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This is the food group tasked with providing energy to the body.

Examples include: Ugali, rice, potatoes, arrow roots, pasta, sweet potatoes, bread, chapatti, cassavas etc

Focus should be on the whole none refined ones as they are high fiber which helps regulate blood sugar, weight
management and overall digestion.

They take time to get digested thus releasing small amounts of sugar (glucose) into the blood stream

One serving is recommended per meal ie one serving spoon of rice, fist sized Ugali arrow roots sweet potatoes

When serving things like uji a standard 200ml cup should be used per serving.



This is a body building food which comes in handy in muscle and tissue repair. They are categorized into plant
and animal protein

Plant: Beans, Ndengu, kamande, dried peas, nzuu and all other dried pulses Animal proteins: dairy products,
red and white meat, eggs.

Non fatty meat should be consumed (lean meat) skin the fatty areas before cooking, white meat should be
prioritized over read meat but still consumed in minimal amounts. Chicken should be skinned before cooking
and all fatty sections discarded.

Should also be cooked in minimal amounts of oil i.e 1tablespoon.

When it comes to milk boil, let it cool and skim off the cream 200ml -250ml per day is allowed and this includes the
amount in tea.

Boiled eggs are encouraged as opposed to fried ones whereby you end up using high amounts of oil and salt in
preparation. They can be served with a vegetable salad and consumption should not be on a daily basis skip a day
before your next intake. You can have them on the day that no meat is being consumed.

Consume more of the plant proteins (cereals) than the animal ones (meat, dairy and eggs).


They are the body’s protective foods and are rich in various vitamins which act as antioxidants. They also come with
minerals which help in cell and muscle function. They are also packed with fiber

In this case I recommend constant intake of a variety of fruits and vegetables available.

They should occupy half of the plate in every meal.

Vegetables can be served as salads or slightly steamed to preserve their nutritional value.

Fruits should be consumed in moderation as they have a sugar category known as fructose ie which would cause a
spike in blood sugar and this puts a strain on insulin.

Orange slice into 4 parts and consume 1 slice or half depending on the size

Avocado based on the size large a half piece is okay.

Melons, pineapple quarter slice (palm sized)

Apple 1 is okay.

Sweet bananas one whole is okay (the tiny size)for the big ones have a half.

Fruit salads are not encouraged as you end up consuming high doses of fruit sugar in one serving which your body will
have issues regulating.

Below is how portions on your plate should be like. You can get a portioned plate from supermarkets to make it easier
to work on your serving portions.
 Ensure you are constantly hydrated using clean safe boiled water.
 Processed sugar and artificial sweeteners use should be limited.
 Have your medication at least 30mins prior to meal time.
 Physical activity is encouraged i.e taking a walk and skipping.( comfortable foot wear
while at it)
 Avoid salad dressings ie mayonnaise and bread spreads such as margarine as they are
high in unsuitable fats. Healthy fats ie from avocados, seeds and nuts are encouraged.
 Avoid salting food while eating your meals, salt should be cooked when preparing
meals and in minimal amounts.
 Use the right type of cooking oils to cook your food ie vegetable oils that will not
solidify during storage.
 Small frequent meals encouraged as opposed to huge servings at once.
Portioned plate to use.
 Alcoholic beverages should be minimized.
 Processed meats and snacks should be limited as they are high in sodium which has an
effect on blood pressure.
 Processed spices should be avoided as they contain dangerous components ie
monosodium glutamate only consume natural ones ie Tumeric ,ginger ,black pepper etc
 Constantly monitor and note down your blood sugar.
 Seed cycling is also encouraged for hormonal balance day 1 to mid-cycle (follicular
phase) 1table spoon of flax seeds and pumpkin seeds daily next part of the cycle (luteal
phase) 1tablespoon sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. The seeds can be roasted to make
them palatable.
Breakfast Snack 1(mid- Lunch Snack Supper (LATEST 8.00
morning) 2(4pm)
Monday Whole meal bread A handful of Rice 1 serving 1 medium Ugali 1 serving
2 slices nuts and fruit Ndengu stew 1 sized banana Green vegetables at
Served with 250ml slice. serving 1 serving of beef/live
cup of tea Steamed terere
2 servings.
Tuesday 2 slices of Weetabix 1 melon slice Left over 1 cup tea Rice 1 serving
served with 200ml or 1 small supper can be with a small Ndengu 1 serving.
glass of milk. sized orange. packed for sweet Steamed cabbage 3 s
Alternatively you lunch. banana.
can have oatmeal.
Wednesday 250ML Cup of 1 cup 250ML You can have Same snack Mashed potatoes 1 s
Porridge. of tea. left over supper as Liver/beef/kuku or m
Served with a food or midmorning. Mixed vegetable sala
palm sized Githeri 1 French beans with ca
arrowroot or serving
sweet potato. Steamed
s 2 servings
1 slice of
Thursday 1 medium sized Pack same Rice 1 serving Mixed nuts Ugali 1 serving.
whole meal meal as Beans stew1 and a fruit Steamed green veget
pancake served breakfast. serving slice. 1 avocado slice.
with 250ml cup of Steamed
tea . cabbage 2
Alternatively you servings or
can serve the tea avocado slices
with a plantain.(1
medium sized)
Friday 250ml cup of tea 1 250ml Cup Mukimo 1 1 250ml cup Ugali 1 serving
with whole meal of porridge serving. of porridge. Tripe/liver 1 serving
bread( 2 slices) Served with at Greens 2 servings or
least 2-3
servings of
Saturday Weetabix or oat bix Pineapple 1 cup tea Chapatti 1 serving(m
Serve with a glass slice with Githeri 1 served with Beef stew 1 serving
of milk and banana carrot salad serving 1 small sized Salad ie broccoli carr
small sized one. Steamed banana i.e
spinach 2 the sweet
servings banana size
1 avocado slice
Sunday Arrowroot palm A vegetable Left over Yoghurt Pilau 1 serving
sized or sweet salad can be previous day 250ml Kachumbari 2 serving
potatoes made. dinner 1 banana
Served with 1 cup Ie lettuce
tea ,carrots
dressed with
lemon and
black pepper.

*always have clean water at least 2litres a day spread out .A

glass after you wake up a lemon slice can be added if you hate
taking plain water in the morning.
*have 2hrs of rest after dinner before sleep time
*incorporate light exercise i.e skipping rope and walks.
*You can swap a carbohydrate dish based on what is
available .I.e if rice is not available another starch can be
*non processed carbohydrates can be used ie whole meal rice
,chapatti, Ugali as they have a high satiety value thus much
won’t be consumed.
*Meals can be adjusted based on what is available.
*Left over supper can be served at lunch.
* A partitioned plate can be used if you have issues measuring

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