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 to not feel like doing something: to not want to do something

 I don't feel like working today.

 She doesn't feel like going to the park today. She wants to stay

2. to change one's mind: to decide to do something different than what one
originally decided to do

 I was going to visit Japan, but then I changed my mind. Now, I am

going to visit China.
 I was going to buy the blue car, but I changed my mind and I got the
red car.

3. at the last minute: right before a deadline or due date

 He always waits to the last minute to do this work.

 We finished at the last minute.

1. to change one's mind: to decide to do something different than what one
originally decided to do

A) I thought you were going to travel this weekend. Why are you here?
B) I changed my mind. I decided to stay here this weekend.

A) Why didn't you buy the jacket?

B) I changed my mind. Now, I think that I don't need a new jacket.

2. an expensive purchase: something that cost a lot of money to buy

 That is an expensive purchase.

 A new car is an expensive purchase.

3. What is wrong with...?: a question used to ask about the problem with
something or someone

A) What's wrong with Kelly? Why is she crying?

B) Her dog died this morning.

A) What's wrong with your car?

B) I don't know. It is in the car shop now. I'll find out later.

1. to steal something: to take something that belongs to another person

without permission

 Somebody stole my phone.
 He was fired because he stole money from the company.

2. a liar: a person who lies (usually often)

 Don't trust him. He is a liar.

 She is a liar. Don't believe what she says.

3. proof: evidence

 Do you have proof that he stole your phone?

 We have no proof that aliens are real.

1. to come up with an idea: to create or think of an idea

 She came up with a great idea to increase sales.

 We need to come up with a new idea.

2. to present an idea to somebody: to submit or tell an idea to a person

 I will present my idea to my boss tomorrow.

 We all need to present 3 ideas to the CEO at the meeting next week.

3. to be sneaky: being able to do things without other people knowing

 When did you come in? You are so sneaky.

 How did he leave without me seeing? He is sneaky.

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