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The following transactions of Virgie Dal, CPA, were completed duting May 2015: May 2 May 3 May 4 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 10 May 12 May 13 May 18 May 19 May 22 May 23 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 Transferred Php 92,500 cash from a personal savings account to a checking account, Virgie Dal, CPA, ‘Acquired office equipment on account from SL Furniture, Php36,£00. Acquired office supplies on account from Lorenzo Office Supply Company, Php17,100. Performed accounting services for Cayaco Computer Company and submitted a bill of Phip29,200 for those services. Paid for accounting and tax books for use in the practice, Php19,500. Paid Lorenzo Office Supply Company, Php4.100 on account. ‘Acquired a condominium unit for the accounting practice, Php265,000. A down payment ‘of Php38,000 was made and issued a note payable for the remaining Php227,000. Paid salaries, Php1 4,200. Received Php9,750 from Cayace Computer Company, billed on May 6. Paid telephone expense, Php650. Received cash in the amount of Php14,600 from Ponferada Book Company for accounting services rendered for the month. Acquired office supplies on account from Lorenzo Office Supply Company, Php4.650. Withdrew Php8,150 for personal use. Paid salaries, Php10,300. Biled Bosante Exporters Php31,600 for accounting services rendered. Paid PICPA-Tacloban Php§,500 for professional dues. Paid Php3,250 rent on an office-copying machine. CHART OF ACCOUNTS CODE ACCOUNT NAME no Cash 120 Accounts Receivable 130 Office Supplies 140 Office Condominium 150 Office Equipment 140 Accounting Library 210 Notes Payable 220 ‘Accounts Payable 310 Dal, Capital 320 Dal, Withdrawals 410 Accounting Revenves 510 Salories Expense 520 Rent Expense 530 Telephone Expense 540 Professional Dues Expense, Requirements: 1. Joumalize the transactions using the General Journal Sheets. 2. Post journal entries to the General Ledger. 3. Prepare a Trial Balance. (GENERAL JOURNAL Page: 1 Date. Particulars F [debit Creait May 2_ [Cash vio] 92,500.00 Dai, Capital 310 972,500.00, To record transferred cash fo @ checking account May3 [Office Equipment 150| 36,800.00 ‘Accounis Payable 220 36,800.00 Torecord acquired office equipment on account May 4 [Office Supplies 130 17,100.00 ‘Accounts Payable 220 17,100.00 Torecord acavired office supplies on account May 6 [Accounis Receivable 120 29,200.00 ‘Accounting Revenues 410 29,200.00 To record bling of services rendered to Cayaco May 7 [Accounting Library 160 | 19,500.00 Cash 10 19,500.00) Torecord payment for accounting and tax books ‘May 8 [Accounts Payable 220 [4100.00 Cash Ho 4.10.00 To record payment to Lorenzo Office Supply Company May 10_[Ofice Condominium 140 | 265,000.00 Cash 10 38,000.00 Notes Payable 210 227,000.00 To record the acquired condominium uni May 12 [Salaries Expense S10] 14,200.00 ‘Cash 110 14200000 To record paid salaries May 13_ [Cash rio] 9,750.00 ‘Accounts Receivable 120 9,750.00 Totecord payment received from Gayaco Computer Company May 16 [Telephone Expense 530 650.00 Cash 110 650.00 To record paid telephone expense GENERAL JOURNAL Page: 2 Date Particulars Credit May 19 [Cash ‘Accounting Revenues Ta BO000. To record received cash from Ponterada Book Company [Office Supplies ‘Accounts Payable To record Gequred office supples on account Dal, Windrawals Sash To record owners winarawal [Salaries Expense: Cast To record pad salaries [Recounts ReceWabIe ‘Accounting Revenues To record rendered accounting services fo Bosante Exporler [Professional Dues Expense ‘Cash’ To record payment for professional dues [Rent Expense. Cash To record payment for rent on an office Copying machine GENERAL LEDGER Pag Account Name: - ‘Account Codi no Date Farievlars i Ey Balance. Debi | —Creai_| debt | Creat May? [Transferred cash To o checking account GIT 92,500.00 ¥2500.00 [Moy7 [Payment for accounting and tax books GIT 19 500.00 | 73,000.00 [May 8 [Payment to Lorenzo Office Supply Company Gir 4100.00 | 68,900.00 [May 10 [Acquired condominium unit Gor 736,000.00 | 30,900.00 May 12 [Paid salaries Sar 1420000 | 16,700.00 [May 13 _|Payment recelved fom Cayaco Computer company | Gil | 9.75000 26,450.00 [Gy 16 [Paid ielephone expense Gir 5000 | 75,800.00 [May 19 [Received cash fom Ponferada BOOk Company GZ] TA SOOO 20,400.00 IMay 23 [Owners withdrawal Giz EISOOO] $2250.00 [May 25 [Paid salanes Giz T0;300.00-| 21,750.00 [May 27 [Payment for profesional dues GH 5,500.00. 16 450.00 [May 28 [Payment for rent on an office copying machine G2 3.250000 | 13,200.00 Accounts Receivable Account Code:__120 Fariculars F Entry Balance a Thay 6 [Siling of senior rendered to Cayace TT [29,200.05 29,200.00 [May 13 [Payment received fom Cayaco Computer Company —[ GIl F750 | 19.450.00 | [May 26 [Rendered accounting services fo Bosante Exporters | Gi2| 31,6000 51,050.00 | ‘Account Name: Office Supplies Date] Pariculars F Ey Balance Debi | Creat _|—Bebt_|_ Creait [May 4 —_|Acqured office supplies on Gccount GIT] 1710000 17.1000 [May 22 [Acquired office supplies on account G2] 4,650.00 21,750.00 Account Name:___ Office Condominium ‘Account Codi 140 Date Parieviars a ean ance Debi | Creat _| Debt | Creat [may 10_[Acqured condominium unit GIT | 265,000.00 265,000.00, Account Name: ___ Office Equipment ‘Account Code: 150 Dae Panevan i tay Balance a [May 3 _[Acqured ofice equipment on account GH 3680000, 36,800.00 ‘Account Name: ‘Accounting library ‘Account Code: 140 Date] Paieulars i Tay Balance Debi_| Cred _|—Debi_|_creait [May7 | Payment fer accounting and fax books GIL 19,500.00, 39,500.00 GENERAL LEDGER Page: __2 ‘Account Name: ___Notes Payable - __210 Dae Fariicvlar i Balance Debi Creat —Debt_| Crea [May 10 [Acqured condominium unt on 227,000.00 227,000.00 ‘AccountName:___Accounts Payable Account Code: __220 Date Paricviars i Envy Balance. Debi__| Cred —[—Debt_| Creat may 3 [Acqured office aqupment on account oH 36,5000 36,500.00, [May 4 [Acquired office supplies on account Gi 17,100.00 53,900.00, iMay — [Payment fo Lorenzo Office Suppiy Compan) GI ATO 47,800.00, [May 22 [Acquired office supplies on account G2 7550 54,450.00 Account Name: Dal, Capita Account Code:__310 Date aC F redit [May 2 |fransfered cash fo a checking account oH 92,5000 ‘Account Nam Dal, Withdrawals Account Code:__320 Date] Farivar F Eniy Balance Debi__| Credt_| Debt | Credit [May 23 [Owners withdrawal Giz] 8150.00. 8,150.00 ‘Account Name: Accounting Revenves Account Code:__410 Date Pariculars F Enty Balance Debt__| Credt_|~bebir_| Credit [hay 6 — [Sling of senicer rendered To Cayace Git 79,200.00 29,200.00 [May 19 [Received cash from Ponferada Book Company Giz 14,600.00 43,800.00 Mey 26 [Rendered accounting services fo Bosante Exporter O72 31,400.00 75,400.00 ‘Account Nam Salaries Expense — AccountCode: 510 Bale! Pariculars a Enty Balance Debt | Creat _| Debt | Credit May 12__[Pard scrares GIT] 14,200.00 1.20000 [May 25 [Paid solaries GE] _10.300.00 24,500.00, ‘Account Name: __Renf Expense ‘Account Code:__§20__ Date] Particulars F Eny Balance Debt__| Credit | debi] Credit [May 20 [Payment forrent on an office copying machine: Giz] 3,250.00 250.00 GENERAL LEDGER ‘Account Name: _Telephone Expense Page: __3 ‘Account Code: 530 Date] Particulars F Enhy Balance Debit Creat Debit Credit May 16 _|Paid telephone expense: GAT 450.00 650.00, Account Name: Professional Dues Expense Account Code: ___ 540 Date] Parieviars F Eniy Balance Debit Credit Debh Credit [May 27 [Payment for profesional dues G2] 5500.00 5,500.00 TRIAL BALANCE Dal Accounting Firm, TRIAL BALANCE May 31, 2015 ‘Recount Titles Debit Credit [Cash Php. 13,200.00. [Accounts ReceWable 31,050.00 [Office Supplies Office Condominium Office Equipment [Accounting Ubrary Notes Payabie Php ZT OOOO, [Accounts Payable 34,450.00 Dal, Capital 972,500.00 Dal, Wihdrawals 15000. [Accounting Revenues 75 A000 Salaries Expense. 2550000 Rent Expense 3.25000 [Telephone Expense 650.00, [Professional Dues Expense. 5,500.00, TOTAL PRP. AY, 350.00 | PRP AAT, 350.00.

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