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TRANSFORMERS BEAST WARS SOURCEBOOK #4 written by ‘Simon Furman and Ben Yee design by mike Helster and Melt Uyetake cover by Frank Milkovich cover colors by Liam Shalloo colors by Gabe Eltaeb, Benjamin Maier, and Lam Shalloo edits by Kris Oprisko, Chris Ryall and Andrew Steven Harris ‘Scanned by Knightmare6 Special thanks to Hasbro's Aaron Archer, Elizabeth Griffin, Sheri Lucci, Richard Zambarano, Jared Jones, Michael Provost, Michael Richie, and Michael Verreccha for their invaluable assistance a a ms, Presiden ebtetat Giphetapne ht ce i, Pablaher/Edtoran Chet Gifford Me Race Editorial Veo Sales censed by: SE Miho lony capiiedrcl ‘Amauri Osorio, Graphic Artist Pareles Gah sor pabev Rind OX caoler Ais Op, ate Ue Rep To discuss this issue of Transformers, or join the IDW Insiders, or to. check out exclusive Web offers, check out our site: "TEANSEORNERS BEAST WARS SOURCEOOK a FERIARY 2008, FAST PRINTING [OW Pibishing 2 ise of aan ein Wer, L.Ed offeas 411 Morea, Sue 106, San Diego CA 32817, HAS and te Tag, TANSFORMERS, an al ened hac eres of stro ‘nd are aed wih pomision. © 208 Hato. A Rights Beseied. The IW logo i eprint US, Pte and Tademuk Ofice. Ary ‘harls to persone ingot ded re purely care th toe ‘cpt of art use revi purpses nore a cron of his ub mayb epi! wu the pamizoon of hes ané Design ‘oth UC Pid ore JON Pulshing dos not ead 0 act unsold submissions eas Stores, rave 1 — Scourge — Simon Williams 2 — Silverbolt (II) - Simon Williams 3 — Sky Shadow — Robby Musso 4 = Skywarp — Frank Milkovich 5 — Snapper — Dan Khanna 6-7 — Sling — Matt Frank 8 - Snarl — Frank Milkovich 9 — Sonar — Jake Isenberg 10-11 - Soundwave — Matt Frank 12-13 — Spittor - Robby Musso 14-15 — Stampy — Frank Milkovich 16 — Starscream — Robby Musso 1? - Stinkbomb — Matt Frank 18 — Survive — Simon Williams 19 — Tasmanian Kid — Jake Isenberg 20 — Terragator — Simon Williams 21-23 - Tarantulas — Matt Frank 24 — Terromander — Robby Musso 25-2? — Terrorsaur — Matt Frank 28 — Thrust — Frank Milkovich 29 - Thrustor - Dan Khanna 30 — Tigerhawk — Frank Milkovich 31 - Tonbot — Simon Williams 32 — Torea — Don Figueroa 33-35 — Tigatron — Jake Isenberg 36 — Transmutate - Frank Milkovich 3? — Tripledacus — Frank Milkovich 38-39 — Transquite — Robby Musso 40 - Tripredacus - Matt Frank 41 - Vice Grip — Simon Williams 42 - Windrazor — Jake Isenberg 43-45 — Waspinator — Matt Frank 46 - Wolfang - Matt Frank PREDACON ‘SUB GROUP: BIO There are some names uttered among the Predacon ranks with @ mix of feer end revision. The one spoken with most distaste is Scourge. True to his name, this vile creature delights in the suffering of athers. For him, it is not enough to find a way to defeat ‘an enemy, that enemy must suffer es well To this end he prefers developing chemicel, viral and bacterial weapons over projectile ‘or energy based devioes. Having laid his victims low with these evil concoctions, he enjoys watching as they suffer and slowly, agonizingly face the "big shutdown, LOCUST WEAKNESSES Scourge's experiments sometimes backfire, causing him to become victim of his own devices, TANS, WEAPONS/ABILITIES Scourge only has average strength, but he makes up for it with a keen inteligence and ski He often carries various experimental weepons on him and ses the battlefield as his testing ground. For more conventional Combet, he has electrostatic disruptors inside his antennae. Scourge also carries phot cluster cannons that can be adapted to launch chemical warheeds, His warheads cen aiso be carried as blade weepons and in robot mode his left erm is able to generate a low level force field to deflect melee attacks. Scour is capable of leaping. distances fer two miles in either mode ae Hes I ee eta a PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO Though his aerial insecurities are largely @ thing of the past, Siverbolt nevertheless still mutters what. might be @ mantra (or perhaps even a prayer) as he tekes to the wing. Certainly there's no doubting his courage, he's at the forefront of any bettie or engagement, rallying his troops and leading by exemle, And while there's still the add moment of vertiginous disquiet, Siverbott never falters, never hesitates, his grim determinetion to—quite lteraly—rise above his feers a great inspiration to others. As he's fond of saying, “only a fool is without fear: It's how you deal with it that matters. WEAPONS/ABILITIES Amazingly fast and possessed of dazzling aerodynamic skils, its @ wonder thet Siverbolt stil has qualms about his airborne capabilities. If anything his beast mode is a far more natural fit than his former jet mode ever wes. In this form, Siverbolt can soar to reat heights, conserving fuel by riding ain currents before descending in 3 power dive that inevitably takes his opponent unawares. He carries 3 battery of EMP missiles in his feathers, against. which only the most heavily shielded electrical systems have. any defense. In robot mode, Silverbolt carries twin ion blades. He combines with Ironhide end Prowl to become Magnaboss, EAGLE WEAKNESSES Silverbolt has timed his one weakness into a strength. 5 W PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO ‘An elder statesman whose origins are believed to predate the Tr-Predacus Council, Sty Shadow is @ consummate politician, brilliant at using a combination of cherm, promises and deception to help others ascend to positions of power. However, once thay/re firmly ensconced in high office, Sky Shadaw then seeks to depose them and take their place! In an attempt to abtain secrets about Protoform X, Sky Shadow secretly transferred his Spark to @ blank Protoform on the Axalan shortly before it left Cybertron. He awoke to find himself in the middle of an all out war on ancient Earth, which he sees as fertile ground for his ‘machinations. WEAPONS/ABILITIES Sky Shadows devious ways extend to the battlefield, where he is an expert in concealment end surprise attacks After surveying his _ immediate environment, he is able to change his skin color to blend in with his surroundings. His Fuzor beast made grants him the ability to fly end attack—by firing turbo-missiles— simultaneously. In robot form he fires turbo-missiles from his mouth His right arm is equipped with a deadly serrated pincer large enough to slice @ Maximal in half. He can also use the wings mounted on his torso as cutting instruments, BEA DRAGON/LIZARD > DE WEAKNESSES Without the support of others, Sky Shadow is often open ta retriaution from those he hes vironged in the past. ‘SUB GROUP: ON PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO One of the specialized sections of the Maximal Military Academy is the aerial division, where fliers are taught airborne ance, a was one of the best-respected instructors at the academy, with a reputation f ict but fair. He feels a personal responsiblity for all Maximals under his charge. Despite the importance of his du the acedemy, Skywarp was sent by the Maximal Elders to Geea to bolster Lio Convay’s forces. It was during this struggle that Liolunior reformatted Skywerps internal systems, allowing him to combine with Liojunior and Santon to form the giant Magneboss, WEAPONS/ABILITIES Skywarp specializes in taking established tactics and adapting them to the unique forms of his students. His wings contain an ersenal of weaponry: the edges detach ta form his Wing Caliber Swords and hyper-oscillation generators built into the wingtips generte powerful sonic booms that knock enemies off their feet and disorient airborne foes. The edges of his wings unfold to reveal missile launchers known as "Sky Missiles." These projectiles launch into the air and spl open to rein down a barrage of cluster bombs from above. BEAS/, MODE EAGLE WEAKNESSES Skywarp’s wings can be heevily damaged if the missiles inside are detonated. PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO Grumpy and abusive are two of the nicer ways to describe Snapper. He's always, alveys complain: to make him feel better is subjected to a tirade of furious insults. This bad attitude is not reserved solely for his comrades: Snapper sprays bitter invectives as he charges the Maximal lines. Before being reprogrammed as a Predacon, Snapper joined the Axelon crew because he was weary of war and wanted nathing more than to be involved in peaceful exploration. Naw forced to fight on—as a Predacon no less—he is bitter, angry end willing to take out his frustration on just ebout anyone, ‘and anyone who attempts WEAPONS/ABILITIES Snapper is an experienced soldier and the battlefield is practically his second home. His heavily ermored superstructure is resistant to al but the most: powerful weaponry, making him ideal for frontal assaults, In beast mode, his jaws contain @ high-powered hydraulic system that snaps closed on enemy limbs, his sharp beak then bre them off in the blink of an eye. In robot mode, he wields a dual barreled cannon with explosive projectiles thet spread deadly shrapnel in all directions. In both modes Snapper can utilize thrusters located under his shel to flyin short bursts at speeds up to S00 moh. ZZ MODS TURTLE WEAKNESSES Snapper's thrusters use up 8 lot of power and leave him temporarily weakened after use, oy ita WEG PRIMARY FUNCTION: WEAKNESSES Sling’s lack of intelligence makes him easy to outsmert PREDACON BIO ‘Some Predacons use cim-witredness or neive behavior as a cover for their true personalities, but in Sings case he really is as ‘umd 2 he acts. His ignorant behavior sometimes fools others into thinking thet, deep dawn, he is good-netured, but make no mistake, Sling is rotten to the core. His primary interest is furthering the Predacon ceuse by eliminating as many Maximals as possible, He is brave and enthusiastic when it: comes to battle, but with litle individual embition beyond seeing his enemies beaten into scrap. Sling is often found idly trading verbs barbs with fellow Predacon Saberback WEAPONS/ABILITIES Inbeast mode, the spinal colurnns on his sail act as long-range transmitters to update his superiors on enemy battlefield positions. A variation on his beast: mode involves him opening up his sail and hiding in foliage to resemble a brightly colored fiower. Curious interlopers are then trapped by the serrated edges of his sail in one quick snap. In robot mode, Siing’s primary weapon is his “Teil Bunker” which he uses to fire short- range missiles or gore his enemies, In this mode, his sail forms a shield that ebsorbs weapons fire end then releases it in @ bright burst of light that temporarily blinds his opponents. PRIMARY FUNCTION: there was a Maximal that just cantt sit stil, it's Snarl. His hyperactivity is legendery, and @ great drain on the patience of fellow Maximals. Snarl always wants to be in the thick of things or just poking his nose where it doesn't belong, Tell him he shouldn't go someplece, he'll be there in a flash. Tell him he shouldn't do something, its done before you've finished speaking, iy wound ball of kinetic energy is a handful but make na mistake, Snar! is also a very effective and brave warriar, who willingly goes whare athers fear to tread. The trick is stopping hm! WEAPONS/ABILITIES Sharls greatest defense/otfe is his ability to engage @ cloak that renders him invisible to the naked optic. The cloak is ctvally @ web of micro camer which instantaneously record all available surrounding detail and project a facsimile of that on the opposite flank. Sat is a fearless melee fighter with viciously serrated razor-sharp teeth ond claws, nd his powerful leg hydraulics allow him to pounce or leap with dazzling speed. He's also highly tachnolagically minded, with great improvisational skills SZ MISSA TASMANIAN DEVIL WEAKNESSES Sharl is sometimes not enough of team player, toa quick too act, too slow to think PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO Hypersensitive does not just refer to Sonar's tactical abilities, Nervous and lacking self-confidence, she has a tendency to take almost every comment from others out-of context. Fer from being timid or shy, her typical response to a (perceived) rude ‘comment is to lash aut. With her comrades, this takes the form of verbal trades that leave the recipient confounded. With her enemies, it results in frighteninaly violent fits of anger. The sad irony is, most of her comrades have nothing but respect for her ebilties es @ reconneissance officer end her lack of selt-esteer mystifies them, WEAPONS/ABILITIES Soner is extremely observent. He acute senses allow her to track— fram the sky—anything from Predacon troop movernents all the way to the smallest insect. Using a combination of specially tuned sensors and echoloction, she can map out enemy positions even in total darkness. Silent thrusters built into her wings meke her approach undetectable. In beast mode she uses her two large front claws in concert with her rear mechanical claws to snetch Predacons of the battlefield end drop them from @ greet height. In robot form, Sona left arm contains @ Cryo-blada that emits @ null temperature field, eezing her target mnilisecond itself makes Ze BAT WEARMESSES Sonar’s verbal retorts atten offend her comrades, causing rifts with other Maximels, PRIMARY FUNCTION: WEAKNESSES Soundwavels. bitterness and anger sometimes cause him to make irrational decisions iy After the ratification ofthe Pex Cybertronia, Soundwave left behind the life of @ warrior to become an entertainer, performing for lange audiences on Cybertron, His time as an actor fostered the development of a dramatic fair n everything from his movements to his speech pattems. In the hopes of entertaining those on other worlds, he joined the Axelon crew, intent on never again bearing arms. However, he emerged from his Stasis Pod to find himself embroiled in a war and with no robot mode. Embittered, Soundwave now follows Icebird in the hope that he wil eventually ind whoever is responsible for taking the life he loved away from him. WEAPONS/ABILITIES Soundwave has a sophisticated radar system built into his body that makes him sensitive to even the slightest disturbances in air or water. His alligator teeth are sharp enough to bite through even the strongest metals. Using these two abilities in tandem he is capable of launching’ devastating sneak attacks from under (water) or above. His tal can unleash a power surge that sends a circuit: disrupting pulse wave in a 25-foot radius. iy i PRIMARY FUNCTION: WEAPONS/ABILITIES Spittr is one ofthe fastest end most agile Predacons under Magmatronis commend. He is equally dexterous on land and in the sea. in both his modes, he prefers leaping from point to point on the battlefield to avoid firepower and confuse his opponents. He cen cover 300 yards in one leap. Specialized circuitry undemeath his corgenic: skin allows him to secrete toxic venom thet perelyzes enyone wha comes in contact with i. In beast mode, he lashes out at enemies with his poisonous tongue to render them unconscious FROG WEAKNESSES Spittor's bravado is not ‘always on par with his ‘actual physicel abilities, BIO ‘A.small punk with a mean streak and a highly inflated opinion of himself, Spittor thinks everyone (comrades and enemies alike) should be afraid of him, He is quick to enger and often challenges others—much bigger and stronger than himself—to combat in order to prove his mettle. His bravado amuses ather Predacons, who at least appreciate the diminutive warrior's enthusiasm. Aside from being an effective field agent, Magmatran appreciates and fosters Spittor’s positive effect on unit: morale. In battle, Spittor is a fierce opponent wha will not back down from any challenge, no matter what: the odds. TRANSMETAL 2 FORM ‘An experiment geered towards enhancing his sbities resulted in Spitto's Transmetal form. The nature of the toxin he secretes has now changed, causing his enemies to descend rapidly into a state of dementia. in beast mode, his electro-venom tongue has spiked barbs on it that lacoh onto enemy ermor to deliver a dose of venom followed by a severe electric shock, For any enemies that get too close, the extendable claw mounted on his back keeps them et bey. In robot mode, he uses his electro-venom tongue ‘a8 a hand-held weapon. His shoulder-mounted claw emits bursts of electricity of up to 100,000 volts. In both forms his jumping range has grown, allowing him to traverse 500 yards in one leap. BEAST; MODE. ‘SUB GROUP: PRIMARY FUNCTION: ne BIO Most Maximals who have met Stampy agree that: he rates rather low in the courage department. When the missiles start fiving, he is more apt to scream and hide under a comouter penel tan change into battle. In truth, though, Stampy's reluctance to fight is largely due to inexperience. Still something of e wide-eyed innocent, even after surviving dozens of battles under Big Convoy, Stampy lacks the cutting edge of a waricr. Stl, his loyal and gregarious nature fas led him to selflessly rescue comrades from danger on several occasions. Recognizing the brave Maximal beneath the cringing exterior, Lio Convoy recruited Stampy into "The Pack” BZN ign Z RABBIT WEAPONS/ABILITIES His small size allows Stampy to slip in and out of enemy encampments without being seen, end he is a first rate intelligence-getherer. In beast. mode, his techno-organic musculature allows him to run at speeds up to 200 moh. His teeth ‘are extremely sharp, capable of biting directly through armor in one quick chomp. In robot mode, Stampy is extremely agile and fast, making him a dificult target to ht, His weapons are 2 pair of vibro: swords that can hack through ‘armor and circuitry. His sense of hearing is highly acute, Stamoy hasa third “Targetmaster weapon mode, which can be wielded by larger Cybertronians. —s, BIO Stellar Cycles spent in a Maximal prison facility gave Starscr PRIMARY FUNCTION: a am plenty of time to develop grandiose pian for the future. By the time he escaped end joined Galvatrons army, he had perfected « strategy that would result: in him eventually ruling the gla. In the process, Starscream develoned a radical new economic system and a streamlined military structure. He perceives his service to Gelatron merely as a stepping-stone on the path of personal oly. While he is cruel to his enemies, Starscream looks Upon his comrades as critical components of his plans end thus fee's a responsibilty towards their welkbeing, This is especially true of fellow Predacon BB WEAPONS/ABILITIES Sterseream is en expert at aer combat, whether in jt or robot mode. He performs feats of aerial scrobatios thet-make most Cybertronian heed modules spin. In vehicle mode, he can reach speeds up to Mach 3.5. His leek form allows im to fy with very tte friction or wind resistance, In robot form he is moderately strong, but extremet In both forms he Wields missile launchers thet fire powerful Screamwinder missiles. He combine with BB in jet mode to more powerful vehicle mode and they have mastered the Formation Scream, an attack where the two constantly combine end separate to disorient enemies Ae FIGHTER JET WEAKNESSES Starscream is often 0 convinced his plans are briliant that any failure sends him into a deep depression it PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO Having spent dozene of Stellar Cycles undercover as @ Predacon officer, Stinkbomb started to weigh up his adversaries on both 8 tactical end psychological level. He grew to understand the power-driven Predacon mindset, which renged fram the maniacal to the honorable. Ths insight makes him a valuable asset to the Maximals. His deep understanding ofthe Predacon psyche hes made him a crucial advisor to many Maximal leaders. He is universally despised by Predacons becouse of his “betrayal,” when it was revealed he wes @ Meximel. Stinkbom is quickwitted, highly intelligent end @ flere opponent on the battefold WEAPONS/ABILITIES Stinkbornb’s most valuable asset is his knowledge of the inner-norkings of the Predacon mind, In beast mode, he emits an acidic chemical that breaks down the molecular bonds of an opponent's armor. This chemical also hes the side effect of being very offensive to olfactory sensors. He can fire this noxious chemical in robot mode ‘through the barrels connected to his left. arm. Stinkbomb's opti sensors contain photon emitters that project a hypnotic light effect that causes Cybertranians to fall into a trancelike state, He then moves in close to use SKUNK WEAKNESSES Stirkbom is relatively slow in beast. mode. His lack of ballistic weaponry also makes him winerable to long range attack. Te a PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO ‘veteran of hundreds of military campaigns, Survive is one of the most decorated commanders in the Maximal armed forces. His no-nonsense approach led ta him taking charge of the rejects from the Maximal Military Academy end, under his tutelage, many of these went on to great achievernents on the fed of battle. Survive believes thet his way isthe best way, and will ercely ergue with enyone—ather than a superior offiser—who thinks otherwise. Survives partner is True One, a small Maximel who has taken on the form ofa bat. He acts 3s @ mascot for eny unit Survive commands, serving as both érill sergeant and morale officer. WEAPONS/ABILITIES Survive is extremely inteligent with neturel charisma, In beast mode, wellarmored and wichstend most artillery. His nose houses @ eomplex sensor array igned to detect everything from energy readings to chemical traces: (up to one part per milion), In robot mode, he possesses raw strength end agility, and his shoulder-mounted claw serves both as an attack instrument. and an aid to scale steep inclines. His right. shoulder has @ maser cannon mounted ont powered by specially formulated crystals stored in his chest component. True One i an excellent: scout and can Unleash high-pitched sonic blast that repels would-be attackers with explosive force BEAR WEAKNESSES if Survives power crystals are damaged he is left relatively unarmed and open to attack. 3 rer i y — PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO There are those wo are legendary in the Maximal Military Academy for their courage or resourcefulness. Tasmanian Kid, on the other hand, was legendary forthe pranks he would pull on hs fellow recruits and superior officers, These pranks were often very well thought out: Kid would find novel ways to cistract his victim just long enough to have them wind up with a bucket of oil on their heeds or some similar fete, His superiors would often chastise him, but Lio Convoy saw a wey to tun Kids skils on the Predacons. Tasmanian Kid slvays appreciated Lio Conway's vote of confidence end grew very loyal to him during the struggle against Galvatron WEAPONS/ABILITIES Tesmanian Kid is highly adept at devising tactics to” cistract enemies while other Maximals take them by surprise. This can range from setting up elaborate false constructs on the battlefield to personally drawing enemy fire ‘away from his comrades. In beast mode, Kid has incredibly powerful jams. Once they clamp onto an enemy his grip is near impossible to break. He is able to emit a high- pitched scream that disrupts audio receptors. In robot: made he hes en erm mounted gyro: Gisruptor cannon thet destablizes his targets equilirium, ZZ ILE TASMANIAN WEAKNESSES DEVIL Tasmanian Kid's pranks can cause friction between him and his fellow Maximals IJ PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO During his Maximal soldier, Teragator specialize in trekking through both Cybertror's disgusting sewer system end the fetid swamps of alien worlds, Other Cybertronians generally avoid such terrain because of its negative effect on the systems, but. Terragator revels in its rank ambience. Even now, though Magmatron's Predacon shell program changed Terragator’s allegiance, thas not affected his fondness for unsavory environments. Terragator has been known to roll around in beast mode in odious muck, using the revulsion it affects in others as a distraction for his attack. itis strategy that has often proved effective WEAPONS/ABILITIES Terragator is often so coated in sludge and grime that he biends easily into his preferred hunting grounds. In beast mode, his crocodiian element provides him with speed and strength, alowing him to quioky attack his prey end seize itin his powerful jaws. His ciamond herd turtle shell then protects him from eny firepower his. opponent throws at him, In robot mode, he can use his turtie as an armmounted shield Terragetor's tal becomes a Slagmaker Cannan, fring concentrated beams 0 heat that melt the armor off an enemy's structure while cooking the BEAS7 MODE CROCODILE/TURTLE WEAKNESSES Terragator's environment. is very hand on his cirouitry and joints. He requires strict tenance to prevent seriaus breakdowns. 20 Ue 7S oe = SUB GROUP: eS IV, Ie | Ks aM Bh TS — pa a ay il PRIMARY FUNCTION: BEAST, MODE SPIDER PREDACO BIO When Tarantulas’ Spark came online in The Pit, an odd glitch in the process gave him a unique insight into the true nature of the Predacons. The realization that some extraterrestrial force was manipulating Predecon Sparks for their own ends drave him mad and Tarantulas became obsessed with discovering who and what this alien force was. His role as an agent for the Predacon Secret Police afforded him both the time and resources to pursue his quest. One assignment led him to infiltrating a criminal group led by Megatron, which in turn led to key revelations on ancient Earth. Tarantulas learned that the source of the manipulation wes the Vok and he elmost managed to controV/direct their power when he captured Vok emissary, Tigerhawk. This action uitimately proved as his undoing as the Vok power within Tigerhawk appsrently destroyed Tarantulas. WEAKNESSES Terentulas is 60 0 of his own superiri he can lull himself false sense of security. winced that a TRANSMETAL FORM The Quentum Surge mutated Tarantuas’ body into @ new Transmetel form. Now with three modes, Terantulas is deadlier than ever. His mechanized spider mode retain all the abiities of his previous farm and in robot: mode his new shoulder mounted missile launchers ere capeble of fringe spread of eight missiles simultaneously. He is also armed witha gun that can fre energy blasts or serve es a sawlke cutting implement, His new vehicle made is a matarcycle with a top speed of 250 mph. WEAPONS/ABILITIES Tarantulas has @ dangerously brilliant mind. He is capable of creating amazing devices with minimal resources. in beast’ mode he can spray enercized webbing that uses @ combination of electrostatic charges and chericals to adhere to surfaces or victims. Using his fangs, he drains mech-fiuid from his enemies and corwerts it into fuel for his own systems. In robot mode Terentulas wields 2 launcher that can fire anything from missiles to grapples. He only has average strength, but he makes up for this by equipping himself with a seemingly endless array of inventions and gadgets. The eight ‘appendages connected to his arms fire repid bursts of machine gun fir. His head module has 2 specially designed visor that enhances his \ision in low light conditions, a ie PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO Time is rather abstract conoept to Terrormender. Even though he is engaged in a galactic struggle for power, he never quite Understends why everyone's in such a rush to charge into the next battle. A firm believer in entropy, he feels the Meximal Imperium is destined to fall in the fullness of time, at which point the Predacons can simply move in and teke over. This attitude makes him extremely easyading and oddly upbeat. Others often incerpret his laid back attitude as pure laziness and Terrorrnander would be happy to angue otherwise... whenever he decides to actually get araund to it. WEAPONS/ABILITIES Terrormander is @ highly proficient computer acker: There is no system he cannot break into given sufficient time. On the battiefield he is an expert mmarksbob who rerely misses his target. In beast mode, his primary attsok is the "MenderFinok’ maneuver, where ha launches six wing-mounted torpedoes at once at his opponent. He can also emit vibration waves. from his mouth with such precision that they can aiserm opponents or tear through their armor, in robot form, his *ManderRock”™ menewver often surprises his enemies as his wings ere mounted on his back Terrormander combines with the other Seacons to form God Neptune. MAnTA RAY WEAKNESSES Terrormander's penchant for procrastination is his greatest weakness. PTERANODON ay BIO Poner hungry, deceptive and cruel, Terrorsaur embodies mary ofthe core Predacon principles. He did not join Megatran's rogue band to avenge the lost honor of the Decepticons or to bring the Predacon race back into power. his sole interest was the ‘acquisition of personal power. To this end there is no enemy he will not attack and no comrade he will nat betray. Terrorsaurs ambition was almost fulfilled once when he overcharged on Energon and defeated Megatron in one-on-one combat. His leadership wes short lived, however, and during the Guantum Surge, he fell into a eve pt end disenpesred. WEAKNESSES Terorsaur's soaring ambition generally ousweighs his abies, leading to one crash-landing after another, 2 TRANSMETAL FORM ‘When Terrorseur diseppeared into a lave pit, the other Predacons assumed he had been destroyed. In realty, he had been thrown into Stasis Lock deep underneath the Predacon base. When he evoke he found his body had mutated into a Transmetal form. Faster end more powerful than before, he gained a third mode, an aerial vehicle. Emitters integrated into his wings fire repuisor beams that knock targets off balance with pulses of highly focused, concussive force, His vehicular form can reach speeds up to Mach 1.8. in robot made, he is armed with two large blades that heet up to 2,000 deorees Celsius. Combined with his sherp claws and bladed shoulders he is very effective in close-querters-combet. BAT MigZZ PTeRANODON WEAPONS/ABILITIES Terrorsaur is extremely fast. and highiy stiled in serial manewers, specializing in extended strafing runs (often exhausting his entire arsenal in one go). He prefers to tagteam with Waspinator for his aerial onslaughts, but sivays considers him utterly expendable, TTerrorsaur is also a highly skilled computer technician, with an encyclopedic knowledge of codes ‘and programs from across. the ‘glaxy, His primary armament is @ hand-held ion blaster that is also capable of fring missiles. He also has two highly destructive shoulder cannons hidden in his shoulders. VEHICLE MODE AERIAL ATTACK JET PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO From all outwerd eppearances, Thrust appeers to be the ideal socir: he follows orders tothe letter; is attentive to the detail of his missions and never surrenders unt his superiors order him to do so. Hs rimary motivation appeers to be winning betties and occasionally joining Dirge in his crue! pranks. His true motives, however, are far more insidious. Shrewd and consistently plotting his eventual rise to power, Thrust carefully lulls al those around and above him into believing he is loyal lapdog, while ‘waiting for the jen he will gain the upper hand and rule the Predac WEAPONS/ABILITIES Thrust specializes in high-speed attacks in aerial mode, his lightweight fuselage ideal for such lightning strikes, His top speed in this form has been measured in excess of Mach 2.2. Internal stores of weaponry include ir- to-surface missiles and “smart” missiles thet can track a target based onan energyisuel profile pre- progremmed (automatically) by Thrust In robot mode, Thrust carries @ rifle that fires rapid bursts of energized bullets designed to penetrate. ermor and burst into shrapnel, shredding the internal systems of his targets WEAKNESSES Thrus's armor is particularly seusceptible to corrosion from ‘chemical-besed attacks. ‘SUB GROUP: BIO et ee PRIMARY FUNCTION: in an effort to boost the power of his forces, Gigastorm exposed several of his werrors to Angolmois energy, Thrust wes part of this group end, lke the others, his Body mutated into @ new, mare powerful form. Renaming himself Thruston, he sees this turn of events as a validation of his philosophy of exercising patience in his pursuit of power and eventual elevation through the Predacon renks. He hes pledged loyelty to Gigastorm, temporarly content with his newfound power, but his ambition stil les beneath the surface, as unchecked as ever. He echeres steadfastly to the belief that he has a glorious destiny shead of him. WEAKNESSES ‘Thrustor is go enchanted with his new abilities he focuses more on showing off then actually attending to the job at hand. WEAPONS/ABILITIES Thrustor's strength is five times that of his previous incarnation. His speed and agility re well above average, and his cybernetic parts work in concert with his organic musculature to give him a top running speed of 160 mph in beast mode. The “Thrast-Horn” mounted on his beast mode head freezes any ‘material it comes in contact with before it shatters it on impact. In robot mode, his tal becomes the ‘Raptor Shield” rotating st high speed to deflect incoming fire. A unique linkage device converts this shield into a weapon with a serrated blade. He can also fire "Dinomissiles,” which have claws that latch onto enemies before exploding CYBERNETIC RAPTOR ‘SUB GROUP: en "PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO Kidnapped by the Vok, the bodies of Airazor end Tigatron were transported to a faraway sector of space known 88 The Newus, When, subsequently, the Vok sensed a disruption in the space-time continuum, they used the bodies to creete Tigerhawk— being they then inhabited with the intention of stapping Megatron from further disrupting time and space. Later, when Tigerhawk was @ captive of Tarantulas, the Vok influence lett the body, allowing the Sparks of Airazor and Tigatron to merge and form the Sperk of Tigerhawik. No longer under the control ofthe Vok, Tigerhawk went on to fight alongside the Maximels, but met his end when he engaged the Decepticon stership Nemesis in bette. WEAPONS/ABILITIES Tigerhawk possesses Vok-enhanced intelligence, granting him an understanding of the universe far beyond thet of most Cybertroniens. He also wields elemental powers that allow him ta menioulate the weather or even create earthquakes. at wil. In of more conventionsl weaponry Tigerhank empioys ion-diminishers (that. paralyze enemies), air-to-sir missiles and gatling cannons. Tigerhawk’s unique beast form gives him the fight capabiities of a hawk with the ferocious attack power ofatiger. The unper mits of his power are uncertain, WEAKNESSES TigerawRS cosmic level power can cause him to underestimete the guile af his enemies. MU am Micah i PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO Suave, debonair and deadly, Tonbot is the Insectrons’ secret agent. He is extremely charming and affable, but—though his work as en Insectron agent does not generally require him to engage in combat—should the situation cal for ection, Tonbot is more than up to the task. In fact, he can be quite ruthless in combat, displaying a bloodlust uncommon among Maximals. No matter how dire the situation may be, Tonbot never panies. Other Maximals sometimes question his sarity es he makes throwaway quips in the middle of firefight, but- deep dawn Tonbot hes a dignified respect forthe lechel nature of wer and takes eny fight very seriously WEAPONS/ABILITIES Having traveled to hundreds of worlds, Tonbot is well versed in a wide variety of languages and cultures. He has also studied several forms of martial arts and been treined in the use of weaponry from over a dazen different planets. His dragonfly form is equipped with rocket: boosters that can propel him at @ top speed of 600mph. His heed module is filed with specialized equipment: including audio receptors (capable of picking up sounds miles away) and optic sensors (signed to scan across a broad EM spectrum). In robot made Tonbot can Cover an enemy in magnetic smoke he emits from his mouth. He then disables his opponent with his disorienting "Botshot” missile. ZIT z DRAGONFL WEAKNESSES If his magnetic smoke emitter does not receive strict maintenance, it, en backfire and blind Tonbot himself 1 en PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO Though stilled, poised end @ mighty force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, Torca is a somewhat bashful, selheffacing character off of it. Rather withdrawn and quiet, some get the impression not much'goes on in terms of creative thought, but that’s not the ease. Torva is @ deep, deep thinker, possessing a very wise head indeed. It’s just that in his wisdom, he beleves that actions speak louder than words. And so, on the battlefield, comes a dramatic metamorphosis. Torce steps up from the ranks to the forefront of the ection, becoming a bellowing, rampant force of neture. Only e fool stends his ground when Torca leeds the cherge. WEAPONS/ABILITIES Torca's armored hide is very dense end very tough, resistant to most forms of firepower and corrosive a shields hi from neural disruptors sonic weaponry. Despite his. weight, Torca possesses emazing agility both on land and in the sea, a localized null gravity field negating his own mass on command, His massive tusks ere formed of an ivory silicate, creating practically frictionless weapons that he Uses to trap and impale. In either mode, Torca can access Spark-diminishing spray gun, which catalyzes Spark energy, weakening the target. BEAST, MODE ELEPHANT/ RILLER WH WEAKNESSES With the tight codes and frequencies, Torcals null gravity field cen be reversed, slowing him toa dead stop. ee sy PRIMARY FUNCTION: BEAS/; MODE: TIGER WEAKNESSES blll BIO The Stasis Pod housing Tigatron’s Protoform was damaged when it crashed in the icy expanses of ancient Earth, The result was partial memory loss, which in tum led to Tigatron feeling a greater affinity with his beast mode than his robat form. Instead of joining the Maximals stationed at the Axalon, Tigatron chose to remain in the wild where he felt most et home. Exerplifyng his instinctive bond with nature, he became close to tiger he named Snowstalker, Unfortunately, she wes Killed during a battle with the Predacons. Later, Tigetron developed a deep bond with Airazor, one that: would culminate in their merging into the powerful \Vok emissary, Tigerhawk TRANSMETAL FORM Following the destruction of the Maximl Tigerhawk, the Vok gave Tigatron’s Spark a new bady. His time spent connected to the ‘Vok expanded his deep bond with planet Earth to encompass the entire universe. His new form is outfitted with boosters that allow him to fly at speeds up to 275mph with e range of 9,00 miles. in robot: mode he is armed with twin Cryo-blasters that freeze both metalic and organic matter. His tail forms a whip witha blade at the end that: hooks onto enemies before tearing their armar away. His most powerful attack option is his Fury Assault, which unleashes Vok-based energies in one consolidated blast that disintegrates matter at a molecuisr level BEAST, MODE WEAPONS/ABILITIES Tigatron is an excellent tracker. He has. highly attuned hunting inetinots courtesy of his beast mode's influence on his overall programming. His primary weapon is a Guasar Cannon, but he also Wwields @ toxic fluid blaster that freezes enemies in place by short- ireuiting their internal systems en ‘masse. Hidden panels in his wrists ‘open to reveal short-range thermal missiles. Tigatron. can also engage 2 secondary battle helmet, one that is highly resistant to impact and enhances his ocular range with telescopic vision. BIO Seismic activity on Earth uncavered a fallen Stasis Pod but left its DNA scanners and datatrax damaged. Improperly reconfigured, the Protoform emerged as a disfigured entity crackting with power but without the intelligence to properly harness it. Both the Meximals and Predacons battled to win “Trensmutate’ to their respective sides, Rampage and Siverbolt taking a particular interest in the childlike entity. In its innocencs, Transmutate couldn't grasp the notion of "enemies," and vihen the battle between Rampage and Siverbolt came to a head, Transmutate sacrificed itself to stop the twa from fighting, leaving bath mourning the loss of their friend WEAPONS/ABILITIES Transmutate can channel an intense, focused power stream through its sonic scream. Using 2 widespread dispersal pattern ap a tighten, more cused beam for localized tacks, Transmutate can overload and short out the systems of eny Cybertronian, no matter how heavy their shielding, Transmutate elso possesses a small jet rocket that gives it limited flight capabilities. In times of great danger, it can create a force bubble around its awn structure, allowing it to stop incoming projectiles. WEAKNESSES ‘Trensmutete's disfigured structure severely limits its mobility. t has no alternate mode and its scrambled datatrax and logic circuits place its mental capacity at that of a drone, SUB GROUP: PRIMARY FUNCTION: BIO The giant robot Tripledacus was bome from the fusion ofthe three Jointron brothers, Motorerm, Du and Gimiet. They chose the name “Trpledecus” as knowing jibe at the Tri-Predacus Council and reflection of their innate sense of humor. Tripledacus Fepresents one of the smoothest combiner personality fusions on record, DJ provides the calm center allowing the three personalities to blend smoothly, Gimlet supplies intense motivation while Motorarm contributes superb combat skils. Together ‘they form an entity that is—while @ mighty warrior—often cheerful and enthusiestic, making Tripledacus an asset to any team WEAPONS/ABILITIES Tripledacus is hugely powerful With strength and battle prowess that, Lio Conve Considerable abiliies. His armo is extremely dense, making him highly resistant to firepower. His wings and back mounted thrusters provide him with fight capability. Trpledacus’ right. arm is his ‘Thblester, composed of weaponry from the three Jointron brothers. It can slice through most enemy armor or launch Du's "Seven Year’ swords to slice through enemies from afar, His left erm melts any substance on ntact end the hom on his heed can generate @ ball of lightning capable of frying enemies up to 20 miles awe. WEAKNESSES Tripledacus’ hulking form is not very agile PRIMARY FUNCTION: WEAKNESSES Transquita is as likely to be targeted by friends and allies 9s he is by his enemies. BIO One of the least liked Predecons, Trensquito just cant resist doing annoying things. He's at his happiest when others are upset, ‘on edge or—preferably—criven to distraction. Whether i's the high-pitched soreech created by the frenetic flapping of his wings co the pungent chemical spray he uses to “mark his territory," just about everything about Transquita rubs allies and foes the wrong way. But though he goes out of his way to be obnoxious, few can question [or match) his uncanny ability to track and ‘uncover hidden Maximal outposts. Trenscuito is hated by all who know him... and doesn care. WEAPONS/ABILITIES In aerial mode, Transquito's wings Coan increase the frequency of their beating to the paint where the high-pitched screech graduates from annoying to agonizing. Only able to sustain this for short Periods at a time, Transquito can Nevertheless boost. his airspeed almost. to. Mach 1. In combat made, Maximals are targeted with his poison-tipped pincers, and any “bot surviving the intel strike is usually driven mad by the subsequent irritation. When’ frustrated, Transcuito has @ habit Of unleashing a wild barrage of virus missiles. COMBAT MODE

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