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:Toassemblg a hauseholdcincuit comparising 3 bulks 3 (on/off )switdhes
a use and a pawen saUNce

APPARATUS: Thnee bulbs, (o660 wat),a6use, 3(ornleb6) suoitches,a peuwen Sounce

THEORY:while planning the eleckric wiving es a house, one sheuld aemembe
Jhat he_diskribuhon cinuitis connecked in pmaleland the fuse is
elhe connecked in patatel malnline of each component on main line
ofhouse/oom.In pamallelconnecteon,if one_a applicances Is Ausedon goes
ut o omdest,Hhe okhen one keeps on openakirng-The ampeHe Hangeof fuse
wine is b be used depends onHhe load of components.fon example.if in
a ciscut ofbulbs each bf 60 n, 100w 8 200n opetaking at 220v ane
connectedin pmallel to each othen then ampene_ratios fuse
nequined wi
becalculaked as follous
V 220

I2 P2 00 045A
V 220

T3 Pa: 200 09LA

Y 220

I t I2 t T3 k63 A

50 he nequined use uill be of ampesne

a k e is 165A

PROCEDIRE1. Connect one end of bulb holden to edflexible wine_thMOugh a aWitch

inseaties onnect the othen end.of bulb_holdenko black flexible_wine

Main Supply
L2 S1

Safey Bulb
Cicuit diaqnam fpr hoUsehold
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2 Connect all Ehe bulb-Swikch combinatfons in paMallel

3 Take
iwe long wlnes as live-uines
LConnecEone end of all wines b ned wLies and othen ends_to anothe
dlackon gteen wite CL)acing as neutval lead
5 Connect _fuse wlne (E) Liein he live-uwine coming from A.Cmain
6 Conneca uo pin plug for AC Supply

RESULT 6 one willon he suitches ene by one in the tonnection_bulb

ulbe on and if suikches wil be aff,the bulbs wilbe off then
Hhe cinuiE_is saido be complete

PRECAUTION:1 Electnical applieanees should behandled caneftlly

2 Suitdh-off allthe main supply on pouwen supply
3 Disconeck allwines, plugs and suikhes after experiment
4 The Safeky fse _and switches must be put inlive wines only and
safehy fuse _Should be removed firom 6ocket while_making.conmecions

5aURCES 1me safeky fuse&on-offswitcheS may not be put in live oives

OE ERROR 2 The 6uitches_may not
b eon one by one
3 Thecncuit may nok be a_completeone
Expt. No ***********°°**************** Page No **************'******.


AIM To assemble components of a glven elecknicalcincit

APPARATUS Anelectnical cincuithaving.components-batery,theostal, ammeten

VolEmeken,Connecbing wines et

THEORY The theomy salys :I Ri.e,ohms lawsaisftes when compornents ane

coneckedin dicuit tne following hings
should bekepk into
d) Ammeten is conneckedin seies.tonesiston uwibh-veofammete
connecbedo»veteaminal of baHeny and+vebenmiaql to rve of baltezy
in Volkmeben Is alusayA connecedin parallel t Mesistoh and+ve
o fvoltrie
shouldbe ouaxds +ve tenminal af baHeny and-veeb volEmete.r
Eowaids-vetenminal af baten
ii when connect heostat, one of its fixed tenminals Is usedand
one connecbion is made to moving tenminal

ROCEDURE:i)Lomplebe_cinculk,coonecting nesiston,ammeten,volkmetex,
i)Tnsent plug adjust he sheostak
iy Armmeten and volemeten shous some deflection which ameouN Meguined
4f deflechon shous hak meas oUn ciHcuit is complete
RESILT 1 Components ane assembled pmapenly

2 This_can be Used to measune_an unknown_Hesistace

0 vernifs_ohms latu.

Cincuit diagnam usinggiven componeD£S
Expt. No ******.******************* Page No **** ***********"

PRECALTIONls; 1 AU conneckions shoud be done pnopenly_

2 As eleckical components, handle cahefolly
Disconnect all pantsof ciACuiE aften expe Miment is done

1 Tne connechng wires may nothavenegllglble esistance
OF ERROR 2 The unknou_nesistance of metallic conduckon may not be
negligible_as companed b ofthe voltmete
The unkncun_Hesistane of mekallic.conducton may akso alte
lwithpassageof current hough it
4 The ends of wive may not be cean
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AIM Tostudy vaniation in potential dnopwith length of winef o a

Steady cU1Nent_

APPARAUS: Potentiomeke, balteny., theostat, jodkey,ammebegaluanomeen

voltmete one way key, connechng wires and sandpapen

THEORY T f a constank cunnent is passed thonough the wine of unifenm

aneaoß cHOSS. section fon constant ime peniod then yol
VkLCwhene k >conskant of popontionality)
Tnis is wovking pminciple of_pokenkiometen
PROCEDURE:1 Clean endss he wines with sand papen
Complete the cincuik as given in cincuit diagmam
3 Adjust the flowof current in_the incuit wih the help of
theostat, uch jockey smoothlyon wie, Tme voltmeter will
glve full Scale deflechion Note the ammeketand voltmete
4 Nou incnease uwiie length[add 25cm_length_bo youH wie
length) nepeatedly and note the vadtmetenarnd ammeker
6:obsenve Ehat ammekest neading will increase uhile
Meading uwilfluctuate.

RESULT Value of Haio L is constant

The gnaph bla V 8 Lis a stnaightlines



Cincott diagnam usLnq potentiometen

3.NoLengthAmneteMoitmet.enV/Llin vAcm
cm Hedding neading

1 ooo3 o3 O-03
2 150 O4
3 200 o.5 oS Q-0025
250 o6 06 O-00 93
qncph bluw length (1)
and potenial(v)|
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RECAUTIONS: The connecions should be_neat, clean_and ight

2 jockey shouldbe Smoobhly moving
The plug is connected b he supply oaly when you ae
doing expen|menE

soURCES1 Appxoximation in_measuTing_Ghe length of potentiomeke7 uine

OE ERRDR ill affect _the esulk
2 The em:fof baeny Ermas_be constant
Thene may be some contact resiskaces ak the_ends oh ume
4The poeniomeher utNe _may not have_unifonnaea eh
voss: Section
The heaing e potentiometeM wie_ may cause some enAOM

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