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A Seminar Report On



Submitted by
Under the Guidance of
Mr. Manjunath B




(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to VTU Belagavi, ISO 9001:2015 Certified)


This it to certify that the seminar report entitled



Is a work carried out by BANASHRI KOTAGI bearing USN

2KA18CV404.In the partial fulfillment prescribed by the
for VII swmester Civil Engineering during the year 2020-21.This seminar
report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect
to the seminar work prescribed for the Bachelor of Engineering Degree.

………………..... …………………. …..………………

Signature of Guide Signature of HOD Signature of Principal
Mr. Manjunath B Prof. Arun Tandi Dr.Udayakumar Hampannavar


The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any
task would be incomplete without the mention of people who made it possible, whose
constant guidance and encouragement crowned out efforts with success.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our guide Mr. Shreekanth Jogar
Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering, without his immense guidance and
support the work would have been unthinkable.

Also I would like to thank our Seminar Coordinator Mr. Arunkumar Joshi
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, helped me in the completion of
seminar work.

I express my deep sense of gratitude to our HOD Prof. Arun Tandi, Department
of Civil Engineering, for his unstinted support.

I extend my gratitude to the Principal of SKSVMACET, Lakshmeshwar

Dr.Udayakumar Hampannavar for his generous support in all regards.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to all the faculty members, teaching and non-teaching
staff of department of Civil Engineering, SKSVMACET, Lakshmeshwar who have
helped us directly or indirectly.

Lastly I am very much indebted to our parents and friends for their unquestioning
best cooperation and help.






3.1 DART 05









7.1 14
1.1 Flutter Cross Platform 02
2.1 Flutter Apps Examples 04
3.1 Dart Programming Language 05
4.1 Flutter’s First App 09
5.1 Widget Tree 10
5.2 Stateless Widget 11
5.3 Stateful Widgets 11
6.1 Dart Pad 12
7.1 Flutter Community 14



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1.3 Literature Review

This chapter provides an introduction to the areas of research. It describes the work which has already been
done in direct-show and states the new scope. The scope has been clearly explained and the technology used
to obtain this has been mentioned in this chapter.

Existing System

There are 4.1 billion email accounts created until 2014 and there will be estimated 5.2 billion accounts by end
of 2018. This makes emails the most common form of communication. The most common mail services that
we use in our day to day life cannot be used by visually challenged people because they do not provide any
facility so that the person in front can hear out the content of the screen, As they cannot visualize what is
already present on screen they cannot make out where to click in order to perform the required operations.

For a visually challenged person using a computer for the first time is not that convenient as it is for a normal
user even though it is user friendly. Although there are screen readers available still these people face minor
difficulties. Screen readers read out whatever content is there on the screen and to perform those actions the
person will have to use keyboard shortcuts as mouse location cannot be traced by the screen readers. A user is
new to computer can therefore not use this service as they are not aware of the key locations.
The screen readers read out the content in sequential manner and therefore user can make out the contents of
the screen only if they are in basic HTML format. Thus the new advanced web pages which do not follow this
paradigm in order to make the website more user-friendly only create extra hassles for these people.

It is based on a completely novel idea and is nowhere like the existing mail systems. The most important
aspect that has been kept in mind while developing the proposed system is accessibility. A system is said to be
perfectly accessible only if it can be used efficiently by all types of people whether able or disable. The
current systems do not provide this accessibility. Thus, the system we are developing is completely different
from the current system. Unlike current system which emphasizes more on user friendliness of normal users,
our system focuses more on user friendliness of all types of people including normal people visually impaired
people as well as illiterate people. The complete system is based on voice prompt and clicks events. When
using this system, the computer will be prompting the user to perform specific operations to avail respective
services and if the user needs to access the respective services then he/she needs to perform that operation.
One of the major advantages of this system is that for the most part, the user won’t require the use of
keyboard. All operations will be based on mouse click events. Now the question that arises is that how will
the blind users find location of the mouse pointer. As particular location cannot be tracked by the blind
user,therefore the user has to traverse the mouse throughout the screen from top to bottom and then left to
right. This system will be perfectly accessible to all typesof users as it is just based on simple mouse clicks
and there is no need to remember keyboard shortcuts. Also because of this facility those who cannot read need
not worry as they can listen to the prompting done by the system and perform respective actions.

Another drawback that sets in is that screen readers read out the content in sequential manner and therefore
user can make out the contents of the screen only if they are in basic HTML format. Thus the new advanced
web pages which do not follow this paradigm in order to make the website more user-friendly only create
extra hassles for these people. All these are some drawbacks of the current system which we will overcome in
the system we are developing.

The above chapter shows the basic introduction of the Email system and the overview about the system for
the blinds. And also the introduction of the speech recognition how the speech recognition works and it is
easy to understand as well. In this chapter there are some pitfalls of an existing system that is how they are
useful in the earlier and present days. And then literature review that is existing system. The existing system is
based on previously what it is been done in earlier days and how it works and whether is the email system is
useful for blind people. The existing system tells us idea of the system and the email system is very useful for
the blind people as well as for normal people to interact through the voice.This is all overall summary based
on the above chapter.

Software approach is the sequence of steps involved in the development process along with the software used
in each step.

2.1 About Python

Python is an interpreted object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-
level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding; make it very attractive for
Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing
components together. Python's simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the
cost of program maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity
and code reuse. The Pythoninterpreter and the extensive standard library are available in source or binary
form without charge for all major platforms, and can be freely distributed.

Often, programmers fall in love with Python because of the increased productivity it provides. Since there is
no compilation step, the edit-test-debug cycle is incredibly fast. Debugging Python programs is easy: a bug or
bad input will never cause a segmentation fault. Instead, when the interpreter discovers an error, it raises an
exception. When the program doesn't catch the exception,the interpreter prints a stack trace. A source level
debugger allows inspection of local and global variables, evaluation of arbitrary expressions, setting
breakpoints, stepping through the code a line at a time, and so on. The debugger is written in Python itself,
testifying to Python's introspective power. On the other hand, often the quickest way to debug a program is to
add a few print statements to the source: the fast edit-test-debug cycle makes this simple approach very

2.2PY Audio
PY Audio provides Python bindings for Port Audio, the cross-platform audio I/O library. With PY Audio, you
can easily use Python to play and record audio on a variety of platforms.
PY Audio is inspired by:
 PY PortAudio/fastaudio: Python bindings for PortAudio v18 API.
 Tk Snack: cross-platform sound toolkit for TCL/Tk and Python.

views. This behavior leads to a drawback that many objects, which might survive for a singular
frame, will be created. As Dart is a modern programming language, it is optimized to handle this
scenario in memory level with the help of “Generational Garbage Collection”.
2.3 Speech Synthesis (TTS)
Speech synthesis is the synthetic production of speech. A automatic data handing out system used for this
purpose is called as speech synthesizer, and may be enforced in software package and hardware product. A
text-to-speech (TTS) system converts language text into speech, alternative systems render symbolic linguistic
Synthesized speech can be created by concatenating pieces of recorded speech that are stored in a database.
Systems differ in the size of the stored speech units; a system that stores phones or diphones provides the
largest output range, but may lack clarity. For specific usage domains, the storage of entire words or sentences
allows for high-quality output. Alternatively, a synthesizer can incorporate a model of the vocal tract and
other human voice characteristics to create a completely "synthetic" voice output.

Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of speech synthesis application that is used to create a spoken sound version of
the text in a computer document, such as a help file or a Web page. TTS can enable the reading of computer
display information for the visually challenged person, or may simply be used to augment the reading of a text
message. Current TTS applications include voice-enabled e-mail and spoken prompts in voice response
systems. TTS is often used with voice recognition programs. There are numerous TTS products available,
including Read Please 2000, Proverb Speech Unit, and Next Up Technology's TextAloud. Lucent, Elan, and
AT&T each have products called “Text-to-Speech”.

2.4Technologies Used
 Programming language: Python
 Protocols: SMTP,POP
 APIs used: Google Speech to Text and Text to Speech
The system design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces and data for a
system to satisfy requirements. Systems design could be seen as the application of systems theory to product
development. The design is broadly classified into two levels according to software engineering. They are
high level design and low level design. They are explained as follows.

2.1 General Design Architecture

The general design architecture of the system depicts the interaction of the subsystems in the system.

Access Granted Send command



Figure 2.1 General Design Architecture

2.2 Activity Diagrams
Activity diagrams are graphical representation of workflows of stepwise activities and actions with
support for choice, iteration and concurrency.

2.2 Activity Diagram

2.3 Use case Diagrams

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the system and depicting the
specifications of a use case. A use case diagram can portray the different types of users of a system and
various ways that they interact with the system.
2.3.1 Use case for Mail System

The above Figure Shows about the use case system for blinds. That is visually impaired people can use this
email system. And it is very beneficial for blind people. Here, in this mail system, Firstly, there will be user to
sign up into the email. And the users will get Register and the Register users can access through email. It
consists of Inbox, Compose, Sent Mail, Log out. And all this is done when you get log in. In other words, the
mail system can be done in this manner.

2.3.2 Use case for Sign Up


Sign up is phrase referring to the creation of an online account using an email address or username and
password. The online account is usually for a website or web-based service. Once someone has signed up for
a service, they can access their account by logging in. In this email system, The first step is sign up and in this
step, the user should enter the name, after that password and next re-entering the password , after all this is
being done automatically the person is being Registered.

2.3.3 Use case for Inbox

In this Email system, the very next step is Inbox where the user gets messages and it is stored in the inbox. It
is an electronic folder in which emails received by an individual are held. And also sends a private message or
an email to someone and incoming mail gets stored in. The inbox is the default location for all incoming mail,
unless rules are set up to forwaded messages to another email address or folder.

2.3.4 Use case for Compose

In this Email system, the third step is Compose. In this compose step, it includes record, listen, send. Where
recording of the voice is being captured. And next listening to the voice which has been spoken and lastly
send the voice which has been captured. And after that enter the Email addresses of the person or persons to
whom going to send the message.

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2.3.5 Use case for Sent Mail

In this email system, the last step is Sent mail. Sent or Sent items is a folder or area that stores any emails that
were successfully delivered. The sent item is different than the outlook, which is a location where email stays
until it is delivered. The sent mail contains of all the mails that has gone via Google servers, no matter
whether the mail is composed or sent via Gmail’s web interface.

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This Use case Diagram is a graphic depiction of the interactions among the elements of mailing system. It
represents the methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify and organize system requirements of
mailing system. A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user’s interaction with the system
that shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved. The use
case diagram shows the process of the email system. User can navigate through the email system and be able
to send and receive and store emails for the future purpose.

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A flowchart is type of diagram that represents a workflow or process. A flowchart can also be defined as a
diagrammatic representation of an algorithm, a step by step approach to solving a task. The flowchart shows
the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting the boxes with arrows.
The basic goal in system implementation is to specify the logic for the different modules that have been
specified during system design.

4.1 Features
1: Login and registration
The existing user can login to the account by providing the specified username and password. If the user is
new to the application, then he needs to sign up to the mail account by providing his details and registering to

In the inbox module, each button represents a mail received by the user. When the user hovers over the
button, he will be informed who the sender is. If he wishes to listen to the mail, he has to click the button. On
clicking the respective button for the mail, the corresponding mail will be read out to him. Only after he has
finished listening to the current mail, he can either listen to other mail or return back to Home Page.


Mail 1 Mail Home

n Page

3: Compose
In this module, the user has three options: to record, listen and send the mail. On clicking the record button, he
can record the message for a maximum time limit of 5 seconds. This recording will be saved as an audio file.
He can now listen to this message by clicking on the “Listen” button. Finally, by clicking the “Send” button,
the audio message will be sent to the specified recipient.

Page Record Liste Send

4: Sent Mail
The mail sent by the user will be shown in this module. When the user hovers over the button, he will be told
to click on the button to listen to his sent mail. When he clicks the button, the most recent sent mail will be
read out to him.

And also there is an alternate way to login and also to Register through the email system for Blinds and which
is useful for blind people to login via voice.
There are some step by step Procedure called as Features.
1. App lock
As there should be privacy for the application applock should be maintained compulsory. But the applock
available in each mobile by default, so they can use it.

2. Sign up/ Registration:

First the users who are going to use this application should be register with their valid email id,
password and they should keep a 5digit numerical code as password.

3. Sign in/Login:
When the user opens the application then it will ask the registered mail id and numerical password only. As it
is mainly for blind people or visually impaired, we will be maintaining a numerical password.

4. A Text Box used for Sender Mail Id:

The system asks the user to enter the sender email id. As it has voice recognition application programming
interface, which automatically enters the mail id in the particular textbox whenever the user speaks or reads it.
3. A Text Box used for Recipient Mail Id:
The system asks the user to enter the recipients mail id. In the same way when the user speaks, it
automatically enters the mail id.
4. Message Box:
A subject or message box is available in which the user can enter the message what they want to send or
convey to the recipient.

4.2 System Description

A subject or message box is available in which the user can enter the message what they want to send or
convey to the recipient.

The above chapter shows the Processes in the design. In this processes it consists of different features which
takes place step by step during the email. Frist there will be log in, inbox, compose, sent mail. And in this
chapter it consists of system description and processes that understand easily. This is all about this chapter
as shown above.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Interactive voice response (IVR) is a technology that allows a computer to interact with humans through the
use of voice and DTMF tones input via a keypad. In telecommunications, IVR allows customers to interact
with a company’s host system via a telephone keypad or by speech recognition, after which services can be
inquired about through the IVR dialogue. IVR systems can respond with pre-recorded or dynamically
generated audio to further direct users on how to proceed. IVR systems deployed in the network are sized to
handle large call volumes and also used for outbound calling, as IVR systems are more intelligent than many
predictive dialer systems.
IVR systems can be used for mobile purchases, banking payments and services, retail orders, utilities, travel
information and weather conditions. A common misconception refers to an automated attendant as an IVR.
The terms are distinct and mean different things to traditional telecommunications professionals—the purpose
of an IVR is to take input, process it, and return a result, whereas that of an automated attendant is to route
calls. The term voice response unit (VRU) is sometimes used as well. DTMF decoding and speech recognition
are used to interpret the caller's response to voice prompts. DTMF tones are entered via the telephone keypad.
Other technologies include using text-to-speech (TTS) to speak complex and dynamic information, such as e-
mails, news reports or weather information. IVR technology is also being introduced into automobile systems
for hands-free operation. TTS is computer generated synthesized speech that is no longer the robotic voice
traditionally associated with computers. Real voices create the speech in fragments that are spliced together
(concatenated) and smoothed before being played to the caller.

Another technology which can be used is using text to speech to talk advanced and dynamic data, such as e-
mails, reports and news and data about weather. IVR used in automobile systems for easy operations too. Text
To Speech is system originated synthesized speech that’s not the robotic voice historically related to
computer. Original voices produce the speech in portions that are joined together and rounded before played
to the caller.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an automated system technology that allows incoming callers to access
information via a voice response system of pre-recorded messages without having to speak to an agent, as
well as to utilize menu options via speech recognition. Interactive voice response is a telephony menu
system. IVRs work with the DTMF tones-touch tones and some have voice recognition to respond to the
route callers.

In this process, Interactive voice response is a tool that can use to collect data and route calls, without
even having to answer the phone. IVR can collect information on callers. IVRs are very simple.
Interactive voice response sounds like an Empathetic person is interacting with the caller, who has the
clear idea about the caller’s needs. Here, in this the customer calls and there the IVR plays the greeting
message to another customer who is on the line. And from that there is a DTMF signaling and the caller
selects for the menu item and here the voice is being detected and voice is controlled and the customer
receives the product info from another customer wants. In this process the Interactive voice response
will be responsible and under the control of voice. IVR plays the important role.

Email application features such as the ability to create folders, move messages to folders, manage
contacts,and use calendaring had the lowest rates of completion.
Web-based email applications had persistent problems with users losing focus from a particular area of the
application itself to the web browser menus. Often this lost focus was the result of users tabbing or moving
through the interface with the keyboard searching for links or a way to complete a task. Other times, it was the
lack of a logical tab order that resulted in the user losing navigational focus. Many web-based email
applications provide a sort of basic or HTML only interface. While users consistently noted improvement in
usability when selecting these basic interface versions, the basic versions seem to offer additional usability at
the expense of full functionality.
Calendaring had the lowest mean rate of task completion across email applications, and the noticeable
problems with calendaring were related to navigating dates in the calendar when trying to view, create, or
delete appointments. The navigation of most email calendar interfacesseems to be reliant on visual navigation
of the standard month view of a calendar. Another common complaint about the evaluated calendars was the
lack of clarity as to which date was the current focus when viewing and navigating through the calendar.
Insider spoke to a variety of individuals who have different disabilities to highlight some of the biggest issues
and types of discrimination that they face in the workplace.
Generally, treating those who have disabilities with respect while also making the reasonable and necessary
accommodations they may need can help make a workplace more inclusive and welcoming.  


 The disabilities of visually impaired people are thrashed.

 This system makes the disabled people feel like a normal user.
 They can hear the recently received mails to theInbox, as well as the IVR technology proves very
effective for them in the terms of guidance.
 The visually impaired people can advance from Desktop application to the web based application.
 This application can be easily used by the users of any age group.

 The system has implemented Google Speech-to-Text and Text-to-SpeechAPIs. This makes the system
convenient for use by visually impaired people.
 The people having typing problems can also take advantage of this system.
 Email is a free tool. Once you are online, there is no further expense that you need to spend on in order
to send and receive messages.
 Email is quick. Once you have finished composing a message, sending it is as simple as clicking a
button. Email, especially if an email system is integrated into the network is sent delivered and read
almost immediately.
 Email is simple. It is easy to use. Once your account is set up, composing, sending and receiving
messages is simple. Also, email allows for the easy and quick access of information and contacts.
 Email allows for easy referencing. Messages that have been sent and received can store, and searched
through safely and easily. It is a lot easier to go through old email messages rather than old notes
written on paper.
 Email is accessible from anywhere, as long as you have an Internet connection.
 Email allows for the mass sending of messages. An effective medium to utilize to get your message
out there, you can send one particular message to several recipients all at once.
 Email allows for the constant access of information and files. You can opt to send yourself files and
keep messages so that you have a paper trial of conversations and interactions you have online just in
case you may need in future.


 This system will not work if the user is unable to speak out the content.
 The application will work only for Google accounts.
 Biometric verification is not yet implemented.
 Hence, security and privacy can be at stake when the user speaks out his credentials and message
 Automatic Speech recognizer performance degrades if it contains noisy environment.
 One of the main drawbacks is that both automatic speech recognizer and text to speech are language
 Tools and technologies for blind people do not exist in mobile phones.
 There is a use of a keyboard where blind people have to recognize the character which is very difficult
for blind people.
 Email could potentially cause information overload. Some messages may be dismissed or left unread,
especially if there are a lot coming in and the network has not integrated some sort email alert system
into the computers at work.
 Email can be disruptive. Going through each email can be disruptive to work as it does require a bit of
time. This disruptive is decreased through the utilization of an email alert system.
 Email cannot be ignored for a long time. The thing with email is that it needs constant maintenance. If
you ignore it, more and more messages will enter your inbox until it goes to the point that your inbox
is no longer manageable.
 Email can cause misunderstandings. Because email does not include nonverbal communication,
recipients may misinterpret the sender’s message. This is particularly true of senders fail to go through
their messages before they send them.
 Email should be kept short and brief. This is especially difficult if you are one to send messages that
are too long.
 Email messages can contain viruses. Its best to be aware of this possibility so that you are careful
when opening messages from people you don’t know, or when downloading attachments.
 Email requires timely responses. While some people tend to disregard messages, those that require
responses should be replied to as soon as they are received and read. If not, urgent and important
messages may be left untended.

The above chapter shows about the Challenges of the email system for blinds. There are some of the
challenges which are given for the email system and also for the people to work with it and to understand the
challenges. There are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the email system for blinds. The way they
are useful for the blind people and disadvantages that is not useful for the blind people or the visually
impaired people as shown in the above chapter.

Gmail is a free email service developed by Google. Users can access Gmail on the web and using third party
programs that synchronize email content through POP and IMAP protocols. Gmail started as a limited beta
release on April. Gmail had 1.5 billion active users worldwide.
Gmail had an initial storage capacity offer of one gigabyte per user, a significantly higher amount than
competitors offered at the time. Today, the service comes with 15 gigabytes of storage. Users can receive
emails up to 50 megabytes in size, including attachments, while they can send emails up to 25 megabytes. In
order to send larger files, users can insert files from Google Drive into the message.
Gmail has a search-oriented interface and a "conversation view" similar to an Internet forum. The service is
notable among website developers for its early adoption of Ajax..
Google's mail servers automatically scan emails for multiple purposes, including to filter spam and malware,
and to add context-sensitive advertisements next to emails. This advertising practice has been significantly
criticized by privacy advocates due to concerns over unlimited data retention, ease of monitoring by third
parties, users of other email providers not having agreed to the policy upon sending emails to Gmail
addresses, and the potential for Google to change its policies to further decrease privacy by combining
information with other Google data usage. The company has been the subject of lawsuits concerning the
issues. Google has stated that email users must "necessarily expect" their emails to be subject to automated
processing and claims that the service refrains from displaying ads next to potentially sensitive messages,
such as those mentioning race, religion, sexual orientation, health, or financial statements. In June 2017,
Google announced the end to the use of contextual Gmail content for advertising purposes, relying instead on
data gathered from the use of its other services.
The Gmail user interface, initially differed from other web-mail systems with its focus on search
and conversation threading of emails, grouping several messages between two or more people onto a single
page, an approach that was later copied by its competitors. Gmail's user interface designer, Kevin Fox,
intended users to feel as if they were always on one page and just changing things on that page, ratherthan
having to navigate to other places.
Gmail's interface also makes use of 'labels' (tags) – that replace the conventional folders and provide a more
flexible method of organizing emails; filters for automatically organizing, deleting or forwarding incoming
emails to other addresses; and importance markers for automatically marking messages as 'important'.
It’s about the Gmail Inbox and Compose Box:

Gmail is a free Email service provided by many ways, Gmail is like any other email service. And
also can send and receive emails, block spam, create an address book, and perform other basic email tasks.
But it also has some unique features that help make it one of the most popular online Email services.
Creating a Google Account is needed to access Gmail because it is just one of the many services offered by
Google to registered users. Signing up for a Google account is free and easy and naming new Gmail address
will be a part of the Sign-Up process. This means whenever you are signed in to Gmail, You are automatically
signed in to your Google account. You will be able to access easily other Google services like Google Docs,
Calendar, and YouTube.
As we use Email more and more, your inbox can become cluttered with old messages. It’s important to keep
your inbox organized so you can find messages when you need them. The simplest way to deal with email
clutter is to delete unwanted messages. But you can also archive messages to move them out of your inbox, or
you can apply labels to your messages based on the category they’re in.

Email System Process:

This is how the Email system works for the Blind People as well as Visually Impaired People with using some
of the Application like Gmail, and Google APIs. This is how the Email System process works for the blind
people. And also it is very useful for the blind people and visually impaired people.
In this process, first the user should register through Email and password. Then the user should give the input
through his voice and which compose to the mail. Then the speech will be recognized via the input given by
the user will be detected through the Google web speech API. The Google Web Speech API enables to
incorporate voice data into web apps.
Speech Recognition is accessed via the speech recognition interface, which provides the ability to recognize
voice context from an audio input and respond appropriately. Speech Recognition object which has the
number of event handlers available for detecting when speech is input through the device’s microphone.
Speech synthesis accessed via the speech synthesis, a text to speech component that allows content (normally
via the device default speech synthesizer.)
Then the Speech is being recognized through the user input microphone and it is detected by the Google web
speech API. Then next step for the validation of the speech recognition through the Pre known mail address.
Email validation is the procedure that verifies if an email address is deliverable and valid. It runs a swift
process that catches typos, whether they are honest mistakes or purposeful misdirects. It also confirms if a
particular email address exists with a reliable domain such as Gmail or Yahoo. And this validation is to be
done according to the pre known mail address. An address is a collection of information, presented mostly in
a fixed format. Addresses provide a means of physically locating a building. Address formats are different in
different places. The pre known refers to the mail which is already known for the validation.
Next step is that the choosing the protocol which is reliable and useful for converting the text to speech and
speech to text conversion. Here it is used smtp protocol. SMTP refers to simple mail transfer protocol. Where
in this SMTP protocol, it is done by mail sending and smtplib API.Mail sending refers to once an email is
composed and the send button is clicked, the message is sent to the mail transfer Agent (MTA). This
communication is done via the simple mail transfer protocol. The receiving server will store the message and
make it available to the recipient who can access it via web, POP, OR IMAP Protocols. The smtplib is the
source code used for sending and receiving the messages. The smtplib module defines an SMTP client session
object that can be used to send the mail to any internet machine with an smtp or esmtp listener. Simple mail
transfer protocol is an application that is used to send, receive and relay outgoing emails between senders and
receivers. When an email is sent, its transferred over the internet from one server to another using simple mail
transfer protocol.
Then, another protocol can be used in this process that is imap protocol, in which it refers to the Internet
Message access protocol. It is an internet standard protocol used by email clients to retrieve email messages
from a mail server over a TCP/IP connection. IMAP is defined by RFC 3501.IMAP allows to access email
wherever can access through, from any device. When reading an email message using IMAP, It aren’t actually
downloading or storing it on the computer, instead it is reading from email service that is for example Gmail.
And in this fetching mail from the inbox can be done. Fetching an email is a process where we open the
respective folder in the mailbox and each message. An inbox is the main folder that incoming mail get stored
in. Whether it is checking mail through a webmail interface or use a program like Outlook, Gmail. Like this
the process takes place step by step through the conversion of speech to text and text to speech using some of
the protocols with the pre known mail addresses and lastly it fetches all the mails which is stored in the Inbox
to make it easy for the blind people as well as visually impaired people.
7.1 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Email is rising because the one among the foremost valuable service in net nowadays. Most of the web
systems use SMTP as a technique to transmit mail from one client to different.
SMTP may be a thrust set of rules and is employed to send the mail whereas POP (post workplace protocol)
or IMAP (internet message access protocol) square measure accustomed retrieve those mails at the receiver’s
SMTP is Associated with the application layer protocol of OSI model of network. The user who desires to
launch the mail open a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection to the SMTP server and then sends
the mail to the other connection. The SMTP server is mostly on listening mode. No sooner the server listens
for a TCP connection from any user, the SMTP procedure initiate a connection usually on port number 25.
When the successful establishment of TCP connection has been done, the client can send the mail.
The two processes that is sender process and the receiver process carry out a simple request response
dialogue, outlined by the SMTP protocol within which the client process transmits the mail address of the
mastermind and the recipient for a message. Once the server method accept these mail addresses, the
consumer method broadcast the e-mail instant message. The message should include a message header and
message text (“body”) formatted in accord with RFC 822.

The SMTP model is of two types:-

1. End to end method
2. Store and forward method
The SMTP model chains both end-to-end no intermediate message transfer agents and storeand-forward mail
delivery methods. The end-to-end method of SMTP is used between organization, and the store-and forward
method is chosen for sending mails within organizations which have TCP/IP and SMTP-based networks.
End to End method

In this method, a SMTP client will speak to the destination host’s SMTP server directly to transport the mail.
It will keep the mail item from being transmitted until it has been successfully copied to the recipient’s SMTP.
Store and forward method
In this method a mail can be sent through a number of intermediary hosts, before reaching to the final
destination. A successful transmission from a host signify only that the mails has been sent to the next host,
and then the mail will be sent to next host.
Here, the figure shows how the email system works for the visually impaired people through voice. And it is
done by the SMTP. And SMTP refers to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. The message sent from the
Message Transfer Agent is stored in the Mailbox through SMTP via voice. And then from the Mailbox, the
message gets transferred from the Message transfer Agent and the message is delivered then the message is
received from the receiver user agent. The Email system can be done in many ways, but this one most used
one and useful easy one to use. Most Beneficial for the blind People.

7.2 Sending Mail in Python Using SMTPLIP

Automation of sending mails using Python can be done by using the SMTPLIB module of Python.
SMTPLIBcontains the class SMTP which is useful to connect with mail servers and can be used to send
mails. It defines a SMTP client session object which is used to send mail to any internet connected machine
that depends on SMTP format.
SMTP is normally used to connect to a mail server and transmit the messages.
The mail server host name and port can be passed to the constructor, or you can use connect() explicitly.
Once connected, just call sendmail() with the envelope arguments and body of the message.
The message text should be a completely created RFC 822-compliant message, since SMTPLIB does not alter
the contents of headers. We have to add header and sender mail and receiver mail by ourselves.
S1 = smtplib.SMTP( h , p , l)
Where h=host name, p=port number,l=localhost name

Host – The argument is used to represent the host which provides you SMTP server. We can specify IP
address of the host or a domain name like or It is not a compulsory argument.
Port - If the host name is provided then we have to give a port number where SMTP server will listen the
requests, normally this port number is 25.
Local hostname - If your SMTP server is running on your local machine, then you can give just localhost in
this argument.
An SMTP object has a method called sendmail, which is usually used to send the mails. It takes following
parameters –
The sender – email-Ids of sender.
The receiver – email - Ids of receiver.
The message - A message arranged like RFC822.

The above figure shows the about the messages sent by the sender and received by the receiver through the
Email system by SMTP commands and some of the Protocols. And also some of the TCP connections and
TCP port 25 can be used. There are many ways to send and receive the messages via email system. In this
diagram, it consists of user Agent where user will be treated as the agent and sent mail’s queue where there
will be many messages in the queue and MTA refers to Message Transfer Agent where the transfer takes
place from Client and the Server and also from the server and client whenever the messages get. And next it
goes to the mailboxes of the user and user mail boxes goes to the user agent and then goes back to the
Receiver. Like this the Visually Impaired people as well as the Blind people can use this email system via
voice. It is most Beneficial for the visually impaired people.

The above chapter about the Google Gmail where it is service provider for the email system. It shows how the
Gmail works for the blind people through the email system. And also this chapter includes email system
process that is how it can be done for the blind people. And uses some of the protocols like SMTP, POP, or
IMAP. Sending mails and receiving mails using stmp protocols and using some of the APIs is discussed in the
above chapter. By seeing the process, it is easy to understand and also to work with it as shown in the above
This email system can be used by any user of any group with ease of access. It has the feature of speech to
text as well as text to speech reader which makes designed system to be handled by blind people as well as
visually impaired person.It provides a Voice Based mailing ser-vice where they could read and send mail on
their own, without any guidance. Here the users have to use certain keywords which will perform certain
actions for e.g. Read, Send, Compose Mail, Address Book etc. This Email system can be used by a blind
person to access mails easily and efficiently. Thus, reliance of visually impaired on other people for their
activities related to mail can be reduced.The application is designed in such a way that it succeeds in
implementing the basic features of mail service, based almost entirely on mouse clicks. Unlike current system,
this system focuses more on user friendliness of all types of people including normal people visually impaired
people as well as illiterate people.
In this email system, we have proposed a system which will help the visually impaired people to access email
services efficiently. This system will help overcome the drawbacks that were earlier faced by the blind people
in accessing emails. We have eliminated the using of keyboard shortcuts along with the screen readers which
will help reducing the cognitive load of remembering keyboard shortcuts. Also, the naïve user who does not
know the location of keys on the keyboard need not worry as keyboard is eliminated. The user needs to follow
the instructions and use mouse clicks accordingly to get the respective services offered. Other than this user
might need to feed in information through the voice inputs when specified.


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Smt. Kamala & Sri Venkappa M Agadi College of Engineering & Technology
S Lakshmeshwar 582116 Dist: Gadag
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to VTU Belagavi, ISO 9001:2015

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

SEMINAR – 2020-21
Student Name Shrinidhi V Gudagudi

Student USN 2KA17CS040

Seminar Title Voice Based Email System for Blinds

Guide Name Mr. Shreekanth Jogar

Examiner Name Mr. Nagraj Telkar

Date Of Presentation 25th May 2021 join/19%3ameeting_ZTM3MWQzYWEtYjUyMy00N2Y1LTg1NzAtZDliOTA2ZWYwNmIw%40thread.v2/0?

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Online Presentation Microsoft Teams Link 55a268e6b902%22%7d


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