Strain Monitoring

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Construction and Building Materials 217 (2019) 265–272

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Special Issue
Inspection Techniques for Damage Detection in Civil Engineering Structures
Strain monitoring of low carbon steel in a corrosive environment using
fiber Bragg technology
A. Cinitha a,⇑, V. Sampath b, K. Kesavan a
CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai 600113, India
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India

h i g h l i g h t s

 Presents progressively accumulated strains measured with FBG sensor in a corrosive medium.
 Uniaxial strains corresponding to metal loss in unrestrained and restrained methods are presented.
 Variation of pH, temperature and O2 in a corrosive medium is presented.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper explores the use of a technique to determine the strain that progressively accumulated in a
Received 8 December 2018 low carbon steel coupon on exposure to a corrosive medium. The strains developed in the steel coupon
Received in revised form 17 April 2019 were independently measured by an electric resistance strain gauge (ESG) as well as using a fiber Bragg
Accepted 3 May 2019
grating (FBG) sensor. The uniaxial strains measured using these two different techniques were compared.
Available online 16 May 2019
The strains accumulated in coupons in both the unrestrained and restrained conditions were measured
and the difference in their mechanical response were brought out by the change in volume accompanying
the formation of rust, which, in turn, could be sensed by a change in the wavelength by the FBG sensor.
Low carbon steel
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Electric resistance strain gauge
Fiber Bragg grating sensor

1. Introduction such as pressure and temperature. A critical review of advances

in FBG sensor technology can be found in [1–3]. Unlike electric
The sensors that are based on fiber optics have shown high resistance based sensors FBG sensors are extremely accurate and
adaptability and precision in the monitoring of health and life are not susceptible to limitations posed by environmental condi-
assessment of civil engineering structures. Optical fiber technology tions. Furthermore, gratings may be placed at several points along
is well advanced and is highly relevant for use in remotely moni- the length of fiber with only a single input/output point, thereby
toring the state of health of diversified engineering structures, such reducing the number of equipment necessary. Ander Montero
as industrial plants, towers, silos, oil and gas pipelines, offshore et al. [4] demonstrated the advantages of estimating the strains
platforms, wind turbines, bridges, railway infrastructures, etc. experienced by the aged F114 steel specimens using infrared ther-
The benefits of using optical sensors over the conventional electric mography and FBG sensor techniques. Fernandez et al. [5] carried
resistance gauge sensors are smallness of size, lightweight, non- out temperature and strain measurement simultaneously by FBG
susceptibility to electromagnetic interference, corrosion resistance sensor technique. The high resolution of modern optical fiber cor-
and durability. In addition, they are also leak-proof and resist dam- rosion sensors (OFCSs) is useful to determine corrosion in the ini-
age by explosion. Sensors that are based on fiber Bragg grating tial stages unlike in visual assessment. Apart from the use in the
technology are useful in monitoring strain in harsh environments. fields of oil and gas and construction OFCSs can also be used to
These sensors are also capable of measuring other parameters, detect corrosion of aircraft structures [6–12]. Moreover, OFCSs
are passive sensors as they do not need electrical energy for oper-
ation [13]. Corrosion leads to a decrease in the metal layer thick-
⇑ Corresponding author.
ness. When wave length of light exceeds the thickness of the
E-mail address: (A. Cinitha).
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
266 A. Cinitha et al. / Construction and Building Materials 217 (2019) 265–272


n Effective refractive index of the core e Unit engineering strain on the specimen surface
pe Effective photoelastic coefficient m Poisson’s ratio
Pij Pockels coefficients of the stress optic tensor K Grating pitch
RH Relative humidity De Incremental increase in strain
DT Incremental increase in temperature a, b, c Constants
aT Thermal expansion coefficient n Factor relating thermal expansion and thermo-optic
aK Thermal expansion coefficient of the optical fiber coefficient of the fiber
an Thermo-optic coefficient of the fiber kB Bragg wavelength

layer, then the light is reflected by the OFCS resulting in total inter- surface preparation was carried out by abrading the steel sample
nal reflection. Such behaviour can be brought out in the form of a successively using grits of decreasing size of SiC-coated abrasive
plot relating the incident angle and reflectance of light [14,15]. paper followed by polishing to a mirror finish using diamond paste
Therefore, it can be used to predict the onset of corrosion before and thoroughly rinsing it with deionised water and acetone. The
the occurrence of any major damage to the structure. An FBG sen- solution was prepared by using 35 g of laboratory grade sodium
sor coated with Fe-C was proposed by Wenbin et al. [16] to deter- chloride solution in 1000 ml of deionized water, i.e. 3.5% NaCl.
mine corrosion of steel and to find out changes in the Fig. 1 shows the electrochemical set-up that was used in the pre-
microstructure brought about on rust formation and also validated sent work.
the reliability of performance of the sensor in harsh environments. The steel samples were placed in a special holder of electro-
Yizheng et al. [17] measured the accuracy of long period fiber grat- chemical cell in order to expose 1 cm2 area. The corrosion tests
ing sensors produced by depositing outer layer of Fe-C and an inner were performed on an Autolab Potentiostat and Galvanostat work-
layer of silver. They established that the loss of mass in the outer station. In the present study, a mirror finished surface, a platinum
layer varied linearly with a change in the resonant wavelength foil and a silver chloride electrode were used as the working elec-
for some specific ranges. Fiber Bragg grating sensors have exten- trode, counter electrode and reference electrode, respectively. The
sive uses in civil engineering, especially in monitoring the health electrodes were all placed in a cell containing the corrosive med-
of structures [18]. ium for 30 min and the corrosion potential was recorded. The com-
The process of corrosion of structural steel involves the interac- position of steel samples used is given in Table.1. Based on the
tion of a material with its environment. The local pH, temperature studies, it was observed that the low carbon steel studied showed
and access to oxygen influence the corrosion process and thereby a corrosion rate of 0.276 mm/y in a 3.5% NaCl solution, simulating
the rate of reaction [19,20]. In this study, the results of experimen- marine environment.
tal investigations on accelerated corrosion of coupons are reported.
The change in oxygen concentration in the electrolyte and temper-
ature and pH were measured using probes adhering to the specifi- 3. Fiber Bragg grating technique
cation as per DIN EN ISO 9001. The ESG and FBG sensor were
calibrated in tension under ambient conditions as the two sensors Fig. 2 illustrates the operating principles of FBG sensors. FBG
were glued to the tensile coupon. The fiber with FBG is glued on sensors are passive optical components obtained by recording a
steel coupons subjected to accelerated corrosion by galvanic local, longitudinal and period modulation of the refractive index
method. Based on the experimental studies, the reliability of mea-
surements with FBG sensor in an aggressive environment is
demonstrated. Table 1
Chemical analysis of samples used in the present study.
2. Corrosion rate studies Element Fe C Mn Ni Si P Cr S
Wt % Base 0.07 0.99 0.01 0.04 0.008 0.03 0.004
Low carbon steel samples of size 3cmx3cm, which were mirror
polished to 800 grit grade, were used as the substrate material. The

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up for electrochemical studies.

A. Cinitha et al. / Construction and Building Materials 217 (2019) 265–272 267

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of principles of operation of fiber Bragg grating sensor.

along the optical fiber core with a 9-mm diameter, as depicted in change in wavelength caused by a change in the fiber refractive
Fig. 2(a). They can be used to sense any reaction to the environ- index can be correlated to strain, pH and temperature [21] as per
ment, through modulation of light. The measured data is encoded the following expression:
in the wavelength of the light reflected by the FBG, which reflects a
n2 ðdnÞ
narrowband of light. Any change in the environment causes the DkB ¼ 2nKðf1  ð Þ½P12  mðP11 þ P12 ge þ ½aK þ dT DTÞ ð3Þ
FBG to deform and thereby shift the reflected wavelength. The 2 n
magnitude of the shift denotes the strength of the measured The numerical value of ðn2 Þ½P 12  mðP 11 þ P12 Þ is found to be

parameters. Any physical and chemical reaction with the environ- 0.2. However, there have not been many studies to measure the
ment results in a local change in the refractive index, with the light variation in refractive index caused by synergistic effect of the
ray passing through the fiber core undergoing partial reflection at changing strain, pH and temperature of the corrosive environment.
each of the gratings. As a consequence of the periodicity of the A strain gauge made of a metal with resistance of 120 X and a
index modulation, constructive interference of the reflected light gauge length of 2 mm and glued to the specimen was used in the
rays takes place for those wave vectors that satisfy the Bragg con- present study. The electric resistance strain gauge transfers the
dition given in Eq. (1). This implies that a part of the incident spec- extensional strain on a metallic surface into a proportional strain
trum is not transmitted, but is only reflected, by the grating as in the resistive strain gauge element [23]. The sensitivity of the
shown in Fig. 1(a). The specifications pertaining to the FBG sensor strain gauge depends on the sensitivity of the alloy used. However,
are given in Table 2. Since the wavelength reflected by the grating since the electric strain gauges show lesser sensitivity to tempera-
is a function of n and K, variations in temperature and pH con- ture and pH, their use is not recommended in hostile
tribute to variation in strain due to loss of metal (i.e. subsequent environments.
change in geometry of the corroded surface) giving rise to an
appreciable wavelength change, as shown in Fig. 1(b). The princi-
4. Monitoring corrosion with FBG sensor
ples of operation of FBG sensor involve measuring the change in
Bragg wavelength and relating the change in wavelength (Dk) to
Experimental investigations were carried out using an FBG sen-
the shift in values measured [21,22].
sor and a conventional ESG sensor to measure the strain intro-
The following expression correlates the change in Bragg wave-
duced during accelerated corrosion of coupons subjected to
length to the physical and chemical parameters as given in Eq. (1).
unrestrained and restrained conditions. From 65NB (as per IS
kB ¼ 2nK ð1Þ 1161:1998, [24]) tubular specimen, tensile coupons were fabri-
cated and subjected to accelerated corrosion. The experiments
The refractive index of the core material changes with wave- were performed keeping the parent metal as cathode (low carbon
length as per Eq. (2) steel) and the gauge length region of the specimen as the anode.
3.5% NaCl solution was used as the electrolyte. Fig. 3 shows the
DkB ¼ ð1  pe ÞkB e þ kB ðaK þ an ÞDT ð2Þ
specimen dimensions (ASTM E8M-04 [25]). Based on Faraday’s
In the present study the value of pe is assumed to be 0.2 and laws of electrolysis the accelerated corrosion experiments were
0.55E-6 and 8.6E-6 for aK and an respectively. The variation in carried out [26]. The anode was connected to the +ve terminal,
the fiber refractive index is attributed to photoelastic effect. The while the cathode to the ve terminal. The initial and final poten-

Table 2
Specifications of FBG sensor.

Center wave length (nm) CW tolerance (nm) Reflectivity (%) 3 dB bandwidth (nm) Fiber Type Grating Length (mm)
1540 ±1 0.70 0.25 ± 0.05 SMF28-C Polymide 10
268 A. Cinitha et al. / Construction and Building Materials 217 (2019) 265–272

Fig. 3. Figure showing a structural steel coupon glued to FBG and ESG sensors.

tials were measured under zero current using a Calomel electrode. was mounted on a 25 Ton UTM and applied a load that was only
Fig. 3 illustrates the gauge length region of steel coupon bonded to 10% of the ultimate load.
a single type of FBG strain sensor with a center wavelength of The progress of corrosion in the thin film of the sputtered iron
1540 nm and a grating length of 10 mm and a ESG with a gauge was assessed by determining the shift in the peak points of wave-
length of 2 mm. Fig. 4 shows specially fabricated chambers used length of the FBG [27]. A steel coupon was attached to the FBG sen-
for the unrestrained and restrained conditions. Fig. 5 shows the sor using cyanoacrylate adhesive and an M-BOND and silicone coat
specimen set-up. The FBG and ESG sensors were calibrated at room as sealant. The strain measured during the experiment is a sum of
temperature using tension test. The specimens designated as TE- low strains developed because of metal loss and variations in tem-
FBG-01, TE-FBG-02, TE-ESG-01 and TE-ESG-02 were used for the perature of the electrolyte. The function of conventional strain
tension test. Fig. 6 shows the experimental set-up that was used gauges was restricted to the ambient conditions (T = 23 °C;
for conducting the tension test. A set of four coupons was used RH = 50%) while the apparent strain is valid for T = 0–80 °C. It has
(UR-FBG-01, UR-FBG-02, UR-FBG-03 and UR-FBG-04) in the unre- been observed that the rate of corrosion varies with pH and tem-
strained condition and the set-up is as shown in Fig. 7. On the other perature. The pH and temperature of the electrolyte during corro-
hand, specimens RST-FBG-05, RST-FBG-06, RST-FBG-07 and RST- sion were measured using WTW probes connected with
FBG-08, were used in the restrained condition and the set-up is multiparameter following procedures enumerated in DIN EN ISO
as shown in Fig. 8. In the restrained condition, the tensile specimen 9001.

Fig. 4. Specially fabricated chambers used for unrestrained and restrained conditions.

Fig. 5. Specimen immersed in corrosion chamber for unrestrained and restrained conditions.
A. Cinitha et al. / Construction and Building Materials 217 (2019) 265–272 269


FBG and
ESG sensor

Fig. 6. Experimental set-up utilized in the tensile calibration tests.

Fig. 7. Experimental set up utilized for corrosion tests on unrestrained specimens.

Fig. 8. Experimental set up utilized for corrosion tests on restrained specimens.

5. Principle of corrosion monitoring with FBG sensor An oxidation reaction takes place at the anode as per Eq. (5).

2Fe ! 2Fe2þ þ 4e ð5Þ

The corrosion of steel involves the following electrochemical
reactions. A reduction reaction takes place at the cathode as per The reactions occurring at the anode and cathode during the
Eq. (4) process of corrosion leads to the formation of solid debris as per
Eq. (6).
2H2 O þ O2 þ 4e ! 4OH ð4Þ
270 A. Cinitha et al. / Construction and Building Materials 217 (2019) 265–272

Fe2þ þ 2OH ! FeðOHÞ2 ð6Þ 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. The quantitative relationship between shift
in wavelength and strain accumulation and growth in size of cor-
In addition, oxidation and hydration reactions take place lead-
roded region are as shown in Fig. 10(a) and (b) respectively. It is
ing to the formation of rust precipitation of Fe(OH)2 resulting in
found that the strain determined using FBG sensor progressively
variation of enthalpy and pH
increases even as corrosion progresses with time. Under these sit-
4FeðOHÞ2 þ xH2 O þ O2 ! 2Fe2 O3 ðx þ 4ÞH2 OðrustÞ ð7Þ uations, the performance of ESG sensors is generally found to be
below par. The strains observed in unrestrained and restrained
The hydrated ferric oxide on further dehydration results in the
conditions prove that there was only metal loss in the corroded
formation of a  Fe2 O3 [28].
coupons. The strains detected by sensors in all cases were gener-
The density of porous a  Fe2 O3 is lower than that of steel. This
ated by metal loss and variation in pH and temperature. The gauge
results in bloating of the steel, which can be traced through appro-
length portion of the coupon in both unrestrained and restrained
priate sensors, such as an FBG sensor. During the electrochemical
conditions was so selected as to undergo corrosion within 5 h (i.e
progressive corrosion, the change in temperature and pH bring
300 min). Both ESG and FBG sensors were initialised for unre-
about a change in the refractive index of the optical fiber. The vari-
strained and restrained conditions. The strain measured due to cor-
ation in Bragg wavelength can therefore be estimated as follows:
rosion in unrestrained condition is shown in Fig. 11. However, in
DkB the restrained condition both ESG and FBG sensors showed an ini-
¼ ð1  Pe Þe þ nDT ð8Þ
kB tial strain of 283le on application of a load [20]. As corrosion pro-
gressed, ESG displayed an apparent strain which occurs so as to
The shift in Bragg wavelength in a corrosive environment could
compensate for the strain component arising due to temperature
be expressed as a function of metal loss and temperature and pH,
effect in the unrestrained specimen. But the sample in the
i.e. as given in Eq. (9).
restrained state senses the strain arising because of the combined
DkB role of temperature and decrease in the cross-sectional area. Unlike
¼ ð1  Pe ÞeM þ fð1  Pe ÞaT þ an gDT ð9Þ
kB ESG, FBG sensors show adaptability to measure strain caused due
to changes in pH, temperature and decrease in cross-sectional area.
The first term on the right hand side of the equation indicates
Compared to the electric resistance strain gauge, the FBG sensor
the strain resulting from metal loss due to corrosion (precipitation
shows its adaptability to measuring strains generated because of
of iron hydroxide) while the strain induced by the temperature and
abrupt changes in the area of cross-section, chemical changes
pH change is represented by the second term on the RHS. The out-
due to variation in temperature and pH of the corrosive environ-
puts from WTW temperature (reference sensor) probes are used to
ment. The strain measured by an FBG sensor has three compo-
nullify the effect of temperature on the shift in Bragg wave length.
nents: the strain generated by stress (i.e. strain induced due to
Then the result can be treated as strain due to metal loss caused by
abrupt change in cross-sectional area in the restrained condition),
corrosion. This strain is much lower than the mechanical strain
the strain generated because of variation in temperature, pH and
observed during tensile test (1250  106 closer to yield point)
of low carbon steel.
FBG-ST-05-5% FBG-ST-06-10% FBG-ST-07-15% FBG-ST-08-20% FBG-ST-09-25%
6. Results and discussion 1541.2

The calibration of single type of FBG strain sensor was carried
Wavelength (nm)

out with an ESG sensor under ambient conditions through tensile 1540.8
tests and extended the application to aggressive environment. 1540.6
From the tensile test under ambient conditions, it is observed that
both the sensors are capable of measuring the stress vs. strain 1540.4
characteristics of low carbon steel under ambient condition as 1540.2
shown in Fig. 9. After validating both the sensors, they were used 0 10 20 30
to monitor strain due to metal loss in corrosive environment. Ini- 40 50 60 70 80 90
tially experiments were conducted to monitor strain resulting from Time (min) 100
the metal loss for different levels of uniform corrosion, such as 5%, FBG-ST-05-5% ESG-TT-03-5% FBG-ST-06-10%
ESG-TT-04-10% FBG-ST-07-15% ESG-TT-05-15%
FBG-ST-08-20% ESG-TT-06-20% FBG-ST-09-25%

450 ESG-TT-07-25%
350 400
Stress (N/mm2 )

300 350
Strain (

150 150

100 100
0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Time(min)
Strain (µ
Fig. 10. (a) Comparison of shift in wavelength of FBG w.r.t different percentage of
Fig. 9. Comparison and validation of tensile strain determination using ESG and corrosion. (b) Comparison of strain outputs from ESG and FBG sensors for different
FBG sensors. levels of uniform corrosion.
A. Cinitha et al. / Construction and Building Materials 217 (2019) 265–272 271

UR-FBG-01 UR-FBG-02 UR-FBG-03 UR-FBG-04 60


400 50


Temperature (o C)
Strain (µ


150 20


0 50 100 150 200 250 0
Time (min) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)
Fig. 11. Strain outputs measured by FBG sensors for the specimens tested under
unrestrained conditions. Fig. 13. Typical time variation of temperature observed in the experiments.

the small strain generated because of metal loss (in a varying pH 16

and temperature environment). In the unrestrained condition,
the strain measured by the FBG sensor is caused by a variation in
temperature and metal loss due to corrosion (in a varying pH 12
and temperature environment). The thermal strain is estimated
by subtracting the corrosion induced strain from the resultant
strain output of the FBG sensor. The strain measured by the FBG

sensor in the unrestrained condition was lower than for the
restrained condition (Fig. 12). This is attributed to the rate of cor- 6

rosion being higher in the restrained specimen. In the unrestrained 4

condition, after 2.17 h of exposure the FBG sensor shows a declin-
ing tendency, this corresponds to the condition when the sensor 2
gets detached from the specimen. Within about 2.5 h of electro- 0
chemical process, about 50% of metal loss occurred from the anode 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
surface. Subsequently irregularities were observed on the anode Time (min)
surface which was precisely measured by FBG. Time evolution of
Fig. 14. Typical time variation of pH observed in the experiments.
measured strains in the unrestrained and restrained conditions is
shown in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively. While the reaction was in
progress, the temperature varied from 30 °C to 50 °C, (Fig. 13),
while the pH varied from 7.08 to 13.63, (Fig. 14), and the concen-
tration of oxygen from 8 mg/l to 1 mg/l, (Fig. 15). The experimental
results indicate that the electrons on the metal surface interact
with oxygen from environment dissolved in the corrodant and
absorbed on the metal surface to produce hydroxyl ions. Further
hydration and oxidation reactions result in the formation of rust
(mixture of FeO, Fe2O3 and Fe3O4). It has been observed that rust-





Strain (µ )

Fig. 15. Typical time variation of oxygen content observed in the experiments.

ing of steel is accompanied by expansion, which can be sensed by a
Bragg wavelength shift under strain.

0 50 100 150 200 7. Conclusion
Time (min)

Fig. 12. Strain outputs measured by FBG sensors for the specimens tested under In the present work, galvanic corrosion experiments were per-
restrained conditions. formed on specimens made of low carbon steel. The metal loss in
272 A. Cinitha et al. / Construction and Building Materials 217 (2019) 265–272

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