Communication Aids and Strategies

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Alliah Monique C.

BS Criminology 1-C
Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
What is communication strategy?
 it is the blueprint or plan.
 it maps the hows to conveying a message -it is designed to help people to
communicate effectively and accomplish individual or organizational objectives.
 it is also defined as the choice of the most useful objectives of communication,
and recognition of a particular brand and its strategies in terms of attitude.
Kinds of communication strategies
 Verbal communication strategy, it can either be written and oral communication.
 Written communication, comprises e-mails, chat, fax messages, and text
 Oral communication may involve phone calls, video chats, aside from face-to-
face conversation.
 Non-verbal communication strategy - is more on visual cues such as facial
reactions, body language, voice tone, and the physical distance between

Technology affects communication by making it possible to work closely with clients

who may even be on the other side of the planet. It is possible to maintain
communications with clients from a remote setting, using apps such as Zoom, Microsoft
Teams, and Google Meet

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