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CHAPTER - IV : BUREAUCRACY (Meaning, Types of Bureaucracy,Characteristics, Roles

and Suggestions for improvement)
MEANING : Bureaucracy tih thumal hi French tawng ‘Bureau’tih thumal a tanga lak a ni a, a
awmzia chu ‘dawhkan’ emaw ‘Lehkha ziakna dawhkan’ tih na a ni.A chang chuan ‘Sawrkar dawhkan’
tiin an sawi bawk thin. Democracy hrilhfiahna tha tak mai zul zuiin Bureaucracy chu ‘Bureaucrats te
sawrkar, bureaucrats te siam leh bureaucrats te tan’ tiin a sawi theih awm e.
Encyclopedia Britanica chuan Bureaucracy chu ‘sawrkar (political executive) te mawhphurhna
bak ram inrelbawlna a hmun pawimawh tak luah tu an ni a, an kut ah hian thu neihna a awm a ni’ tiin a
hrilhfiah a.
German dictionary chuan Bureaucracy chu ‘mipuite chunga thuneitu department hrang hrangte hi
an ni’tiin a sawi a. Bureaucracy chu sawrkar official, thuneitu sang, ram in kaihhruaina a thu tlukna siam
thei tu tiin kan sawi thei ang.
TYPES OF BUREAUCRACY : Bureaucracy hi chi hrang hlawm lian tak 4 ah then a ni a,
hetiangin :-
GUARDIAN BUREAUCRACY : Guardian Bureaucracy entirna tha tak mai chu China ram a
Sung Period(960AD) hunlai leh Prussian Civil Service(1640-1740) hun lai a mi ang kha a ni. Mark a
chuan ‘Hman lai mithiamte ngaih dan zul zui a official a tan a zirtirna dawng tute’ tiin a hrilhfiah a. Heng
officialte hi an in ngaih dan ah chuan mipui rawngbawltu an in ti a, mahse mipui biak phak in an awm lo
a, mipui ngaihdan chu an ngaipawimawh lo hle a ni.A leh lamah chuan heng mite hi an dik a, eirukna
lakah an fihlim a, hna an thawk tha bawk a, amaherawh chu mipuite lakah an in ti thu em em a ni.
CASTE BUREAUCRACY : Mark a chuan ‘Caste Bureaucracy hnuaiah chuan dinhmun
pawimawh chelh turin chi leh kuang a pawimawh hle a ni a ti a. He system hnuaiah chuan sawrkar hna
sang chelh tur chuan hnam tha nih a ngai thin a ni. Hmanlai hunah pawh khan India ramah chuan dinhmun
sang/ official ni tur chuan hnam tha -Brahmins emaw Kshatriyas nih a ngai thin a ni. Hnam hnuai hnung in
dinhmun pawimawh an chelh ve ngai lo.
PATRONAGE BUREAUCRACY : Patronage Bureaucracy chu Spoil system ti te pawhin an
sawi bawk thin. He system hnuaiah hi chuan officialte hi ram rorelna a hnehna chang tu ten an duh sak
zawng an ruat mai thin a ni.He system sawiseltu ten an sawiselna ber chu officialte ah technical expert an
awm lo thin hi a ni.
MERIT BUREAUCRACY : Merit Bureaucracy hnuaiah chuan officialte hi examna a an tih that
dan in dawt in ,a thiam thiam an la mai thin a, Merit Bureaucracy in a tum ber chu Civil Servicetha thei
ang ber siam hi a ni a, chumi atan chuan mi tha ber ber official a tan lak an tum thin a ni.

CHARACTERISTICS OF BUREAUCRACY : Max Webera chuan Bureaucracy ni phung tur felfai

takin a lo duang a, chung te chu :-
i) Zalenna zau tak pek an ni a, an hnathawhna hmunah chauh mi thuhnuaiah an kun ang.
ii) Lal dan indawt, felfai takin an in kai hruai ang.
iii) Office hrang hrang ten dan hnuaiah fel fai takin an kal ang.
iv) office a thawk turte chu in remna fel tak nen lak an nintur a ni.
v) Hnathawktu tur te chu an technical qualification milin lak an ni thin a nga, hetah hian examt
emaw experience emaw, thiamna bik an neih te milin lak an ni ang.
vi) Hlawh hi pawisa a pek thin an ni a nga, an pension hun tur pawh fel taka bithliah sak tur a ni.
vii) Office chu hnathawktu te tan an eizawnna bulpui ber, in nghahna tlak a ni tur a ni.
viii) Hun lo kal zelah hnathawktu te tan kaisanna siam sak thin an ni ang.
ix) Officialte chuan hna an thawhna ah an mahni thu thuin an kal pui mai tur a ni lo a, sawrkar
sum leh paite pawh dik takin an hmang tur a ni.
x) Officialte chu mi in vawng tak, thununna ngai pawimawh leh mahni in thunun mi an ni tur a ni.

i) Bureaucrats te chu Minister/Politiciante ram an kaihhruaina tur an duan naah tanpuitu

pawimawh tak an ni. An tel loin Politician / Minister ten policy an siam thei tak tak lo.(kan ram kal
phungah Minister te tan Education qualification a awm si lo a, lehkha thiam sang vak lo tan pawh
Minister a nih theih mai si a, chuvangin Bureaucrats te hi an pawimawh hle a ni.)
ii) Sawrkar policy a tak a ti hlawh tling tu chu bureaucrats te hi an ni.
iii) Dan siamtu ten dan bill an passed reng reng hi Bureaucrats ho duan sak a ni thin a, dan
siamnaah an pawimawh hle a nih chu. Tin, Office in kaih hruaina tur- dan tesep ang chi phei hi chu
Bureaucrats ten an siam in an keng kawh mai thin a ni.
iv) Ministerte thu rawn petu an ni. Ram inrelbawlna a an thiamna leh tawn hriatna te hmang tang
kaiin Bureaucrats te chuan a tul dan a zirin Minister te ram kaihhruaina ah trhu rawn an pe thin a ni.
v) Sawrkarin ruahmanna a siam tharte hi mipui te tan hriatthiam mai a harsa thin a.Bureaucrats te
mawh phurhna chu Sawrkar in ruahmanna thar a siamte thiam tak ami puite hrilhfiah hi a ni.(Hetah hian
mipui leh sawrkar an thawh ho that loh chuan eng policy mah a hlawh tling thei lo tih hriat tur.)


i) Press mite emaw mipui emaw in an hna thawh dan hriat chian an duh chuan an pe chhuak mai
tur a ni.(Tunah chua RTI hmangin kan dil thei ta, a va lawm awm em!)
ii) Inrel bawlna tha leh an mahni thunun theitu a awm theih nan hruaitu tha an awm tur a
ni.(Hruaitu tha tak an neih chuan officialte hi an hna ah an rinawm mai thin.Stateah chuan Chief
Minister tha, centralah Prime Minister tha.)
iii) A tam thei ang ber in thuneihna leh mawhphurhna an in sem zai tur a ni.
iv) In kalphung dik lo veng tur in Office chu mawh phurhna sang tak pek tur a ni.(Hei hian
officialte kawng dik lo an zawh tur a veng thei a ni).
v) Officialte chu a tling leh tlak chauh lak tur a ni.(In duhsakna..Minister chhungte, a hmel
hriat..tih vel mai mai vang a lak an ni tur a ni lo).
vi) Officialten an hna thawh ah hma an sawn theih na turin a tul dan a zirin training pek thin tur a
vii) Officialte hna thawh a that tawk leh tawk loh a tul dan in en zui reng thin tur a ni.
CHAPTER - IV : BUREAUCRACY (Meaning, Types of Bureaucracy,Characteristics, Roles
and Suggestions for improvement)

MEANING : The term ‘Bureaucracy may be traced to the French word bureau,meaning a
writing table or desk.Bureaucracy, thus, simply means ‘desk government’.
Following the model of the definition of ‘democracy’ one may define bureaycracy as govern-
ment of bureaus, by the bureaus, and for the bureaus.
According to Encyclopedia Britanica, the term ‘Bureaucracy’ ‘signifies the concentration of
administrative power in bureaus or departments, and the undue interference by officials in matters
outside the scope of the state interference’.
German Dictionary define the word bureau as, “The authority or power which various govern-
ment departments and their branches aggregate to themselves over fellow citizens”. Thus, bureaucracy
is the word used for aggregate officials of the government,who makes decisions.

TYPES OF BUREAUCRACY : The different types of Bureaucracy are :-

i) GUARDIAN BUREAUCRACY : Marx cites two examples of Bureaucracy i.e, Chinese

Bureaucracy up to the advent of the Sung Period(960 A.D) and the Prussian Civil Service during
1640 and 1740.This type of Bureaucracy, in the words of Mark, may be defined as, “ A scholastic
officialdom trained in right conduct according ot the classics”. Under this type of bureaucracy the Civil
Services regarded itself as custodian of public interest, but was independent of and unresponsive to the
public opinion. They are righteous, incorruptible, efficient on the one hand but authoritarian and respon-
sive on the other.

CASTE BUREAUCRACY : The Caste Bureaucracy according to Mark, has a class base
and “ arises from the class connection of those in controlling positions”. Under this system, only persons
belonging to upper classes or higher castes can become public officials. Thus, in ancient India, only
Brahmins and Kshatriyas could become high officials.

PATRONAGE BUREAUCRACY : Another name of Bureaucracy is the spoils system.Under

this system, recruitment is based on favouritism.This system is criticised by its lack of technical expert.
The traditional home of this system is U.S.A.

MERIT BUREAUCRACY : Merit Bureaucracy has, as its basis, merit of the public official and,
as its aim,efficiency of the civil service. In other words, the attempt is to recruit the best man for the
public service, his merit being judged by objective standards. This method is practised in all civilized

CHARACTERISTICS OF BUREAUCRACY : According to Max Weber, the followings are the

characteristics of Bureaucracy :-
i) They are personally free and subject to authority only with respect to their impersonal officials
ii) They are organized in a clearly defined hierarchy of offices.
iii) Each office has a clearly defined sphere of competence in the lega; sense.
iv) The office is filled by a free contractual relationship.
v) Candidates are selected on the basis of technical qualifications.
vi) They are remunerated by fixed salaries in money, for most part with a right to pension.

vii) The office is treated as the sole, or at least the primary occupation of the incumbent.
viii) It constitutes a career.Ther is a system of ‘promotion’ according to seniority or to achieve-
ment, or both.Promotion is dependent on the judgement of superiors.
ix) The officials work entirely separated from ownership of the means of administyration and
without appropriation of his position.
x) He is subject to strict and systematic discipline and control in the conduct of the office.

ROLES OF BUREAUCRACY : The roles of Bureaucracy may be discuss as follows :


of policies and programmes is the primary responsibility of the Minister/Politician. But the Minister/
Politician can not formulate the policy and programmes without the support of experience bureaucrats.

ii) IMPLEMENTATION OF GOVERNMENT POLICIES: The Bureaucrats serve between the

people and the elected executive. Government policies are implement or execute by the bureaucracy.


passed by the legislature are usually formulated bureaucrats, minor legislative powers are exercised by
bureaucrats. Besides, disputes involving administrative agency are solved by the bureaucrats.

iv) ADVISED TO POLITICAL EXECUTIVE : Through their experience and advance skill in
matters of public administration, they tender advise to the political executives.

v) PUBLIC RELATIONS : New policy and programmes are not clear to the people. So the
bureaucrats play an important role by conducting awareness programmes of the government schemes to
the people.


be suggested for the improvement of bureaucracy :-
i) Exposure and complaint by the press and the peoples should be allowed to their records.
ii) Good leaders for management control at the administration is required.
iii) Effective and highly responsible organisation must be constituted to fight mismanagement.
iv) Strict adherence to merit principle of recruitment must be ensured.
v) Development of professional morale should be inculcated through training.
vi) Sound system of education must be provided in academic institution to raise intellectual level
of the peoples.
vii) A continous internal review of means. objectives and results.

** English Section khi note bookah copy luh tur a ni.

** Text bookah The Bureaucracy and Max Weber tih chapter kha in lo chhiar
tel dawn a nia.

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