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20 PTS 15 PTS 10 PTS 5 PTS

Excellent use of pitch, pacing and Little use of voice qualities to

Good use of pitch, pacing and Some use of pitch, pacing and
Volume/ Voice intonation. Voice is loud and enhance performance. Voice is
intonation. Voice is mostly clear intonation. Voice is sometimes
Modulation clear. Fluent and coherent too quiet to be heard, and almost
and audible. clear and audible.
delivery. inaudible.

Body Language
Excellent use of facial expression, Good use of facial expression, Some use of facial expression,
Minimal use of body language to
gestures and body language. Body gestures and body language to gestures and body language to
(Facial Expression, enhance poem.
language adds meaning. enhance poem. enhance poem.
Gestures and

Holds attention of the entire

Rapport with Consistent use of direct eye Minimal eye contact with the
audience with the use of direct No eye contact with the audience
Audience contact with some audience audience
eye contact

Student has consistent, notable

Student does stand out as not Student has occasional speech
speech errors - that at times Student is difficult to understand
having speech sound errors errors that are quite notable - but
causes a listener to question what and requires a listener to request
Articulation because he/she is excellently does not impact the intelligibility
student said; Student shows repetition at least thrice; Student
( Speech errors and intelligible – and sounds excellent of his speech; Student attempts to
awareness of not being talks without being understood
Self-correction ) to perceived audience; Student repair error sounds when
understood by repeating what is and without any attempts to
repairs any errors noted without prompted or when asked to
said without attempts to repair correct errors.
prompts or being asked to repeat repeat.
error sounds.
Tone and enthusiasm was
Tone and enthusiasm is mostly
sometimes appropriate to the Tone and enthusiasm
Stage Presence Tone and enthusiasm was very appropriate for audience and
topic. inappropriate for the topic.
(Self- confidence, appropriate to the topic. purpose.
Clothing was a mix of appropriate Clothing was inappropriate for
Dressing Clothing was very professional. Clothing was appropriate for
and inappropriate for the audience and purpose.
appropriately, and Stood up straight and no fidgeting audience and purpose.
audience and purpose. Did not stand up straight and/or
Posture) throughout the presentation. Stood up straight and did not
Stood up straight for part of the fidgeting for most of the
fidget for the majority of the
presentation and/or fidgeting was presentation.

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