Islamayat Paper 1

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Theme 1:
MAIN THEME: The theme of this verse is Allah in himself, this verse is also known
as “verse of thrones” or “Ayat-ul-kursi" in many ahadith as well in the Quran. This
verse briefly describes the oneness of allah as well telling us how strong he is and
how powerful his authourity is. This basically enhances the concept of Tauheed
which means Absolute oneness of allah. Allah as god control this universe and his
everything functions according to him. He has the posession of all spiritual and
physical entities in existance in this universe. Allah is the one who has created
everything and thus owns the right to do whatever he wants with this creations
and no one has the power to speak in his court unless he wants to.
Holy quran: “Blessed in He in whoes hands is the dominion, and power over all
IMPORTANCE IN MUSLIM LIFE: This verse glorifies allah in several ways and
muslim when reciting it or reading are filled with notion that he belongs to allah
and he is the one who should be worshipped, upon that this verse makes the
muslim feel that they are in the most safest hands which are of allah.
Holy prophet once said to Ali “Quran is a great word and surah al Baqarah is the
leader of the quran and Ayat ul kursi is the leader of surah al Baqarah”

Theme 2
MAIN THEME: The main theme of this surah is that allah in himself, these verse
clearly signifies the oneness of allah as well as his attributes. This verse goes on to
tell us that allah is free of any limitations whether it be physical or spirituallly, this
also means he is not dependant on anything. This also removes any rumours
subjugating around allah’s offspring and parents, he is not comparable to any of
his creations.
IMPORTANCE IN MUSLIM LIFE: This surah enhances the concept of tauheed that
allah is one and there is none like onto him. This also refutes all forms of shirk in
beliofs and actions. It destroyes all curropted beliefs about allah and he is beyond
homan comprehension. The facts thal allah doesn’t have any ancestors and
descendants renders the idea of those who believe angels are the daaughtors of
allah or jesus being his son. It is encouraged by holy prophet pbuh to recite this
surah as it purifies faith as well holy prophet said “if anyone recites 200 times
daily, say he is allah, the one and only, his sin of 50 years will be wiped out unless
he is in debt”

(A) Prophet Muhammad was selected as a Messenger by God when he was forty
years of age. After the fixes of the Ka'ba and his embeddings the Black Stone back
in its place, individuals started to see that Muhammad tended towards pondering
God and looking for the methods of confidence in and love of Him. Not once
indicating any interest in the symbols of the Makkans or those of the numerous
other Arab clans, he arrived at the finish of the vanity of adoring icons, via reason
and soul. It is very conceivable that he was thinking similarly as the modest
number of Hanif who were attempting to rehearse the monotheistic religion of
Abraham. Notwithstanding, while at the same time encountering the distress of
not realizing what to do and how to do it, Muhammad started to enjoy pulling out
into isolation; as of the couple of years preceding his Prophethood, in the long
stretch of Ramadan, he started to withdraw in the segregated cavern of Mount
Hira, as had done his granddad 'Abd al-Muttalib and different individuals from the

At the point when Muhammad ran out of food, he would go to the city, and refill
his supplies. As indicated by a narrationfrom Ayesha, during this period the
Prophet started having "sadiq dreams" and this period proceeded for a half year
There are additionally accounts in the sources that express that during this
period, Prophet Muhammad heard voices welcoming him with the words, "peave
be upon you, O Messenger of Allah," however when he pivoted and hoped to
locate nobody there he would subsequently turn out to be very restless; bona fide
portrayals express that these voices came from rocks and trees.
In the year 610, during the most recent ten days of the long stretch of Ramadan,
when Holy prophet was in the cave of Hira, angel Jibrael appeared to him. angel
Jibrael educated Muhammad that God had selected him as a Prophet. This
happened as follows Angel jibrael came infront of holy prophet pbuh and told him
to read and upon that holy prophet told he cant read after jibrael squeezed holy
prophet pbuh until he couldn’t bear it anymore , this happened 2 more times
afterwhich jibrael said to read and holy prophet said that he didn’t knew how to
read and upon that he squeezed holy prophet again and then released and told
him to read the first 5 verses of surah iqra . Afterwards Muhammad got restless
and unfortunate; he left Hira and went to his home, headed to sleep and advised
his wife Khadija to cover him. After Muhammad woke up, he mentioned to
khadija what he had encountered. Khadija disclosed to Muhammad that she had
faith in him and consoled him Then she took Prophet Muhammad to Waraqa ibn
Nawfal, her cousin. An old Christian Scholar knowledgeable in the Holy Bible,
Waraqa tuned in to Muhammad and afterward disclosed to him that the being
who came to him was the Angel of Revelation who was sent by God to all the
Prophets. He at that point added: "They(pagans) will consider you a liar; they will
abuse you. They will wage a battle against you and drive you out of this city. In
the event that I live to see those days, I will help you for Allah. With the help of
Khadija and the clarifications of Waraqa, the Prophet got back to his home
inclination much eased.

(B) quran was revealed in parts corressponding to the situation for example allah
the one and only decided that it was time for alcohol to be prohibited he said so
in the quran thus revealed according to the circumstancing and events occuring
and what shall the holy prophet and companions do. If the quran was to be sent
altogether there could have been misunderstanding as the some part might not
have coresponded with the current situation.

(A)So first of all the reasons for the battle of khyber were precisely that jew tribe
of Banu Quraiqa had monopoly in trade but when muslim came their so called
monopoly was finished as muslims also entered the trading market, upon that as
jews had supported quraish in the battle of uhudh muslims told them to leave
madinah and this made them resent muslim more. Despite this banu qunaiqah
was always plotting against muslim even though they were in a treaty with them.
Holy prophet pbuh came to knew that jews have come up with a plan to attack
on madinah and upon hearing this he started to prepare muslim army to attack at
them and in his absence Siba Bin Arfath Al Ghifani to run the affairs of madinah
and then he set out with 16,000 of companions. Jews went to their forts and shut
themselves in, the muslim forces attacked and first battle took place at naim forts
the fort was conquered although one muslim was martyred.aken as captives
along with their lands and property. Initially, they resisted but with the shortage
of the necessities, their morale became low. After a span of 25 days, the Jews
surrendered. Now the treatment of Banu Quraiza was to be decided.
Hazrat Sa’ad ibn Mua’dh (R.A) proposed the idea according to the old testament
of violating a treaty. The men of Banu Quraiza were killed and their women and
children were t
Now If we talk tabuk expedition, The Conquest of Makkah in the 8 Hijri allowed
the Prophet Muhammad to secure Makkah from its South. Now, he had the duty
to protect Madinah from its North from the Byzantines and the Persians.This was
because an envoy of the Muslims, Hazrat Harith bin Umair al-Azdi, was killed by
Shurahbil bin Amr al-Ghassani . The Muslim envoy was carrying a peaceful
message of Islam and this bloodshed of an innocent Muslim led to the Battle of
Mu’tah and thus, the Muslims came head to head with the Byzantines. Heraclius
decided to raise an army and attack Madinah. This news was given to the Prophet
Muhammad by the Nabateans.
When Hazrat Muhammad came across this development, he ordered his
companions to give donations to meet the challenge. The reason was that this
was the time when severe famine struck Madinah and the Muslims were in a
weak financial condition due to the scarcity of resources. The Muslims donated
generously except for the hypocrites.this was the time when Hazrat Abu Bakr
donated everything he possessed. Hazrat Umar donated half of his wealth.
Similarly, Hazrat Usman Ghani donated ten thousand decided to move towards
Tabuk leaving Muhammad bin Musalmah as the governor of Madinah and Hazrat
Ali ibn Abi Talib to take care of the Prophet’s family. Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (R.A)
wanted to accompany Hazrat Muhammad who consoled him by saying:
“Will you not be pleased that you will be to me as Harun to Musa? But there will
be no Prophet after me.”
When the Muslim army reached Tabuk, they found no Byzantine army. This was
because the Romans abandoned the idea of fighting with the Muslims. The
expedition raised the morale of the Muslims who became confident for future
conflicts. However, the Prophet Muhammad made some important decisions at
this time. He signed treaties with the neighbouring tribes in order to protect
Madinah from the North. Some of the areas that agreed to pay Jizya to the
Muslims were the heads. The importance of the expedition of Tabuk is that it
indicated a peaceful message of Islam. This is because when the Muslim army did
not encounter the Romans, they did not shed unnecessary blood and they
returned back to Madinah peacefully. In the same way, the Muslims were able to
show their strength to their enemies and it was proved that the Muslims were
ready for war at any time.
Therefore, it can be said that the Tabuk Expedition was a great success for the
Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad taught his followers to prevent bloodshed as
much as they could. On a whole, the Tabuk Expedition was an example of the
doctrine of deterrence, preventing any kind of attack from your enemy.

(B)Muslims can learn from this that violence is not the answer to every problem,
and it can be avoided if u make amends and come to terms and condition rather
than wasteful bloodshed, other than that muslims can also learn the power of
unity from byzantinians ran away

Abu Bakr, was one of the Prophet’s closest friends. He was born in a very noble
and respectable family. Even before accepting Islam, he led a pious and chaste
life. He shared a common ancestor with holy prophet. After the Holy Prophet had
received his first revelation he thought of approaching those closest to him so he
told Abu Bakr the whole story of his experience. Even before accepting islam Abu
bakr he didn’t drank alcohol and gambled. When Holy prophet told about his
ascension to heaven and everybody laughed, abu bakr accepted it without any
hesitation and thus he received the title “sadiq” Abu Bakr responded to his call
and immediately embraced Islam. he would always intervened to protect holy
prophet thus once he came back home his hair pulled He was the first free adult
male and the first person outside the family of the Prophet to become a Muslim.
The Qur’an describes his acceptance as: ‘’and he who comes with the truth and
he who confirms it such are the people who do right’’ . He was the first person to
testify to the Messenger’s event of Miraj (Prophet’s ascension to the heavens)
and was given the title of ‘’Al Siddique’’ due to his immediate belief of the
After accepting Islam he devoted his life and wealth to preaching Islam. Abu
Bakr’s acceptance proved to be a milestone in the prophet’s mission. Prominent
companions like Usman, Talha and Zubair are said to have been persuaded by him
to accept Islam. He bought and freed a lot of slaves, Bilal being one of the
prominent ones. When the Holy Prophet started preaching openly he faced fierce
opposition. During all such hardships Abu Bakr stood by his side. The first public
address of inviting people to offer allegiance to the Prophet’s message was
delivered by Abu Bakr. At this the youth of Quraish beat Abu Bakr till he fainted.
In 620AD when the Prophet’s wife died, Abu Bakr’s daughter Ayesha was engaged
to the Prophet whom he married after his migration to Medina.
In 622AD on the invitation from the Muslims of Medina, the Prophet ordered
Muslims to migrate. The migration took place in batches and the Prophet was the
last one to leave accompanied by Abu Bakr. Both remained in the cave of Saur for
three days to hide from the Makkans who wanted to kill the Prophet and his
companion. This event is mentioned in the Qur’an: ‘’he being the second of the
two when they were in the cave’’ .
At Medina Abu Bakr continued his services to Islam. He paid for the piece of land
selected by the Holy Prophet for the mosque of the Prophet (Masjid-e-Nabvi). He
rendered valuable services in all the battles. In the battle of Badr, he was in
charge of the right wing of the troops and fought against his own son Abdur
Rahman. In the battle of Uhad, he negated the rumour of the Prophet’s death and
acted as a shield to save him. In the battle of Hunaian, he remained firm and
reorganised the scattered troops that had started running away. When the Holy
Prophet began to raise funds for the Tabuk expedition, Abu Bakr placed all his
wealth at the disposal of the Holy Prophet. He was present at the time of the
treaty of Hudaibiya and was one of the signatories. He was also one of the ten
blessed companions who were given tidings of heaven during their lifetime. He
was appointed the first Ameer-e-Hajj (the chief guide of pilgrimage). Abu Bakr led
the daily prayers during the last days of the Holy Prophet’s illness.

Muslim can learn from this to be more sharing wealth with others and helped
those who are in need and that worldly wealth has no worth compared to what
muslim would receive in afterlife by helping their brothers and sisters. They can
also learn from this to sacrifice whatever they can for Allah when needed. They
can be generous enough to give those who are in need and in the times crisis,
should support the army financially.

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