9 Best Marketing Analytics Tools

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9 Best Marketing Analytics Tools

The Best Marketing Analytics Tools

1. Google Analytics
This is a basic and free website analytics tool provided by Google. You can use it to track the traffic on
your website, know where your web visitors are coming from, how they came to know your website, the
amount of time they spent on your website, etc. 

Google Analytics can also be integrated with other tools like Google AdWords and Google Data Studio for
a deeper analysis of your marketing data. However, it is complex to define and track new conversions,
and it doesn’t provide an option to track individual user sessions and know how users actually use your

The basic version of Google Analytics is free and is fit for most companies. It also comes with a premium
version that costs about $100K annually with advanced data analytics capabilities and full support from

2. MixPanel
The goal of MixPanel is to track the events on your website, mobile app, or product. This way, you can
know what users are doing on your mobile app or website. 

Once you add an event to MixPanel, you will see the trends, count, the users who used them and in what
order. It also offers funnels and A/B testing for different versions of your mobile app. MixPanel expects
you to add the events that you need to track and focus on. 

You can do this using a visual selector or by adding code annotations. After the selection, the events that
you want to track will be shown on your dashboard and the metrics of choice will be presented. It offers a
free Starter plan and two other plans that require you to pay a monthly subscription fee. 

3. The AdWords Performance Grader

PPC is a common way of reaching new customers and growing businesses among marketers.
However, there are many factors that will determine your success as a PPC marketer. It can even be
overwhelming to determine the right areas to which you should pay attention. That’s why PPC marketers
need AdWords Performance Grader. 

The Adwords Performance Grader helps you evaluate the strength of your Google Ads account quickly
and securely. Once the tool has performed an audit of your account, it will give you a detailed report that
shows the strengths and weaknesses of your account. 

This can help you know the account elements that need more work. You can use this tool for free. 

4. Heap Analytics
Heap is a web and mobile analytics tool, with similar functionalities as MixPanel. Heap Analytics helps
you track all the activities taken by your website visitors. You can also use it to select the events that you
need to analyze and preview on your dashboard. It can help you to track the individual user behavior and
segment users based on their behavior. 

It has a free plan and two other plans that require you to pay a monthly subscription fee. 

5. Cyfe
Cyfe is an all-in-one dashboard that allows marketers to integrate data from various marketing tools and
see all of it in one place. 

You can use it to track data from all your social media marketing platforms, sales platforms, pay per click
marketing channels, and others. It has pre-built widgets that you can use to connect to Google Analytics,
Google AdWords, and SalesForce accounts. 

Cyfe can then collect all the data that you need from these platforms and display it on one
dashboard. Cyfe has a free plan and three other plans that require you to pay a monthly subscription fee. 

6. Klipfolio
Klipfolio is a dashboard software that allows its users to create interactive dashboards that can host
marketing-related data from various tools and channels. 

You can use it to pull data from Facebook or Google Analytics, which is good for tracking your
performance and seeing all the data in an integrated dashboard. It comes with pre-built templates of
dashboards that you can use without having to create your own from scratch. 
However, you can still create your own dashboard that will help you meet your needs. If you have many
marketing channels and you need to monitor their data in one dashboard, use Klipfolio. It has 4 pricing
plans that require you to pay a monthly subscription fee. These plans majorly differ based on the size of

7. Optimizely
Optimizely is a good tool for carrying out A/B tests on web pages and products to know which version is
the best. 

The A/B tests can be visual or textual, and Optimizely makes it easy for you to change the design of the
pages without changing the code. It can also be integrated with other analytics tools like Bizble, Google
Analytics, and Clicktale. Such experiments make it easy for you to track your Optimizely experiment
results in other dashboards together with additional data segmentation. 

It is a good tool for any marketer who cares about the performance of his website and online marketing
results. Its A/B testing capabilities can help you know how to better convert your users and increase your
ROI. It has different pricing plans that are based on traffic needs. 

8. SEMrush
SEMrush is a marketing analytics tool that can help you see what your competitors are doing. 

It can provide you with a way to outrank your competitors in search results and offers its users with a
simple way to monitor their competitors’ social media accounts, brands, etc. 

You can also use it to track your own brand. SEMrush has an analytics reports tool that shows the
keywords that your competitors are using in their AdWords campaigns. You can also use it to analyze the
keywords that you want to use in your ad campaigns to know how competitive they are. 

It is a good tool for marketers who need to increase their search engine traffic and monitor their
competitors’ activities. SEMrush offers 3 pricing plans, with the cheapest plan costing $99 per month. 

9. BuzzSumo
BuzzSumo is a versatile content and social media analysis dashboard that provides its users with data
about the topics that are trending on the major social media platforms. It allows you to analyze data from
a range of different time periods, like for the previous 12 hours or spanning many months. 

This way, you can now the topics in your industry that are getting the most social traction. It also offers
advanced keyword search operators, backlink information, content type filters, and influencer marketing
features. You can then export the data into another format and analyze it to a greater depth. 

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