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In this lesson, we will cover the process of marriage and all the things you need to

know how to say in English. In the previous session, we learned about the engagement
and initial wedding procedures. Let's now look into more depth at the marriage process.

After two people agree to marry, there are many things to plan. There are many
different things you can do, and depending on your budget, you will have more or less.
I will give an example of the marriages I have seen around me.

The first thing you need to do after you set a date is find a church. In eastern cultures,
marrying in a church is not as popular, but in America, a large percentage of marriages
still take place in the church.

You will need to call a church and ask if you can rent there place for a marriage.

"Hello. I'm going to get married and I was wondering if you rent out your church for
this purpose."

If they say no, you can say thank you and good bye. If they say yes, then you can
follow up with more questions.

"I was looking to get married on June 15th. Will your church be available on that date?"
"What Saturday do you have available in the month of June?"

If timing is an issue, then you will need to tell them the time.

"We would like to get married at 1:00pm. Is that ok?"

"We would like to get married at 4:00pm. Does that time work for you?"
"We are pretty flexible with the time so I will take whatever time is available on that

After a date and time is confirmed, they might ask you to meet and get all the details
from you.

The next step is for the decoration and flowers.

Friends might ask,

"What kind of flowers are you going to have?"

"What color flowers are you going to have?"

You can respond by,

"I'm thinking about white and yellow roses."

"I'm not sure yet, but I'm leaning towards lavender and white roses."
You will need to call up a flower shop and ask for flowers to be arranged.

"I'm going to get married next June and I would like an estimate for flowers."
Usually it all depends on your price range so they might ask you how much and how big
the wedding will be.

"How many people are you expecting and what is your budget for flowers?"

"I am expecting about 150 people and I wanted to stay under one thousand dollars for

"What types of flowers did you have in mind?"

"I want purple and white roses."

"I believe I can provide what you are looking for. I can prepare the flowers for the
walkway, for the altar, the flower you hold, flowers for the brides maid, and overall
decoration. Because of your flower selection, it will cost twelve hundred dollars.

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