolution, the Czechoslovak state, “He was not a war anti-Semitism. But historians “Such procurement is il- could easily map the entire
presented what he called a though some say that this ar- criminal,” Kollai said, ex- are divided over the bust. logical and absurd and in my bear population in central
peaceful protest. After the gument lacks historical plaining that a war criminal is “I believe it is not opinion also contradicts the Europe,” Marián Janiga from
bust was unveiled, he attemp- foundation. someone who violates univer- justified,” Zemko said. law,” Mathe said, as quoted the Mountain Biology Re-
ted to cover it with toilet pa- “János Esterházy, as a sal human rights, which in “Esterházy, with his political by Sme. search Institute of the Uni-
per but was stopped by two minority politician, was con- his view Esterházy did not. and conspiratorial activities Employees of the state versity of Žilina told Sme.
young men who attacked him tinuously trying to break up Esterházy opposed the against the state of which he and regional nature protec- Former ŠOP head Ján
and threw him to the ground. the Czechoslovak state and its Czechoslovak state-building was a citizen, is not a good ex- tion companies said that de- Mizerák, who signed the
The police detained the pair democratic regime,” the His- process and most Slovak na- ample for the present and the fects in the procurement sys- contract on behalf of the
and later accused them of torical Institute of the Slovak tion-building ideas too, but al- future of Europeans.” tem are to blame for the pro- state, said that the project
promoting extremism based Academy of Sciences (SAV) though Slovak and Czech state Ivan Mrva, a historian at cess. First, they said ŠOP does should continue because it
on the right-wing extremist wrote in a statement about and nation-building ambi- the University of Ss Cyril and not know in advance how will provide valuable in-
symbols they were reported to Esterházy, adding that in pur- tions were legitimate, oppos- Methodius, however, says large the grant from the En- formation.
have been wearing. suit of that aim, Esterházy ing them does not equate to that Esterházy’s conspiratori- vironmental Fund will be The Environment Min-
secretly collaborated with opposing universal human al activities are unconfirmed and therefore cannot an- istry, however, believes that
Who was Esterházy Hungary as well as with Nazi rights, Kollai said. and in the end he was a victim nounce a tender earlier in LSO had more than an arms-
Germany. of post-war hysteria in the year. Secondly, while in length relationship with
Count János Esterházy Historian Milan Zemko Principles or tactics? Europe. From that point of the past the services were Mizerák: the ministry filed a
was an ethnic Hungarian from SAV’s Historical Insti- view, the bust is not problem- procured directly from the criminal complaint about
politician in interwar tute said that Esterházy took The debate about atic. state company managing the the bear surveillance con-
Czechoslovakia. He served as an active part in the prepara- Esterházy, however, covers “The question, however, is applicable forests (such as tract in December 2010, al-
a member of the Czechoslovak tion of the Vienna Arbitration, more controversial territory. whether this is not one of the State Forests of TANAP in the leging fraud.
parliament, and later, after which stripped Czechoslov- He was a representative of the Hungarian provocations that High Tatras), the Public Pro-
Slovakia broke away from akia of its eastern and some Nazi-allied Slovak state and a have grown in number – and curement Office complained Compiled by Spectator staff
Czechoslovakia, he sat in the southern parts, including the self-proclaimed anti-Semite, we, Slovaks, are sensitive to about that process and ŠOP from press reports
Slovak parliament. Historical city of Košice, and handed but this was to some extent that,” Mrva said.
facts about his personality them to Hungary. balanced by his clear opposi- Kollai of the Hungarian
have been blurred by the di- “Slovaks can hardly see tion to the 1942 deportation Cultural Institute said Hun-
vergent portrayal of his role this in a positive light,” law and the evidence of Jews garians are trying to avoid any
by Slovaks and Hungarians: Zemko told The Slovak Spec- whom he saved by helping provocation and believe that
while the former have tended tator. “Hungarians, however, them to escape Slovakia. Esterházy can serve as an ex-
to think of him as a traitor, see it as a contribution to the Historians from SAV say ample for Slovaks of what
the latter have instead tended re-unification of magyarság, that despite his vote on the Hungarians think about some
to regard him as something of the Hungarian community in deportation law, he had sup- historical issues.
a hero. the Carpathian Basin, and ported all the previous anti- “If this example is accep-
Historians highlight his thus as positive for the Hun- Jewish laws in parliament ted by Slovaks as an under-
attitude in the vote on the so- garian nation.” and himself stated that he standable point of view at that
called deportation law, which István Kollai, a historian was “always on the anti-Jew- time, it means that the whole
the Slovak parliament passed and director of the Hungarian ish side since childhood and behaviour of the Hungarian
in May 1942 to permit the de- Cultural Institute in Bratis- will always remain there”. community at that time was
portation of the country’s lava, stressed that Hungari- “He declared himself an understandable and
Jewish citizens to Nazi con- ans who found themselves anti-Semite, but that doesn’t acceptable,” Kollai said. Bears frolicking in the Tatras, sans GPS collars. Photo: TASR
4 March 28 - April 3, 2011 BUSINESS / NEWS

HEAT: Mikloš backs sale of ST shares

Continued from pg 1 viser is selected. Potential in-
vestors might be asked to
“We want to use the rev- submit bids in March 2012,
enues very responsibly,” said the SITA newswire reported.
Austria to sue over nuclear plants Radičová, adding that the
state would use the proceeds Telekom is no longer
THE AUSTRIAN government further comment on the law- to reduce deficits and debts in 'strategic'
has renewed its opposition suit because it had not been these two programmes so that
to the construction of nucle- formally notified. citizens do not have to carry The cabinet on March 23
ar power plants in Slovakia However, the daily quoted the burden of covering exist- also reviewed an analysis
and the Czech Republic after an Austrian expert on nuclear ing debts. jointly prepared by the Fin-
the problems experienced at energy, Radko Pavlovec, who Fico, however, sees the ance Ministry and the FNM
Japanese nuclear plants fol- said that Austria could suc- government’s privatisation concerning an eventual sale of
lowing the March 11 earth- ceed with its complaints if initiatives through a different the state’s 49-percent stake in
quake there. these focus on the fact that prism and called the proposals Košice's heating plant will be among those sold. Photo: TASR Slovak Telekom (ST), perhaps
The Austrian cabinet the two power plants in ques- a fraud on the government’s to its majority shareholder,
agreed on March 21 to file a tion do not have an external election promises. The FNM assessed the man of UMS wrote in an earlier Deutsche Telekom.
lawsuit against both Slovakia shell to prevent radiation “What mandate does this total market value of the six statement. “Slovak Telekom is no
and the Czech Republic at the leaks. The affected Japanese mash-up [the governing coali- heating plants at between The state government said longer a natural monopoly or a
European Court of Justice power plants do not have tion] have to make decisions €160 million and €200 mil- that having regional or muni- strategic company,” Finance
(ECJ) in order to stop the con- such a shell. on the privatisation of such lion. Dividends from the six cipal governments involved Minister Ivan Mikloš stated, as
struction of power plants at The Austrian govern- strategic companies as the companies have brought the would complicate the process quoted by the Sme daily.
Mochovce (in Slovakia, 170 ment imposed conditions on heating plants?” Fico asked, state around €4.2 million an- of privatisation and it does The FNM stated that the
kilometres from Vienna) and Slovakia’s EU accession, re- arguing that before the par- nually in recent years. not see any price-related ra- government would not receive
Temelín (in the Czech Repub- quiring it to close two older liamentary elections Radičová tionale for selling or transfer- more from dividends than
lic, 95 kilometres from Linz), blocks at the V1 power plant announced that she would not Firms will not go to cities ring state-owned shares to cit- from the actual sale of its own-
the Sme daily reported. The in Jaslovské Bohunice (the support the privatisation of ies or regions. ership stake in ST and that the
lawsuits form part of a new second closed more than two any strategic enterprises. The cabinet’s final decision “There's no link between sale of the 49-percent stake
action plan which the Austri- years ago). Several lawsuits The heating plants are loc- has dashed the hopes of some the cost for heat and owner- could be completed by the au-
an government passed 12 days have also been filed against ated in Bratislava, Trnava, of the municipalities of obtain- ship structure,” Radičová said, tumn of 2012.
after the disaster in Japan. the Mochovce power plant. Žilina, Martin, Zvolen and ing shares in the heating firms. as quoted by TASR, adding that The state is considering
“No member state of the The ECJ ruled in 2009 that no Košice. Earlier this year, the Union of “the heating companies are in two options for selling its
EU can ban other member country is entitled to require Slovakia’s National Prop- Towns and Cities of Slovakia need of investments of approx- shares in ST: the first is an in-
state from using nuclear the closure of a nuclear erty Fund (FNM), the state’s (Únia miest Slovenska, or UMS) imately €760 million. We're ternational tender with all the
energy,” Slovak Economy power plant in another coun- privatisation agency and stated that the cities the heat- facing commitments towards state’s shares being sold as a
Ministry spokesperson Róbert try if the power plant in holder of shares in many ing firms serve should be al- the EU to utilise new techno- block, giving Deutsche
Merva told Sme, adding that question possesses all the state-owned companies, lowed to obtain either 100 per- logies and innovations. Muni- Telekom an option to achieve
the ministry can provide no necessary permits. wrote in its analysis that it cent, a 51-percent majority cipalities would have to go 100-percent ownership. The
supported the sale of the heat- share, or at least a minority through a conundrum in find- other option is to sell the state-
ing companies, citing a long- share in the companies. ing new financial resources.” owned shares in the capital
EC calls for labour market reform term decline in the volume of “Heating production is un- The state government also market, a process which
heat sold and a corollary drop ambiguously a business of loc- argued that there had been would result in many smaller
SLOVAKIA should imple- Slovak Labour Minister in profitability. al importance, which means negative experiences in the shareholders.
ment structural reforms in Jozef Mihál pointed out that The FNM also stated that that it is not a strategic prop- past in transferring ownership “That could aid the devel-
order to reduce unemploy- Slovakia had been severely there was a clear need for ad- erty and it can be successfully stakes to municipalities. opment of the stock market,
ment, the European com- hit by the global economic ditional investment to make developed only when it is in- The process of selling the as we expect these stocks to be
missioner for employment, crisis, which resulted in un- the heating plants more en- tertwined, in terms of prop- heating plants is expected to listed on the Bratislava secur-
social affairs and inclusion, employment almost doub- vironmentally-friendly and erty, with the municipalities,” begin in the second half of the ities exchange,” Mikloš said,
László Andor, said after a ling. According to him, this reduce their debts. Marián Minarovič, the chair- year when a privatisation ad- as quoted by TASR.
ministerial conference to may have been the worst
examine the impacts of the growth in unemployment in
global economic crisis on
employment and the recov-
ery of the labour market.
any EU country during the
downturn, SITA wrote.
Mihál said that in order
ESM: Wrong solution, says analyst
The gathering took place in to support employment, the Continued from pg 1 The finance minister explained that According to Karpiš, the last year and
Bratislava on March 22. cabinet is preparing changes he is not 100-percent satisfied with the the continuously growing risk premiums
Slovakia should provide to the Labour Code and in- The ESM, which will be launched in agreed solution. show what a bad solution the EFSF has
more job opportunities for troduction of a so-called in- June 2013, will be backed by €80 billion in “Population numbers shouldn't be been.
people excluded from the terim labour market, which cash, paid in directly by member states, included in the distribution key at all, so “It has been constructed as a tool
labour market, many of would allow concurrent re- plus €620 billion in capital that can be a certain amount of illogic remains,” against a liquidity crisis, but this is an in-
whom are young people, ceipt of social benefits and called on when a lending requirement Mikloš said, as quoted by the TASR solvency crisis,” Karpiš said. “The EFSF
Andor said, as reported by work income. emerges. Its effective lending capacity newswire. “We respect the fact that we solves only the symptoms and not the
the SITA newswire. He also Sándor Czomba, will be €500 billion; the extra €200 billion can't achieve everything. The most im- causes of the current problems and thus
advised dealing with voca- Hungary’s deputy minister is being raised in order to provide the fund portant thing is to come to an agreement, neither its institutionalisation nor its in-
tional training and doing for employment policy, un- with a premium credit rating. which is why we were forthcoming and crease will lead to the final stabilisation of
more to improve the posi- derlined the issue of regional Based on the new rules Slovakia’s made partial concessions.” the eurozone.”
tion of Roma citizens. differences. According to share should amount to 0.824 percent of In order to pay its basic cash contri- It is a tool by which, indirectly, the
Andor said the opening him, the unemployment rate the total fund, as opposed to the 0.99 per- bution to the ESM, of €659 million, Slov- European banking sector is being saved,
of the German and Austri- in Hungarian regions ranges cent which is Slovakia’s contribution to akia will have to borrow money on the he added.
an labour markets on May from 3.6 to 20 percent. He said the existing EFSF. The original scheme of financial markets. The amount will be “I do not think that that re-routing the
1, 2011, would be a great unemployment among older contributions was based on countries’ paid in instalments. existing losses of banks through the EFSF
opportunity for the people people and those who have share of capital in the European Central “It will increase our deficit, but it’s to taxpayers is sustainable in the long
of the Visegrad Group of just finished their education Bank, half of which is calculated based on still manageable,” said Mikloš. term,” said Karpiš.
countries. is a most significant problem. a country’s gross national product and On March 23, Prime Minister Iveta As for alternatives to the EFSF, Karpiš
half on its number of inhabitants. In the Radičová received a mandate from the said that instead of pushing the problem
new scheme gross national income will cabinet to vote for the ESM at an EU into the future and dealing with excess-
German investor targets Poltár have a 75-percent weighting and only 25 summit in Brussels which began on ively high debt by means of further in-
percent of the contribution will hinge on March 24. The country’s participation debtedness, restructuring the debts of af-
A NEW investor has emerged Poltár, which is in an area the country’s basic capital in the will still be subject to ratification by par- fected countries should be made possible.
for the Slovglass glassworks with high unemployment. European Central Bank, SITA wrote. liament. This would result in a reduction in the real
in Poltár in Banská Bystrica German Crystal said that Mikloš, who raised the issue some The opposition Smer party criticised burden on the affected countries and, by
Region. The troubled plant is its main goal would not only time ago, said that the compromise the commitment to pay €659 million in realising losses to creditors, also lead to
currently undergoing re- be to make use of the region's achieved showed that Slovakia’s argu- cash to the ESM. dissolution of part of the banking sector,
structuring. tradition of glass production, ments had weight. Despite welcoming the change in the he added.
The offer to invest came but also to employ local “The negotiated change of the model contribution calculation, Karpiš said he “Systemically important banks could
from German Crystal, which people's skills and experi- is positive news for Slovakia,” Juraj considers the European Stability Mech- be saved using public funds,” Karpiš told
belongs to the German con- ence in the field. Karpiš of the economic think tank INESS anism to be a bad solution overall. The Slovak Spectator. “Non-systemic
cern AHG Industry, the TASR The company said it also told The Slovak Spectator. “Before the “Paradoxically, we already know how banks, which have failed to handle their
newswire reported. plans to invest money in entry of Estonia, [now] the poorest coun- the cases will be solved after the summer risk management, would be liquidated
The German company strengthening Slovglass. try in the eurozone, Slovakia’s contribu- of 2013 through the ESM but we still do and depositors partly refunded using the
said that it could maintain tion per inhabitant was the highest, des- not know how the EFSF will be financed banks [liquidated] property while the rest,
the current number of jobs at Compiled by Spectator staff pite the fact that our banks were not be- in case additional countries fall into it in considering the system of deposit protec-
Slovglass, a key employer in from press reports ing rescued.” the upcoming period,” he said. tion, could be paid from public sources.”
OPINION March 28 – April 3, 2011 5
“I didn't want to support it, but my
subconscious moved my finger elsewhere.” When integrity weighs in
Independent MP Igor Matovič explains why he voted for an opposition Smer ‘COURT procrastination’, watchdog accepted his invit- to the Ukrainian border – for
amendment to the State Citizenship Act that he had planned to vote against. ‘disciplinary proceedings’ ation and attended the meet- example to Ubľa, Ulič or
and ‘Harabin’ are probably ing, which she described as even Vyšné Nemecké – or re-
three terms that instantly “catastrophically locate other closely watched

Ey spring to the mind of the av-

erage reader of this publica-
tion in connection with the
undignified”, adding that the
poor accessibility as well as
the inappropriate venue rep-
institutions to places which
even birds would have diffi-
culty finding.
Lived forgotten and Slovak judiciary. ‘Integrity’ resented an obstruction to In the end, the current
BY LUKÁŠ FILA SLOVAK WORD lost somewhere.” probably does not, other than candidates. state of the judiciary could

Special to the Spectator in reference to the lack of it. have a much deeper impact
But in contrast to the in- But integrity, within or than just making a handful

FEW pieces of art have ever

sparked such intense debate in
dividualistic Kristína, the
chorus clearly emphasises
team spirit:
outside the judiciary, re-
mains a tricky thing. It is not
a seed which can set down
EDITORIAL of ethics watchdogs, diplo-
mats and journalists con-
cerned. International cham-
Slovakia as the anthem of the roots in any soil, and one has bers of commerce have iden-
upcoming hockey world cham- “Lord, let him score, Lord to work pretty hard to nour- tified the poor enforceability
pionships. let him score, ish it. Those who have never of laws, slow courts and the
The public is split roughly We’ve got it, you can tell, really achieved integrity or overall state of judiciary as
into three groups – there are Lord let him score, Lord have thrown it away for dif- being significant obstacles
those that like ‘Life is a Game’ let him score, ferent reasons produce to investment.
by Kristína, which will be the That winning goal. ready-made justifications for Recently, the Justice
event’s official anthem. There Lord let him score, Lord its absence. Yet in a system Ministry revealed that the
are those that would prefer let him score, which is not effectively state last year had to pay out
‘Lord, let him score’, the nation- We play the game so well, opened to public control it is €1,112,000 based on verdicts
al team’s song, to be used for the So that never rather difficult to track by the Constitutional Court.
championships as well. And Will they forget us all.” people who do not have any. Most of this sum represented
then there are all the others. On the top of your wave. The justice system is one damages paid for court pro-
The two hockey songs paint No one can stop you from So whether you are a mod- of those environments where crastination, the cost of
two different pictures of the flying so high. ern English-speaking indi- such developments can have which was €355,000 higher
nation’s psyche. ‘Lord, let him This is it, it’s your time. vidualist, or a slightly reli- massive societal impact. This than the previous year. The
score’ is in Slovak, ‘Life is a You’ve got the magic when gious collectivist, there is a is why the government’s in- data also showed that there
Game’ is in English. As the your stars are aligned. hockey song that will suit your stinct to open the country’s BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ are significant differences
name indicates, the first tune Fill the world with needs. It’s almost a shame that judiciary to more public con- Spectator staff between particular courts.
seems to draw inspiration from your shine.” both can’t have the status of trol is the right one. But there Sme recently pointed to a
the country’s religious tradi- the official anthem. Oh well, are many who simply do not case where a father runs a
tions, and puts victory in the The older song doesn’t as Kristína sings: like the public peeking over That is not to put down court where his son and
hands of divine powers. The forget to mention the hurts of their shoulders. Snina, which probably offers daughter-in-law are both
other places more emphasis on the past, a typical trait of the “Ey Ey A recent decision by the more authentic countryside employees, and reported ob-
the role of the individual, al- Slovak mentality: Life is a game president of the Supreme and fresher air than Bratis- servers pointing out that
though it too leaves room for Ey Ey Court, Štefan Harabin, to lava, but picking it as the family members should in
the supernatural: “How often you stood alone, We're all born to play pick Snina, a town in the venue hardly helped open a fact work at different courts
How many hits you Ey Ey easternmost part of Slovakia, (metaphorical) window to let so that potential conflicts of
“Today is your day. had to bear, Long is the way as the venue for a crucial ses- fresh air enter the stuffy halls interest are eliminated.
This is the moment when How often you were in Sometimes it's not right sion of the Judicial Council of of the judiciary. As of May 2011, judges
you’re touching the sky. the losing zone, Sometimes it's not fair.” Slovakia has evoked some Over the past couple of will be appointed to vacan-
controversy. The session years Slovak courtrooms cies in courts only through a
scheduled in this remote have attracted visitors con- public selection process, as
corner of the country was cerned about the state of opposed to the current prac-
supposed to elect disciplinary justice here. The hosts do not tice of judicial clerks being
judges but was attended by always like the presence of promoted to become judges
only a third of the 33 nomin- ethics watchdogs and, for ex- without any selection pro-
ated candidates, according to ample, foreign diplomats. cedure. In addition, sitting
the SITA newswire. Yet, it was precisely the pres- judges will also have to get
Justice Minister Lucia ence of the diplomatic com- used to much more personal
Žitňanská said, as quoted by munity at certain disciplin- information about them be-
the Sme daily, that the move ary proceedings against ing made public.
was a “certain demonstration judges, some of whom just Of course the new rules
of weakness” to negotiate in happened to be critics of the cannot restore integrity in
the presence of the public. state of the judiciary, which judges where there was none
Harabin promptly dismissed clearly showed that to start with. But they can
Žitňanská’s comment and something was seriously rot- perhaps create an environ-
invited the public to Snina. ten in the justice system. ment where judges value
Zuzana Wienk of the Fair- One cannot move all Ju- more highly what integrity
Goooly, the mascot of the championship, will perhaps learn to sing the anthem too. Photo: TASR Play Alliance integrity dicial Council sessions closer they still possess.


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6 March 28 - April 3, 2011

Waste as an energy source BUSINESS FOCUS Next issue:
Miners grow tomatoes

Plášťovce rejects hydro plant TRANSPORT

Forging better energy Institutions and organisations

in the energy sector in Slovakia
State bodies:
Ministry of Economy,

links in central Europe Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO),
Slovak Electricity Transmission System (SEPS),
Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ÚJD),
Both natural gas Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA),
and electricity
transmission Industry associations:
Slovak Gas and Oil Association,
systems are Association of Entrepreneurs in Waste Management
being expanded (APOH),

Think tanks and NGOs:

Association for Wind Energy of Slovakia,
Spectator staff Energy Centre Bratislava,
Energy Security Institute,
Slovak Renewable Energy Agency (SKREA),
security has been increasing
across the world not only be-
cause of the gas shortage faced Companies in the energy
by many parts of central sector in Slovakia
Europe in January 2009, when
Russian natural gas flowing via ČEZ Slovensko,
Ukraine to Slovakia and beyond Pressure for change is increasing. Photo: TASR Eustream,
was completely halted, but also Nafta,
due to many other global de- sources and establish addition- available where it was most connectors were missing par- Magna E.A.,
velopments far from Slovakia’s al options in delivering energy needed,” Ján Klepáč, execut- ticularly in central Europe Nuclear Decommissioning Company (JAVYS),
borders. In response, individu- to final consumers. With its ive director of the Slovak Gas where, for historical reasons,
al countries as well as interna- strategic position in the middle and Oil Association, told The gas transmission pipelines Pozagas,
tional groupings of countries of Europe, Slovakia is an integ- Slovak Spectator. were built to transfer gas from Probugas,
and organisations are calling ral player in all these processes. “There were missing gas the east to the west because RWE Gas Slovensko,
for better linkages between na- “The natural gas crisis in pipeline interconnections. this is where the natural gas Slovak Power eXchange,
tional energy systems and January 2009 showed that Storage facilities for natural originates.” Slovenské Elektrárne (SE),
building new transmission there was enough natural gas gas in western Europe were Slovenský Plynárenský Priemysel (SPP),
systems to diversify energy in Europe but that it was not three-quarters full but inter- See LINKS pg 10 Stredoslovenská Energetika (SSE),
Východoslovenská Energetika (VSE),
Západoslovenská Energetika (ZSE),

More gas storage capacities planned Firms pay 'too much' for power
Demand for underground
gas storage capacities ELECTRICITY prices for corporate clients in Slovakia are
increases in Europe among the highest in the EU. The end-price depends on
two factors in particular – the price of electricity itself
and fees and tariffs – the Financial Policy Institute, a
think tank within the Finance Ministry, wrote in an
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ analysis released in mid February.
Spectator staff The document reads that the latter element, which
include fees for distribution, transit losses, system
services as well as the so-called tariff for operation of the
ONE could say that the January 2009 gas- system, hides support for mining, and for private
supply crisis, when Russian natural gas investors in the sector of renewable energy resources and
flowing from Ukraine into Slovakia was combined production of electricity and heat.
completely halted, changed the natural “Electricity consumers will contribute as much as €322
gas industry in Slovakia forever. The million this year to some electricity producers and to
crisis highlighted questions about the support local coal mining,” states the paper. “That is how
security of the gas supply and in the pro- we support areas where private capital operates (solar
cess brought forward efforts to diversify power stations, mining, etc). Without these ‘subsidies’,
sources, prompted a search for new sup- the price of electricity would decrease this year.”
ply corridors and confirmed the stra- The tariff for operation, which is also responsible for the
tegic importance of underground stor- depleted deposits of natural gas and crude mains the most important transmission increase in power prices for households in 2011, is
age facilities. oil, are located in western Slovakia in the corridor for Russian gas moving to west- obligatory for all electricity consumers. It currently
“During the January 2009 crisis un- Slovak part of the Vienna basin. The gas is ern Europe. makes up about 10.6 percent of the end-price for
derground gas storage facilities in Europe stored in porous underground storage fa- Slovakia’s transmission system is households, according to the institute, which further
contributed significantly to stabilising cilities into which it is injected under one of the biggest in Europe, with an points out that through it, electricity consumers are
the situation,” Ján Klepáč, executive dir- high pressure. annual capacity of 94 billion cubic subsidising unecological coal as well as renewable
ector of the Slovak Gas and Oil Associ- Gas storage is primarily used for metres, and many companies that resources.
ation, told The Slovak Spectator. “The seasonal storage, that is, to balance the transmit their gas via Slovakia also use According to Eurostat statistics, the price of power for
situation in Slovakia was similar because uneven consumption of gas between Slovak gas storage capacities. firms in Slovakia is the second highest over the EU
during the first days of the crisis Slovakia the summer and winter seasons. From The history of gas storage in western average. During the first half of 2010, electricity supplied
withdrew gas from local underground May to October, gas is injected under- Slovakia dates back to the 1970s, when to a company with an average consumption of between
storage facilities.” ground and during the winter season it construction of the complex of storage 500 and 2000 MWh cost 26 percent more than the average
is withdrawn. facilities at Láb began. At the end of for other EU member countries. On the other hand, the
Existing capacities But this has now changed somewhat 1990s its storage capacity was 1.7 billion regulated household segment hovers around the EU
as more and more gas traders are also us- cubic metres. average.
All the currently used underground ing Slovak gas storage facilities.
gas storage facilities, which are actually According to Klepáč, Slovakia re- See GAS pg 12 Compiled by Spectator staff
ADVERTISEMENT March 28 – April 3, 2011 7

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8 March 28 - April 3, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

Using waste as a FOCUS shorts

source of energy Plášťovce citizens reject hydro plant
CITIZENS of a Slovak village The state’s Nature Pro-
close to the border with Hun- tection Agency was also
Slovakia is gary have rejected the idea of against the project.
lagging behind constructing a hydroelectric Based on its original
power station and reservoir plan, Pow-en was to invest
in managing close to their village. In a almost €150 million in
waste and using March 17 referendum, 811 cit- construction of an accu-
izens voted from among 1,300 mulation power station in
it for energy eligible voters and 464 voted the vicinity of Plášťovce
against the plan. which would have har-
“Most people were nessed the Litava River.
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ negative,” said Anikó This specific type of hydro-
Spectator staff Helység, Plášťovce’s mayor, electric plant can store
as quoted by the Sme daily. power generated by photo-
“For the village and me per- voltaic power stations and
MOST developed countries sonally this is an unambigu- later release it according to
have recognised that many ous decision which we will the needs of the grid.
kinds of waste can be used as pursue. We will not release The project included
an alternative fuel for produc- the construction permit.” construction of two water
tion of heat and electrical en- “This is fresh news,” said reservoirs. Local citizens ex-
ergy. Apart from the positive Milan Španko, the director pressed concern that these
impact on the environment general of Vupex company, would damage the local
from the reduced need to dis- an affiliate of prospective in- countryside, interfere with
pose of waste in landfills, us- vestor Pow-en. “We accept the water table and change
ing waste materials as a fuel the results of the referen- the local climate by increas-
brings greater diversification dum. The investor will de- ing the amount of humidity
in energy sources and reduces cide on the next steps." in the local atmosphere.
dependence on imports of
other fuels. But this realisa-
tion has not yet come to Slov-
akia, where disposal of waste
in landfills prevails over oth-
er kinds of waste treatment Municipal waste can be used to generate heat and electricity. Photo: TASR
and energy recovery. This
may start to change in the 6.8 percent was used for en- and Romania. The project is
near future as there are com- ergy recovery. Ďuricová co-financed from the
mercial projects planned by In 2009 Slovakia stressed that most mixed European Regional Develop-
several companies as well as municipal waste can be used ment Fund under INTERREG
generated 1.46 million
some efforts to develop a re- for energy recovery via incin- IVC (Interregional Coopera-
gional waste management tonnes of municipal eration to produce both heat tion Programme), Ďuricová
action plan. and electricity. told The Slovak Spectator.
waste, equating to
“In 2009, out of total The heat value of muni- The objective of W2E is to
waste amounting to 8.5 mil- approximately 322 cipal waste is comparable to exchange knowledge and
lion tonnes, only 1.8 percent brown coal, at between 8 and good practices about regional
kilograms per citizen.
or 155,470 tonnes was used for 10 MJ/kg, while the heat value policies for sustainable waste
energy recovery,” Ivana As much as 81.8 of some particular kinds of management by changing the The countryside near Plášťovce. Photo: Sme - Ján Krošlák
Ďuricová from the Slovak In- waste is greater than 30 perception of waste materials
percent of the municipal
novation and Energy Agency MJ/kg. Municipal waste is so that they are seen as a po-
(SIEA) told The Slovak Spec- waste ended up currently burned in two in- tential resource and to in- Marking Bratislava's first gas lamp
tator, citing a report about cineration plants, in Bratis- crease energy recovery from
in landfills and only
the status of the environment lava and Košice, with a com- waste through the develop- PRIME Minister Iveta consumers to natural gas in
in Slovakia. “Of this amount, 6.8 percent was used bined annual capacity of up to ment of regional action plans Radičová lit a replica of a Europe.
municipal waste accounted 200,000 tonnes. in each partner region. historical gas lamp in the “We have the biggest ca-
for energy recovery.
for 10 percent. As much as 80 However, the heat which “Since Slovakia lacks a courtyard of the Slovak Cab- pacity in terms of natural
percent of municipal waste Environment Ministry these incineration plants pro- concept paper and a vision for inet Office on March 19 to gas transit and we carry the
produced in Slovakia ends up duce is not utilised because waste management, the mark the 155th anniversary biggest amount of Russian
in landfills, which is regarded there are no conditions for SIEA’s objective in the project of the gas industry in Slov- natural gas to western
here as the cheapest way of their connection to the heat is to create a model using an akia. The first gas lamps ap- Europe,” said Janočko. He
waste treatment. Slovakia distribution network or the example from a foreign part- peared in Bratislava in 1856, stressed that in future the
has one of the lowest landfill ing and demanding process,” electricity grid in Slovakia. ner and to involve all stake- the TASR newswire wrote. association intends to pro-
fees in Europe. To compare, said Ďuricová. “One of the But Ďuricová added that there holders in the region of Radičová noted that a signi- mote natural gas as the most
the fee for one tonne of un- biggest obstacles is the negat- is a positive example of energy Bratislava,” said Ďuricová. ficant pipeline now crosses ecological fossil fuel. The
sorted municipal waste is €10 ive stance and biases of cit- recovery from municipal “The project will enable each Slovakia, carrying gas from planned connection of Slov-
while the so-called landfill izens against waste incinera- waste in Slovakia as it is used of the participating countries east to west. ak and Hungarian pipelines
tax in other EU countries is tion, even though incinera- as a co-fuel in the cement pro- to elaborate a regional action The president of the may be a driving force for
several times higher and con- tion plants belong among the duction industry. plan which will be part of a Slovak Gas and Oil Associ- further development in the
tinues to grow.” facilities with the strictest more extensive strategy for ation, Pavol Janočko, con- usage of Slovakia’s gas infra-
Many countries have pollution emission limits. Preparing a regional waste management. For Slov- firmed that Slovakia has structure.
been endeavouring to recover Their placement in operation action plan akia, attention will be paid to the second highest access
energy from waste, Ďuricová is subject to a complex system solving the waste manage- of households and other gas Compiled by Spectator staff
said, adding that some coun- of obtaining permits from the To address Slovakia’s low ment situation in the cities of
tries are now able to recover authorities and public com- capacity to use waste for gen- Bratislava and Šaľa.”
energy from one third to as ment too. Moreover, the in- eration of energy, SIEA has
much as one half of their mu- vestment cost to build one in- become a member of the EU’s An elegant energy solution
nicipal waste. These coun- cineration plant is 100 times Waste to Energy (W2E) project
tries include Sweden, higher than an investment which is focused on improv- While some regard waste
Switzerland, Belgium, Den- into a landfill with compar- ing sustainable management as something which they
mark and others. able capacity.” of waste and producing en- must dispose of, others see it
Ďuricová said Slovakia In 2009 Slovakia gener- ergy from waste. SIEA is one of as a valuable and profitable
still lacks a concept paper and ated 1.46 million tonnes of eight partners from seven par- energy source. This is how the
particularly a vision for waste municipal waste, equating to ticipating countries in this Green Machines company
management. approximately 322 kilograms project, which began in early views waste and it offers a
“Of course, to create a per citizen, according to the 2010 and ends in June 2012. sophisticated system for
brand new system of waste environmental status report The other partner countries management and treatment
management based on the for Slovakia. As much as 81.8 are Sweden, which is the of municipal waste.
experiences of western coun- percent of municipal waste project lead, the United King-
tries is a very time-consum- ended up in landfills and only dom, Italy, Hungary, Poland See ENERGY pg 10 Marking the gas industry's 155th anniversary. Photo: TASR
ADVERTISEMENT March 28 – April 3, 2011 9


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10 March 28 - April 3, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

LINKS: New connections considered ENERGY: Biogas

Continued from pg 6 tricity generated in Slovakia –
for example when the two addi-
in the spotlight
Slovakia’s current gas tional reactors of the Mochovce Continued from pg 8 struction of a number of bio-
transmission interconnections nuclear power station go into gas stations in Slovakia using
with neighbouring countries service in 2012 and 2013, and to “Green Machines offers municipal waste that it ex-
reflect the historical fact that allow SEPS to fulfil the interests towns and villages an integ- pects to launch later this
central Europe served as the of third parties for power rated system of usage and year. Jirkovský said a num-
point for transmission of nat- transmission – SEPS has in- processing of municipal ber of municipalities have
ural gas between gas-producing cluded construction of a num- waste and energy recovery shown serious interest in us-
countries such as Russia to con- ber of new interconnections in from waste,” Vácval ing one of the company’s
sumers primarily in western its development plan for Jirkovský from Green Ma- biogas plants.
Europe, Peter Ševce from the 2012-2021. However, whether chines told The Slovak Spec-
Energy Security Institute told they are actually constructed tator. “The main benefit for Other projects
The Slovak Spectator. The will depend on the opinions municipalities is a radical in the pipeline
transmission routes are linear and options of grid operators in reduction of waste disposal
in one direction and gas neighbouring countries, on en- by as much as 80 percent and The Hornonitrianske
pipelines between countries of vironmental issues and other reduction of landfill fees.” Bane Prievidza (HBP) mining
central Europe have never been Slovakia has adequate electricity links. Photo: Jana Liptáková factors, Gallo stated. There are several meth- company is working on a
interconnected. Slovakia is currently inter- ods to recover energy from project for energy recovery
“In a situation when the gas access to the sea are able to re- adopt immediately the decision connected with the electricity waste, for example ferment- from waste together with
supply is halted on one of these ceive LNG, as it is brought to about implementation of the transmission systems of all its ation to produce biogas or Slovenské Elektrárne (SE),
routes, that country is more af- Europe by tanker ships. project; however, for now it is neighbouring countries ex- direct incineration. the dominant electricity
fected than if it is able to use “It is in the vital interest of waiting for a definitive decision cept Austria, which has said Jirkovský said Green producer in Slovakia, the
other interconnections,” Ševce Slovakia to diversify its [en- by our Hungarian partners,” that environmental reasons Machines’ facilities gener- TASR newswire reported.
said, adding that the first step ergy] portfolio,” said Klepáč. Beharková said, adding that prevent this from being done. ate biogas from municipal Adriana Siváková, the
in improving Slovakia’s posi- “Alas, it is not possible to re- apart from the mentioned en- According to Gallo, SEPS is car- waste by the so-called dry spokesperson for HBP,
tion was to make it possible for move our dependence on Rus- ergy security and reliability of rying out measures to assure fermentation method, which supplies brown coal
gas to flow in reverse in the ex- sian gas completely, but it is supplies, new gas interconnec- that this missing interconnec- adding that the biogas from to SE’s Elektráreň Nováky
isting pipeline. “For the next possible to lessen it.” tions may enhance the compet- tion does not have any negat- these stations can be fur- thermal power station, told
development of trade in gas and Klepáč explained that nat- itive environment and help in- ive influence on Slovakia’s en- ther purified and used as a The Slovak Spectator that
further enhancement of energy ural gas produced in Qatar, Ni- crease liquidity in the market ergy security. motor fuel or for genera- the project should have be-
security it is also necessary to geria, Trinidad and other coun- through additional transmis- SEPS views the need to tion of heat and energy. neficial impacts not only on
build vertical interconnections. tries is converted to LNG under sion capacities. construct new interconnec- The heat produced is the environment but also on
The planned interconnector high pressure and at a temper- Eustream noted that it is tions with neighbouring grids used by the biogas plant for the general development
between Slovakia and Hungary ature of minus 161 degrees too early to specify an actual as closely related to the further its own operation while elec- level of the region.
is its basic component.” Celsius. This lessens its volume route for the Slovak-Polish in- development of Slovakia’s tricity can also be generated The plan is to build a fa-
Klepáč highly praised the for transportation because 580 terconnection or estimate its transmission system, espe- in the biogas plant for its cility for energy recovery
current Slovak government as cubic metres of gaseous natural costs because there are several cially from the viewpoint of own operation or be de- from sorted municipal
well as Prime Minister Iveta gas occupies only one cubic possible alternatives. energy-producing sources and livered to the electricity grid. waste and biomass gener-
Radičová for personally push- metre in LNG form. “Eustream and the Polish consumption. At the same Part of the Green Ma- ated by the Horná Nitra re-
ing to create this linkage that According to Eustream, the operator of its transmission time, Gallo said this need will chines system also in- gion, Siváková said, adding
will allow gas to flow between gas transmission company in system, Gaz-System, earlier in depend on the condition and cludes sorting of various that energy will be re-
north and south. Ševce believes Slovakia that signed a memor- 2011 signed a Letter of Intent as development of its neigh- kinds of waste. covered from solid municip-
that this north-south intercon- andum of understanding on a demonstration of their inten- bours’ transmission systems Even though the devel- al waste and also partially
nection will enhance Slovakia’s building the pipeline between tion to cooperate on the project and economies, the interests opment of biogas stations is from non-hazardous indus-
energy security because the Slovakia and Hungary in June for a gas interconnection and attitudes of transmission just starting in Slovakia and trial waste, particularly
country will have the oppor- 2009, the political support of between Poland and Slovakia,” system operators, support for many towns and villages do from Trenčín Region.
tunity to tap into more diversi- both countries for this project said Beharková. “A working electricity exchange between not yet have enough in- HBP will supply biomass
fied sources of natural gas. He confirms its importance for the group consisting of represent- countries, and more trade in formation, Jirkovský noted made up of biologically de-
added that this will also sup- Visegrad Group (V4) region and atives from both companies is electricity within the EU. He that “the interest shown by gradable waste and wood
port creation of a more integ- its energy security. preparing technical, economic, stated that there are plans for towns and villages as well biomass. Project details
rated natural gas market in “In the future this inter- environmental and legal ana- three new electricity inter- as private individuals is such as technological solu-
central Europe, which cur- connection could secure lyses of the project. Whether connections with Hungary by escalating”. tions, the construction term
rently lags behind the more Slovakia’s access to new implementation of the project 2021 or 2026. Green Machines is pre- and total costs still needs to
unified market being estab- sources of gas supplies,” Dan- will go forward should be de- Because Slovakia and the paring a pilot project for con- be prepared.
lished in western Europe. ica Beharková, spokesperson cided next year.” Czech Republic were one coun-
Prime Minister Radičová for Eustream, told The Slovak Ševce said it is necessary to try in the past, the intercon-
and her Hungarian counter- Spectator, adding that this assess this project in terms of nections between the electri-
part Viktor Orbán signed an in- may be done by future connec- the interest of the market in city grids of the two countries
tergovernmental agreement tions to either of the planned additional transmission capa- are the strongest of Slovakia’s
on January 28 to build a Slov- projects known as Nabucco cities “but it is also necessary to linkages, Gallo said, adding
ak-Hungarian natural gas and South Stream. take into consideration the that even though some inter-
pipeline, the SITA newswire The Slovak-Hungarian factor of energy security, which connections may cease operat-
reported. The new pipeline pipeline will be about 115 kilo- is difficult to calculate”. ing in the period from 2020 to
will connect Veľké Zlievce near metres long, with about 19 2025, SEPS does not see a need to
Veľký Krtíš in Slovakia with kilometres within Slovakia, Electricity interconnections build new interconnections.
Vecsés in Hungary as part of a and will join the high-pressure With regard to intercon-
broader north-south energy transmission system between Apart from interconnect- nections with Ukraine, Gallo
project. The signatories Veľké Zlievce in south-central ing natural gas transmission stressed the importance of the
pledged to cooperate in con- Slovakia with Vecsés on the systems, interconnecting Veľké Kapušany-Mukachevo
structing, operating and outskirts of Budapest. Eu- Slovakia’s national electricity connection as this is one of
maintaining the pipeline. stream considers this project to grid with those in neighbour- only a few connections
“It is a step that means be feasible based on the results ing countries is another chal- between Ukraine’s so-called
more energy independence for of a market survey analysing lenge. Burshtyn Island generating fa-
Slovakia. It is an important interest in usage of its trans- “Slovakia, in comparison cilities, which are currently
part of EU energy security,” mission capacities. with several other EU member connected to the synchronous
Radičová said at a press con- Eustream said investment countries, is relatively densely electricity grid of continental
ference, as quoted by SITA. cost will far exceed €100 mil- interconnected with the [elec- Europe. According to Gallo, the
“After the agreement [was lion. This will be covered by the tricity] transmission systems existing 1x400kV Veľké
signed] talks with Poland will operators of the transmission of neighbouring countries,” Kapušany-Mukachevo inter-
continue on that north-south systems along with the Igor Gallo from Slovenská connection is nearing the end
interconnection.” European Commission, which Elektrizačná Prenosová of its physical life and under
The Slovak-Hungarian has promised to allocate €30 Sústava (Slovak Electricity certain development scenarios
project is part of the north- million from the European Transmission System, or SEPS) it might become overloaded in
south interconnection which Economic Plan for Recovery. told The Slovak Spectator. “Ex- the horizon of 2015-2020.
plans to link LNG (liquefied Currently, Eustream is isting interconnections are Therefore, SEPS has included in
natural gas) terminals in Po- working to obtain the required also satisfactory from the its development plan the pos-
land and Croatia. The goal of permits and licences so that it viewpoint of the direct needs sibility of building a 2x400kV
such an interconnection is to can start construction in early of supplying Slovakia with interconnection in Veľké
bring LNG from the north into 2012 and have the pipeline in power from abroad.” Kapušany in Slovakia, which is
central Europe, Klepáč said. use by 2014. But with regards to expec- close to both the Ukrainian and
Currently, only countries with “Eustream is prepared to ted future export of excess elec- Hungarian borders. The Elektráreň Nováky thermal power plant. Photo: TASR
LEGAL VIEW March 28 – April 3, 2011 11

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12 March 28 - April 3, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

GAS: Rising demand FOCUS shorts

for storage sites Miners grow lots of tomatoes
ANTICIPATING a decline in
demand for brown coal,
“This is Dutch-Israeli
technology whose result, in
Continued from pg 6 kilometres,” Klepáč noted, Hornonitrianske Bane combination with the work
adding that this would mean Prievidza, the biggest produ- of our people, should be ex-
There are two companies significant costs. cer of this raw material used cellent tomatoes of much
operating gas storage facilities Other potential storage to generate electricity in higher quality than those
in Slovakia with an aggregate capacities are located near Slovakia, is diversifying its imported to Slovakia,” Adri-
capacity of 2.8 billion cubic Sereď, according to Klepáč. He buiness model. ana Siváková, the mine’s
metres, according to Klepáč. sees the locality as very at- After starting to use its spokesperson told SITA.
The dominant company, Naf- tractive because it is very former underground mining The greenhouse is
ta, operates the underground close to the pipeline trans- tunnels for growing oyster heated by residual heat as
natural gas storage facilities in porting Russian gas into the mushrooms, the company well as local geothermal
the vicinity of the village of European Union. However, has now built greenhouses to energy, enabling it to grow
Láb. In 2008 it launched con- again, there is a fly in the grow tomatoes. In mid March tomatoes year-round. The
struction of a new storage fa- ointment: about 75 percent of its workers, some of whom cost of the project is €3.3
cility, Gajary-Báden. Pozagas the site’s capacity is currently are former miners, started to million and, according to
operates an underground gas filled with CO2. This is a pick the first harvest, the Siváková, this should be
storage facility known under greenhouse gas and no effect- SITA newswire wrote. paid back within seven
the name Láb 4, which has a ive solution has yet been de- In March alone they plan years.
capacity of 0.62 billion cubic veloped to deal with the large to harvest as much as 15,000 Apart from tomatoes,
metres. Its strategic import- Part of the new Gajary-Báden facility. Photo: J. Liptáková volume that would be ex- to 20,000 kilograms of toma- the mine grows oyster
ance is its direct connection to pelled if the site was filled toes. Depending on the mushrooms in its under-
the rapidly developing gas hub Slovakia is not the only “In Spain or Hungary with natural gas. weather, daily production is ground tunnels. It started
in Baumgarten, Austria. country in the Vienna basin, such strategic reserves are in According to Klepáč, one expected to rise to between growing this tasty variety of
“Since 2003, when Nafta which also comprises south- the ownership of the state of the possible solutions is to 2,500 and 3,000 kilograms in mushroom 300 metres un-
set out on the path of restruc- ern Moravia in the Czech Re- and can be used only in event use CO2 as the so-called base April. The mine already has derground in 1990. Annual
turing, it has managed to public and eastern Austria, to of a crisis,” said Klepáč. “In gas or cushion gas, which re- orders for 60 percent of its production is now between
augment, by optimisation use its suitable geological Slovakia such reserves do not mains as permanent invent- production from around 12,000 and 15,000 kilograms.
and new investments, the ex- conditions to build gas stor- exist.” ory in a storage reservoir to Slovakia. The mine excavates 2.2
isting storage capacity to its age facilities. To avoid complications in maintain adequate pressure The greenhouse, which million tons of brown coal
current 2.2 billion cubic “Currently there are a the event of a potential gas and prevent underground wa- covers 1.59 hectares, now per year. Elektráreň Nováky,
metres,” Martin Hollý, direct- number of underground gas crisis, the Fico government ter from flooding it. But, ac- ‘houses’ 52,000 tomato plants, a thermal power station op-
or general of Nafta, told The storage facilities, with an ag- tightened the rules for gas cording to Klepáč, some ex- which were planted in erated by Slovenské
Slovak Spectator. gregate storage capacity of suppliers. They are now ob- perts warn that the very high December. Agro Gtv, a subsi- Elektrárne, is its biggest cus-
Nafta launched the three- about 7.5 billion cubic liged to follow a so-called se- pressure required to do this diary of Hornonitrianske tomer. Elektráreň Nováky
phase, €166-million Gajary- metres,” said Klepáč, adding curity standard requiring that might lead to the destruction Bane, which shelters the provides 8 percent of
Báden project, to turn a de- that conditions exist to allow they guarantee gas supplies to of the whole reservoir. project, grows the tomatoes Slovakia's annual electricity
pleted hydrocarbon deposit this volume to be increased their clients for up to 30 days The third place where a using hydroponic technology. consumption .
into a modern gas storage fa- by as much as 100 percent in the event of a crisis. storage facility could be built
cility in 2008, before the Rus- within the next five to eight Moreover, there are some is in eastern Slovakia, close to
sian gas crisis. The total stor- years. depleted deposits in Slovakia the Slovak-Ukrainian-Hun-
age capacity of the facility is “This would be a really which could be turned into garian borders, near the vil-
projected to be 500 million cu- very important step for the new storage facilities, even lage of Ptrukša.
bic metres, increasing Nafta’s whole region for security of though not all their condi- “This would be a relatively
aggregate storage capacity to gas supplies,” said Klepáč. tions are ideal and many tech- small facility, with estimated
2.5 billion cubic metres (200 Slovakia also holds a nical questions need to be capacity of about 210 million
million cubic metres of new strong position in gas storage answered. cubic metres,” said Klepáč.
capacity is already in use). The within the Visegrad Four As Ladislav Goryl, director “Nevertheless, during the
company expects to complete countries of Poland, Hun- of Nafta’s underground gas crisis we realised that it would
the second, most important gary, the Czech Republic and storage division, told The have helped Slovakia very
phase of the project later this Slovakia. Slovak Spectator in an earlier much if it had had an under-
year. This phase includes con- “The aggregate storage interview, the basic condi- ground storage facility in the
struction of a gas distribution capacity in Visegrad Four tions for turning a depleted east of the country because all
centre for the Gajary-Báden countries is about 13 billion deposit into a gas storage facil- the existing facilities are in
facility as well as gas treat- cubic metres,” said Klepáč. ity are its permeability and its western Slovakia and the
ment facilities. Nafta plans to “Of this, Hungary accounts porosity. The porosity of the transit system was built to Miners are now harvesting tomatoes. Photo: TASR
wrap up the project in 2014. for the biggest share, 5.3 bil- site determines the amount of move gas from east to west.”
“After the investment is lion cubic metres, followed natural gas that it can hold, Whether new storage fa-
complete, Slovakia will be by the Czech Republic with while its permeability determ- cilities are built in Slovakia is Plant's seismic resistance reviewed
among those countries with 3.2 billion cubic metres, Slov- ines the rate at which natural a question of finding reason-
the highest ratio of existing akia with 2.8 billion cubic gas flows through it. This in able technical solutions, the SLOVENSKÉ Elektrárne (SE), bulletin of the Public Pro-
storage capacity to actual metres and Poland with just turn determines the rate of in- amount of investment neces- Slovakia’s dominant power curement Office.
natural gas consumption,” 1.6 billion cubic metres.” jection and withdrawal of gas. sary, and the level of demand producer, is planning to up- SE spokesperson Jana
said Hollý. Klepáč expects the ag- Other factors taken into con- for gas storage. But current grade the seismic resistance Burdová told The Slovak Spec-
Klepáč confirmed the gregate capacity to increase in sideration are the overall indicators suggest the mar- of the first two blocks of its tator that the seismic resist-
strong position of Slovakia in future years as Poland and the volume of such a depleted de- ket for gas storage will con- nuclear power station in ance upgrade project for
gas storage, which after Ga- Czech Republic, as well as posit, as well its tightness and tinue to grow. Mochovce. The company has Mochovce dates back to 2009.
jary-Báden is completed Slovakia, are also extending retentive qualities, which de- “The trend in Europe is already promulgated a pub- According to Slovakia’s
should increase to 3.2 billion their facilities. termine how much stored gas that the share of domestic gas lic tender with the Public Nuclear Regulatory Authority
cubic metres. might be lost. production is decreasing, gas Procurement Office. The (ÚJD), for the time being the
“Slovakia has a very good More underground storage According to Hollý, better consumption is rising and tender refers to the project's nuclear power station in
position in terms of natural facilities in Slovakia? conditions exist in western thus dependence on imported first stage, i.e. elaboration of Jaslovské Bohunice is more
gas underground storage Slovakia and that is why all ex- energy is increasing,” Hollý the concept, calculations resistant to earthquakes: it
capacities,” said Klepáč, given After the gas crisis ended, isting storage facilities so far said. “This results in an in- and project documentation should be able to survive an
that in theory it can store as the Robert Fico government are in this region, adding that creased demand for gas stor- for upgrading the seismic earthquake of 8 intensity de-
much as 45-50 percent of its discussed building a state- his company will also analyse age capacities, to which oper- resistance of the first two grees, according to the MSK64
annual consumption of natur- owned underground storage other opportunities. ators of gas storage facilities blocks of the Mochovce nuc- scale, the ČTK newswire
al gas – between 5.7 billion and facility to establish a state gas According to Klepáč, one are responding with devel- lear power station, which wrote. The nuclear power
6 billion cubic metres. But he reserve, but later abandoned possible place where a new opment investments. Simul- are already in use. The res- plant in Mochovce should res-
pointed out that since the the plan as too costly. storage facility could be built taneously, gas storage facilit- ults of the calculations will ist an earthquake of 7.4 intens-
storage facilities are used not With respect to gas stor- is near Láb, the site of the ex- ies are being used more and also be taken into considera- ity degrees on the same scale.
only to store gas for consump- age, Klepáč distinguishes isting facilities. He regards the more to support the trade in tion with respect to the But Slovakia, according to ex-
tion in Slovakia but also by gas between seasonal, i.e. com- location as promising, offer- gas, which further increases second two blocks, which perts, is not located in as seis-
distributors and gas trading mercial gas storage, and stra- ing further capacity of demand for storage. Nafta are currently under con- mically active area as Japan
companies renting gas storage tegic reserves. The latter are between 0.925 billion and identified this demand and struction. Potential suppli- and thus there is no danger of
capacity on a commercial used only in the event of a 1.250 billion cubic metres. prepared its investment in ers can show an interest up an extreme earthquake.
basis, this simple calculation crisis, as happened in Janu- “The problem is that it is Gajary-Báden in 2003, which to June 3, according to in-
should not be applied. ary 2009. located at a depth of 2 is now being carried out.” formation released in the Compiled by Spectator staff
NEWS / BUSINESS March 28 – April 3, 2011 13
UP: German, Austrian markets to open NATO: No direct impact
Continued from pg 1 of Slovakia’s accession ex-
pires on May 1, 2011.
on Slovakia expected
“Companies have rational- “The delay in the full Continued from pg 2 might have been spared if
ised their processes during opening of the [labour] mar- the EU and NATO members
the crisis and they no longer ket on the part of Austria and NATO activated its ships in the UN Security Council
need as many employees. Germany germinated from and aircraft in the central had clearly stated that
They are also more cautious fears of an excessive influx of Mediterranean to conduct Gaddafi’s use of brutal force
since their orders are leaner cheap labour,” Sadovská told operations to monitor, report against the Libyan people
than before the crisis.” The Slovak Spectator. “Thus and, if necessary, interdict would not be tolerated.
Along with the regular both countries have been vessels suspected of carrying “Here we can see clearly
seasonal influences, the un- working on measures that illegal arms or mercenaries. that value-based politics is
employment rate has been in- would reduce the eventual NATO members, more effective than an un-
fluenced by a decline in the invasion of cheap labour.” however, have not formally boundedly utilitarian and
number of people who are Based on analysis of the agreed to direct military in- mercantile approach,” Káčer
considered to be economically Slovak labour force, Sadovská tervention by the alliance, a said.
active, Eva Sadovská, an ana- The construction industry is not adding jobs. Photo: SITA said approximately 127,000 decision that would require
lyst with Poštová Banka, told Slovaks are working abroad. no dissenting voices. Slovakia’s capacity is low
The Slovak Spectator. Sadovská agreed that sea- Páleník said that during the “If we add approximately “If such a consensus is
The registered rate of un- sonal jobs that traditionally economic crisis a higher num- 25,000 students and various reached, that is that the Slovakia’s ability to fulfil
employment is calculated by emerge during the summer ber of people ended up in the illegal workers, we would countries that are against its obligations towards NATO
setting the number of jobless should help to some degree pool of unemployed but its probably get the number up NATO joining [the interven- were recently criticised by
people who are immediately but that there are more fun- core composition remained to somewhere about 200,000 tion] go for the option of con- the alliance’s high repres-
ready to accept work against damental possibilities. the same. He added that many people [abroad],” Sadovská structive absence to not entative, Frank Boland, who
the number of people who are “This year the country re- school graduates, who must said. “So about 9 percent of block the alliance, Slovakia said after a visit that the
economically active – those lies mostly on revival in in- usually depend on new job the total Slovak workforce is will be expected to show Slovak army is lagging be-
who are considered to be part dustry and investments openings, are becoming stuck working abroad; one of the political solidarity,” Ivo hind in modernisation due to
of the labour force. Although planned within that sector to in persistent unemployment. highest rates in Europe.” Samson, an international se- underfunding since 2007.
the number of economically create new jobs,” Sadovská said. The number of jobless Of the Slovaks who are curity analyst at the Slovak Slovakia has been a NATO
active people changes during She added, however, that people who had previously legally employed abroad, the Foreign Policy Association member since 2004.
the year, ÚPSVAR only estim- current and future layoffs in worked in the trade or ser- largest proportion, 41.4 per- (SFPA) think tank, told The Slovak Defence Minister
ates the number at the begin- the public sector will have a vices sectors increased by 330 cent, work in the Czech Re- Slovak Spectator. Ľubomír Galko announced
ning of the year and then uses negative impact on the un- in February compared to public and another 18.9 per- Rastislav Káčer, the head on March 18 that Slovakia did
that figure for the rest of the employment rate. January. The number of job- cent have jobs in Austria, of the non-governmental not possess capacities to
year, Sadovská explained. Regarding the types of ini- less people without qualifica- Sadovská said, adding that Slovak Atlantic Commission provide effective assistance
Last year the number of tiatives that the state might tions grew by 160 month-on- most of the Slovaks legally (SAC), noted that, in hypo- at this stage of the military
economically active persons use to reduce unemployment, month while the number of working abroad hail from the thetical terms, if such an intervention.
was calculated at 2,687,048 Páleník said that the long- unemployed who had previ- Prešov and Nitra regions. agreement was reached, op- “We will support all the
and this year it is 2,667,708, term steps are clear: an im- ously worked in administrat- Sadovská said Slovaks do erations planning would steps towards restoring
Sadovská said, adding that proved business environment, ive jobs, for example as clerks, not have much difficulty then take place within NATO peace and towards creating a
“regardless, the actual num- better law enforcement, re- increased by 155, said travelling abroad to take up to generate the necessary free society in Libya,” Galko
ber of people without jobs is duced corruption and less ad- Sadovská. Additionally, 3,154 jobs, particularly since Aus- military forces. said, as quoted by the Sme
the highest since the begin- ministrative burden. people who were not classi- tria and the Czech Republic “Member states contrib- daily, adding that this sup-
ning of 2005”. In the short-term, Páleník fied in any particular job cat- are Slovakia’s neighbours. ute according to their possib- port included not vetoing de-
“Despite the rather said only very effective, active egory became unemployed in While some Slovaks might ilities and obligations which cisions made by NATO and
gloomy start, we expect the labour market policies could February, she noted. have been waiting a long they declare within the potentially opening
unemployment rate to de- help to bring supply and de- On a brighter note, 371 time for the expiration of the ‘Force Goals’,” Káčer told The Slovakia’s skies for NATO op-
cline during the year,” mand into better balance. people who had been previ- labour market restriction, Slovak Spectator, adding that erations.
Sadovská said, noting that 12 Slovakia should launch ously employed as machine op- Sadovská noted that those Slovakia’s contribution Slovakia has contributed
percent might be the lowest various structural reforms to erators found jobs in February individuals who wanted to would depend on the conclu- to past and current NATO
level that the country the labour market to push and Sadovská said this confirms work in Austria or Germany sions of the planning process military operations primar-
reaches. “The pre-crisis levels down the unemployment rate, other statistics released by the probably had already found a and other circumstances. ily with engineering units,
cannot even be thought of. It said László Andor, the Statistics Office which show way of doing so. Káčer said that although demining experts and per-
will only be in three to five European commissioner for that only the industrial sector The lure of jobs in Austria there is currently no con- sonnel for infrastructure
years that Slovakia will be employment, social affairs and has created new jobs while the or Germany might be very at- sensus among NATO mem- construction.
able to reach those levels.” inclusion, when speaking to a trade, services and construc- tractive for both employed bers about joining the milit- Political and economic
Páleník expects the jobless ministerial conference about tion sectors employ fewer em- and unemployed Slovaks ary intervention in Libya, it analysts do not expect the
rate in March and April to be the impacts of the global eco- ployees than a year ago. since the average wage in is also true that there is “an military intervention in
very similar to February but nomic crisis on employment these countries is four times effective coalition to enforce Libya to have any particu-
added that seasonal jobs in held in Bratislava on March 22. Restrictions on working in higher than in Slovakia. the decision of the UN Secur- larly strong impact on Slov-
May and June could increase Andor also stated that Germany and Austria to end But Páleník does not ex- ity Council which is suppor- akia other than witnessing
the level of employment. Slovakia should create better pect a mass exodus. “It cer- ted by several NATO member higher petrol prices or Slovak
“It is difficult, however, to opportunities for people who Germany and Austria will tainly will not be any funda- states”. companies that had operated
predict when [business] or- are now excluded from the la- fully open their labour mar- mental change,” he said. “I He added his opinion in Libya being affected.
ders will be high enough and bour market, the SITA news- kets to Slovak citizens when assume that a couple of hun- that the international com-
last for a longer term so that wire reported. the 7-year transition period dred or maximally a couple of munity had waited too long For the full version of
employers start hiring many In terms of the structure of that these countries negoti- thousand people will be and that the large military this story please go to
more people,” Páleník said. those who are unemployed, ated with the EU at the time involved.” operation and loss of lives


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14 March 28 - April 3, 2011 CULTURE

Risky travel in Hochwald

IN THE Middle Ages the Great
l LIVE JAZZ: Chick Corea &
Gary Burton Duet – It took 28
years for the team of ingeni-
Hungarian state was created. ous pianist Chick Corea and
As there were several rivals vibraphone virtuoso Gary
interested in the territory of Burton to return to Bratislava.
today’s Slovakia, the Hun- Within the “Stars of World
garian state decided to fortify Jazz” series, the duo offer new
its borders through a system pieces.
of border guard posts. In the Starts: April 2, 20:00; In-
north, the state was protec- cheba Arena Expo, Viedenská
cesta 3-7. Admission: €29-€69.
ted against invasions from Tel: 02/5293-3321; www.
Poland by the Spiš border
At the state’s western Bratislava
boundary stood the village of l LIVE MUSIC: Nouvelle
Mengusovce and nearby was Vague – The French band led
the legendary municipality by Marc Collin and Olivier
of Hovaldy, a name gradually Libaux is known for adjusting
deformed by locals from the tunes to the bossa nova style.
This concert is the opening KAM dovidíš /As Far as You Can See is an exhibition by painter
original German name, event of a new cultural venue, Roland Neupauer featuring his most recent works at the GUBA
Hochwald – meaning wooded “Dunaj”, in the capital city. Gallery at Galvaniho 15 B in Bratislava until April 15. His works
areas closely watched by the Starts: March 30, 20:00; feature direct, impulsive reflections of sensual perceptions in an
army. Actually, there were Dunaj department store, SNP expressive modern art form. The exhibition is open daily from
several Hochwalds in the ter- Square. Admission: €19-€21. 8:00 to 19:00 and neighbouring spaces within the gallery offer
ritory of Slovakia: the one Tickets from:; several additional free exhibitions. For more information, please
near Mengusovce, then Štrba this part of the route as they proved to be an effective visit Photo: Courtesy of GUBA
and, bordering it, Važec. usually finished their travels solution.
Today only fields and pas- much poorer – if they were The feared robbers could Bratislava
l CLASSICAL MUSIC: Quas- Bratislava duo on Celtic harp and cello
tures cover the ter- no longer hide so ars Ensemble String Trio – P. l EXHIBITION: Tomáš Hulík – takes place within the Month
rain of Mengusovce they moved to Mosorjak on violin, P. The photos and documentar- of Francophony.

Hochwald, but as higher altitudes Zwiebel on viola and A. Gál on ies of this young Slovak nat- Starts: March 30, 18:30;
late as the beginning and the route cello play Beethoven, Al- ural scientist, movie-maker Bohéma klub of the State Op-
of the 18th century under the Tatras brecht, Bokes, Webern and and photographer offer a re- era, Národná 11. Admission:
this region was became safe – Francaix at the Slovak Na- view of his work, focused es- €2-€4, advance sale in Alli-
densely wooded. maybe for the tional Gallery. pecially on beavers and lynx ance Française. Tel: 048/4154-
Here, a smugglers’ path lead- lucky enough to emerge at first time in its history. Starts: March 30, 18:00; in the Slovak context. 105;
ing from the foot of the all. Soldiers were unable to In this postcard from the SNG-Vodné kasárne, Open: Mon-Sat 12:00-
Rázusovo nábrežie 2. Admis- 18:00; Galéria Z, Zichy Palace, Banská Bystrica
Tatras went through Ždiar to stop bandits who ambushed 1930s, we see two merry sion: €1.50. More information Ventúrska 9. Admission: free. l DANCE: PoOtvárame! / We
the Polish town of Halič. The and robbed the travellers. Mengusovce farmers heading at www. Tel: 0903/468-776; www. Will Open! – The Štúdio tanca
royal road from Liptov to Spiš The desperate authorities to a Sunday church service. theatre focusing on contem-
also led here. finally permitted the whole Bratislava porary dance has opened new
Tradesmen did not like forest to be logged, which By Branislav Chovan l EXHIBITION: Istoty and Trenčín studio rooms and a series of
00:41:20-00:41:21 – The l EXHIBITION: The Legend of events will symbolically
Istoty/Securities exhibition Omar and Fatima – This popu- “open the doors” to visitors to

Febiofest opens for 18th year by Emöke Vargová shows her

objects, installations and soft
plastic artworks that seem to
playfully exceed their own
lar romantic legend as it is
envisioned by young artists R.
Hornák, L. Horňáková Če-
mayová and others.
see how backstage actions
work and what types of artist-
ic performances can be
offered in the new building.
FEBIOFEST has established form. Open: Tue-Fri 10:00-17:00, Starts: March 26-31, 18:00-
itself over past years as the The 00:41:20-00:41:21 ex- Sat-Sun 13:00-18:00 until April late night; Na Kačici, Ko-
most extensive festival of hibition by Ľudmila Pohlová 3; Art Centrum Synagóga, menského 12. Admission:
Czech and Slovak films, TV shows the interaction Hviezdoslavova Street. Ad- some events are free; some
programmes and videos. It between the artist's work and mission: free. Tel: 0902/911- cost €4-€8. Tel: 048/4146-540;
takes place each year simul- its audience within a single 353;
taneously in the Czech Re- second.
public and Slovakia and this Open: Tue-Sat 14:00-18:00 Central SLOVAKIA Eastern SLOVAKIA
until April 3; Cyprián Ma-
year will extend six days in jerník Gallery, Zichy Palace, Banská Bystrica Prešov
Bratislava and then visit Ventúrska 9. Admission: free. l CELTIC MUSIC: “Yelen” by l WINE TASTING: Šťastný
eight other Slovak cities. Tel: 02/5920-1605; www. Gwenael Kerleo and Goulven súdok 19. predstavenie / The
The festival features Kervizic – The concert of this Happy Keg 19th Presentation –
dozens of movies in 14 differ- Fenič at a press conference on March 18. Photo: TASR A tasting of 10 wines from the
ent sections, ranging from re- Karpatská Perla winery in the
stored gems of global cinema- akia), Fero Fenič (Slovakia Fero Fenič was born in western Slovak town of
tography – such as films star- and the Czech Republic) and 1951 in the territory of Šenkvice.
ring Audrey Hepburn as well Andrzej Munk (Poland). present-day Slovakia. While Starts: March 31; Wine
Museum, Floriánova Street.
as a series of Mafia and God- The festival’s offerings studying at the Film Admission: €8. Tel: 051/7733
father films – to a retrospect- will be screened in Bratislava Academy in Prague he started -108; More information at
ive of movies made by 18 between March 25 and 30 at to shoot short films and doc- www.
Slovak directors of several the Zrkadlový háj House of umentaries. He was perse-
generations who had worked Culture, Mladosť cinema, cuted during the communist Prešov
for the Febio company, such 35mm VŠMU cinema club, era and could not make l EXHIBITION/MUSEUM:
as Fero Fenič, the founder of Nostalgia cinema club, movies. He worked as a tour- Cestami Rómov / On the Roma
the festival, Dušan Trančík, Archive Cinema of the Slovak ist guide and while he made Routes – This exposition offers
Jožo Horal, Ján Piroh, Matej Film Institute, A4-Nultý some films, like his first fea- a review of the history of
Roma in the Carpathian
Mináč, and others. The fest- priestor as well as at the Uni- ture film Džusový román in Basin. Another exhibition in
ival also screens the most cur- versity Pastoral Centre in 1984, they could not be the same museum shows 20
rent Czech, Slovak and Italian Mlynská Dolina. After finish- screened for the public. In years of the Roma newspaper
films. The themes spread ing its run in Bratislava the 1992 he founded the Febiofest THE LEGENDARY “alternative” band formed in 2006 from the Romano Nevo Ľil in photo-
from topical issues involving festival travels to Košice festival. His films stress gen- original Dlhé Diely group which now performs under the name graphs.
minorities, new Czech TV (March 31-April 3), Nitra eral tolerance, social issues Open: Tue-Fri 9:00-17:00,
Longital offers a concert on March 31 at 20:30 in the brand-new
productions, films for chil- (April 4-5), Banská Bystrica and personal freedom. More Sun 14:00-18:00 until April 15,
Štúdio tanca venue in Banská Bystrica at Komenského 12, next Krajské museum, Hlavná 86.
dren and films dedicated to (April 4-8), Martin (April information about the festiv- to the Na Kačici secondary grammar school. Tickets cost €6 to
moviemakers who are celeb- 9-13), Prešov (April 11-15), al can be found at Admission: €2. Tel: 051/7734-
€8 and can be purchased through For 708;
rating special anniversaries Poprad (April 12-15) and fin- more information on the band, visit
such as Eduard Grečner (Slov- ishes in Trenčín (April 13-17). Compiled by Spectator staff
Photo: Karel Šuster, Courtesy of Slnko Records By Zuzana Vilikovská

N A M E D A Y M A R C H - A P R I L 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia SoÀa Miroslav Vieroslav Benjamín Hugo Zita Richard

can now be found at

March 28 March 29 March 30 March 31 April 1 April 2 April 3

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE March 28 – April 3, 2011 15

Equal opportunities for all The “A” Train rolls

into Bratislava
the guiding line for the visu-
ally impaired directs straight the orchestra performs
MICHAELA ŠUTKOVÁ Ellington’s evergreen tunes.
Special to the Spectator ahead. Due to this irrespons- BY DOMINIKA
ibly-laid paving, a visually UHRÍKOVÁ So after a successful ap-
impaired person can hit a car Spectator staff pearance in the Czech Re-
standing at the crossroad in public last spring when
A WORLD draped in the cloak of front of the pedestrian cross- Prague’s Lucerna concert
darkness. On dark roads ing. ONE OF the most eagerly hall was completely sold-out,
without a sparkle, he has been Among other defective awaited events on the 2011 the Duke Ellington Orchestra
guided by his loyal partner, the obstacles, Juraj considers cultural agenda of Bratis- decided to give a show in
white stick, and at the end a street drains where the stick lava is only days away. For Slovakia as well.
committed friend – a guide dog for visually-impaired persons a few hours on April 3, The concert will be held
for the blind. can get caught when crossing Bratislava will become the under the auspices of the US
The enthusiasm of Juraj – the road because of wrongly capital of jazz virtuosity, or Embassy in Bratislava.
who has been losing sight laid grid lines. so it would seem, with the “We are aware that it is
since his early childhood – In this regard Juraj thinks legendary Duke Ellington difficult to produce high-
and his courage to achieve his that our state should take an Orchestra visiting Slovakia quality jazz performances in
goals as well as his determin- example from facilities built for the first time. a relatively limited market so
ation to live fully every single in neighbouring Austria. Organisers are warning we are happy to support, if
day of his life can be inspiring There the guiding and alerting that time is quickly running only in a symbolic way, such
for everyone, not only those lines are being built so they out to decide whether to at- a landmark event as the
who live their lives with a dis- lead around slopes but addi- tend because 700 of the 860 Duke Ellington Orchestra’s
ability. However, even his tionally are also located inside available seats have already first visit to Bratislava and
most patient smile can disap- A guide dog: Not welcome on all buses. Photo: SITA underground stations. been sold. we are very pleased to help
pear from time to time. The European Comi– Similar news is coming bring this extraordinary mu-
The life of impaired people The driver explained ness to help those in need ssion's Directorate-General from the other American and sical experience to Slovak
can be made harder by certain away the contradictions in seems to vanish in the wind for Employment, Social Af- European cities that the or- jazz fans,” said Sharf.
groups of people and absurd the different guidelines by these days. fairs and Inclusion’s com- chestra is visiting this spring, And to ensure that the
legislation, regulations and arguing that the rules of his Likewise, the unpleas- prehensive campaign “For confirming that 36 years after concert is even more of an
orders, which instead of mak- employer have a stronger antly constructed facilities Diversity, Against his death the “grand duke of “extraordinary musical
ing their lives smoother make weight for him than the gen- for visually-impaired persons Discrimination” has started swing” has not left the hearts experience” the organisers
their full integration into so- eral transport order. Juraj de- cannot be ignored. The gov- to combat these impedi- of his millions of fans. have invited a strong sup-
ciety impossible. Juraj has scribed the whole situation ernment and municipalities ments. “It is not an exaggeration porting line-up to join the le-
well-tasted the bitterness of by saying that this is “the are trying to make it easier for Since 2003 the campaign to say that Ellington is an gendary American big band.
discrimination which has be- land of the absurd”. disabled people by laying spe- has been trying not only to American jazz legend,” Chris “We wanted to offer the
come an integral part of daily He then turned to the dir- cial paving so that visually raise awareness about visu- Sharf from the US Embassy Slovak audience something
life. The impacts, however, ector of the transport com- impaired citizens have better ally-impaired people’s rights in Bratislava told The Slovak really special,” said Pavel
cannot be easily erased from pany: the director arranged a orientation in the space. but also to stress the values of Spectator. “He was one of the Tesař from the Brnokoncert
the memory. one-off ride for him along However, this work is diversity within the profes- most important composers agency that is the promoter
On his way to Nitra re- with his dog. However, he usually assigned to non-ex- sional environment as well as and band leaders in the his- of the concert. “That is why
cently, Juraj experienced a also said that if a ride during pert suppliers. The paving is within society. tory of jazz.” we have asked the fantastic
set of bizarre situations: right rush hours would be in ques- laid without considering its There is a need to inform Edward “Duke” Elling- Peter Lipa and the marvel-
at the start, a driver from the tion, he would rather not take actual purpose. Visually-im- people about discrimination ton, born in 1899, is credited lous Juraj Bartoš to come and
yellow-bus transportation Juraj on. His arguments paired people are in most based on age, disability, with over 1,000 composi- play a couple of songs with
company refused to let Juraj sound rather comic: allegedly cases confused by this incor- sexual orientation, religion tions spanning many genres the orchestra.”
on the bus with his guide dog. other passengers might rectly-laid paving and are or faith, race and ethnic ori- including pop, blues, classic- Peter Lipa is an award-
The driver was required to complain that the dog is sometimes even put into life- gin at the workplace and in al, gospel, and, most import- winning Slovak singer-
adhere to the basic transport- snuffling. Is this not clear threatening situations. other areas such as educa- antly, jazz. Among his best- songwriter, considered by
tariff terms as well as the evidence of discrimination? The new square built in tion, health care, social se- known songs are Take the some journalists to be the
conditions of his employer, Juraj has encountered Senec is a good example of such curity and access to goods “A” Train, Sophisticated “father of Slovak jazz”. For
which state that the carriage another example of rough- dangerous guiding pavements. and services. Lady, It Don’t Mean a Thing many years, he has worked
of animals is prohibited. The ness and unwillingness at Instead of guiding visually-im- After observing specific (If It Ain’t Got That Swing) as the programme director
same terms and conditions of the office that deals with so- paired people straight to the cases of discrimination, one and Mood Indigo. for the Bratislava Jazz Days.
the bus company include a cial problems. Here the em- other side of the pedestrian should contact the Slovak Na- Ellington founded his or- Trumpeter Juraj Bartoš,
statement pertaining to in- ployee “welcomed” him by crossing, it guides them into tional Centre for Human chestra in 1923 and remained no less renowned than Lipa,
dividual rights of specific asking why he had not come the middle of the crossroads. Rights. Everyone has a right its leader until his death in is famous for both his jazz
groups of passengers. To add with a personal assistant A pedestrian crossing at to equal opportunities and 1974. Now under the direc- and classical-music skills. He
a cherry to the top of the cake, since what he needed to do the crossroads near May 1st equal treatment. tion of his grandson, Paul is the founder and director of
the general transport order was to fill out a form. Square in Bratislava, leading Mercer Ellington, the en- the Bratislava Hot Seren-
permits the transport of spe- One would get upset and towards Kollárovo Square, is Michaela Šutková is a student semble keeps the Duke’s aders ensemble.
cially-trained dogs used as a angry at the same time when similarly made. at the Department of Journalism of genius alive with dozens of The Duke Ellington Or-
guide for visually-impaired listening to such absurdit- It is designed sidelong, Comenius University’s Faculty of performances worldwide chestra, supported by Peter
persons. ies. Tolerance and willing- slightly to the right, whereas Philosophy in Bratislava. every year, including gigs at Lipa and Juraj Bartoš, will
prestigious events such as perform in the New Building
the Tokyo Jazz Festival and of the Slovak National

Editor's note the Cape May Jazz Festival.

But until now Slovak jazz
enthusiasts have not had the
Theatre on April 3 at 20:00.
Tickets range from €49 to
€99. For more information,
opportunity to experience see or
DISCRIMINATION can take various ‘law of the jungle’ is applied: only those majority are heard and they are given the the virtuosity with which
forms and can cause unimaginable harm who are stronger and part of the larger same keys to access that the majority
to minorities living among a dominant group survive. population enjoys.
majority – a majority that does not en- Many Slovaks of the post-November The Slovak Spectator believes the me-
counter obstacles in getting an educa- 1989 generation have shared a rather un- dia should play a leading role in raising
tion, finding a job or simply boarding a usual perception when they first trav- awareness about unequal opportunities
bus or expressing an opinion. elled abroad: they were surprised how and different kinds of discrimination and
Discrimination does not simply fade many physically-impaired people lived for that reason it supported the idea of an
away when undemocratic regimes in the United States or Great Britain. The essay competition among journalism stu-
metamorphose into democratic ones, unusual perception was certainly not be- dents. The competition emerged as a res-
and it does not disappear under the cause there were no disabled people in ult of cooperation between the Slovak Na-
march of time unless its manifestations communist Czechoslovakia – instead, it tional Centre For Human Rights, the De-
are confronted by remedial legislation, was because these citizens simply did partment of Journalism of Comenius
better education of younger generations not have the chance to use the streets or University’s Faculty of Philosophy as well
and effective awareness campaigns. ride on public transport. They were as The Slovak Spectator.
The maturity of a modern democratic locked in home prisons, hidden from The Slovak Spectator agreed to print
nation should be partly measured by the society’s view. the best piece and the essay above by Mi-
availability of equal opportunities for dif- Many would say that things have chaela Šutková has been translated from
ferent groups within society in accessing changed here. Yes, they are changing its Slovak original and edited in accord-
various life needs as well as greater slowly but Slovakia still has a long way to ance our style guide.
awareness in society about why some go in learning its equality lessons so that
people could be totally left out if only the the voices of those who are not part of the Beata Balogová The orchestra in action. Photo: Courtesy of the US Embassy
16 March 28 - April 3, 2011 ADVERTISEMENT

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