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Define generation Z

Gen Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2015. The average Gen Z received
their first mobile phone at age 10.3 years. Many of them grew up playing with their parents'
mobile phones or tablets. They have grown up in a hyper-connected world and the
smartphone is their preferred method of communication. On average, they spend 3 hours a
day on their mobile device. This generation has seen the struggle of Millennials and has
adopted a more fiscally conservative approach. They want to avoid debt and appreciate
accounts or services that aid in that endeavor. Debit cards top their priority list, followed by
mobile banking. Most members of Generation Z are children of Generation X.

2. Explain the similarities and differences between the Millennials and Gen Z


Both of these generations grew up in the digital age, and both of them are shaped by
technology, so they are comfortable handling technology in the workplace Millennials
witnessed the rise of technology and played a role in developing it while most Gen Z'ers had
widespread access to technology from their early years.


More millennials than Gen Z’ers will pay extra for customer experience. Gen Z is expecting
more innovation from companies. Gen Z is also more likely than Millennials to want
companies to translate their existing products and services into digital experiences. Gen Z
are more likely to do job-hopping between companies and they grew up during a recession
which makes them more pragmatic that them can adapt to the new environment easily. On
contrary, the millennials are more likely to stay at their comfort zone, they don’t want to
change their job easily. It might because of millennials were raised during an economic

3. Describe the characteristics of Gen Z

The characteristics of Gen Z are insightful, savvy, responsible self-starters, risk adverse,
adaptable and tech - enabled.

4. Research for more details about the Throwback generation – what other traits and aspects
can you discover?

Gen Z is a bit of a throwback generation to more traditional values. A new study from The
Center for Generational Kinetics suggests this emerging generation, born between 1996 and
2015 (though the ending birth year is still TBD), “thinks and acts more like Boomers than
Millennials”. The values of loyalty, long-term commitment to a company, job security,
savings and even the traditional goals of owning a car and a house are all back in vogue for
this generation, born between 1996 and 2012.Gen Z is smarter with money than Millennials.
Gen Z starts to have their own savings account in a young age. Most of them started working
such as freelance work or a part-time job to earn their own spending money. Many Gen Z
started their own business online while they are still studying.

They’re not as questioning and they’re less cynical than Generation X and Millennials. Gen Z
observed the things from previous generations and they can compare it. So, they can find a
better life they wanted to live. Gen Z have revealed an impressive work ethic and more
acceptance of authority if it comes with clarity of purpose.

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