Poster and Oral Presentation Guideline: Raduate Research Exhibi On Comoe On (Grex) 2021

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Graduate Research Exhibi�on Comoe��on

(GREx) 2021


The clustering is used to divide the dataset into subsets. Based on exis�ng mul�-view techniques, we propose a method to
combine the individual clustering results of these views into a single co-clustering of the original data. The effec�veness of
the combined approach (Co and Mul�-view clustering) is evaluated on several standard datasets. Our results show that using
previously published ILSSA for division and the mul�-view for clustering not only improve the clustering results whereas the
computa�on cost also reduced owing to proposed data segrega�on method.

All registra�on entries as a PRESENTER must be done online via google form at:

01 All registra�on entries as a PARTICIPANT (NON PRESENTER) must be done online via google
form at: h�ps://

Only Postgraduate students of UTM are eligible to apply ● Registra�on deadline is on

1/6/2021. ● E-Poster and proof of fee payment submission deadline is on 10/6/2021. The
documents can be submi�ed through
h3BusMaQ/viewform ● Closing Ceremony and Awards Presenta�on will be held on
17/6/2021 (Compulsory for all presenters). ● All par�cipants will receive an e-cer�ficate
for par�cipa�on.

Following is the guidelines for prescribed contents and format of E-poster:

Presenters can refer to the poster template as a guideline. The design is all based on researcher. The content

of the E-poster must be the researcher’s own work.
The theme of the poster must follow UTM’s branding guideline including logo and tagline.
Poster orienta�on must be in Portrait and Poster content should be in English with relevant images included.
Presenter’s photo and detail should be placed at the bo�om of the E- poster.
File Format: Save your E-poster as JPEG or PNG image file (no other format will be accepted).
File Size: The file size of E-poster should not exceed 100 Megabytes (100 MB). The size of E-poster is A3 (297
mm 420 mm)

a) Use small font size and shadow effect.
b) Use the same background colour as the �tle and its content.
c) Use blurry image of products or researchers.
d) Put lengthy descrip�on.

Judging session will be held on 16/6/2021 virtually via Webex Online. A detailed schedule for parallel sessions

05 and Webex link will be provided later. ● Presenters are required to a�end the parallel session from beginning
to the end. ● Presenters who fail to a�end the presenta�on and Q & A session will be disqualified. ●
Presenters are required to wear formal a�re and open the video camera while presen�ng their poster. ●
Presenta�on should be no more than 5 minutes with 5 minutes of Q/A session ● Presenta�on must be in
English only. However, for the Social Science category, researchers (Presenters) can present in English or
Malay. ● Feedbacks from the presenters a�er the judging session are welcomed but will not have any effect
on the results. All results are FINAL. Appeals or correspondences will not be entertained.

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