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Brice Passengers must stay seated at all times during takeoff. All staff must attend at least three seminars. Hanh khach phai luén ngbi trong lic cat canh, Tat cd nhan vién phai tham duit nhat ba cudc hdi thao, in advance - truéc Pico k ie eka a eu Tickets may be booked in advance online. The increased output was in response to high demand, Vé c6 thé duge dat truc tuyén trudc. Sn lugng tang 43 dap cing nhu cau cao. ence ee aud cd see ene ancl The campaign was launched in an effort to raise Infobyte corporation will hold a party in celebration of product visibility. its anniversary. Chién dich 43 dugc trign khai nham tang kha nang hién__Infobyte corporation sé té chtic mét bifa tiéc nham ky thi san pham niém ngay thanh lap. ORC ern cnr rr encom arora) ‘Alarms will sound in the event of an emergency. The printer will be delivered on schedule. Chuéng bao dong sé vang én trong truéng hgp khan Méy in sé dugc giao dung thai gian an dinh. The motorcyclist was dead on arrival at the hospital. Ms. Ki will write the letter on behalf of crystal Ngudi lai m6 t6 da chét khi dén bénh vién. incorporated. C6 Ki sé viét thy thay mat/dai dién cho crystal incorporated, err ne kaki Poche Uke a ne kal The product manual's instructions are clear and to the Helmets must be worn in compliance with safety point. regulations. Hung dan sir dung san phdm ré rang va dung trong Phai ddi mii bao hé nh&m tuan thi céc quy dinh an toan. tam. rere rn) Sree ere oro cn nyc The bank experienced financial problems at first. You may participate in the workshop of your choice. Ban dau ngan hang gap van dé vé tai chinh. Ban cé thé tham gia hdi thao ma ban chon. Prank ne cd keen hia Pieces anes Creole incorporated works in conjunction with lope Proposals must be submitted by january 22 at the limited. latest. Creole incorporated lam viéc cng tac véi lope limited. 8 xudt phai duge giti mudn nhat la trudc ngay 22 thang 1 reply - 4é phac ees Feel free to send a message The French branch was closed the reduced ui long giri tin nhan hoi am. budget. Chi nhanh & Phap da bi déng cifa do ngan séch bj cat gidm. ee reer hace 20 in one’s absence - trong su vang mat cia ai 46 Researchers will release the results Mr. Powell lead the team céc nha nghién cttu sé céng bé két qua kip thai Ong powell sé dan dat déi trong su vang mat cla ngudi quan ly, CS eer een eee Secret Ue) gi Management the contribution The country’s low tax rates made by the team. owners of large international firms Ban lanh dao da danh gia cao su déng gop ca adi, Thué suat thap cila quéc gia thuan loi cho nhung chil sé hdtu ctia cdc cong ty quéc té I6n, Pee ce ry cc) 04 be responsible for - chju trach nhiém This venue holding a retirement party. Mr. Hobbs. budget allocation: Bia diém nay phu hgp dé t6 chic mét btfa tiécnghi huu. Ong hobbs chju trach nhiém phan bé ngan sch eet eee each oe eke tl Overseas orders higher shipping rates. The director office security, Bon dat hang & nuéc ngoai phi chiu mic phi giao hang Gidm déc lo ngai vé an ninh co quan cao han, 07 be native to -cé nguén géc tir 08 be compatible with - tong thich vi Most of the workers other cities. The software all office computers Hau hét cdc cong nhan cac thanh phé khac. Phn mm tuong thich véi tat cd cdc may tinh van phong The manager a promotion George payne's book be released Ngudi quan ly du digu kign dé thang chic Cun séch cua George Payne sap dugc phat hanh. See es ec as The keynote speaker the seminar. We provide additional information. Dién gia chinh da vang mat trong budi hdi thdo. CChting t6i sn long cung cap thém théng tin on See cc Pel ecg rena Mr. Han his staff's hard work. The technicians an annual workshop. Ong han rat biét on vé sy lam viée cham chi cla nhan Cac ky thuat vién quan tam dén mot hdi tho thydng vién. nién. Set eee Oma ara Se Soe hoe eri eT Ristorante announce its new menu. Ms. Fitz her managerial skills Ristorante vui ming théng bao thuc don mdi ctia minh. C6 Fitz 43 dugc vinh danh vi ky nding quan ly cuz minh, Pe ae ec Ser ee ny Culver’s furniture that of other brands. This theatrical performance the one DB néi that cia culver tét han so véi céc thuong higu from last year. khac. Man biéu dign san khau nay co thé so sénh vi man bigu dién nam ngoai. Eee ea aaa eek Pa Te Mi) Ms, Lee the cost of renovation: Siren Incorporated start the hotel Ba Lee khng chac chan vé chi phi tring tu/tu sta construction. Siren Incorporated héo hufc bat du xay dung khdch san. enue eee uk hl Ce he ca aca kical Tom's auto repair shop fixing motorcycles. The three-day convention will a social Ctra hang stra chia 6 t6 cla tom chuyén sita chifa xe reception held at the rosemont hotel. may. HOi nghi ba ngay sé két thuic véi budi tiéc xa giao duge t6 chic tai khdch san rosemont. 03 be charged with - cé trach nhiém voi diéu gi aud Ms. Law assigning duties to her team Ms. Kane all the resumes for the director. members Cé kane in tat ca cdc so yu ly lich cho gidm déc. Ba Law 6 trach nhiém phan céng nhiém vu cho cc than vign trong nhom. rue era ee eke The workshop will four different Ms. Chambers her assistant to run her office sessions. when she is away for business. HGi thdo s@ duge chia thanh bén phién khéc nhau Ba Chambers dya vao trg ly cla ba 4@ quan ly co quan khi ba di cong tac. eet Cee The hall will be for the conference on sunday. Residents must their trash in the bins behind HGi trung sé dugc chudn bi cho buéi hdi nghi vao chu the building, nhat. Curdan phai vert rac cia minh vao thung rac phia sau toa nha The group tour the factory at2p.m. Please your evaluations by the end of today. Nhém dy kién sé tham quan nha méy lic 2 gié’chiéu ui lang np cac danh gid clia ban vao cudi ngay hom nay. Cer CU ee ea es cies) ee ed PT er) Joe polaski will the new customers next week. The entire staff is encouraged to the Joe polaski gap g@' cc khach hang méi vao tuan téi fundraiser: Toan b6 nhan vién duge khuyén khich tham gia budi gay quy. rete nit) Pree) The high cost of land the increasing price Guests are invited to the hotel's gym of homes. facilities, Chi phi dat cao la ly do cho vic gia nha ngay cang ting. Cac vj khdch duge moi si dung cdc tién nghi tap thé duc cua khach san. Se ee ed Be Ce ee CCD Mr. Harvey scientific research for Experts the economic decline to fewer 20 years. exports. Ong harvey ty cam két nghién ctu khoa hoc trong 20. Cac chuyén gia cho rang suy gidm kinh té la do gidm xuat nam, khau. You can also use the system to all your Students must ‘on a form passed around at the games played. start of class. Ban c6 thé ding hé théng 4é ghi nhan lai tat cd trd choi Sinh vién phai ky tén vao mt mu don duge phat vao ma ban da choi. dau tiét hoc. eee act) Ms. Oppenheimer her clients All members 10 percent discount. through e-mail Tat ca cdc thanh vién du diéu kién duge gidm gid 10 phan Ba oppenheimer gift lién lac véi Khach hang cia minh tram thong qua e-mail Tae CC ery Sales representatives submit their reports at the end of The company's improved after its every advertising campaign Bai dién ban hang giti bao co cila ho vao cudi méi ca $6 ligu ban hang cla céng ty duge cai thién sau chién lam viéc. dich quang cao. Despite having increased workers’ wages, A will be visiting the building site to at the factory declined check on the emergency exits. Mac du da tang Itong cong nhan, nang suat lao dong tai M6t thanh tra an toan sé dén tham cong trudng xay nha may giam. dung dé kiém tra cac Idi thoat hiém The committee developed a in case Whitehorn limited issued a to introduce their initial one failed. its new ceo. Uy ban da xay dung mot ké hoach dy phéng trong Whitehorn limited da phat thdng cdo bdo chi dé giéi truéng hgp ban dau cia ho that bai. thigu ceo méi cua minh. Ons eee ae Cun! Cee nme ker aru carta CEUs The seminar began with a product variety A seminar about developing was held Budi hdi thao bat dau bang mét cudc thao luan vé su'da yesterday dang san phdm Mét héi thao vé phat trién long trung thanh cla khach hang da durgc t6 chtic ngay hom qua. ‘Mr. Jay thanked everyone for their the Customers have a shopping via online charity. stores. Ong jay cam on tat cd moi ngudi vi nhting déng gép cla Khdch hang cé sé thich mua sm qua cira hang truc ho cho té chute tir thién. tuyén hon. Rk eeunke eck ea) Tenants have an give one month's notice Sheryl warner will give concerts at the before moving out. university. Nguéi thué nha cé nghia vu théng bao truéc mét thang Sheryl Warner sé cung cp mét loat céc budi héa nhac truéc khi chuyén di tai trudng dai hoc. Peet ee una) eee en eat Multi-pack reported an increase in The airport terminal has started to show Multi-pack bao cdo su gia tang lgi nhuan rong. and needs renovation. Nha ga sn bay da bat dau c6é dau higu hao mon va can dugc tan trang/tu stra lai eee ce aca reer Mr. Callum expressed an renting the office The high cost of airfare is primarily responsible for the space. countrys tourism. Ong Callum bay t6 sy quan tam dén viéc thué van phong Chi phi vé may bay cao chu yéu do sy suy giam cua lam viéc. nganh du lich, Ra et eu te Ro ka See ue ac Ms, Mita found the very appealing, Ms. Kelly has mr. Lawrence's abilities as a Ba mita da nhan thay bang mé ta cOng viéc rat hép din. manager. Ba kelly tin tung vao kha nang cla éng Lawrence véi vai trd nguei quan ly. i re eee cia PP ace The venue was changed since the was We offer our any inconvenience this may too limited. cause. Bia diém da thay déi vi strc chtfa ché ngdi qué han ché. Chting téi xin Idi vi bat ky su bat tin nao ma diéu nay co thé gay ra eee meee emer ka Subscribers must complete and mail the Many university graduates are having difficulty Ngudi dang ky phai dién va girl lai mau dinh kem Nhigu sinh vign tét nghiép dai hoc dang gap kho khan khi tim vige lam. CE cur ee tae aC CeCe ue ee Re get) Employees. will receive We have sent you a list of our products overtime pay. Nhan vién lam viée ngoai gig sé nhan duge tién Iuong Ching t6i 4a giti cho ban mét danh sach cdc sin pham lam them gi ca chung t6i aé ban tham khao. eee nee era Poe eee eee Carltron electronics will be increasing its Registration forms are in the lobby. by 10 percent. Nhiing mau dang ky ludn cé sn & sanh. Carltron electronics sé tang gia tigu chudin lén 10%. Orn iit eit Cha eeu sar rune ike ie CC) Ms. Kline seems for the legal position, Please for the delay. Cé kline dung nhu rat phi hgp cho vitri phap ly. Xin vui long chap nhén [dt xin Idi ctia chting tdi vi sur cham tré, ee ene an Ce een ara ek arc Several clients have written to The position requires strong Vi tri ddi hoi kV nang giao tigp tot. Mot sé khach hang da viét thir dé bay té long biét on ctia ho. Drone ect ca 12 fulfill orders - thyc hién don Tori Feldman will on solar The warehouse staff is responsible for energy. Cac nhan vién kho chiu trach nhiém thy hién cde don Tori Feldman sé thuyét trinh vé nang luong mat tréi. dat hang. ERR ee Uae ul The number of subscribers will reach two million by the Ms. Hearstis thirst-co beverages at end of the the moment. S6 lugng thué bao sé dat 2 trigu vao cudi nam tai chinh. _Hién tai ba Hearst dang lam n vdi Thirst-Co Beverages Pee eee ea nr et ete nares Linda at the souvenir shop. The research team on customer Linda d3 mua hang tai cita hang Iu niém service Nhém nghién ctu da tién hanh mét cudc khdo sat ve dich vu khach hang, De eee ee ed Ser oe Cue ary} Analysts are not optimistic about next year’s The sales department for anew printer. BO phan ban hang da dat hang mét may in mdi, Cac nha phan tich khéng lac quan vé dy bao kinh té nam ti 19 better serve customers - phuc vy khach hang tét 20 display a parking permit - hién thi gidy phép dé xe cr ‘An information desk was added to our Please clearly on the front window of your vehicles. Mét ban tiép nhan théng tin da dugc bé sung dé phuc vu Wui long hién thi gidy phép dé xe rd rang trén ctfa xe phia khach hang cila chiing tdi tt han truée. ccna E 02 commend ~ khen ngi Eira the current address on the form him on the store's successful operations Néu r6 dia chi hign tai trén biéu mau Khen nggi anh ta vé hoat dong thanh cOng cua cifa hang ERE Ee La lls TCU RCAC a Coa: to cut labor costs down by 15 percent the promotional offer until next week Bat budc cat gidm chi phi lao dong xudng 15% Gia han khuyén mai cho dén tuan téi residents from parking illegally the carry-on baggage allowance limit Khong khuyén khich ngudi dan dau xe bat hop phdp ——_-Vugt qua gidi han hanh ly xach tay reece need sales of cosmetics line the departure of the train to 3 o'clock Ngimng ban hang my pham Hon chuyén khdi hanh xe Ira dn 3 git complaints about customer service Ask mr. Wallis to the interview Giai quyét khiu nai vé dich vu khach hang Yéu cau 6ng wallis tham dy buéi phéng van an interview schedule with the applicants entrance to the facility Sp xép lich phdng van véi cdc ting vien xin viéc, Cho phép vao nha may. a lawyer about the lease contract attendees to complete a survey Tham khdo y kién luat su vé hop déng cho thué Yéu cau ngudi tham du hoan thanh ban khao sat eran a table for the luncheon an efficient attendance system Bat ban n trua Gigi thigu mot hé théng cham céng higu qua Perec eee Peru A employees paid holidays on a regular basis an upcoming event Cho phép nhan vien c6 nhting ngay nghi dugc tré long Thong bao su kién sp téi thutng xuyén POPU Pee aR eee a questions after the speech to inquiries in a timely manner Tra Idi cau hdi sau bai phat biéu Tra Idi cdc cau hoi mot cach kip thet Peer nr) 02 deliver - giao hang, chuyén phat Mr. Brown's performance as a manager an invitation in person Banh gid higu suat cla ng brown véi tu cach la ngudi_ Git loi mai truc tiép quan ly the national monuments in paris Notice the permits ‘on september 27 Khdi phuc cdc di tich quéc gia paris Thdng bao gidy phép hét han vao ngay 27 thang 9 a museum construction plan a younger demographic to the tourist site Thu hign/trién khai ké hoach thi céng vién bao tang——-Thu hiit tép khach hang tré hon dén trang web du lich Or er ne Cerne run) Expect prices to at the end of the year Scheduled to at 5:30 p.m. KY vong gid sé dat dinh vao cuédi nam Du kién khéi hanh Ic 5:30 chiéu the ceo of mr. Cabrea’s arrival longer than the team expected Théng bdo cho giém déc digu hanh ve viéc éng cabrea_Kéo dai hon doi dy kién dén Bee een ra PAU ei Ca) plans for launching a business members to arrive at the hotel by 2 p.m. Bay nhanh cac ké hoach trién khai doanh nghiép Nhc nhé cac thanh vién dén khdch san trude the quality control system equipment in a safe manner Tang cudng hé thong kiém sot chat lvong Van hanh thiét bi mét cdch an toan cesta ren rome crs to work with h&d incorporated a receipt for the payment Cé6y dinh lam viée véi h & d incorporated Nhan bién lai thanh ton ere) Pores srs the contract for next year light fixtures in the building Gia han hgp dong cho nam sau Cai dat thiét bi chiéu sang trong toa nha eeu a an cul) EDT en cal in a leadership workshop to Naoles Incorporated online Ghi danh tham gia hi thao lanh dao N6p don truc tuyén dén Naoles Incorporated Pree eon the company's expansion plan into Asia that the proposal has been approved Céng bé ké hoach md réng cila cong ty vao Chau & Xac nhan rang d@ xuat da duc phé duyét Deane tur ees os extra staff over the next two weeks the president to an important event Tuyén thém nhan vién trong hai tuan téi HO tong tong théng dén mét sy kign quan trong ern cB Ts TTT te ls li PTL a each guest as part of the family the new factory equipment Coi méi vi khach a mét phan cila gia dinh Trinh bay céch ding thiét bj nha may méi 07 load hang, chat, cho a shipment onto the truck competition in the marketplace Béc hang lén xe tai 4i mat véi sy canh tranh trén thi trueng reer the date for the grand opening the necessary requirements én gan ngay khai trong Dap Ug cac yéu cau can thiét 11 record - ghi nhan Sra eens employees’ contact information an exhibition booth at a reduced price Ghi lai théng tin lin hé cia nhan vien Thué mét gian hang trién lam véi mttc gid giam BER Cc SECU several interactive functions the downtown tour for the first day Bao gdm mot sé chuic nang tuong tac 8 xuat chuyén tham trung tam thanh phé trong ngay dau tién the cause of the symptoms the business into foreign markets Chan doan nguyén nhan cila cdc trigu ching Mé réng kinh doanh ra thi truéng nuéc ngoai 17 preserve - bao tén een the rainforests. popularity among consumers Bao ton rig nhiét adi Lay lai sy phé bin trong ngudi tiéu ding ry next year's budget. the contract with jian incorporated. Hoan thién ngan sach nam téi, Cham duit hop dng véi jian incorporated OO eee eng before announcing the winner of the some mistakes new employees made competition Tha this m@t sé sai lam ma nhan vién méi pham phai Hay can nhac ky truée khi céng bé ngudi chién thang cudc thi any possible errors the organization's restructuring plan Ngan ngtra moi ldi/sai sot c6é thé Phé duyét ké hoach tai co cdu cia t6 chute eC ERaET Date Cute tayd the old heating equipment flights during severe weather Théo cdc thiét bi sudi dm cit Tam ngung/hoan chuyén bay trong thdi tiét khac nghiét the proposal for the next project the interests of the company’s shareholders Xem xét dé xuat cho dy an tiép theo Bao vé quyén Igi cia cé d6ng cng ty pena eed aa a claim for compensation to expand a market share Giai quyét yéu cau bai thudng C6 gang mé réng thi phan Sree coe ace) Dea eet at) free shipping a decrease in revenue am bao mién phi van chuyén Bao cao doanh thu giam/sy sut giam doanh thu the duration of the ceremony the best location to build a factory Kéo dai théi gian ctia budi lé Xac dinh vj tri tét nhat dé xay dung nha may to contact michael lucas the resume to human resources Ngan ngai lién hé vi michael lucas Gui so yéu ly lich toi phong nhan sy’ the damaged ink cartridge changes to the budget report Thay thé hop muc bi héng Dé xuat thay déi cho bdo cdo ngan séch Seo cesta ey eae uci) the current system in seeking a replacement Gidt lai hé théng hién tai Kién tri trong viéc tim kiém ngudi thay thé. eet ret the foundation's activities by sending donations employees on how to make a speech Ung h@ cdc hoat dong ciia t6 chifc tirthién bang cach gui Huéng dan nhan vién vé cach phat biéu ti8n/dd quyén gop CeCe ec cy) Cur eed] a safety inspection customer complaints quickly Trai qua mot cudc kiém tra an toan Xtr ly khiéu nai cia khach hang nhanh chong Pere eee) Pen dears important data mosin incorporated to install a security system Chita dér ligu quan trong Ky hop dng véi mosin incorporated dé cai dat mot hé thong an ninhy Caer k Oe use cuca to inform you of a mistake in the report the local charity organizations Rat tiéc phai thong béo cho ban vé mot sai sét trong ban Mang lai loi ich cho céc t6 chic tir thign dia phyong bao co eee ae an eee ear Ry the marketing team to change the plan the hotel reservation for ms. Liang Cho phép nhém tigp thi thay déi ké hoach Xac nhan dat phong khach san cho cé liang beyond the port's traditional role a boarding pass to the flight attendant Phat trién vugt ra ngoai vai trd truyén thong cua cang —_-Xuat trinh thé lén may bay cho tiép vin hang khong Pere at) ree Una y the appointment with the manager the audience with an amazing performance Huy cudc hen véi ngudi quan ly Gay dn tuong véi khan gid bang mot man trinh dién tuyét voi the marketing and advertising departments creative and experienced applicants Két hop céc b6 phan tiép thi va quang cdo Tim kiém ting vién xin viéc séng tao va giau kinh nghiém the work to experienced staff the sales department at the conference Phan cng c6ng viéc cho nhan vién giau kinh nghiém —_Dai dién b phan ban hang tai hdi nghi roe ec 20 proceed - tiép tuc the invitation to all staff members to the next stage of the course Chuyén tiép Iai mai t6i tat cd nhan vién Tién t6i giai oan tiép theo cla khéa hoc Re ae ic) Pee aS Submit a weekly of the new employees have an with a world-wide network of Giti danh gid hang tuan vé céc nhan vién méi hospitals C6 lién két véi mang ludi cdc bénh vién trén toan thé gidi een eee Cee Start an to promote recycling Live in to his place of work Bat dau mot sang kién dé thuc dy viée tai ché S6ng gan noi lam viée clla anh dy Perea tice ney Pepe etd Delay the flight's departure for chicago due to bad Publicize the of the product weather Céng khai nhéing uu diém ctia sin phém Tri hoain chuyén bay khéi hanh di chicago do thai tiét xu Cesare esa ceca a 08 deposit - tién gi Provide written of time and cost Withdraw the at any time Cung cp bang uc tinh vé thai gian va chi phi bang van Rut tién gifi bat cif lic nao ban Cera rr eed rl tere nen Publish the december of the journal Receive the for the construction project Xuat ban sé bdo ra thang mudi hai ctia tap chi Nhan ngan séch cho dy an xay dung Offer training programs at no additional ‘Complete an assignment with Cung cap cdc chuong trinh dao tao mién phi Hoan thanh mét bai tap dé dang Change the appointment due to a inschedule Relocate to the new Thay déi cudc hen do xung dét trong lich bigu (tring lich) Di ddi dén cac co sé mai Rerun het) Pescu eee neg Begin the next month Recommend an to customers Bat dau cai tao/tu stta vao thang téi GiGi thigu mét vu dau tu cho khach hang Be us eta Sey cues rg Have the to review the proposal Prepare a for the retirement party C6 co hdi dé xem xét dé xudt Chuan bi mét budi biéu dién cho bita tiéc nghi huu 19 fee - phi Pay the admission Reduce the bus fare for students Nop Ié phi tuyén sinh Giam gia vé xe buyt cho sinh vién UUs Stabilize the of stock prices Consider to be important Gn dinh bién dong gid cé phiéu Xem su ddi méi la quan trong Enhance the of products Improve the current safety Nang cuéng dé tin cay cia san pham Cai thién chinh sach an toan hién tai Control and efficiency at the same time Need installing the software Kiém soat san lugng va hiéu qua dng thoi Can hé tr¢ cai dat phan mem Apply for the managerial Lead to a significant rise in sales Nép don cho vi tri quan ly Dan dén doanh sé ban hang tang dang ké Submit all the to ms. Brown Finda by the end of august. N6p tat c8 bién nhan cho cé brown Tim ngusi thay thé vao cuéi thang Set a budget for the summer Guarantee the of service Lap ngan s4ch cho phién hop mua hé Dam bao chat lugng dich vu Dru SOC) Conduct a study on the of opening a Undergo a process of bakeshop Trai qua mét qua trinh chuyén adi Tién hanh mét nghién cttu vé tinh kha thi cla viéc me mét tiém banh, Pur eau rte ca) Request a on a purchase made last week Give to first-class passengers Yéu cau hoan lai tién cho mén hang mua hdi tuan truée Uw tién cho cdc hanh khach & khoang hang nhat Wee cu cereus Pee enc Prepare for the of anew task Deal with the of technicians Chuén bi cho thir thach cia mét nhiém vu méi Giai quyét tinh trang thiéu ky thuat vién Perce erase Ey Expect the biggest this quarter Receive a from the employer Dy doan mic gidm Ién nhat trong quy nay Nhan duge sy tir chdi tirnha tuyén dung Complain about the of a power supply Expect the to succeed Phan nan vé sur gian doan/chap chén cia ngudn dign Mong dgi dy én thanh cong Approach the final of construction Receive a special offer and discounts én gan giai doan/céng doan thi cong cuéi cing Nhn duc mét ldi d® nghi aac biét va giam gia Gesu rnd Take charge of the of the product Inform staff members of the new policy Chiu tréch nhiém phan phéi san pham Thong bao cho nhan vién vé chinh séch tuyén dung méi TT reer iy Wish to reschedule the Change the for submitting the proposals Muén lén lich lai cuéc hen Thay déi théi han/han chét gtri dé xuat ee a ean as Benassi mau Ask the to deliver the ordered products Celebrate the company’s 10th Yéu cau bén ban giao cdc san phdm da dat. Lam [8 ky niém 10 nam thanh lap cong ty Mune 12 failure - sy khéng thyc hién, hoat déng Send an through e-mail Suspend train service due to a computer system Giri |i mei qua e-mail Tam dimg dich vy tau do li hé théng may tinh Berens a ec eee eg Spend a large of time at home Appreciate the of the sponsor Danh mét phn én théi gian & nha Banh gia cao sy bao trg cua nha tai tro ‘Advertise the supermarket’s upcoming Reduce maintenance by 20 percent Quang co cdc chutong trinh khuyén mai sp téi ctia siéu__Gidm chi phf bao tri 20% thi eta) eeu ees tray Consider service fees as a major of revenue ‘Comply with industry Xem phf dich vy nhu mét ngudn doanh thu chinh Tuan thd cdc tiéu chudn céng nghiép Decide to raise the Include the cost of electricity and heating Quyét dinh tang Iuong Bao gom chi phi dién va suéi am Eo eC Tour roe 02 n Earn a special promotion by showing Bean of poor heart conditions C6 duge sy thang chtfc dac biét bang cach thé hién sy La mdt chi bao ve tinh trang tim kém kin tri 03 at one’s discretion - theo y muén cua ai 04 qualifications - bang cap Hire staff at the of the manager Have the right for the position Tuyén dung nhan vign theo y cua nguéi quan ly C6 cdc bang cp ph hgp cho vi tri Peeteerot a ea testes Trade this fiscal year Record a significant increase in sales from the Thang du thuong mai trong naém tai chinh nay of the company Ghi nhan doanh thu tang dang ké tir khi thanh lap cong ty Aen ace Peete ater ui) result in a in profits Report the of the building construction Dn dén tang Igi nhuan Bao cdo hoan thanh xay dung cng trinh teens Pee aerate Make a to research in robotics ‘Agree to an for submitting the proposal Thu hién cam két nghién ctfu vé robot Dong ¥ gia han théi gian nép ban dé xuat Beemer ka ae nee nt aera Enclose the for the tour of japan Facilitate among the airline companies Kem theo lich trinh cho chuyén di du lich nhat ban Tao diéu kién thuan Igi cho su canh tranh giffa cac cong, ty hang khong Beane a carl) Pe ems Offer free internet, at the hotel ‘Simplify the reimbursement Cung cp két néi internet mién phi tai khach san Bon gian héa thd tye bdi hoan Discuss the firm's newest Be informed of any in the work schedule Thao luan vé vu mua lai méi nhat cla cong ty Butgc thong bao vé bat ky sy thay déi nao trong lich lam vide eau Rael) Sexes Receive extra retirement Build a asa film director Nhan thém tién tro cép huu tri Xay dung su nghiép véi vai tro dao dién Perea uence Pee se euler Report any changes to the payroll Include the cost in the office expense Bao cdo bat ky thay ddi nao dén bd phan bién ché Bao gdm chi phi trong hang muc chi phi van phong Ooo ee nut eC CER aaa Signa agreement to return to work Avoid activity to recover from injury Ky mét théa thuan tam thdi dé trd lai lam viée Tranh hoat dng vat va dé hdi phuc sau chan thuong Pend OTe ral) Attract a number of customers Open for a period Thu hiit mét s6 lugng lén khach hang Mé trong mét khoang thd gian gidi han ernie) Petes eat Construct research facilities Explain ways to reduce costs Xay dung cdc co sd nghién cru bé sung Gidi thich cdc cdch thyc té dé gidm chi phi Remove items from a catalog Deliver an speech X6a cdc muc khéng cé san khdi danh muc Thuc hién mét bai dién thuyét thu vi rc hota ree a eas cur kaca Obtain housing in new zealand Work as a assistant Cé nha 6 gid ré & New Zealand Lam trg ly tam thoi Read a copy of the edition Make some suggestions Doc mét ban sao cia dn ban trude Dua ra mot s6 got y cé lot Reece eerste aril rs Pre ue cence) Receive an award for work Present an overview of the results of the study Nhan gidi thuéng vi sy lam vigc xuat séc/néi bat Trinh bay téng quan vé két qua ban dau cia nghién ctu BE son PELs Lr4 Provide quality furniture at prices ‘Announce an sales plan Cung cap dd ndi that chat lugng véi gid ca hop ly Céng bé ké hoach ban hang day tham vong Perera eee ee ean ed cha Extend the business hours Retain members of staff Mé réng gid lam viée chinh thttc Giff lai céc nhn vién quan trong Pt tcae cu eee a Require medical treatment Display patterns of behavior Yeu cau digu tri y té thudng xuyén Mé hinh hign thi cua hanh vi lip di lap lai 02 informative - cung cap nhi Propose an sales strategy Update the staff manual to be more BE xuat chién lurgc ban hang sdng tao Cap nhat cém nang huéng dan nhan vién dé cé nhigu th6ng tin hon ec Ce utara el nuts een ri) Recognize her work on the project Keep the confidential document in a place i igu mat 6 ngi an toan Cong nhan sy lam viéc guong mau ctia c6 dy trong dyan_ Git Cerne tet Cer ee eer ci Develop anew networking system. Feel with the service Phat trién mt hé théng mang luéi tong tac msi Cam thay khéng hai long véi dich vu Cee toca Peete eel ts Claim rights to a logo Make choices when buying stocks Yeu cau déc quyén déi véi logo Iva chon c6 chon loc khi mua ¢é phigu eect ed eee reas Aa can Enhance writing skills through an workshop Visit sites in the city Nang cao ky nang viét thong qua hdi thao dang diénra__Ghé thm cc dia danh néi tiéng trong thanh pho eee una eee) Present a report on the research Learn about the use of machinery Trinh bay mét bao céo day di vé nghién ctu Tim higu v8 vig str dung may méc phi hgp Se ene Cu ea) va eee ae Forward a brochure with the details Provide a place for the opening ceremony Gifi mét cudn sdch quang cdo nhé kém cc chi tiét lin Cung cp mét noi réng rai cho Ié khai mac quan 16 outgoing - dang durgc giri di Keep the machine idle when not in use Keep all the messages for a while Gitr cho may khéng hoat déng khi khong sir dung Gidr tat cA cdc tin nhan gui di mot khodng thai gian Wa eee eu tc 18 pleasant Be well-known for products Enjoy the ‘atmosphere of the art gallery Ndi tiéng vé cac sn pham dang tin cay Tan huéng bau khéng khi dé chiu ctia phdng trung bay nghé thuat YC eee eel Pe eer Expand a product range in the year Participate in the project Mé réng pham vi sén phdm trong n&m sau Tham gia dy an sap t6i Coteau Tet eure: Feel to make a decision Work on the design of a magazine Cam thay min cung khi dua ra quyét dinh Bang thiét ké mot tap chi hang dau Oar) Regard mr. Park as the expert in stock market Receive reviews from critics Coi 6ng park nhu la chuyén gia gidi nhat trén thi trudng Nhan cac danh gid dac biét tir céc nha phé binh ching khoan Peete eens Cee aa Expect to achieve a outcome Notice a error in the figures. Hy vong dat duoc két qua thanh cong. Nhan thay mét Idi nhé trong cac sé ligu Panee eee ea Cee eon ane Contain information Seek durable and furniture Chita théng tin ngdu nhién Tim kiém dé n@i that bén va da nang mers a ue aka eee add Exit the building in an manner Build a structure ata cost Thoat khdi toa nha theo cach c6 trat ty Xay dung mot cOng trinh kién trite véi chi phi dang ké Rees Dee ec ea Neglect to insert an part of the machine Require work experience in a field Bé qua/kh6ng chiiy chén phan thiét yéu cla may vo —-Yéu cu kinh nghiém lam viée trong mot linh vut lién quan Eee ca aatcart Pier tek a Adjust some details in a schedule Prove with consumers Biéu chinh mot sé chi tiét trong lich biéu thur’ng 1é Ching t khong duoc gui tiéu dling ua chudng Conduct a study on the economy ‘Apply for an position Tién hanh mét nghién ctu toan dién vé nén kinh té Nép don xin viéc vao vj tri hanh chinh, Receive inquiries about orders Become about foreign cultures Nhan dug nhiing thac mac lién tuc vé don dat hang Dan am hiéu vé van hda nuéc ngoai 19 unauthorized - trai phép, khong co quyén Bo ener tte) Prohibit Visitors from entering offices Advise against medical treatments Cam khach khong phan su busc vao van phong Khuyén nén tranh nhding digu tri y té khéng higu qua eens eure dr unen caai is Upgrade the computers that are now Provide proof of global warming Nang cap cdc may tinh hién da di thoi Cung cap bang chving thuyét phuc cia sy 4m lén toan cau Use the message board as the form of Receive complaints about the products communication Nh&n dugc nhiéu khiéu nai vé san pham Str dung bang tin téfc nhur la hinh thifc giao tiép/truyén dat chi yéu Peru Oe oe ute) Notify staff of a course list Lead to a continuous decrease in sales ‘Théng bao cho nhan vién vé mét danh sdch khéa hoc dy’ Dan dén gidm doanh thu lién tuc kién oa Pra TeUy et cue eure} Take an view of the future Deal with an problem C6 mét cdi nhin lac quan vé tuong lai Gidi quyét van d@ cp bach 09 productive - nang suat, hiéu qua ee teeta eed Take steps to make the meeting more Prevent the installation of a cooling system Thy hién céc buéc dé lam cho cue hop higu qua/cé Ngan ngita viéc lap dat hé théng lam mat khong ding nang suat hon cach ne a ateul mara cs Peet cu eau eid ‘Analyze the causes of an economy Order the inspection of passengers’ luggage Phan tich nguyén nhan cla mét nén kinh té chat vat —_Yéu cu kiém tra nghiém ngat hanh ly ctia hanh khach SEU BOe eBid Prohibit mr. Ichiro from disclosing files Havea knowledge of art history C6 kién thuic rong vé lich str nghé thuat Pere aru Peeeeraru ka Keep belongings in a locker Maintain cooperation with ort incorporated Gitr db dac c4 nhan trong tu khéa Duy tl sur hop tac chan thanh véi ort incorporated SRE r] RCL SEO e sa Employ production methods Store any documents in a safe place sir dung phuong phédp san xuat truyén théng Luu trirtai liu nhay cém & noi an toan Perris Report the success of recent advertisements Make the warning lights more Bao co sy thanh cng ré rang cila cdc quang cdo gan Lam cho dn canh bao hién thi r6 hon day Ce euro) Ce ors eu Operate the new equipment Take one hour to complete the survey Van hanh thiét bj moi mét cach khéo léo Mat khoang mét gid dé hoan thanh ban khao sat the novelist's best work Provide a lounge for executives Bugce cho Ia tac pham hay nhat cilia tiéu thuyét gia Cung cap mét phong ché danh riéng cho gidm déc diéu hanh Perec ome: r ara eutcan cal Forecast low temperatures Update the information Dy bao nhiét d6 thap dén ndi khéng thé chju duge Cp nhat thong tin thudng xuyén Report working hours maintain the quality of all products Bao cdo gid lam vic ding cach Chac chan duy tri chat lugng cla tat cd céc san pham influence consumer demand ‘Operate the new equipment Gian tiép anh huéng dén nhu cau tiéu dung Van hanh trang thiét bi moi dé dang Be ert Pere mera Adapt to the economic recession affect investment in europe Thich nghi sao cho pht hgp voi suy thoai kinh té Anh hudéng xdu dén dau tuo chau au Leave the office when the alarm sounds _After carefully reviewing a number of job applications Roi khoi van phong ngay ap tifc khi chuéng bdo déng Sau khi xem xét cdn than sé lvong don xin viée vang lén ee ceria meet the workers in person Consider the seminar informative to artists Tham chi la gap ngudi lao dng truc tiép Xem budi hdi tho dc biét hitu ich, cé nhigu théng tin cho cac nghé st SPRUCE SETI) Move the fragile items Travel to rio de janeiro for business Di chuyén cdc mén hang dé va mét cach than trong Du lich dén rio de janeiro chi danh cho doanh nghiép Pee eerie Pei inspect factory facilities Visit three branches a day kiém tra chat ché cdc co’ sé nha may Tham gan ba chi nhdénh mot ngay Organize his schedule request a vegetarian meal Té6 chic lich trinh cua minh mét cach ti mi Cu thé la yéu cau mot bifa n chay Insist that the renovation is necessary remove the cake from the baking tin Nhan manh rang viéc di mdi la hoan toan can thiét Nhe nhang lay banh ra khdi khay nuéng. 05 promptly - nhanh chéng, dung git Pon ene Start the discussion after noon Build a beneficial relationship with clients. Bat dau thao luan ngay sau budi trua Xay dung mdi quan hé cling c6 Idi vai khach hang, visit inexpensive restaurants Reconsider approved proposals én cdc nha hang tuong déi ré tien Xem xét lai cdc dé xuat 43 dugc phé duyét trudc do Book a hotel situated downtown Focus on current problems Dat phéng khach san n&m vi tri thuan Igi trong trung_ Tap trung chi yéu vao cc van dé hién tai tm thanh pho Prec tut cukcue ua Resume the opening ceremony Not affect the entire delivery system Tiép tuc lé khai mac trong thai gian ngan Khéng nhat thiét anh hudng dén toan bé hé théng phan phdi Increase survey response rates ‘summarize the various sales strategies Tang ty lé phan hdi khao sat dang ké Tom tat ngan gon cac chién lugc ban hang khac nhau Deal with the client's complaints Stop by the bank Xif ly cdc khiéu nai cua khach hang mét cch higu qué_—_Thinh thoang ghé qua ngan hang enc ear rad ee eae exhibit leadership skills ‘Submit application documents Ludn thé hign cdc kj nang lanh dao NOp hd so ding ky riéng

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