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El tipo de narrador, narrador en primera persona. protagonista.

narracion ulterior, narracion anterior, narracion simultanea.

cuando ten�a quince a�os anos me inici� en el mundo del deporte especialmente en
en un centro comercial llamado caribbean mall, el gimnasio tenia muchas maquinas de
correr, de remar, tenia barras, discos
entre otras cosas y tenia una vista hermosa de la ciudad de lecheria.

6 a�os depues regresaria al gimansio como entrenador, ayudarias a las personas a

entrenar, seguiria levantando pesas,
con mis compa�eros de trabajo, comprariamos mas implementos de crossfit,
contruiriamos otro gimanasio para los otros clientes.
Yo ire a comptencias internacionales a representar el gimansio.

A veces me gustia poder entrenar con mis viejos amigos, estar con ellos y hablar.
pero con todo esto de la pandemia no creo poder verlos por un largo tiempo
aun estoy en mi casa cuidandome, estudiando y trabajando, en algunas ocaciones me
pongo a entrenar en casa aunque no es lo mismo que le gimnasio.


The type of narrator, first person narrator. protagonist.

ulterior narration, anterior narration and simultaneous narration

When I was fifteen years old, I started in the world of sports, especially in
crossfit.In a shopping center called Caribbean Mall,
the gym had running machines,
rowing machines, it had bars, among other things and had a beautiful view of the
city of Lecheria.

6 years later I would return to the gym as a coach, you would help people to train,
I would continue lifting weights,

With my co-workers we would buy more Crossfit implements,

we would build another gym for the other clients.

I will go to international competitions to represent the gym.

Sometimes I liked being able to train with my old friends, be with them and talk.

but with all this pandemic I don't think I can see them for a long time

I'm still at home taking care of myself, studying and working.

Sometimes I start training at home, although it's not the same as the gym.

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