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Case Report

Matteo D'Angeio\ Valerio

Treatment of prepubertal Margiotta\ Pietro Ammatuna^ and
Francesca Sammartano^

periodontitis Departments of 'Periodontology and

^Hygiene and Microbiology, University of
Palermo, Italy

A case report and discussion

D 'Angelo M, Margiotta V, Ammatitma P and Sammartano F: Treatmetit of prepub-

ertal periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 1992: 19: 214-219.

Abstract. This paper reports the treatment of prepubertal periodontitis in a 3-

year-old girl with Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome. Initially, the patient was found to
have a myeloperoxidase deficiency and microbiological tests have identified Bacter-
oides and Fusobacteritttn. in 60% and 25%. respectively of the total number of
microbia] flora cultivated. The initial treatment was extration of all the primary
teeth with grade 3 mobility, scaling, root planing and daily subgingival irrigation
with a 0.2%n solution of chlorhexidine. Several months before the eruption of the
first permanent molars, the rest of the primary teeth were extracted. The patient
was treated with daily subgingiva! irrigation of chlorhexidine and weekly pro-
fessional oral hygiene. At the age 6V; years, the permanent teeth have normal Key words: PLS-periodontitis; periodcntai
therapy; chlorhexidine.
gingiva and crevice depths; microbiological investigation reveals a prevalence
of the coccoid forms, and radiographs show no evidence of periodontai pathology. Accepted for publication 3 January 1991

Prepubertal periodontitis (PP) is a (Newman et al. 1977. Jung et al, i98i, protocol chosen by us to manage a case
pathology that develops during or im- Tinanoff et al. 1986, Preus & Gjermo of PP associated with PLS in a young
mediately after the eruption of the pri- 1987). patient.
mary teeth. It is almost always associ- Immunodeficiency is frequently
ated with complex hereditary patho- found in these patients, e.g, chemotaxis
Case Report
logies involving immunological and phagocytic function of neutrophilic
deficiencies, such as: Chediak-Higashi granulocytes and decreased lymphocyte In September, 1986, we examined a
Syndrome; neutropenia (cyclic or per- response to PHA stimulation (Haneke girl aged 3 years and 3 months, sent
manent); Ehler-Danlos Syndrome; his- et al, 1975, Djawari 1978, Van Dyke et to us by a pediatrician who had ob-
tiocytosis X; hypophosphatasia; Papill- al, !984, Tinanoff et al. 1986, Preus & served a loosening of the child's pri-
on-Lefevre Syndrome. Gjermo 1987, Preus & Morland 1987), mary teeth.
The most frequent association is PP It has also been suggested that the
with the Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome pathogenesis of periodontilis may be
Family history
(PLS). PLS is hyperkeratosis palmo- linked to a dyskeratosis of the junc-
plantaris hnked to a recessive auto- tional epithelium, with reduced ef- The parents were both normally healthy
somal penetrating gene and has an in- ficiency of the decreased epithelial bar- subjects and were not blood relatives.
cidence of \-A- per million; in 33*Mi of rier (Vrahopoulos et al. 1988). An older brother aged 8 years had no
the cases the parents, are blood-rela- The therapeutic management of PP health problems. Neither the parents
tives (Gorlin et al. 1964). presents several problems; traditional nor the older child had any periodontal
Periodontitis due to PLS normally mechanical treatment associated with pathology.
occurs at the age of 3 to 4 years and drag administration does not always
causes early loss of the primary teeth, prevent the early loss of the primary
Medical history
with subsequent involvement of the teeth and involvement of the permanent
permanent teeth (Gorlin et al. 1964, teeth (Ratcitschak-PIus & Schroeder The patient's birth had been perfectly
Haneke 1979), The etiopathogenesis of 1984). In recent years, a different thera- normal. At the age of 4 months, she was
PP is believed to include both local ir- peutic approach has been proposed. treated with Ventolin and erythromycin,
ritant factors and factors instrinsic to This involves elimination of the perio- and subsequently with cortisone (beta-
the patient. In very young subjects, dontal pathogenic micro-organisms by methasone) for spastic bronchitis. At 10
there is an increase of rnobiie, anaer- extraction of the primary teeth several months she had phlyctenular conjuncti-
obic and gram-negative germs and the months before the permanent teeth ap- vitis, which recurred at the age of 2
presence of such periodontopathogenic pear, plus antibiotic treatment to avoid years. In January, 1986, she had tonsilli-
micro-organisms as Bacteroides gin- any possible involvement of the perma- tis; in July of the same year she had
givalis. Capnocytophaga, Fusobacterium nent teeth (Tinanoff et al. 1986, Preus & exudative eczema of both the upper and
nucleaturn, Eikenella corrodens, A. acti-Gjermo 1987, Preus 1988). lower limbs. In the Spring of 1986, the
nomycetemcomitans and .spirochaetes We therefore present the therapeutic child suffered from a series of multiple
Prepubertal periodontitis 215

abscesses involving both the maxiUary than of other bacteria! forms (60%). were Leptothrix buccalis or Bacter-
and mandibuiar arches, with a !oose- There were no protozoa in the samp!es. rionema matruchotii (Fig. 3). Blunt-
ning of the primary teeth. In Ju!y, !986, For cu!turing, the p!aque sampies ended, slight!y concave rods, at times
5.! and 6.! were !ost; the periodonta! were seria!!y di!uted !0-fo!d and each simi!ar to Actinomyces, were found in
pathology was treated with penici!!in. di!ution was piated (0.! m!/cu!ture the coronal zone (Fig. 4). From the me-
plate) on Wilkins-Cha!gren anaerobe dian 1 /3 to the apical 1/3 of the root,
agar (OXOID) supplemented with 5%i there gradually appeared short round-
Clinical features defibrinated sheep blood and on 4 dif- ended rods and spirochaetes. These lat-
The gingiva was extremely red and ferent types of selected media based on ter species predominated in the zones
edematous and there was spontaneous the same Wilkins-Chalgren agar with where the plaque was more developed
gingivorrhagia, with multiple abscesses, 5%u of defibrinated sheep b!ood. (Fig. 5).
mostly in the mandibular arch. The For isolation of the non-spore form- Occasiona! round cel!s with short
probing depth ranged from 5-% mm, ing anaerobes, we used NAT medium parieta! appendices, strongly suggestive
pus was discharged from pockets of containing 10 /(g/ml of nahdixic acid of B-!ymphocytes, could a!so be seen
both anterior and posterior teeth. A!l and 2.5 /ig/mi of vancomycin as selec- (Fig. 6).
the teeth were mobile to the grade of tive agents (Wren 1977).
2-3: 5.1 and 6.1 were absent (Fig. I). For selective iso!ation of A. actinom-
Therapeutic management
About a month after this observation, ycetemcomitans, a medium containing 8
hyperkeratosis appeared on the palm of /ig/ml malachite green and 128 /ig/ml The initia! treatment of the case in-
the left hand and the soies of the feet. bacitracin was used (Mandell & Socran- c!uded extraction of a!! the teeth with
sky !98I). For Fusobacterium nucleat- grade 3 mobi!ity: 5.4, 6.2, 6.4, 7.2, 7.!,
um, we used a cu!ture medium contain- 8.!, 8.2, 8.4. The rest of the primary
X-ray examination ing 5 /;g/m! crysta! violet and 4 /^g''m! teeth were then sca!ed and root-p!aned
An orthopantomograph revealed wide- erythromycin (Wa!ker et al. !979), whi!e and sub-gingiva! irrigation with 0.2
spread destruction of the alveolar bone for Eikene!!a eorrodens, 4 ^g/m! c!inda- ch!orhexidine was performed daily.
around a!! the teeth (Fig. 2). mycin was added to the medium (Wa!!c- 60 days after the beginning of the
er et a!. !978). After insemination the treatment. dark-field microscopy
cu!tures were incubated under anaer- showed a considerable reduction of the
Blood chemistry tests obic conditions at 37'C for 5 days. spirochaetes (2%)), as compared to the
B!ood tests showed a defective neutro- The various species were then iden- coccoid forms (80%>). Cultures showed
phil chemotaxis (Skin Window: !5'/''o - tified from the type of co!onization and that the Bacteroides and Fusobacteria
after 15': 20%) and a reduction of T- the morpho!ogica!, staining and bio- had also diminished to 10%, while the
lymphocytes with a normal T4/T8 ratio: chemical features of the iso!ated micro- streptococc!ii were at 80%. Clinicai ob-
T3 - 65% T8 - 25% organisms by means of the API 20 A servation revea!ed norma! gingival color
T4-4i% T4/T8 - 1:64 identification system. The largest and morphology: probing of 2 to 4 mm
immunohistochemical assays with ben- groups identified were black-pigmented produced no bleeding.
zidine revealed myeloperoxidase de- Bacieroides and Fusobacterium. 6O'/o The child then began a therapeutic
ficiency. and 25%. respective!y, of the tota! num- phase consisting of weekly sessions of
ber of microbic fiora cultivated. In spite professional oral hygiene.
of using se!ective media, we were unab!e Several months before the eruption
Microbioiogicai tests to detect any significant numbers of A. of the first permanent molars, which
actinomyeetemcomitans, E. eorrodens or occurred at the age of 5 years and 6
Dark-field microscopy, cultures and
Capnocylophaga. months, all the remaining primar}' teeth
scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
were performed. The subgingival plaque SEM was performed on extracted were extracted to prevent the formation
samples were obtained with a curette teeth which had been treated as foilows: of pockets in which periodontal patho-
and immcdiate!y resuspended in 0.5 ml phosphate buffer washing; dehydration genic microorganisms might develop.
of prereduced thiog!yco!ate broth me- by ethanol (70%, 80%, 95%, !00%); The patient was then treated again with
dium U.S.P. (OXOID). The samp!es transfer into Freon 1! 3 for ! 2 h; drying daily sub-gingival irrigation with 0.2%
were then transferred into an anaerobic with 25 m/( paUadium gold. chlorhexidine and weekly professional
chamber (Progammed Anaerobic Con- Observation of the sampies revea!ed oral hygiene. Microbio!ogica! investiga-
tro!!ed Environment, Lab-Line Instru- that they were comp!ete!y covered by a tion at that time again revealed a preva-
ments) under an atmosphere of Hi !ayer of p!aque bacteria arriving to lence of the coccoid fomis (Fig. 7).
(10%), CO, (10%)) and N. (80%.) and within I mm of the apex of the tooth. Chemotaxis was within the normal
dispersed by shaking on a Vortex mixer. The p!aque on the crown surface and range and there was sti!i a myeloperox-
They were then used within 30 min for the corona! 2/3 of the root seemed to idase deficiency. C!inica! and radio!ogi-
dark-field microscopy and culturing. consist mostly of long smooth-wa!!ed ca! fol!ow-up ! year after the eruption
fi!aments with rounded ends, with a of the first molars did not reveai any
All the bacteria] cells observed by periodotital lesions (Figs. 8, 9).
dark-field examination were classified mean diameter of about 0.5-0.8 /.im and
into 4 groups: coccoid cells, mobile from lO's to !00's /zm long, inserted
rods, spirochaetes and other forms, fo!- perpendicularly into the root surface.
Although it was not possible to make a Discussion
lowing the criteria proposed by Rosen-
berg et al. (1981). The proportion of taxonomic identification of these fila- Therapeutic management based on
spirochaetes was significantiy higher ments, it is quite probable that they mechanical control of the local irritant
216 D'Augelo et al.

Fig. I. Oral conditions at first examination in September 1986, Fig. 2. Orthopan tomograph at the start ofthe study.

Fig, 3. Scanning electron microscopy; subgingivai plaque in the cor- Fig. 4. Scanning electron microscopy: subgingivai plaque in the cor-
onal 2/3 ofthe root (original magnification x 5700), Long Hianients onai zone of the root (originai magnification x 10,000), Presence of
with rounded ends inserted perpendicuiariy into the root surface, rods with biunt-ended and slightiy concave.

Fig. 5. Scanning eieetron microscopy: subgingivai piaque in the apical Fig. 6, Scanning eiectron microscopy: subgingival plaque (original
1/3 of the root (original magnification x 10,200). Abundant spiro- magnification x 9,600), Round cells with short parietal appendices
chaetes in the apical border plaque. (B-!ymphocytes),
Prepubertal periodontitis 217

non-specific pathogenic flora, with

BACTEROIDES lillii STREPTOCOCCUS Bacteroides and Fusobaeterium associ-
ated with numerous spirochaetes (New-
ico - man et al. 1977, Jung et al. 1981, Pre-
us & Gjermo 1987, Preus 1988).
We therefore chose to use repeated
local chemical treatment for short
periods instead of wide-sprectrum sys-
temic antibiotic therapy (Khoo et a!.
1983, Lander et al. 1986, Hasket et al.
50 - 1986, Stanley et al, 1989, Vignarajah
et al, 1989). The use of local chemical
treatment also enabled us to observe
that the initial chemotaxis deficiency
was linked to the presence of the micro-
organisms (Preus & Gjermo 1987),
whereas there had been no change in
the myeioperoxidasc deficiency. The pa-
tient's skin, eye and respiratory tract
troubles are therefore almost certainly
Fig. 7. Prevalence of cultivable microorganisms in subgingival plaque. (A) Pretreatment. (B) linked to this latter deficiency, which
60 days after the beginning of the treatment. (C) Up-to-date. might also in part induce the perio-
dontal pathology, which wouid then be
perpetuaded by the presence of the
factors together with systemic antibiotic should be done before the appearance pathogenic flora and the linked chemo-
treatment has not proved to be efficient of the remaining permanent teeth and taxis deficiency.
for preventing the progression of the be combined with administration of Hyperkeratosis palmoplantaris in
periodontal pathology in PLS and t"e- antibiotics. PLS would seem to be associated with
sulting involvement of the permanent This protocol was followed in the an ectodermal anomaly. It has therefore
teeth (Rateitschak-Piuss & Schroeder present case, with extraction of the pri- been suggested that the periodontitis
1984). In recent years, Tinanoff et al. mary teeth several months before the may be triggered by a change in the
(1986) and Preus & Gjermo (1987) have appearance of the permanent teeth, bui function of the junctiona! epithelium,
proposed a treatment protocol consist- no antibiotic therapy was administered; which would no longer act as a defence
ing of not only local control of the irri- sub-gingival irrigation with chlorhex- barrier against micro-organisms (Vrah-
tant factors, but also of extraction of idine was perfomied to control the opoulos et al. 1988). Sloan et al. (1984)
teeth, either primary or pemianent. that periodonta! pathogenic micro-organ- did not find this structural deficiency,
are involved in the pathology. This isms. Our microbioiosical data show and our own clinical data are also in

d e
Fig. S. Periodontal conditions around maxillary and mandibular first molais and incisor, up-to-date.
218 D'Angelo et al.

Fig. 9. Ortopantomograph at the end of the observation period.

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that PP in PLS involves non-specific Sulkustiefen. Die mikrobioiogische Untersu- Increased stisceptibility to infections in the
pathogenic fiora. probably linked to a chung zeigt ein Vorherrschen kokkoider For- Papjllon-Lefevre Syndrome. Dcrmatolog-
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isms, which may be in part connected keine Zeichen pathologischer Veranderungen Haskel, E., Esquenasi, J, & Yussim, L. (1986)
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consiste en I'avulsion de toutes les dents tem- crobial and clinical effects of a .single
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assistance in evaluation of the Scanning sous-gingivale quotidienne avec une solution Clinical Periodontology 13, 74-80.
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