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Name : Alfina

Student Number : 1801070003

Class :C

Children Language Development


Language development is one of the most important factors in a child's

growth and development. Language has a wide scope, because language can be
interpreted as feelings, expressions, emotions and expression of the environment
around him. Ability to Talk to Children the need to be a very important part of
their life, for that role parents, family and the environment are very influential in
providing stimulus for children so that children do not experience speech delays.
language and speak. In development of language can be built by many things,
both from the internal environment (family)and the external environment
(environment). Differences in children's language development, both deep form
and structure, very much built by certain cultural and social backgrounds. In this
study the authors of the staff language development in children with backgrounds
families with working parents and their care entrusted with language caregivers
different, patterns of care and stimulation that are not provided optimally by
parents and the environment around them. This condition ultimately has a major
influence on language development and speech, which ultimately causes this child
to experience delays and speech (can talk), in front of people with speech
disorders, children find it difficult to express the conditions they want. The way to
express his desires is in the end expressive language influence the socio-emotional
behavior of children with their environment (Rajesh & Venkatesh, 2019).

Similarities and differences between each journal

1. Children's fluency when speaking.
2. Children have speech delays.
3. Children have certain disorders that make it difficult to speak.


1. 2 journals discuss speech delay disorders in children.

2. each journal using the method :
a. Journal 1 using qualitative method:The topic discussion was somehow
dependent on the children's interests. When the child's start putting two
words together one can begin investigating his active grammar.
b. Journal 2 using quantitative method :Ninety-four children with
language development disorders (LDD) between the ages of 4 and 6
years and 94 children (matched by age and sex) without disorders of
language development were compared concerning behavioural
problems, as measured by the German version of the Child Behavior
c. Journal 3 using qualitative method: Data collection techniques in this
study were interviews, observation, documentation and accompanied
by field notes. The author takes one subject, namely a child who is
currently 9 years who have attended SDS Bangun Mandiri Jakarta and
the data were obtained by researchers from parents study subjects
when the study subjects were 2 years old when diagnosed with
PDDNOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder — Not stated (defined)
is one of the earliest diagnoses when a child is have a delay in


a. Research results from journal 1: In general, the results of this study are in
accordance with several studies which reported that children with speech
and language skills disorders are at special risk for developing behavioral
problems. Neural developmental immaturity may be one of them factors
underlying disruption in language development and behavioral problems.
b. Research results from journal 2: Children do not receive real feedback
about the language they do produce, since it has been noted that parents
rarely correct a childrens mistakes. Thus, the grammar acquisition results
from simply the necessity of using language to communicate, along with a
need to express complex ideas.
c. Research results from journal 3: in fact children with certain disorders
such as speech talk as children with problems that can interfere with the
teaching and learning process in schools because children are easier to
vent their emotions because of language limitations they have. Therefore,
To overcome this cooperation between schools, parents and the
environment needed to help improve communication between children and
their environment.

Research study uses a qualitative method, with a case study
approach. The reason for choosing the use of qualitative methods is for
more readers easy an understandable about the substance of this research,
because it is presented in words that are easier to understand than using
numbers. Future researchers are expected to maximize the collection
technique data, such as interviews, observation, documentation and use of
psychological tests so that it can be varied so that accurate, precise and
accurate data is obtained maximum for the success of further research on
those matters related to speech delay in children.
For child therapists
It is recommended for child therapists who deal with tardiness problems
speech (speech delay) to:
(1) Pay attention to the factors that become inhibitors of speech
development in children; and
(2) Seeking treatment (treatment) according to the factors that hinder
speech development.

This type of research used in this study is with a case study

approach. According to Poerwandari (2001: 65), a case study is specific
phenomena that exist in a bounded context context), although the
boundaries between the phenomenon and the context are not completely
clear. The case study type used in this research is the case study type
collective, namely an instrumental case study expanded to include some
cases. Its purpose is to study phenomena / populations / conditions general
with more depth. Things that will be examined in this research are factors
which affect speech delay in children. In research This researcher will look
at the things that arise as the cause of the delay talk (speech delay). For the
reasons mentioned above, it will go deeper if generated in the results of
research in the form of words as is appropriate with what is disclosed, and
in accordance with the actual situation that is done by the subject.

Link journal :

Jounal 1

Journal 2


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