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Star Wars: X- Wing (Collector's Edition) Guide

by Cloudff72000

First Created: 10/16/2012

I. Guide Information
II. Getting Started
A. Concourse
B. Options Screen
III. Establishing Your Worth - The Proving Ground
IV. Simulation - The Training Ground & Training Missions
A. X-Wing
B. Y-Wing
C. A-Wing
D. B-Wing
E. Bonus Missions
V. Tours of Duty
A. A New Ally
B. The Great Search
C. The Gathering Storm
D. Imperial Pursuit
E. B-Wing
VI. Technical Specifications
VII. Rank and Awards
VIII. Conclusion

I. Guide Information

I remember playing this game for the first time; it must've been about ten or
so years ago. I was so horrible it wasn't even funny, but I improved greatly
over the years. Then I discovered TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance, and I found
further enjoyment in them. After posting my TIE FIghter guide (I still have a
little more left to add to it), I decided to get going with my X-Wing guide;
after all, why do one and not the other?

II. Getting Started

First off, you must register in order to advance; each "pilot" that you sign
up has his/her own name, rank, merits, and score. In the older (DOS-based)
versions of the game, you could use pilots that you weren't using as wingmen
on your tour missions, though that feature was removed in later versions
(aka the Collector's Edition).

At Registration (and also in mission briefings), you can view your pilot's
merits and statistics. In the "Merits" section, you can see what rank your
pilot has achieved (indicated on the shoulder of the uniform), any training
patches or flight badges (either on the uniform itself or in the medals
case), and any ribbons acquired from the various Tours of Duty (also on the
uniform itself and in the medal case). Lastly, any medals that are acquired,
either from growing point totals or from completing tours of duty, will also
be shown here.

In the "Statistics" section, you can view the various scores you have attained
in your missions, as well as your overall accuracy and how many craft you have
lost in your missions (If by some miracle you beat the game w/o losing a
single craft, you are amazing, cause this game is quite hard to do that in!!)

Once you've registered, you can enter the Concourse. From here you can access
the following places:
Rebel Proving Ground - This is where you board a shuttle that will take you
to the Proving Ground, where you can try your hand at "The Maze" with the
various Rebel starfighters!

Rebel Training Ground - Here, you board a shuttle that takes you to the
Rebel Training Frigate, where you can engage in simulations of actual combat
missions, as well as those tour missions you have already completed.

Tour of Duty Registration - Ah, here we go; you can sign up for real-life
combat here, as well as view cutscenes that you have unlocked by beating
certain tour missions.

Film Room - If you've recorded any film from your in-flight recorder, you can
view it here.

Tech Room - In this room, you can view the technical specifications of most
of the craft you'll encounter in the game, including starfighters, freighters,
and capital ships.

Registration - If you wish to switch pilots, you can always return to where
you started from.

III. Establishing Your Worth - The Proving Ground

If you are playing X-Wing or any of its successor games for the first time,
then I suggest you take the next flight out to the Rebel Proving Ground to
try your hand at "The Maze."

You can fly the maze in each of the Rebel craft: the X-Wing, the Y-Wing, the
A-Wing, and the B-Wing. You start out only able to access the first level for
each craft, but as you complete more levels, they become unlocked at the
selection screen, up to level 8; after that, you have to start there and keep
going forward.

The maze itself is fairly straightforward; there are 110 total gates, with 3
on each platform except for the last one, which is a single gate. If you start
at level one, only some of the platforms will have lasers on them. If you
destroy one with your own lasers, you'll add 2 seconds to your total time;
make sure you remember this, as it is going to become quite important later

As you progress through the levels, you'll find that there are more lasers on
each platform, and they'll fire at you (with surprising accuracy, mind you)
constantly. However, the more you destroy, the more time you add to your ever
decreasing clock. At higher levels, some of the platforms will be facing
backwards, so that they fire at you from the rear! How dare the programmers
do such a dastardly thing? Make sure you take them out before they have the
chance to do the same to you.

If you have leftover time on your clock when you complete a level, it will be
added as bonus points to your total score; the more time left, the higher the
bonus you'll receive. Sometimes you'll have a higher bonus (usually at the
beginning); others, you'll be thankful just to finish in time. Either way,
if you find you're having trouble, change your tactics or improve your aim
by trying to destroy more targets.

Here's the time-frame and setup for each level:

Level 1: 8 minutes 30 seconds; fewest targets; targets don't fire at you
Level 2: 6 minutes; more targets; targets fire with low accuracy
Level 3: 4 minutes 30 seconds; more targets; targets fire with low accuracy
Level 4: 3 minutes ; most targets; targets fire with relative accuracy
Level 5: 5 minutes 30 seconds; more targets; targets fire with relative
accuracy (completion ofthis level will earn you a promotion from Flight Cadet
to Flight Officer)
Level 6: 5 minutes; more targets; targets fire with relative accuracy
Level 7: 4 minutes 30 seconds; most targets; targets fire with near pinpoint
Level 8: 4 minutes 30 seconds; most targets; targets fire with near pinpoint
accuracy; some targets are facing in reverse to fire from your rear (finishing
this level will earn you your Flight Badge for the craft you're flying)

I've come up with some tips that are specific to the craft that you're flying:

X-Wing - You're in the most balanced craft here. Set your laser recharge rate
up one notch and leave your shields at maintenance. Also, set your laser
cannons to fire dual. As you progress through the lower levels, pump your
laser power into your shields until they're fully charged, and continue to
do so as they are decreased. The more accurate you become, the more it will
help, especially on levels 3 and 4!

Y-Wing - While the craft moves slower than cold molasses going uphill in
January, it is also the easiest to aim and destroy targets with (gotta love
nose-mounted laser cannons), so use this to your advantage. Again, set your
laser recharge rate up one notch and pump that power into your shields. You
don't need to fire linked, but if you feel it'll help, do so. Destroy as many
targets as you can, especially when under a time crunch; it'll be your savior!

A-Wing - This thing can move faster than any of the other craft you'll fly,
so you won't have to worry as much about the targets; that being said, use it
as an opportunity to improve your accuracy at higher speeds. You can also set
your lasers to recharge at a higher rate to slow yourself down a bit, and you
will STILL be faster than the other three craft! Completing the maze in this
puppy shouldn't be an issue.

B-Wing - I like to compare this to a flying tank; it can take a heck of a lot
of punishment, and it generates a lot of energy. However, if you pump too much
from your engines into your shields and your lasers, you'll find you're not
going anywhere very quickly. Again, set your laser recharge rate up one
notch and pump that power into your shields. Set cannons to fire linked and
let those targets have it; you shouldn't be moving so fast that you can't
knock out at least 2/3rds of them.

You don't have to stop once you've attained your flight badges; you can always
go back to try and better your times, your scores, your accuracy, or any
combination thereof. Its all up to you to decide.

IV. Simulation - The Training Ground & Training Missions

When you arrive at the secret Rebel Training Frigate, you'll have your option
to choose which set of missions you wish to experience in a simulator. If you
have successfully completed any tour missions, you'll be able to replay them
here at your leisure. If you feel you're lacking in experience, or if you want
to try and best yourself in completed missions, then this is the place for you.

A. X-Wing Training Missions

Mission 1: Dev's Sidestep
Craft: X-Wing Red 1 (You)
Objectives: FRT Rouh must be destroyed
T/F group Alpha must be destroyed
T/F group Gamma must be destroyed
T/I group Delta must be destroyed
T/I group Eta must be destroyed
T/B group Theta must be destroyed
T/B group Iota must be destroyed
T/B group Zeta must be destroye
TRN group Omega must be destroyed
Container group Phi must be destroyed

For a little background, Dev was a pilot in training, just like you, who for
some reason engaged his hyperdrive while in the maze and ended up in an
Imperial repair yard that was completely unguarded. Thinking it was just part
of an exercise, he managed to destroy the dock and all of the craft in the
area before receving a message saying to get the heck out of there AND dodging
the fire from an Imperial frigate. Impressive, huh?

In essence your first combat mission, this will teach you to adjust your power
levels to your shields and lasers to maintain both an effective defense and an
overpowering attack. You won't necessarily need your shields in this mission,
but it is worthwhile to learn how they work when you're not under heavy fire.
What I usually do is set my lasers to the max recharge rate while leaving my
shields at a maintenance charge. I find the lasers charge faster than the
shields, even when the same amount of power (presumably) is set to charge them;
You can pump power from your lasers to your shields, and vice versa, as the
systems are linked.

This is also an excellent mission to learn how to target craft from long
distances. You'll find sniping fighters and other targets from a ways away,
instead of always getting up close and personal, its a much safer and
effective way to get the job done. The better you become, the easier time you
will have in dogfighting situations. The targets are stationary now, but they
will often be moving, so learn to lead your targets.

Use your lasers to take out the parked TIEs and transports, then switch to
torpedoes to take out the freighter and containers. If you run out of torps,
use your lasers to finish them off.

Mission 2: Wingmen are Important

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 2)
Objectives: T/F group Alpha must be destroyed
T/F group Beta must be destroyed
T/F group Gamma must be destroyed

You won't always be acting on your own, and thank God, because some of the
opponents you'll be facing will be formidable indeed. Having wingmen will help
even out the odds. This will teach you how to use them effectively.

You'll find that the Imperials, based off a battle tactic of their, will send
three fighters for every one you send. Of course, they KNOW their fighters are
inferior to those in use by the Alliance, and rely upon superiority in their
numbers, as well as more powerful capital ships, to decimate their opponents.

Set your lasers to recharge at max, pump some power to your shields, and fire
your cannons linked (I find this increases my chances of hitting moving
targets). Then engage the enemy. Just a couple of hits will turn them to scrap
metal. When your own tail is clear, help out your wingmen, though you'll find
they are quite effective at taking out their own targets. Overall, this
mission shouldn't take long at all.

Mission 3: Satellites near Coruscant

Craft: X-Wing Red 1 (You)
Objectives: All Mines must be destroyed
All Satellites must be destroyed
TRN Omicron 1 must be destroyed
TRN Omicron 2 must be destroyed

This mission can either be really easy or really hard, depending on how you
go about it. If your accuracy is good, then you'll have no trouble, but if you
are the type of person that couldn't hit the side of a barn from five feet,
then you may want to reconsider.

First, come to a complete stop, then set your laser and shield recharge rates
to maximum. Next, switch to your torpedo launchers, fire linked, and target
one of the transports. When you have a lock, let fly. Do the same for the
second transport. Two torpedoes each will destroy them.

Once your shields and lasers are fully charged, throttle up and take out the
mines. The farther away you can take them out, the better, and remember not to
go straight for too long; the more you keep moving, the less likely they are
to hit you. When the last mine is destroyed, go for the satellites, but you
will need to make it fast, as a frigate will hyper in and rip you to shreds if
you aren't fast enough.

When the area is clear, hopefully before that frigate arrives, hyper home to
complete the mission and earn your patch.

Mission 4: Beat the Odds

Craft: x-Wing group Red (You - Red 2)
Objectives: T/F group Alpha must be destroyed
T/F group Beta must be destroyed
T/F group Gamma must be destroyed

This mission is designed to accustom new pilots to what would normally be

overwhelming odds. As the mission describes, it is standard Imperial practice
for their forces to be three times the size of the force they are attacking
before engaging. Normally this would be enough to overpower any opponent, but
it is actually designed to make up for the shortcomings of the TIE design
against superior opponents, such as yourself.

It should take no time at all; your opponents are three groups of three TIE
fighters. Just a couple of hits from your lasers and they'll go down like
the weaklings they are. Remember to lead your target and adjust your laser
recharge rate so that you don't run out of power before you destroy all your
targets. When the last fighter is destroyed, return to base.

Mission 5: Rescue at Mon Calamari

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), Y-Wing group Gold
Objectives: Y-Wing group Gold must complete mission
Container group Xi must be boarded
Contianer group Psi must be destroyed
FRT Wiggins must be boarded
FRT Betar must be destroyed
FRT Citadel I must complete mission
FRT Citadel II must complete mission

This mission can be a true challenge if you go about it the wrong way. Until I
learned the secret, it was always a frustrating ordeal for me. Its basically
you and your wingman against several waves of fighters and bombers, and you
have to stop all of them to succeed.

First, take out the fighters guarding the depot; they won't put up too much of
a fight, but you do need to keep them off the Y-Wings while they disable the
two freighters. Next, inspect all the containers and freighters, but don't
attack any of them yet; instead, hang around by the Betar until the Star
Destroyer makes its appearance. Once you see it, your mission truly begins.

I rarely say this, because you're often under fire, but pump all shield power
into your engines; you're going to need speed for this mission, and none
of the waves of TIEs will target you. Go after the wave that is closest to
you (whether it is fighters of bombers, it matters not). Take each wave out
completely before moving on to the next. The initial waves will give way to
more, until the Star Destroyer has exhausted its complement. In total, you'll
need to destroy a dozen fighters and a dozen bombers.

With no fighters to launch an assault, you can kick back and relax while
your freighters take possession of the "cargo" and make a run for it. Destroy
the remaining containers and freighters then get out of there, as your tall
task is now complete.

Mission 6: Farlander's First Mission

Craft: X-Wing group Red (You - Red 2), X-Wing group Blue, Y-Wing group Gold,
FRG Liberator
Objectives: CRV Talon must be boarded
T/F group Gamma must be destroyed
T/F group Delta must be destroyed
TRN Storm Unit must complete mission

When combined in larger groups, the X-Wing serves as a multipurpose fighter;

it has enough speed to effectively intercept most attacking craft, and enough
firepower to assist in taking down larger craft, such as corvettes and other
smaller starships. You'll be doing both in this mission, as an Imperial
corvette has made a stop in a lightly defended sector. Command has requested
that this corvette be captured in a daring operation, as the contents are
supposedly highly valuable.

First off, target the waves of fighters protecting the corvette; they pose
the biggest initial threat. After they are dealt with, you have a couple of
options. You can either help out your allies in taking down the Corvette's
shields (Torpedoes work wonders, but don't use too many of them; you need to
keep it on one piece) or you can help save the Frigate by taking down those
pesky TIE Bombers making torpedo runs. Either way, its your decision. Once
the Corvette has been disabled, most of your allies will hyper home, and the
Storm Unit will hyper in to conduct its operation.

By this point, either mop up any remaining enemies and just wait around for
the Storm Unit to finish and hyper away. Once safely away, your mission is
complete, so head on home. You've effectively demonstrated proficiency with
the X-Wing, at least according to the game. Now it is time to put your skills
to use.

B. Y-Wing Training Missions

Mission 1: Commerce Raid
Craft: Y-wing group Red (you - Red 1)
Objectives: SHU Kravt must be destroyed
Container group Chi must be 50% destroyed
Container Chi 3 must be destroyed
Container group Psi must be 50% destroyed
Container group Pi must be 50% destroyed
FRT Banthaar must be destroyed
FRT Deddite must be destroyed

Welcome to the Y-Wing! While this machine is quite sluggish at times, it can
also take quite a bit punishment. It is also armed with ion cannons, making
it unique among the original three craft you pilot (the B-Wing has ion cannons
but you don't get to fly it in the first three tours of duty)

Set your laser recharge rate to maximum and make your way towards the
containers. You can either use your torpedoes or your lasers; they won't fire
back at you, so you have little to worry about. This mission is simply
designed to accustom you to the craft and the firing controls.

While you're making runs on the containers, a couple of freighters and a

shuttle will hyper in. Go after the shuttle first before taking down the
freighters. If you wish, you can use your ion cannons to disable each of the
freighters before destroying them; that way, they won't run away on you before
they bite the dust.

When all of the craft are destroyed successfully, you can head home. Your
basic skills are hereby deemed adequate.

Mission 2: Y-Wing Gunnery Practice

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 2)
Objectives: T/F group Alpha must be destroyed
T/B group Beta must be destroyed
T/F group Gamma must be destroyed
T/B group Delta must be destroyed
T/F group Zeta must be destroyed
T/B group Eta must be destroyed
T/F group Theta must be destroyed
T/I group Iota must be destroyed

The turret setup of the Y-Wing is designed for maximum accuracy, and this
mission will allow you to hone those skills to a fine edge. A facility where
experimental TIEs are being tested has been discovered, and a pair of Y-Wings
(you being one of them) are to take them out before they can serve a purpose.

There will be both stationary and moving targets, some moving at a little
above your cruising speed. Therefore, you'll need to adjust your aim with them
accordingly. Considering they won't fire back, you'll have no pressure in
taking your time.

With the moving targets handled, go after the stationary targets; they won't
move nor will they fire back. For a challenge, take them out from a longer
range; it will improve your chances of survival in a real battle if you can
take them out from farther away.

When the last of the fighters is gone, you can head home. However, I would
suggest taking out the container and the freighter as well; it can't hurt to
do more damage to the Empire than less.
Mission 3: S.O.S. From Corvette Karinne
Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 2)
Objectives: T/B group Alpha must be destroyed
T/B group Beta must be destroyed
T/B group Gamma must be destroyed
CRV Karinne must complete mission

The Y-Wing was not exactly designed for intercepting enemy fighters, but it
can still fulfill this purpose under the right circumstances. Here, a pair
of Y-Wings thwarted an attack on a Twi'ilek diplomatic mission that was making
its way to a rendezvous with Alliance High Command. The delegation was so
pleased with this aid that they decided to outright join the Alliance then
and there!

You'll hyper in just behind a departing Star Destroyer; don't worry, it won't
fire at you, so don't fire at it. Instead, go after the first group of T/Bs;
two of the groups will make a run for you, while the third will go straight
after the corvette. If you're quick enough, you can take out the first two
groups and still have enough time to catch up with the third.

You'll notice, however, that the longer you take defeating the aggressor T/Bs,
the more distance you'll have to cover to get to the ones setting up for their
torpedo run. In this case, drop all the power into your engines and switch to
your photon torpedo launcher. You'll need to get within 2.5 clicks of a bomber
in order to start acquiring a lock, but once its dead-on, you can let fly. A
single torp will suffice in taking out a bomber, and you have more than enough
to take them all out.

With the last of the bombers destroyed, you can sit back and relax while the
CRV makes its way into hyperspace. Head home once it jumps to safety.

Mission 4: Prisoners from Kessel

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 2)
Objectives: SHU ST 224 must be boarded
SHU ST 227 must be boarded
SHU ST 249 must be boarded
SHU ST 247 must be boarded
SHU ST 213 must be boarded
SHU Rescue 1 must complete mission
SHU Rescue 2 must complete mission
SHU Rescue 3 must complete mission
SHU Rescue 4 must complete mission
SHU Rescue 5 must complete mission

While flying a Y-Wing, one common task will be to disable specific craft
in order to allow your forces to board and capture said craft. Usually it'll
be shuttles or transports, though it could actually be any craft. You'll have
to get closer than you would with your lasers in order to be accurate, but
this shouldn't be too much of a problem once you're accustomed.

Take out the fighter escorts and then start disabling the shuttles one
by one. When they're all sitting ducks, you can make your way to the incoming
T/Is. They should be far enough away for you to get to them while posing no
threat to the mission. Keep them away from the shuttles and let them do their

When the last of your shuttles has made it into hyperspace, you'll have
completed your mission. Head home; there's nothing left here.
Mission 5: Escape from Mytus VII
Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 1)
Objectives: FRT Hampton must be boarded
TRN Omicron 1 must be destroyed
TRN Omicron 2 must be destroyed
TRN Omicron 3 must be destroyed
SHU Mercy must complete mission

In addition to capture duties, you'll often engage in missions to free

comrades-in-arms who have been taken hostage by the Empire. Often times,
pilots will be sent to prison planets and moons, but lax security will often
allow them to stow away aboard outgoing shuttles and freighters. From there,
they can be recovered through special operations. This recreates one of those.

First, you'll need to take out the fighter escort, which is quite light. Then,
and I can't emphasize this any more than I am going to, you need to take out
that transport as quickly as possible while doing as little damage to the
freighter as you can. Then, you should have a bit of a reprieve.

Once the Imperial frigate enters the area, make a beeline for it so you can
head off the forces it is going to launch. You'll be going up against mostly
TIE Fighters, but keep a special eye out for a pair of transports that will
launch; they must be destroyed.

Buy enough time for the shuttle to dock with the freighter, complete its
operation, and hyper out of the area. If you manage to completely wipe out
the enemy's fighters, then you'll have clear sailing. Return home once the
shuttle exits the area.

Mission 6: Intercept and Capture

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 3)
Objectives: SHU group Epsilon must be boarded
SHU Hasti must complete mission

The last of the training missions is designed to combine all that you have
learned thus far into one important task. And believe me; it is important, as
you will be disabling a shuttle carrying the "future" Admiral Ackbar and
overseeing its capture.

First, you'll need to get rid of those annoying fighters; a couple of laser
blasts and their toast. Next, target SHU Epsilon 5; this is the one that is
carrying Ackbar. Use your ion cannons to lower its shields and disable it,
then immediately make your way towards the next wave of fighters, and I assure
you there will be plenty of them. What stinks is that the rescue shuttle will
hyper in on the same trajectory as those fighters, so you need to make sure
you get there before the TIEs do.

Keep up your attack on the fighters and buy enough time for SHU Hasti to
complete its operation and get out of the area. Once it has reached safety,
you can head home yourself. If you've been following the guide, you'll have
completed all the Y-Wing training missions and be considered more than
proficient in its use. Now go show the enemy what you're made of!

C. A-Wing Training Missions

Mission 1: Repair Depot Raid

Craft: A-Wing Red 1 (you)
Objectives: TRN group Omega must be destroyed
Tug T-35 must be destroyed
FRT Repair Dock must be destroyed
FRT Repair Dock must be destroyed (they're 2 separate freighters)
TRN group Sigma must be destroyed
T/B group Alpha must be destroyed
T/B group Beta must be destroyed
T/B group Gamma must be destroyed
T/F group Delta must be destroyed
T/F group Eta must be destroyed

Of all the craft you get to fly in this game, this is my favorite: the mighty
A-Wing. It is superior in speed and is the only craft armed with concussion
missiles, which prove quite useful against other fighters.

This mission is designed to get you used to the speed that the A-Wing has,
but the drawback is its shields are a little weaker than the other craft. The
good thing about this mission is that nothing will fire back at you, so you
can fiddle around a bit as you fly around and destroy the various fighters
and other small craft that are parked, though the last couple of fighters will
be moving targets.

With all the small fries out of the way, move on to the dual freighters; you
can use either your lasers or your missiles to destroy them, it matters not.
Destroy all craft in the area to complete your mission, then hyper home before
you attract any unwanted attention.

Mission 2: Aggressor Squadron Training

Craft: X-Wing Red 1 (you)
Objectives: X-Wing Veteran must be destroyed
X-Wing Ace must be destroyed
X-Wing Top Ace must be destroyed
Y-Wing Veteran must be destroyed
Y-Wing Ace must be destroyed
Y-Wing Top Ace must be destroyed
A-Wing Veteran must be destroyed
A-Wing Ace must be destroyed
A-Wing Top Ace must be destroyed

To truly test the limits of your combat abilities, this mission places you in
combat against fellow Rebel pilots! What better way to sharpen your skills
than against craft that are equal to your own. Be aware, though, that your
fellow A-Wings are armed with missiles, and they do tend to use them.

Each craft will hyper in at a set time, so if you're fast in taking them out,
you have that downtime, but if you're too slow, you may find yourself quickly
overwhelmed. First will be an X-Wing, then a Y-Wing, and then an A-wing of
increasing difficulty. You'll start by facing novices, who won't put up much
of a fight. Next will be the wave of officers, who are slightly more skilled,
but still not too much of a challenge.

Its only when the Veterans start coming out of the woodwork. They'll be the
first to put up a decent fight, but they still shouldn't overwhelm you. After
they've been dispatched, the Aces come to play. These guys mean business, and
will give you a tough time if you don't keep them off your six. Lastly, you
go up against a group of Top Aces. The creme de la creme. Your equals as
wingmen. These guys will give you a challenge, especially the A-Wing, as he
has all the speed, weapons, and tricks that you do.
Fortunately for this mission, if you're good enough, most of these fights will
be one on one, bringing the odds to your favor. When the last of the fighters
is destroyed, your mission will be complete, and you can then head home.

Mission 3: Intercept T/B Run

Craft: A-wing Red 2 (you), X-Wing Red 1, Y-Wing Red 3, SHU Maria
Objectives: T/B group Mu must be destroyed
SHU Maria must complete mission

The design of the A-Wing is that of a high-speed interceptor, able to outrun

and outmaneuver any craft the Imperials throw at you. This mission will
give you a prime example of how to shine in that role. A shuttle, bearing
a high-ranking admiral, is undergoing repairs and is nearly finished doing
so. However, an enemy Star Destroyer discovers its presence and launches
a squadron of TIE Bombers, as well as TIE Fighter escorts, to destroy the

X-Wing Red 1 and Y-Wing Red 3 will provide cover for the shuttle, should you
fail to stop the full onslaught. However, there is enough distance between
it and the opposing force that you should reach them in no time flat. Charge
up your shields and head straight for the first group of fighters. With
good enough aim, you should be able to take down a pair before they get to
you. Ignore the other two groups and continue on towards the bombers; the
fighters will only target you, and you have more than enough speed and
maneuverability to dodge their fire.

I recommend you use your concussion missiles to take out the bombers; one
will suffice for each. The best way is to simply come up behind the target,
match speeds, and let fly once the target indicator locks on. If it doesn't
lock on, the bomber will dodge it. This tactic can be a little dangerous if
you're under fire, as you are now, but as you progress in skill, you'll
get the timing down pat.

Once the bombers are destroyed, mop up the remaining fighters and wait for
the Maria to enter hyperspace. When it is safely away, and the bombers
destroyed, your mission will be complete.

Mission 4: Attack Run on Freighters

Craft: A-Wing Red (you - Red 2), Y-Wing Red 1
Objectives: FRT Century 1 must be destroyed
FRT Century 2 must be destroyed
FRT Century 3 must be destroyed
Y-Wing Red 1 must complete mission

By itself, an A-Wing is not the best-equipped craft to take on freighters

and heavier starships, but when teamed up with the beasts that are the
Y-Wing, the two form a cohesive unit that is nigh-invulnerable! This mission
recreates a scenario that illustrates just how potent putting these two
together can be.

Your targets are three freighters, escorted by several pairs of TIE Fighters.
As the interceptor, head directly for any fighters that are trying to engage
the Y-Wing. You'll find that they ignore you and leave themselves wide open
to attack. If you find a fighter on your tail, break off to engage, but be
sure your wingman survives!

with the fighters taken care of, feel free to use your missiles and lasers
to take out any remaining freighters. When all three are destroyed, your
wingman will enter hyperspace, and your mission will be complete. Head home
and let your results do the talking.

Mission 5: Protect Rebel Starfighters

Craft: A-Wing Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing Blue, X-Wing Blue, X-Wing Red,
CRS Cathleen
Objectives: SHU Blue 1 must complete mission
SHU Blue 2 must complete mission
A-Wing Blue 5 must complete mission
A-Wing Blue 8 must complete mission
X-Wing Blue 9 must complete mission
X-Wing Gold 1 must complete mission
X-Wing Gold 2 must complete mission
X-Wing Gold 3 must complete mission
X-Wing Gold 4 must complete mission

In conjunction with other fighters and Alliance craft, the A-Wing is often the
ace in the hole to prevent massacre by Imperial forces. This mission recreates
just how important your presence can be, as you guard a cruiser recovering its
fighters and other craft after a successful offensive operation.

You'll have a few minutes to prepare yourself, so use the time to charge your
shields and lasers. You'll see an Imperial frigate drop out of hyperspace,
launch a squadron of bombers, and then hastily depart. Use your speed to close
the distance between you and your enemy, then let loose with your lasers. Try
not to use all your missiles right now; you'll need them shortly.

Around the same time you dispatch the first group of fighters, the Frigate
will reappear on the opposite side of the cruiser and drop off another six
bombers. Quickly intercept them, using your missiles if possible, and make
sure that none of them make it to the cruiser or its vulnerable craft.

Once all craft have been successfully recovered, your mission is complete.
Return home at once; your training must continue.

Mission 6: Deep Space Reconnaissance

Craft: A-Wing Red (you)
Objectives: Container group Chi must be identified
Container group Psi must be identified
Container group Pi must be identified
Container group Xi must be identified
Container Chi 3 must be identified
Container Pi 3 must be identified
Container Dodek must be identified
Container Penta must be identified
T/F group Alpha must be at least 50% destroyed
T/F group Beta must be at least 50% destroyed

The last of the A-Wing missions demonstrates a couple of different things.

First, the speed of the A-Wing makes it ideal for high-speed reconaissance
missions; it can get in, do what it needs to do, and get out in quick fashion
Second, and most importantly, is that things are not always as they seem. What
at first glance appears to be an unguarded depot turns out actually to be a
trap, but fortunately for you it is sprung just a tad too early.

Use what time you have to charge your shields, and know that the enemy won't
initially be there. The surprise is triggered when Containers Dodek and Penta
are inspected. Each container will launch three TIE Fighters, and a Frigate
will also drop out of hyperspace to launch more fighters to attack you! The
key is to know which containers to inspect first and which ones (aka the
triggers) to leave for last. Fending off attackers while inspecting cargo can
be troublesome, so the best way is to get as much done first, then tend to
your attackers.

Once all the cargo has been inspected, and the initial waves of fighters
destroyed, you can head home. If you want, though, you can tackle the
subsequent waves of fighters, but its ultimately up to you. Either way, you
will have proven your mastery of the A-Wing, provided you've followed the
guide this far.

D. B-Wing Training Missions

Mission 1: Project Shantipole

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), CRV Shantipole, FRT Upside,
FRT Downside, SHU Falcon
Objectives: CRV Shantipole must complete mission
B-Wing Red 1 must complete mission
SHU must complete mission

For a first training mission, this one sure is a doozy. This recreates a key
moment in the history of the Alliance. In the wake of Yavin, the Empire
decided to use its vast supply of Frigates with much greater frequency,
leading to great devastation amongst Rebel starfighter forces. In return,
Command sought to develop a heavy fighter that could take on these beasts
in a fight. The result was the B-Wing. However, Imperial forces infiltrated
the program and sought to destroy the only two prototypes. You are piloting
the second, which has operational shields and weapons.

Immediately set your engines to full throttle and divert all power to shields
and lasers. You'll need to have both charging simultaneously. It gets tricky
from here. Transports will hyper in and try to disable you. But the bigger
threat is not them, but the corvette that will hyper in and immediately attack
the two freighters. Use your lasers to lower its shields, then switch to
ion cannons to disable it, then take on those two annoying transports that
are harassing you. From here out, use your ion cannons exclusively; as long
as the transports are disabled, and not destroyed, more won't hyper in to
take their place.

When your own tail is clear, immediately head over to the Shantipole (the
neutral corvette) and disable any transports that are attacking it. If it
becomes disabled, the mission is as good as done, because no craft will come
in to repair it. Ensure it stays operational. By this point, the Falcon
SHOULD have finished its operation and begun to make its way out of the area.
Fortunately, no craft will pursue it, but if it gets destroyed while docking,
or doesn't get a chance to dock, hyper home and retry this one. I swear,
achieving all of the goals in this one is difficult.

With the Falcon safely away, the Shantipole making for its jump point, and
you still fighting off the remaining transports, continue to buy time, and
make sure you don't crash into anything. By this point, you can switch your
shield recharge rate to neutral if you need the extra speed, but it honestly
shouldn't matter by this point. Just pick off the transports one by one,
and they will ultimately stop hypering in.

With the last of the transports gone, hang back and let the Shantipole hyper
away, then that lovely "Mission Complete" message should pop up and you can
now safely head home. Definitely a hard-earned patch.

Mission 2: Assault an Imperial Convoy

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), X-Wing Gold
Objectives: FRT group Ocean must be destroyed
FRT group Teve must be destroyed
CRV group Manx must be destroyed
CRV group Hornet must be destroyed

Now that the B-Wing has entered into production, its time to show those
Imperials what this baby can really do. Your target today is a convoy carrying
replacement TIEs; it is guarded by a squadron of TIE Fighters and four
Corvettes. Be aware, though, that there is also neutral freighter traffic in
the area; they are not to be drawn into this conflict.

First off, you can all but ignore the fighter escorts; they'll turn tail at
the mere sight of you. Next, order your wingman to target one of the
freighters while you go after the initial two corvettes. Use four torpedoes
to bring down their shields, then get in close with your ion cannons to
disable them. This is a much more effective use of your torpedoes than using
six to destroy them, particularly if you know there's a large group.

With the first two corvettes down, switch your energies to destroying the
first two freighters. Use your lasers and ion cannons to disable them, and
make sure to order your wingman to attack a different target once it has been
disabled. Around this time, some more serious opposition will arrive in the
form of two gunboats. Break off and take them down with your ion cannons, then
go back

Mission 3: Capture the Frigate Priam

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing Blue 7
Objectives: FRG Priam must be recovered

This is one of those "what if" missions, based off an actual event that takes
place in the game. One of the key moments is the capture of the Imperial
Frigate Priam. In that mission, many Y-Wings were used, and lost, lowering
the Priam's shields while A-Wings provided fighter escort and also cleared
the minefield that was set up as an additional layer of protection. Replacing
the Y-Wing in this mission is the B-Wing, and you are one of the pilots.

First off, order your wingmen to wait (very important) while you take out the
small T/F defenses, charge your shields, and take care of the minefield. Also,
make sure you launch ALL of your torpedoes at the Frigate; this will
significantly lower its shields, but not completely. When the few remaining
fighters and mines are clear, order your wingmen to proceed.

Here comes the tricky part. You're gonna have to get in close to the Priam
to use your lasers to lower its shields. It'll take a few passes, and you
may feel uneasy at times, but its a surefire tactic to get its shields down.
Once you see that happen, switch to ion cannons (your wingmen will already
be using them) to finish the job and leave it completely helpless.

When that is done, your wingmen will leave and your other forces will hyper
in to begin the capture operation. You're the only thing protecting them,
so make sure nothing gets through. Fortunately, the opposition lies in a pair
of gunboats. Intercept and disable them; that way, more waves won't hyper in.

It will take a few minutes for all the craft to board and for the operation
to be complete. When it is, the last gasp of Imperial forces will make an
appearance in the form of another pair of gunboats and four transports.
However, they'll be too late to stop the captured Priam from bolting into
hyperspace. Once done, get yourself out of here; this place is about to
become a hotbed.

Mission 4: B-Wing Attack on the Shrike

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing group Gold
Objectives: FRG Shrike must be destroyed

One of the nicknames the Imperials have for the B-Wing is "Frigate Killer,"
and after this mission, it is easy to see why. Four B-Wings, with three
A-Wings as escort, are able to take down a fully-armed and complemented
Frigate, as well as gunboats and corvettes from the sector patrol. If I didn't
accomplish this myself, I'd find it hard to believe too.

Start off by ordering your wingmen to immediately attack the Shrike and, when
in range, launch all your torpedoes at it. This'll knock off a good chunk of
its shields. When your launchers are empty, move to engage the fighter screen;
they shouldn't put up too much of a fight. In between dogfighting, use your
lasers and your ion cannons to lower the shields and ultimately disable the
Shrike. Remember: a sitting duck is a lot easier to shoot at than a mobile
one, especally one that is firing numerous lasers at you and your allies.

Once disabled, you're basically in the clear. Your allies will continue to
attack the now-defenseless frigate and yo uare free to continue whittling down
the fighter screen. When the Shrike finally succumbs to its wounds, your
mission will be complete, and you can head home.

Mission 5: Attack Death Star Surface

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red)
Objectives: Container Hangar (x4) must be destroyed
All turrets w/in a 2 click radius of the Nav Buoy must be destroyed

This mission can be a real pain if you don't keep an eye on your six; fighters
tend to come out of nowhere until you destroy all the hangars, and believe
me; you'll want to accomplish that goal as soon as possible.

My best advice is to NOT fire your torpedoes until you have a completely
clear shot; otherwise, they have this tendency to run up against the surface
of the Death Star and miss their targets completely, forcing you to switch to
your lasers. Also, the higher you keep from the surface, the less fire you
will take from the stationary turbolaser batteries on the surface.

With the containers taken care of, head for the nav buoy and begin clearing
out all defenses within a 2 click radius of the buoy. It shouldn't take long,
but make sure you keep your shields up and keep moving. Also be aware of how
close you are to the surface; you don't want to crash land. You'll know you've
accomplished this task when the "mission complete" appears on your screen;
head back to base; the final assault is about to begin.

Mission 6: Death Star Trench Run

Craft: B-Wing Red 1 (you)
Objectives: Destroy the Death Star's Exhaust Port

Here it is: you're reliving the most famous mission in Alliance history,
and you're doing it in a superior craft. You ready for some fun, people?

First off, set your recharge rates to the MAX, link your laser cannons, and
move to engage the first round of fighters. Destroy two of them, and let the
third get away (assuming its not attacking you. Then make your way to the
buoy while charging your shields and lasers to the maximum.
Once at the buoy, descend into the trench, set your shields to double forward,
and pump your shield energy into your engines while keeping your lasers at
the max rate. Use your lasers to destroy as many of the shooting targets as
you can while weaving your way through the trench. As your shields decrease,
pump laser power into them. You'll notice your targeting computer is tracking
the distance to the exhaust port.

Once you're within 5 or so clicks of the port, switch to your proton torpedoes
and set it to dual launch mode. Now, fly upward, out of the trench while still
making your way to the port, then head downward towards it to get the best
possible shot. You shouldn't have any trouble hitting it (I didn't). When you
hear the "Nice Shot," you'll have completed the mission. Congratulations! You
just blew up the Death Star. Again. Lol.

E. Bonus Training Missions

Mission 1: Protect Cargo Transfer

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), CRS Stimpsenj'kat, TRN group Renhoek,
X-Wing group Gold, B-Wing group Blue
Objectives: CRS Stimpsenj'kat must complete mission
Container group Xi must be identified

These missions are designed to push your skills, endurance, and will to the
extreme. Completing all of them is an achievement not to be underrated, and
certainly something to be earned. Each has its own pitfalls, and each has
a certain aspect that will be emphasized. The first one will test your skills
at dogfighting against a superior opponent. Considering you're flying the
A-Wing, there's only one craft that proves superior, and that is the TIE

Your mission is relatively simple. Inspect the two containers, then guard the
transfer of cargo to the awaiting cruiser. This won't be an easy task; in
fact, the transports mean very little at all. Simply put, its all about your
one-on-one skills. Your first opponents will be two groups of gunboats; they
can take a bit of punishment, but they'll go down without too much of a fight.

Once you see the frigates arrive, then you're in for a little trouble. They'll
launch bombers to make runs at the cruiser, and TIE Advanced squadrons to deal
with you and your allies. Fortunately, you have many allies in this mission;
the X-Wings from Gold group will assist you and draw away their fire, while
B-Wings from Blue Squadron will make runs at the frigates. Your task is to
keep the bombers from obliterating the cruiser, while at the same time keeping
your own tail clear.

The best advice I can give while dogfighting against the TIE Advanced is to
have only a slight charge to your lasers and a maintenance charge to your
shields; this way, you'll be able to somewhat keep up with your opponent while
you look for a good shot. Use lasers; your missiles aren't effective against
such a maneuverable opponent. When you take one down, proceed to the next, but
don't be in a rush to engage them; let them come to you while you keep at the
waves of bombers.

Once the three waves of transports complete their task (or are destroyed), the
cruiser will make its way into hyperspace. Once all the bombers are gone, turn
your attention to the TIE Advanced that remain. As long as the cruiser's
shields are intact, you should have no trouble waiting around for it to get
away. Once it does, head home; your task is complete. If you want a further
challenge, keep at the fighters until you've had enough.
Mission 2: Destroy Troop Convoy
Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), B-Wing group Gold, A-Wing group Blue
Objectives: TRN group Epsilon must be destroyed
FRT group MS-II must be destroyed

This mission is one of endurance; a VERY large convoy is passing through the
area in phases, and your mission is to obliterate it. Out of 60 transports and
40 freighters, your mission is to destroy half of each. That's 30 transports
and twenty freighters. No small task, especially considering that there will
also be gunboats harassing your as well.

My advice is simple: keep aware of your surroundings. If you find you're out
of transports to attack, go after a freighter. Only engage the gunboats if you
find they are targeting you directly. The A-Wings, and your wingmen, should
keep them off you for a good portion of the time, but there will be moments
where you have to engage. Meanwhile, the B-Wings will decimate the freighter

As time progresses and more and more of the convoy hypers in, you will at
some point lose a wingman or two, but if your skills are sharp enough, then
it won't be much of an issue. When the first thirty transports and twenty
freighters are destroyed, your mission will technically be complete, but if
you wish to stick around and destroy the rest of the convoy, you are free to
do so. I will warn you, though, that around that time a star destroyer will
hyper in and attack as well. The fight will be even more intense than the one
you just engaged in, but if you wish to test yourself, then I see no better

Mission 3: Attack Star Destroyer

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), X-Wing group Gold, A-Wing group Blue
Objectives: ISD Kotiate must be destroyed
SHU group Lambda must be destroyed

Timing is of the essence in this mission. Your goals are twofold: first,
you must disable and destroy the star destroyer, thus eliminating the main
threat. Once that is complete, you must guard over the capture operation of
the continers it was looking to obtain.

Start by charging up your shields to full and pumping power from your engines
into your lasers. Let your wingmen and your allies take care of the initial
fighter screen. Your target lies dead ahead: the two shield generator towers
that lie on top of the star destroyer's bridge. Three torps into each will
knock'em out, along with the shields. Immediately switch to ion cannons and
disable the star destroyer, rendering it a giant target.

From here, you'll need to deal with the fighters. They are quite numerous, and
the bombers will launch missiles at you if you're not careful, so keep at it.
Your wingmen will take care of the star destroyer while your allies will help
out with the fighters. Be on the lookout for two shuttles that will launch;
when you see them, stop everything you are doing and destroy them. They must
NOT be allowed to escape.

As time passes, the star destroyer's hull will weaken and eventually it will
succumb to its wounds. When that happens, you'll have completed the mission
objectives, but if you want to stick around and oversee the capture operation,
you are more than free to do so; be warned, though: your opponents will be
the dreaded TIE Advanced, and those are not easy to go up against in a B-Wing.

Mission 4: Protect Convoy

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing Blue, Y-Wing group Gold,
CRV group Qiluiy, FRT group
Objectives: CRV group Qiluiy must complete mission

Unfortunately, the Imperials aren't the only problem to contend with in the
galaxy. There are many groups of pirates, some aligned with you, others
against you, and dealing with them can be just as tough a task as the
Imperials, often because they're opportunists. This scenario pictures a
pirate ambush on a convoy that exited hyperspace to avoid a small asteroid
field. Perfect place if you ask me.

You'll have to act pretty fast if you want to save the convoy. Slight losses
are acceptable, but the three corvettes MUST survive. Start by taking out the
enemy Y-Wings. They pose the immediate threat to the mission. Next, engage the
two A-Wings until you see a group of X-Wings launch from the nearby frigate.
When that happens, break off and intercept them before they launch a torpedo
run against your convoy. They should go down in relative quick order.

Your allies will handle the frigate, so take care of the fighter screen, then
get your licks in on the frigate to eliminate it once and for all. A pair of
transports will launch from the frigate prior to its destruction; make sure
you take them out as well.

It'll seem like you're done once the pirates are gone, But, you're not done
yet; it looks like those blasted Imperials have found you. Move to engage the
gunboats; they shouldn't pose a real threat to the corvettes, but you want to
be safe, instead of sorry. Destroying the first wave will bring another, but
by this point the convoy will be very near the hyper point. And that is a good
thing, because heavy reinforcements will be arriving at about the same time.

Once the convoy is away safely, get out of there yourself; your mission is

Mission 5: Attack Imperial Stockyard

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 1)
Objectives: Container group must be destroyed
Container group must be destroyed

Though I'm sure you know already, I'll reiterate: if things seem a little too
quiet, odds are its a trap. Thus, you should be prepared for such occurences.

For a supposedly unguarded stockyard, there sure are a lot of defenses. You'll
need to deal with them before you can move in on the containers. The shuttles
shouldn't be too much trouble, but the corvettes that hyper in shortly after
can be a bit more challenging. Order your wingmen to attack one while you go
after another; bring them down quickly, before they launch their nasty little

Once the corvettes are destroyed, quickly eliminate the minefield and all
containers. If you're not quick enough, a gunboat patrol will hyper in and
unleash hell upon you. Don't try to fight back; there's too many and they will
overpower you. Complete your task, then get out of there; those gunboats mean

Mission 6: Protect Your Mothership

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), CRS Excelsior, Y-Wing group Blue
Objectives: CRS Excelsior must complete mission

This last mission is to teach you a useful yet underutilized skill: shooting
down proton torpedoes in flight. Now, as you may know, both missiles and
torpedoes can be intercepted by laser fire. I often use this to my advantage,
particularly if I'm being targeted by gunboats or bombers with said missiles.
Its a lot easier to shoot it out of the sky while its coming right toward you
than it is to either try and dodge it (and usually fail) or to shoot it while
its swerving around. You can do the same for proton torpedoes, though it takes
a bit of practice to get it down perfect.

Your task here is to aid a cruiser that was caught in an ambush. Waves upon
waves of TIE bombers have launched and are making runs on the cruiser. You
won't be able to stop every attack run on it, but its a good thing that the
cruiser can take a heavy dose of punishment, even after its shields go down.
There'll be lots of bombers, but don't rely solely upon your missles; you'll
want to use them for specific moments (you'll know what they are, trust me).

The gunboat waves will target you and you alone, so you can take them out when
you have a bit of a reprieve. However, you'll find one of the bomber waves
will target you as well, and they have missiles! Dang! Use your own missles to
wipe them out, then continue wading through the waves of bombers. They'll all
succumb eventually.

When the bombers are taken care of, a trio of corvettes will hyper in right
on top of the cruiser and launch a last-ditch effort. They'll focus their
attention solely on the cruiser, leaving you an opportunity to attack. Assist
the cruiser in dismantling them, then proceed back to the fray if there are
any fighters remaining.

Once the cruiser makes good its escape, your task will be complete. You can
rest easy now; there are no more bonus missions to tackle.

V. Tours of Duty

A. A New Ally

Mission 1: Destroy Imperial Convoy

Craft: X-Wing group (you - Red 2), Y-Wing group Blue, TRN Dagger
Objectives: CRV Bixby must be recovered
TRN Dagger must complete mission
FRT Orcim must be destroyed
FRT Esorp must be destroyed
FRT Arreis must be destroyed
FRT Nigiro must be destroyed

Your first tour mission is a relatively simple one, as you'll have a pair of
competent wingmen at your side. In a great boon for you, the escorting
corvette has decided to defect to the Alliance! You're all but cleared to
take out as many of the freighters as you can; order your wingmen to target
one while you go after a second, and then a third. Switch to your lasers when
you run out of torpedoes.

With the freighters destroyed, you'll simply have to fly escort for the
the shuttle as it captures the corvette and then as both make their way into
hyperspace. You'll get the all clear to head home once they do so. Don't
wait around too long, though; a frigate will eventually hyper in and launch
waves of fighters, so get the heck out of there!

Mission 2: ID Reconnaissance Mission

Craft: A-Wing Red (you)
Objectives: FRG group Harasser must be identified
CRV group 524 must be identified
CRV group 327 must be identified
CRV group 427 must be identified
CRV group 758 must be identified
FRT Ruggert must be identified
FRT Eichler must be identified
FRG Warspite must be identified

In your A-Wing, you have tremendous speed, enough to evade even the fastest of
Imperial fighters. And considering your mission, you'll add even more speed.

First, dump all your laser power into your engines and set your shield
recharge rate up a notch. Then, you can move to investigate all the craft that
enter the area. They won't do so all at once, so you'll have to stagger your
efforts. Some WILL fire back at you, so make sure you don't keep straight for
too long a period of time.

When the Star Destroyer Invincible enters the area, provided all other ships
have been inspected, your mission will be complete. Get the heck out of there
before you find yourself in a real pickle.

Mission 3: Fly Point During Evacuation

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), Y-Wing group Gold, SHU group Arroyo,
CRV Sonnen, CRV Mahan, TRN group Rhoon
Objectives: SHU must complete mission
SHU must complete mission
SHU must complete mission
FRG Fugazi must complete mission

It looks like your base has been found by an Imperial patrol, and an assault
force is on its way. There isn't have much time to evacuate as many personnel
and as much equipment as you can before they arrive. Your job in all this will
be to provide fighter escort to a trio of shuttles carrying High Command; they
must survive at all costs!

If you were expecting the corvettes or one of the frigates, you'd be dead
wrong - the Invincible itself is leading this attack, and it'll hyper in damn
close to your fleet! While you can't take it out, you can make your move on
the fighters it will launch.

Keep at the waves of fighters; there's nothing you can do to save the craft
that are already in the range of the Invincible. If you can draw the fighters
towards you and your wingmen, and away from the shuttles, then you won't have
any problem finishing this mission.

When you get the mission complete signal, head out of the area; your services
will be needed right away. Following your completion of this mission, you'll
see a cutscene of the base you were evacuating getting captured by Imperial
forces. Fortunately, you weren't among them, and I promise you will obtain
retribution at some point.

Mission 4: Protect Medical Frigate

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), FRG Redemption, CRV Korolev,
SHU group Medevac
Objectives: SHU group Medevac must complete mission
CRV Korolev must complete mission

There were many casualties from the recent attack, and all of these wounded
are being transferred to the Frigate Redemption, the Alliance's main hospital
ship. Your mission here is to protect this vital operation; no more lives can
be lost!

Charge up your shields and lasers during the lull, then head straight for the
first batch of bombers that will be deployed when the Imperial frigate hypers
in. Order your wingmen to attack one while you go after the initial group of
fighters, then the remaining bombers. When they're finished, the Frigate will
reappear on the opposite side of you and launch a second wave. Again, order
your wingmen to go after one of them while you increase your engine power to
close the gap a little quicker. Take out the bombers first! With their
torpedoes, they can cut through the corvette's shields like a hot knife in

The rest of the mission is easy once the bombers are eliminated. Heck, once
the frigate runs out of fighters, you can basically park by the Redemption and
wait for all the ships to finish docking and hyper home. Do try to stay out of
range of the Imperial frigate, though; its guns can rip you to shreds in no
time at all. Let it be, and head home when all the ships have made it to

Mission 5: Ambush Imperial Supply Convoy

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), Y-Wing group Blue
Objectives: FRT Juno 1 must be destroyed
FRT Juno 2 must be destroyed
FRT Juno 3 must be destroyed

This mission is a little easier than the past couple have been. Your target is
a small convoy sent to resupply the Invincible for its next attack. Guarding
this convoy is a squadron of TIE Fighters and a corvette. Not a problem,

The only problem is you start out right in the thick of it! First off, launch
all of your torpeodes at the Ranger; that will immediately take out one of the
bigger threats to you and your allies. Next, engage the fighters. Don't worry
yet about the freighters; the Y-Wings will take care of them. Once all the
TIEs are taken care of, then move on to the freighters. Use your lasers to
destroy them. Once done, get the heck out.

You'll notice the Invincible is quite far away from the fray, and it will
launch TIE Interceptors to attack you. They'll take quite a while to get to
you, but that's no reason to stop and smell the roses. The fewer enemies you
have to go through, the better, and trust me when I say these guys can provide
quite a challenge to even the most experienced of pilots.

Mission 6: Raid for R2 Units

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), FRT Ars Opus, SHU Rescue Riker, A-Wing
group Blue
Objectives: FRT Ars Opus must be recovered
A-Wing group Blue must arrive

It seems that the fleet is running short on R2 units. Without them, all of
those X-Wings and Y-Wings would be unable to fly, so the top priority now
is to obtain more. An opportunity has presented itself; a freighter carrying
these droids has broken down, and you are to escort a boarding party to
capture and recover the freighter and its precious contents.

However, your forces are not alone in wanting this freighter! Pirates are
abound in this sector, and they are piloting stolen Y-Wings! These puppies
are a lot more durable than the TIE fighters you've been going up against, but
that's not the only problem when going up against them. Their sluggishness
actually plays to their advantage, though, as if you ram into them, you're
all but done for. The best advice I can give is to not get too close, and
blast them from a distance.

Once your shuttle has finished its capture operation, more pirate forces,
including transports (armed with ion cannons) will arrive to try and disable
the freighter and launch its own capture operation. While fending off the
Y-Wings, try and pick off the transports. Help will arrive around this time
in the form of another pair of A-Wings; they'll definitely help with those

Buy enough time for the now-captured freighter to get away and your mission
will be complete. Fend off the last of the pirate forces, then make your way
into hyperspace. The next stage of planning is to begin.

Mission 7: Recover Stolen X-Wings

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), SHU group Rescue, CRV Maximus
Objectives: SHU Rescue 1 must complete mission
SHU Rescue 2 must complete mission
SHU Rescue 3 must complete mission
X-Wing Blue 1 must be recovered
X-Wing Blue 2 must be recovered
X-Wing Blue 3 must be recovered

Those Imperial dogs! They deliberately left the freighter of R2 units there
for you to capture. It seems there was some hidden programming in their
subroutines, and once placed into the X-Wings, they executed said programming,
and now three of your fellow pilots are being hijacked and taken to the
Invincible! This must be prevented at all costs; not only is the technology
of the X-Wing invaluable to the Alliance, but the knowledge of the pilots
would surely give the Empire an advantage in battle.

You have to act fast in order to make this mission ten times easier. Focus
solely on the X-Wing that is in front of you, and disable it immediately; let
your wingmen take care of the other two; they can do so effectively.

With that taken care of, you can move to intercept that incoming group of
T/Is. Granted, there's plenty of distance between you and them, but they're
going after the X-Wings, not you, which means you need to shoot them down
quickly. Shuttles will hyper in, dock with the X-Wings, and recover them, and
the Maximus will hyper in to recover all the involved craft. Simply buy them
enough time to complete the operation, and then get out of there yourself; it
seems there have been further developments in this campaign.

Mission 8: Rescue Sullustan Tech Staff

Craft: Y-Wing Red 1 (you), TRN group Rescue
Objectives: TRN group Lambda (Lambda 4) must be boarded
TRN group Omicron (Omicron 5) must be boarded
TRN Rescue 1 must complete mission
TRN Rescue 2 must complete mission

It seems the true intent of Operation: Strike Fear has revealed itsef: a
full-on invasion of Sullust. However, Command believes that this can be turned
in their favor. A transfer of Sullustan prisoners is underway,and you are to
spearhead a daring rescue operation. Perhaps this gesture will convince the
Sullustans to meet and possibly join the Rebellion as a powerful ally.

The two transports you have to disable are Omicron 5 and Lambda 4. The
others are simply carrying stormtroopers, so do not disable them. The game
mechanics are such that once you disable two of the transports, the rescue
transports will hyper in and dock, whether they contain the prisoners or
not. When you've successfully identified the two transports, disable them
and get ready for the hard part.

You are now the only defense for the capture operation, so you will need to
take down any of the TIE Fighters and Interceptors going after the transports!
This can be quite difficult, especially considering the Interceptors have
much more speed than you do. You'll have to do some fancy flying and crack
shooting to keep them at bay.

Fortunately, the boarding operations do not take long, so the sooner you can
disable those transports, the better. Your transports will hyper in quick,
do their deed, and bolt almost immediately. When they do, get out of there
yourself, but be careful when you hyper out. If you're in the wrong place,
you'll end up getting a message saying an object is in the way, and you'll
find yourself right next to the pair of frigates! Make sure this doesn't
happen, or you'll find yourself ripped to shreds!

Mission 9: Diplomatic Summit at Sullust

Craft: A-Wing Red (you - Red 2), CRV group DS, SHU Freedom I, SHU
Objectives: FRG Sor-Sull II must complete mission
SHU Freedom I must complete mission
SHU Sar X must complete mission
TRN group Cosof must complete mission
TRN group Tector must complete mission

As a direct result of your actions, the Sullustans have agreed to a top-secret

diplomatic summit. Only the highest personnel are privy to this information,
yet despite this, you and a wingman have been assigned to guard the summit.

First off, get off your wingman's tail! I always did hate being so close to
anything that you can see it in such detail. Next, start charging your
shields; you're going to need it. Significant time will pass, but ultimately
the enemy will arrive, and it is certainly a familiar sight by now. While the
Invincible won't pose a threat by itself, the TIEs it will launch are more
than plenty.

Initially, you'll see a wave of fighters and a wave of bombers. Destroy the
bombers first, then take care of the fighters. Replacement waves of fighters
and interceptors will continue to harass you while the summit takes place.
Just buy enough time for them to do what they need to do. When the last wave
of bombers launches, you'll know you're close to finishing up. Ultimately, the
Invincible will run out of fighters to throw at you, so just sit back, let
the small craft return to their hangars, and wait for both sides to withdraw.
When they all have done so, you can call this mission a success and head back
to base.

Mission 10: Rescue Sullustan Leader

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), X-Wing group Gold, SHU Rescue 1
Objectives: SHU must be boarded
SHU Rescue 1 must complete mission

In a desperate act, the Empire has kidnapped the leader of the Sullustan
people. The thought here is if the Empire can parlay this to their advantage,
then the Sullustans will fall back on their agreement with the Rebellion. To
prevent this from going through, a crack operation has been devised. You, and
one wingman, will move in to disable his shuttle and cover a rescue operation.
If all goes according to plan, the Sullustans will be soliified as allies.

I'm not gonna lie to ya here; this mission can be VERY difficult to complete,
cause of a particularly nasty surprise. You'll see five shuttles in front of
you when you start this mission. One will be your target, and will continually
make its way to the Invincible. The other four will actually engage you in
combat! Not only are their lasers more powerful than what you see on the
fighters, but their sluggishness actually makes them quite dangerous
opponents. My advice is to use your proton torpeodes to take them out from
a distance, then move to engage all fighters and interceptors. You want a
clear shot when disabling the one remaining shuttle.

Once you've successfully neutralized your target shuttle, immediately head

towards the Invincible. TIE Interceptors will launch and target your rescue
shuttle. Considering your wingman and the two X-Wings will hyper home once
you've disable the shuttle, you're all that stands in the way of a massacre.
If you have any torpedoes left, feel free to launch one at one of the fighters
from a good distance, then close in and use your lasers to blast the remaining
ones. Repeat the process until the rescue shuttle has completed its operation
and gotten out of the area. Once it has, head home, and consider yourself
lucky ya got out of there in one piece.

Mission 11: Capture Staff from Cygnus

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red ), TRN Lightning
Objectives: TRN Kappa must be boarded
TRN Lightning must complete mission

Finally, the Sullustans have agreed to join the Alliance. In addition, they
have a plan to stop Operation: Strike Fear dead in its tracks, but in order
to do so, they need two pieces. The first piece involves technicians from the
Cygnus company. They produce many spacecraft, including the shuttles the
Imperial Navy uses.

Your task here is to clear out the defenses and identify which transport has
the tech staff on board. Seems easy enough, right? Be cautious; with all of
these craft so clustered together, try to keep an eye on what's around you.
Collisions make for really frustrating moments in this game. Start by taking
down any stationary craft while at the same time keeping attacking craft off
your tail. With most of the clutter out of the way, identify the transport
and keep at the fighters that will launch from the freighters.

Once your transport has docked and "convinced" the staff to work with them,
your mission is complete. Feel free to destroy any remaining craft before
you leave; any loss to Imperial forces is a welcome boon to your own.

Mission 12: Recover Explosive Warhead

Craft: Y-Wing Red 1 (you), SHU Herald, FRT Gafra
Objectives: SHU Herald must complete mission
FRT Gafra must be recovered

This mission will seem easy at first, but its a bit of a ploy. The mines are
not the true danger here, though they can pose a threat if you're not quick
enough on the trigger and the stick. The real surprise comes later.

First, pump your charged laser power into your shields and set your laser
recharge rate to max. Next, start taking out the mines. When the field is
clear, you're clear to disable the freighter (despite the fact its not moving,
you still have to disable it. Once done, your shuttle will hyper in to capture
the freighter. But its not over yet. Enemy shuttles and transports will hyper
in to attempt their own capture of the freighter, and worse yet is that their
shuttles will attack you! Combat them carefully; you don't want to crash into
them. When they're dispatched, take out those transports.

Once the freighter is safely away, your mission will be complete. Return to
base to watch a cutscene of the warhead you just recovered being put to use:
a commando shuttle will unload it onto the Invincible, and once it departs,
the bomb explodes, taking the Invincible with it! Score one for the Alliance!

For your efforts in destroying the Invincible and convincing the Sullustans to
join the Rebellion, Mon Mothma will award you the Corellian Cross, your first
tour medal. Congratulations!

B. The Great Search

Mission 1: Rescue from Star's End

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), SHU Drago, FRT Genue
Objectives: FRT Genue must be recovered
TRN Lambda must be destroyed
SHU Drago must complete mission

As you may have seen in a training mission, Mytus VII is a dreaded prison
world known as the "Star's End," where even the most daring of rescue attempts
is often foiled. Its time to break that chain. Two pilots have stowed away on
an ore freighter, and an Imperial patrol has stopped it for an inspection. A
transport, bearing stormtroopers, is about to board and discover your allies,
so you must act fast!

First things first, take down the fighter escorts; this'll make it a lot
easier for you to destroy the transport. Now, here's the critical part of the
mission. You need to destroy that transport w/o damaging the freighter. Align
yourself with the freighter so that you can target the docked transport while
not hitting the freighter. Use your concussion missiles if you must, but
lasers will do the trick. Just make sure your tail is clear; otherwise, you
will get blasted out of the sky for certain!

With the transport gone, turn your attention to the waves, upon waves, of
fighters and interceptors that will target you and your wingman. The fighters
won't pose too much of a threat, but the interceptors can give you a bit of
trouble. Also, keep your eyes open for a trio of bombers that will launch an
attack the freighter. Take them out before they launch their torpedoes!! One
wave will replace it, so take it out as well!

Meanwhile, provided no fighters make it through, the SHU Drago will hyper in,
perform its capture operation, and then make its way into hyperspace. Keep
your eyes peeled, though; if any of the fighter screen make its way close and
start to harass either the shuttle or the freighter, then take it out.

Ultimately, with enough time, the freighter will be captured and will make its
way into hyperspace. Just keep fighting through the waves of fighters and
interceptors in the meantime; they'll tend to focus their attention on you and
let the freighter go. Once it is safely away, your mission will be complete,
so book it on outta there.

Mission 2: Rescue Wookie Slaves

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), Y-Wing group Blue, TRN Rescue 1
Objectives: TRN Rescue 1 must complete mission
FRT Toral must be boarded
Seems those pilots you rescued were more valuable than you originally thought.
In addition to being more-than-capable pilots, they possessed some valuable
intelligence regarding a secret Imperial weapons project. They also had
details of a transfer of Wookies that were en route to the project site. By
freeing them, not only do you gain even more information regarding this
project, but you also help out your comrades-in-arms in the process. Win-win.

Things aren't as they seem, though. It seems the Empire has finally played
their ace in the hole: the Assault Gunboat. Oh man do I hate these things,
especially in later missions. Not only are they heavily armed (lasers, ion
cannons, and concussion missiles), but they also have something you haven't
yet seen from the Imperial starfighter fleet: shields! Throw in the fact that
they're hyperspace-capable, and you've got a foe that's on par with your own
forces. Combat them carefully; they have this horrible tendency to slow down
once their shields are almost out, and ramming into them is almost certain
doom for you.

Once you've taken out the gunboats, rip through the TIE defenses and identify
the freighter. Once done, the Y-Wings will go to work while you can turn your
attention to the support waves of fighters from the Intrepid. Believe me; they
will keep you occupied. While you're taking care of them, your rescue team
will hyper in, board the freighter, and then escape. At this point you can
wipe up the remaining TIEs, or you can head home; its your call. Its also up
to you if you want to destroy the freighter, but you don't have to.

Mission 3: Attack Weapons Convoy

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), Y-Wing group Gold, X-Wing Blue
Objectives: SHU group Kappa must be destroyed
CRV group Hyko must be destroyed
TRN group Epsilon must be destroyed
TRN group Lambda must be destroyed
FRT Uhuru must be destroyed
FRT The Tone must be destroyed

As expected, the Wookies were on their way to a top-secret military

construction site, the location of which was not known even to them. However,
they did relay information regarding a supply convoy that is en route to the
site, but is making a stop near Orron III. By destroying it, Command hopes to
slow down the project enough to give Intelligence enough time to learn more
about it.

You'll have a little time to prepare before the convoy hypers in, so use it
to charge your shields and maneuver towards the com-sat. Follow your comrades
in turning towards it, then wait for the first two craft (the corvettes) to
hyper in. You'll notice torpedoes fly at one of them, so use your own torps
to target the other; use 4 to lower its shields, but, as tempting as it may
be, do not destroy it outright. Instead, make passes on both of them with your
ion cannons to disable them.

This is all you'll have time for initially, as you'll be faced with the threat
of incoming gunboats. Joy. Use your lasers to lower their shields, then switch
to ion cannons to disable them. This'll prevent future waves from taking their
place and allow you to focus on the convoy. When all the gunboats that are
attacking you are dealt with, switch your focus to the shuttles and the
transports that are closest to you. The freighters can wait, as they are too
slow to make it to their hyper point before you can get to them.

With the smaller craft out of the way, go after the two freighters. If you
have any torpedoes left, feel free to use them, then finish the targets with
your lasers. Score one for the Alliance!

With all craft neutralized, your mission will be complete. Though, if you're
confident, feel free to help your wingmen take out the last of the gunboats
(if they're still around, that is; the Y-Wing isn't exactly designed for

Mission 4: Cpature Stolen Freighter

Craft: Y-Wing Red 1 (you), SHU Wilsey, FRT Phoenix
Objectives: FRT Phoenix must be recovered
SHU Wilsey must complete mission

You're flying alone on this one, and I can promise you it won't be easy right
from the get-go. A freighter carrying the latest Imperial satellites has
broken down, and an Imperial repair and capture operation is ongoing. Armed
shuttles are providing cover for a transport grou looking to dock and repair
your target craft. One Y-Wing should be enough to take them all down, right?

First off, be very, very careful when going up against the shuttles. Not only
will you be out-numbered at first, but you may well also be outmaneuvered. A
bad situation to be in, no question. Just keep focused on one at a time, and
never stay still for too long; the lasers on these shuttles does more damage
than those from any of the fighters.

With the shuttles clear, take out the transports. They won't put up much of a
fight, so use your lasers exclusively. With all craft out of the way, your
shuttle will hyper in, dock with the freighter, and capture it. This'll take
a few minutes, so use the time to charge your lasers and shields. But if you
thought your task was all but done, you're about to be proven wrong.

Once the freighter is captured, the Intrepid will hyper in! Seems you've been
spotted, and you're about to be turned to slag if you don't act. Immediately
head towards the Intrepid and intercept the waves of fighters and bombers that
will launch. The fighters will go after you, but the bombers will set up for
torpedo runs on the captured freighter, so make sure you take them out

It will take some time, but the freighter will eventually make its way into
hyperspace. Once it has done so, get out of there yourself. This freighter's
contents are far too valuable for anyone other than you to protect.

Mission 5: Protect Captured Satellite

Craft: A-Wing Red 1 (you), FRT Phoenix, FRT Ojai, CRS Maximus,
X-Wing Group Blue
Objectives: FRT Phoenix must be boarded
FRT Ojai must complete mission
CRS Maximus must arrive

What is touted as an "easy" mission can turn out to be anything but unless you
act very quickly. You'll see the freighter that was captured in the last
operation, but the problem is its not alone. The Intrepid has pursued it all
the way to this point, and is launching an attack on it using interceptors and
bombers. Uh-oh!

First off, take out the interceptors; with their speed, they'll be hard to
catch should they get by you, even in your A-Wing. Next, the bombers. Your
missiles will come in handy here. But be careful; they, too, will launch
missiles at you! Juke around and dodge if you have to, but also do your best
to shoot them out of the sky.
Subsequent waves will launch and come after you, and on top of that, fighters
will start to replace interceptors. However, there is an end to all of this.
It may seem like the Intrepid has an unlimited supply of fighters, but it
does not. Once you've exhausted its supplies of fighters, the Intrepid will
make its way into hyperspace. At that point, all you have to do is wait for
the Maximus and the Ojai to arrive, complete the operation, and then get out
of there. Its too bad those X-Wings couldn't have been sent in advance. No
use crying over it now. Follow the Ojai and head into hyperspace; the last
part of this mission is about to unfold, and your services are needed to
ensure its success.

Mission 6: Ambush in the Crom Drift

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), TRN Magnus, FRT Ojai, CRV Jeffrey
Objectives: CRV Jeffrey must complete mission

Command has decided to utilize the captured Com-Sats to listen in on Imperial

chatter and try to find out what the huge project is. The Crom Drift, an
asteroid field outside of major Imperial shipping lanes, is a perfect spot for
a covert op such as this. Your task here is to ensure the transfer of the
satellites, from the freighter to an awaiting corvette, flows smoothly and
without interruption.

In addition to your freighter, a supply transport has made its way in to

restock the corvette. However, it looks like you've been spotted by an
Imperial gunboat patrol. Blast. Time to go to work. But don't let yourself get
completely distracted by the gunboats. The real enemy here is much, much

Keep your eyes open for enemy transports. They are the true threat here. Your
corvette is able to defend itself against the gunboats, and your wingman will
also be of assistance there. However, the transport will launch torpedoes at
both the freighter and the corvette, so you need to not only take it out, but
also use your lasers to target any incoming torpedoes (with enough practice,
you'll be able to aim effectively). Ultimately, four transports will hyper in,
and if you destroy them all, you'll be in a pretty decent position to succeed.

Once the transfer is complete and the corvette has entered hyperspace, head
home and watch the cutscene of the satellites being disseminated across the
area, and the listening post that picks up a transmission of the technical
blueprints and readout of the newest Imperial superweapon, the Death Star.

(On a side note, why were the complete technical readings for the Death Star
available on any channel whatsoever? Who in their right mind would allow for
such a thing to happen?)

Mission 7: Protect a Disabled X-Wing

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), X-Wing Blue, CRV Group Tantive
Objectives: X-Wing Blue must complete mission
SHU Rescue 1 must complete mission

Considering how valuable this data is to the survival of the Alliance, there
was no way that this information would be transmitted over any frequency.
Instead, a lone X-Wing was dispatched as a courier to deliver the data to
High Command. However, a hyperdrive failure has left the craft stranded and
in immediate need of repairs. God forbid the Imperials stumble upon it first;
everything the Alliance has worked for would be ruined, just like "that."

Use the little time you have to charge your shields, and prepare for the
arrival of numerous gunboats. If you haven't learned to hate these things
just yet, then this mission will teach you. Again, the true danger lies in a
much sneakier craft. While you and your wingmen are distracted, an enemy
shuttle will hyper in and try to capture the disabled X-Wing. Prevent this
from happening at any cost. Hell, use your missiles if you have to; just do
not let it dock, and if it does, blast it away before it succeeds in its task!

Once you've destroyed all three of the shuttles (they'll hyper in one at a
time as each one is destroyed), your allies will hyper in, and I have to
say I've rarely been happier to see friendly faces. Three corvettes will
provide cover while your own rescue shuttle docks, repairs the X-Wing, and
then departs. The X-Wing will not be far behind. Once both craft are safely
away, get out of there fast. Those gunboats are too numerous to handle for
too long, even for the most skilled of pilots.

Mission 8: Stop Hyperdrive Replacement

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing group Blue
Objectives: FRT Kian III must be destroyed
FRT Kian V must be destroyed

It seems an opportunity has presented itself to take out an important Imperial

asset in this sector. The Intrepid was involved in an accident (though, I must
ask; how does one "miss" something as big as a Frigate?), and now it requires
a new hyperdrive. Five freighters, two carrying the necessary hardware, are
preparing to unload their cargo onto the Intrepid. The task here is simple:
destroy the hyperdrive replacement, and strand the Intrepid.

I won't lie; this mission can really be a pain if you go about it in the wrong
way, and you'll find out why very shortly. First, start charging your shields
and help take out the initial fighter screen. Next, you'll need to find the
two freighters carrying the hyperdrive hardware. They are Kian III and Kian V,
respectively. Use lasers on the one you are closest to, and then fire ALL of
your torpedoes at the other to destroy it completely. That will finish your
task quickly and efficiently.

Wait, did I say it was going to be a pain? Oh yes, I did. The problem here is
time. If you stick around too long, and/or get too close to the Intrepid, you
will trigger the launch of large squadrons of TIE Interceptors! It is honestly
quite overwhelming. Literally, you'll be facing a dozen interceptors at once,
and your A-Wing escorts have a tendency to get overwhelmed, so you may well
be facing 12-1, or greater, odds. Worst of all is the fact that these waves
are non-stop. Just for kicks, I once stuck around (after completing the
mission, of course,) to see how long it would take before fighter waves stopped
spawning. I literally had destroyed over one hundred Interceptors before I had
enough. Needless to say, you need to get in, do your job, and get out; no
fooling around this time.

With the two freighters destroyed, hyper home; phase 2 is about to begin.

Mission 9: Take Out Intrepid's Escort

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), X-Wing Blue
Objectives: CRV Viper 1 must be destroyed
CRV Viper 2 must be destroyed
CRV Viper 3 must be destroyed
GUN group Tau must be destroyed
GUN group Mu must be destroyed
GUN group Rho must be destroyed

Imperial forces have rallied around the Intrepid to form a defense against
any further attack. The next phase of the plan involves taking out these
defenses to leave the Intrepid essentially helpless.

First, start charging your shields as quickly as possible. Next, order your
wingmen to attack the Corvette that is furthest away from you, while you
launch four torps each at the other two corvettes. By this point, you'll have
no choice but to break off and start engaging the gunboats. They'll put up one
hell of a fight, too. Some, but not all, of those buggers will use missiles
against you! Take them out, and quickly; they do not fool around one bit.

With the first two waves of gunboats suppressed, move towards disabling the
corvettes; if all is going according to plan, all three will have no shields,
so it'll be quite easy to destroy them once their guns are silenced. If you
must, break off and destroy the last wave of gunboats before finishing off
the corvettes.

Once finished, return home; the climax of this operation is about to begin,
and you are to play the key role in it!

Mission 10: Destroy the Intrepid

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), Y-Wing group Blue, A-Wing group Gold
Objectives: ISD Intrepid must be destroyed

it is finally time to destroy the Intrepid once and for all! But to do so,
its shields must first be taken out. Otherwise, it will simply withstand
everything that we have to throw at it. Your task will be to take down the
two shield generators that lie atop the bridge of the Star Destroyer.

Before you charge head-on into battle, take the time to charge your shields
and help take out some of the fighters and, in particular, those pesky
bombers (they fire missiles with excessive frequency). Keep them off your
tail, and make your way towards your target. Don't rush; the last thing you
want is to get there and then immediately be blasted out of the sky.

Once in range, switch to your photon torpedoes. Three torps for each of the
two generators will take the shields completely down, leaving the Intrepid
wide open to attack. But that was the easy part; the hard part is about to
begin. You STILL have to deal with the influx of fighters, bombers,
interceptors, and even a wave of assault gunboats that ultimately proves to
be the last line of defense.

Let the Y-Wings, and their copious amounts of torpedoes, send the Intrepid
into oblivion; what you need to focus on here is staying alive long enough
to see it happen. When it finally bites the big one, draw a breath and
rejoice; you and your allies have, for the first time in the history of the
Alliance, taken down a Star Destroyer in a direct assault. Finish up any
remaining Imperial forces, then head home to celebrate.

Mission 11: Deliver Plans to Princess Leia

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), X-Wing group Gold, CRV Tantive IV,
SHU Maria
Objectives: CRV Tantive IV must complete mission
SHU Maria must arrive

The data on the Death Star must be hand-delivered to High Command, and the one
chosen for this task is none other than the young Princess Leia Organa, an
Imperial Senator from Alderaan who is, in fact, one of the strongest
supporters of the Alliance. Under the guise of diplomacy, she is to deliver
the data to her father, Senator Bail Organa, one of the founders of the
Alliance, who in turn will pass the info along to the upper echelons of the
Alliance Command.

Before this can happen, though, you must identify which corvette she is on;
for the utmost secrecy, the transponder on her corvette has been turned off,
which means you must inspect the corvettes until you find the one that has
the precious cargo. Once you do so successfully, the shuttle will hyper in and
move to dock.

Just when you think all is going smoothly, a star destroyer will hyper in
awfully close to your location and launch several gunboats to attack. A closer
inspection shows that this ship is none other than Vader's personal ship,
the Immortal! Fortunately, it will hyper away after it launches the gunboats,
so that's one breath of fresh air.

Take out those gunboats quickly; you must ensure that Leia's ship receives the
data and makes its way out of the area. Once it does so, head home.

After completing this mission, you'll see a cutscene involving Leia receiving
the plans for the Death Star. Unfortunately, she is unaware of the INTENSE
pursuit of her, spearheaded by none other than Darth Vader himself. Believe
me when I say he is confident he'll get her.

Mission 12: Protect Princess Leia

Craft: A-Wing Red (you - Red 2), X-Wing Gold, CRV Tantive IV, CRS Liberty
Objectives: Corvette Tantive IV must complete mission

It seems plans have changed. Rather than make the journey aboard the Liberty,
it seems Leia is going to have to make a run for it on her corvette, as the
Immortal has already caught up to her and launched a full-on assault! You are
all that stands in the way of defeat, so let's get to it!

This is going to be a tough task, but it is absolutely do-able. First off,

take out at least two or three of the interceptors as quickly as possible; if
one gets by, its not the worst thing in the world. The real danger here is
the bombers that are setting up for their runs. You absolutely need to cut
them off before they get in range. Unfortunately for you, some aren't going
after the corvette; they're going after you, with missiles nonetheless! Throw
in a trio of gunboats that'll hyper in just as you're about to reach the
bombers. Oh, and they'll launch missiles at you too. I hope you're ready to
execute some fancy flying.

First off, note that your missile complement is half of what it usually is;
you have six missiles instead of the usual twelve. Therefore, you'll have to
use them quite sparingly. Second, if you take too much time in dealing with
the enemies on your tail, the other bombers will make their way into range
of the corvette and launch their assault. Don't let that happen. Take them out
ASAP. Unfortunately, more bombers will launch when you've destroyed the first
waves, but the distance between the Immortal and your location is significant
enough that it may not matter. Besides; you'll still have the gunboats to deal
with, and when they're gone, more will take their place. This is going to be
a fight up until the end.

If any of the attacking craft made it through, then burn rubber to get to them
before they destroy the corvette. It will take some time, and a lot of
practice, but it is possible to successfully complete this mission. Heck, even
I don't usually get through this without the corvette suffering significant
damage, usually bordering on "one more hit and I'm done for."
When the Tantive IV makes it successfully into hyperspace, your mission will
be complete (though for anyone who's watched the movies, we all know what will
happen eventually). Take care of any gunboats or bombers that are harassing
you, then head home. Successful completion of this tour will net you the
Mantooine Medallion. Wear it with pride, pilot!

C. The Gathering Storm

Mission 1: Guard Weapons Transfer

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), FRT Sidral II, Continer group Duras,
CRV Frazier
Objectives: CRV Frazier must complete mission
FRT Sidral II must complete mission

Anticipating a large, perhaps decisive, battle on the horizon, High Command

has made it a priority to gather supplies and forces together to combat the
Death Star. Your task here is to oversee a transfer of weapons that will be
used in the upcoming battle.

First off, take out the nearby TIE Fighters; with your A-Wing, this should be
a breeze. Next, move to intercept the incoming TIE Bombers. There is enough
distance between them and the transfer site that you should have no worries
about them firing their warheads. Use your missiles to take them out, but
switch to guns if you get up close and personal. The Star Destroyer is too
far away to launch effective follow-up waves, and it also will not launch any
further bomber attacks. Just engage the fighter waves until both the Corvette
and the Freighter make it into hyperspace. When they do, head home yourself,
as your mission will be complete.

Mission 2: Destroy Repair Dock

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 2)
Objectives: FRT Repair Dock must be destroyed
T/F group Beta must be destroyed
T/F group Delta must be destroyed
T/B group Zeta must be destroyed
T/B group Gamma must be destroyed
TRN group Lambda must be destroyed
SHU group Omega must be destroyed

Mission 3: Capture Military Transport

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), X-Wing group Gold
Objectives: TRN Omicron 1 must be recovered

This mission is harder than it seems, because for some reason the transport
can't just hyper away; it has to make it into a frigate that will hyper in
once your target is captured. Compounding this fact is that six, yes, six
gunboats will hyper on to make your life a living hell, in addition to the
Immortal, which will launch its fighters and bombers to assist. Yuck.

First off, disable one of each of the groups of gunboats, and order your
wingmen to ignore those targets or, better yet, attack other ones; by doing
so, you'll ensure that future gunboat waves are not sent in. Brilliant, huh?
Next, go after an enemy transport that will hyper and and attempt to destroy
your captured transport. By this time, the Immortal should have arrived and
launched fighters and bombers to also attack your transport. Order your
wingmen to attack them, all the while keeping those two gunboats alive, but
unable to do a damn thing.

Keep at your enemy, and the transport will eventually make its way into the
frigate's hangar. When it does, your mission will be complete. Head home; your
services are needed once again.

Mission 4: Scramble!
Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 3), A-Wing group Blue, CRS Defiance
Objectives: CRS Defiance must complete mission

Uh-oh! It looks like your ship, the Defiance, has been spotted by an Imperial
patrol, led by none other than Darth Vader's flagship, the Immortal! You need
to buy some time for the Defiance to escape into hyperspace.

The fighters will target you, and they won't put up too much of a fight. The
key, therefore, is to intercept all those bomber runs from the Immortal. You
should have little trouble getting to them in time. Keep after them; it will
take a bit of time for the Defiance to get away, and the Immortal has quite
the large number of bombers to throw at you.

Ultimately, the Defiance will make its escape; follow after it, as this is the
last place you should be right now.

Mission 5: Intercept & Capture

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 1)
Objectives: CRV Godar must be boarded
SHU Rescue 1 must complete mission

Command has learned that the chief designer of the Death Star, Bevel Lemelisk,
is en route to the Death Star from Coruscant, and a daring attempt to capture
him has been planned.

First, use your torps to lower the Godar's shields, then turn towards getting
rid of those pesky fighters. Your wingmen, if able enough, should be able to
disable the Godar; if not, do so yourself. When Rescue 1 hypers in, be certain
to give it the time and cover it needs; it can't take a lot of damage. The
Immortal is close by and will launch wave after wave of fighters, so be aware.

Once the boarding operation is complete, provide cover for your shuttle until
it escapes, then get the heck out of there yourself. Coruscant is not the
the best place to be if you're a Rebel.

Mission 6: Destroy Imperial Base

Craft: X-Wing Red group (you - Red 1)
Objectives: Container group Chi must be destroyed
Container group Pi must be destroyed
Container group Psi must be destroyed
FRT group Diputs must be destroyed

First, order your wingmen to WAIT!! The mines will rip them apart before they
have a chance to get to their targets. Clear out the minefield yourself, but
do so quickly, as time is of the essence. There are quite a few of them.

With the mines clear, order your wingmen to proceed with their mission and
start picking off the containers one by one. Use your lasers, as you will want
to save your torps for the freighters that will come in. When they do, go
after one of them while you immediately order your wingmen to target the
second. If you're not quick enough, they'll hyper away and you'll have to
start all over again.

After some time has passed, gunboats will begin entering and harassing you;
break off your assault and deal with them accordingly. Hopefully your wingmen
will put up a good fight, but odds are you'll lose them.

Once all the containers are destroyed and freighters are destroyed, make your
way home. The next phase of the plan is about to get underway, and you're
needed to ensure its success.

Mission 7: Destroy Priam's Escort

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing group Blue
Objectives: CRV Dar ES 1 must be destroyed
CRV Dar ES 2 must be destroyed
CRV Dar ES 3 must be destroyed
TRN Omega must be destroyed

This can be a doozie if you go about this mission the wrong way. First off,
let the A-Wings take care of the fighters at first; they're much more able
to than you in your Y-Wing. Next, order your wingmen to target one of the
corvettes while you go after another. Use only 4 torpedoes, and then switch
to ions to disable it.

With that out of the way, order your wingmen to destroy the other corvette
while you start taking out some of those annoying mines and fighters. When the
second group of escorts arrive (a third Corvette and a transport), use your
remaining torps on the corvette while you order your wingmen (if they're still
around) to target the transport. Disable that corvette ASAP and then finish it
with lasers.

All while this is going on, you are going to need to dodge the fire of the
Priam if you end up getting to close, and make sure you don't fire on it
accidentally! With the last of its escorts destroyed, get on out of there;
you've done your job, and now its time to finish the task!

Mission 8: Capture the Frigate Priam

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), Y-Wing group Gold
Objectives: FRG Priam must be recovered

Under normal circumstances, a torpedo run to destroy the Priam would be more
than appropriate, but given the extremely valuable data in its nav computer,
High Command has made the decision to capture the Frigate and all its data.
You have been selected to fly escort for the groups of Y-Wings that will move
to disable the Priam.

The Priam's remaining defenses are slim, but still formidable. The fighters
will not put up too much of a fight, but the mines will rip those Y-Wings to
shreds, so take them out at your earliest convenience. After that, continue to
down the few fighters and make passes yourself at the Frigate in an attempt to
lower its shields.

When the Priam is disabled, a veritable fleet of Rebel capture craft will
hyper in and board the Priam. One of the transports will dock, while the other
craft will enter the Priam's hangar. Keep guard over this highly vulnerable
phase of the operation. When the crew surrenders and the craft falls to your
side's control, it will immediately hyper out of the area, thus completing
the mission. Head home; there is a great amount of data to examine.

After you hyper away, you'll see a cutscene of the Death Star firing its
superlaser for the first time on its construction site, the planet Despayre.
Tarkin looks quite pleased with the results, though Vader chides him with one
of my favorite quotes: "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant, next
to the power of the Force."
Mission 9: Capture Ethar I and II
Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), Y-Wing group Blue, Y-Wing group Gold
Objectives: SHU Rogue 1 must complete mission
SHU Rogue 2 must complete mission
CRV Ethar I must be recovered
CRV Ethar II must be recovered

This is going to be a real doozie. Your wingmen will not last long against
these gunboats, so ultimately, success or failure will depend solely upon
you. Let the Y-Wings take care of the Corvettes while you take on wave after
wave of gunboats.

If you, by some chance, do get a break in the action, use it to charge your
shields and lasers; not only can the gunboats take a beating, but they can
dish one out as well. Also, when the first few waves are finished, more will
pop in as the corvettes are captured and making their way out of the area.
Only when they, along with your two shuttles, make it to hyperspace can you
exit the fray. It won't be easy, but it is quite possible. Just remember not
to get overwhelming odds against you. Focus on one gunboat at a time, and do
NOT get drawn into the range of the corvettes before they are disabled. I
cannot stress that enough.

Mission 10: Guard Vital Supply Depot

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1)
Objectives: A-Wing group Blue must arrive
50% of Container group ZL must complete mission
50% of Container group LT must complete mission
50% of Container group XZ must complete mission

Sensing the threat that the Death Star poses to their very existence, the
Rebellion is gathering its forces for a defense of its home base on Yavin. To
this end, forces are en route to various supply stations to gather needed
weapons and other goods. Your task is to guard this supply station until
reinforcements arrive to relieve you.

Of course, it seems a lot simpler than it actually is. A frigate will hyper in
right smack dab in the middle of the depot and wipe out half of it with its
own turrets! Suddenly success seems a lot harder. Fortunately, it only carries
waves of TIE Bombers, easily taken out in your superior craft. Use missiles
if you must, but lasers will more than suffice.

Keep at the many waves of T/Bs; do not let them make any attack runs on the
containers. It will seem repetitive after a while, but it truly could be much
worse. When A-Wing group Blue arrives, you can head home and let them take
over the battle.

When you return to base, you'll see a cutscene of the Death Star blowing up
Alderaan, though for some reason, Leia and Vader are not there to witness it,
as they are in the movie. Its only Tarkin. Talk about a discontinuity.

Mission 11: Defend the Independence

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing group Blue, X-Wing group Gold,
CRS Independence
Objectives: CRS Independence must complete mission

Well crap. The Immortal has managed to find your flagship, the Independence,
and its carrying almost all of High Command. It won't matter the outcome if
your leadership is destroyed before the battle even begins, so prevent this
from happening!

You'll have to pick off the initial waves of bombers while simultaneously
avoiding the fire of escorting gunboats. Don't be too worried if some of the
bombers get through; the Independence is one tough cookie, and can take quite
a beating, even after losing her shields. Just make sure that not too many
of them are able to launch their torpedoes.

With the initial waves clear, move quickly to intercept the subsequent attacks
and buy enough time for High Command to high-tail it outta here. The sooner
you can take those initial waves out, the better; you want as much distance
between you and the Independence when engaging.

Once High Command has made it to safety, get yourself there as well. The time
has come to confront the Empire and their superweapon at Yavin, the site of
your main base.

Mission 12: Begin Death Star Assault

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), A-Wing group Blue
Objectives: Destroy the Com-Sat

The first phase of the Battle of Yavin, where the ultimate goal is the utter
destruction of a space station the size of the moon, starts with but the
smallest of communication satellites. However, it plays a huge role, as w/o
it, the Imperials will have no way to call for reinforcements.

Before you make a mad dash for the com-sat, take care of some of these pesky
fighters first, namely the bombers and the gunboats. You will also see the
debut of a fearsome foe: the TIE Advanced. It has more speed than the T/I,
the same quad laser cannons, and, get this, shields and a hyperdrive! Thank
GOD you haven't had to go up against any of these yet, because they are quite
the foe indeed. Take them out asap, then continue to make your way to the

Don't waste too much time; the frigate has plenty of bombers and fighters to
launch at you. You'll know you're close when the frigate starts firing on
you; that's your cue to take aim, fire, and get the hell out of there, and I
suggest you do so as soon as you get the message that your mission is
complete; that frigate will blast you clear out of the sky. Your X-Wing is
needed for the next part of the battle.

Mission 13: Attack Death Star Surface

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 2)
Objectives: Container Hangar (x4) must be destroyed
All turrets within a 2 click radius of the Nav Buoy must be

Welcome to the surface of the Death Star, a barren place indeed, and littered
with laser turrets. The second phase of this assault involves clearing an area
of all defenses, including laser turrets and hangars that are launching both
TIE fighters and TIE bombers. Keep your distance from the surface, as you
don't want do draw unneeded fire from those turrets while dogfighting.

There are four containers; two launch T/Fs, one launches T/Bs, and the other
launches T/Is. You can triangulate which one launches what based off the
direction they come at you from. My advice is to take out the one launching
bombers first; they tend to be quite trigger happy with their missiles. You
can use your torpedoes, but make sure its a clean shot; they don't seem to
notice the surface if its between them and their target. When one's down,
move to the next, breaking off only to engage fighters that have made it to
you. Repeat this process until all the containers and fighters have been

With the fighter threat removed, you can start clearing out the surface
defenses around the nav buoy. You'll know when your job is done when you see
the "Mission Complete" message on the bottom of your screen. Just make sure
that, while clearing those turrets, you don't hit any of them, or worse, ram
into the surface. Once you get your message, gain some altitude and hyper
home. The final phase of the battle is about to begin.

Mission 14: Death Star Trench Run

Craft: X-Wing Red 1 (you)
Objectives: Hit the exhaust port with your proton torpedoes!

Here it is; the ultimate mission, and you're in the cockpit! But before you
dive into the trench, charge up your shields and your lasers to full, all the
while taking out those three annoying TIE fighters. Keep juking around and
avoiding the laser fire, and once your shields and lasers are fully charged,
dive right into the trench.

The first thing you'll notice is that your speed will increase drastically.
For the best balance, set your shield recharge rate to normal and your laser
recharge rate to maximum. Also, set your lasers to fire single; you'll need
to, trust me. Last, keep juggling around your shields so that you have as much
of a charge up front as possible, but leave at least a little in your the
rear; there are some cannons that fire at your rear.

It's going to take a while, but keep closing the distance, destroying as many
laser turrets along the way. Pump lasers into your shields as they decrease,
and make sure you don't hit anything! Sometimes, the computer will be cheap
and blast you out of the sky for no reason, but fortunately, your allies
will pick you up (at least they did for me).

When you're around three or so clicks from the port, you'll hear a voice come
over your speaker and say "Stay on Target." That means you're damn close. At
this point, pull up and out of the trench, pump whatever remaining power you
have into your shields, and switch to your torpedo launcher, firing dual mode.
Take aim at the hole, let loose a pair, and pray to GOD you hear "Nice Shot."
That will signify a hit and complete your task, and what a tough one it was.
Holy hell.

Once the torps have made it into the exhaust shaft, you'll see a cutscene
where all Rebel fighters (the ones that survived, including you) get the heck
out of Dodge before the Death Star blows to kingdom come. I never get tired
of that sight. You'll also fly back to base, as the festivities are about to

In a grand ceremony, almost identical to the one at the end of the original
Star Wars movie, Mon Mothma will award you the Star of Alderaan for your
impressive efforts in destroying the Death Star.

D. Imperial Pursuit

Mission 1: Evacuate Yavin

Craft: A-Wing Red 1 (you), CRV group Crescent, FRT group Dobll
Objectives: CRV group Crescent must complete mission

It seems in the wake of the Death Star's destruction, the Empire is out for
a little retaliation. A massive armada of ships has been sent to destroy
the base on Yavin. To prevent a massacre, Command has issued orders to scatter
while a location for a new base is determined. You are to fly point defense
while the last of the personnel and supplies make a run for hyperspace.

First off, the freighters are expendable, so don't make a mad dash over to
them to help defend them; your priority lies in the corvettes, and I can
assure you that they are quite capable of defending themselves against a trio
of gunboats. When you see a frigate hyper in, immediately head towards it to
intercept the fighters and bombers it will launch. The fighters will only
target you, but the bombers will make runs at the corvettes. Use your missiles
to take one or two down from a distance, then finish the others off with guns.
Repeat this process until you've exhausted the waves of bombers.

The important thing here is to keep a balance. Don't get too close to the
frigate, or it will rip you to shreds with its numerous turbolasers, but also
keep the distance between the bombers and the corvettes as high as possible;
last thing you want is for any torpedoes to get launched.

With all the bombers gone, make your way back to the corvettes. By now, a
replacement wave of gunboats will be en route to make a run at them, so do
what you do best; destroy them and ensure the survival of the Alliance! When
all five corvettes have jumped into hyperspace, your mission will be complete.
Return to base; your next mission awaits.

Mission 2: Provide Area Protection

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), TRN group Lebo, TRN group Goat,
SHU group Chipr, FRT group Bo, X-Wing group Blue
Objectives: TRN group Lebo must complete mission
TRN group Goat must complete mission
SHU group Chipr must complete mission
FRT group Bo must complete mission

The fleet continues to scatter, and one hyper point in particular is highly
vulnerable. As such, you have been sent to guard it until relieved. Of course,
it is not a simple assignment by any stretch of the imagination.

Your mission will be to guard two groups of transorts, a group of shuttles,

and a pair of freighters as they hyper in, travel between two nav buoys, and
hyper out. Sounds easy, right? Well, think again. You'll be going up against
waves upon waves of gunboats, and transports as well. The gunboats won't be
too much of a threat to your mission objectives, but the transports will
go after the freighters with torpedoes, so stop them dead in their tracks!

You'll find the transports are pretty quick in making their jump, while
the shuttles aren't too far behind them. Its the freighters that are sluggish,
and as such need the most time. Destroy the transports as they arrive, keep
any gunboats off them and you, and simply wait and see. Even though a star
destroyer will hyper in and launch fighters, it will be too far away to make
any difference.

When all craft have made it to safety, X-Wing group Blue will arrive and
relieve you, so head home and prepare for your next mission.

Mission 3: Evacuate Cruiser Maximus

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing group Blue, SHU Khaaza'k,
SHU T'ur, TRN group Uzbe'k, TRN group Tadjyyyk, CRS Maximus, FRG Anvil
Objectives: SHU T'ur must complete mission
SHU Khaaza'k must complete mission
TRN group Uzbe'k must complete mission
TRN group Tadjyyyk must complete mission

Damn those Imperials. They're really putting forth a beating on your forces,
and have all but overwhelmed the Maximus. There's just enough time to evacuate
most of the crew and officers aboard shuttles and transports, but fighters
and bombers are hot on their tail! You are all that stands in the way between
survival and massacre, so act quickly!

First off, start charging your shields and head directly for the fray. Two
shuttles will launch from the Maximus, carrying the higher-ranking officers.
Because of their proximity to the battle, they are in the most danger. Few
of the craft will target you, so close the distance between you and the
bombers. It will take a while, but the fact is time is your ally here.

Focus on the bombers; with their armament of missiles, they pose the biggest
threat to the shuttles, should they get in range. Without missiles yourself,
you'll have to either use your torps (which are much more easily dodged) or
wait until your in range for your lasers. Hopefully your wingman will be able
to get there a tad quicker and take down one or two. If not, then ensure your
lasers hit their target.

When all small craft have escaped into hyperspace, your task will be complete,
though at a high cost. The loss of a cruiser is significant under any
circumstance. Though the biggest coup is that you survived

Mission 4: Protect Frigate Anvil

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), X-Wing group Gold, FRG Anvil,
CRV Lauhu
Objectives: FRG Anvil must complete mission
CRV Lauhu must complete mission

The Anvil, which survived the destruction of the Maximus, has run out of
supplies and is awaiting a rendezvous with a resuply corvette. Time is of
the essence here. Clearly the enemy has it out for any and all Alliance
forces, and surely they won't be too far behind you.

First off, start charging your shields and immediately head towards the group
of gunboats that will hyper in. Take them out as quickly as possible; hell,
use your missiles if you must; just don't waste time, cause you aren't going
to have a lot to spare.

A frigate will hyper in and drop off bombers and interceptors. Ignore the
latter; they'll target you and you alone. The real threat here is the bombers,
as they're going to set up for torpedo runs on the Anvil. The faster they meet
their end, the better. Only when all the bombers are destroyed should you go
up against the interceptors, but they're not that much of a threat here.

A second frigate will drop out of hyperspace and drop off more bombers and
interceptors. Drop your power from lasers into your engines to close the
gap that much faster. Do what it takes to get to those bombers and wipe them
out! But when you think you've won, a final frigate will hyper in and lauch
even more bombers. On top of that, this frigate is within striking distance
of the Anvil with its own guns! Ouch. Focus all of your efforts on eliminating
the bombers, only breaking off if your own life is in immediate danger.

Once the Anvil and the Lauhu are safely away, your task is done. Wipe up the
remaining fighters and get out of there.
Mission 5: Abandon Ship
Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), Y-Wing group Gold, FRG Anvil,
CRV Hart, TRN TT 4449, TRN TT 4472, TRN TT 4475
Objectives: FRG Anvil must be destroyed
TRN TT 4449 must complete mission
TRN TT 4472 must complete mission
TRN TT 4475 must complete mission
CRV Hart must complete mission

Despite your best efforts, the Anvil suffered irrepairable damaage in its last
encounter, and now it must be abandoned. After evacuating the remaining crew,
you have the task of scuttling the ship, so that it doesn't fall into enemy
hands. Once done, you also must cover the escape of the crew. It won't be an
easy task, but it is do-able.

First off, use what time you have to charge your shields and then move to
engage the initial group of gunboats. You will probably lose one of your
wingmen here, if not both of them, but that's ok. All you're doing here is
buying time for the transports to board and then flee, as well as for the Hart
to dock. You'll soon see a corvette enter the fray. Fire two torps at it, and
order your remaining wingmen to attack it as well. Finish it with lasers.

When you see enemy transports enter the battle, move to engage them. They
won't pose a direct threat to your mission objectives, but that's only if
you don't let them attempt to capture and pilot the Anvil. Once the Hart has
completed docking and starts making a run for it, use your lasers to destroy
it, thereby taking an asset out of the enemy's hands.

Now you must cover the escape of the craft. Move to attack the two corvettes
that are attempting to block the escape route. Use your torps on one, and
finish it with lasers, then make passes at the other one to take it out, but
be careful; its lasers will rip you to shreds unless you are deft in your
movements. Once they're taken care of, you have one final threat in your way.

In a last-ditch effort, waves of gunboats will hyper in to try and take out
your corvette. Fight them off one by one; the Y-Wings will be quite helpful
here. You may have to go through two or three before the Hart makes its jump,
but it will jump. Once it does, clear out any gunboats that are harassing you
and get yourself out of there.

Mission 6A: Guard Repair Operations

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), FRT Op Mus, TRN Jaamn
Objectives: FRT Op Mus must complete mission
TRN Jaamn must complete mission

A feature introduced in the two add-on tours are "choice missions." You have
the option of choosing either A or B. You don't have to do both. Timeline-wise
they take place simultaneously, so you can't be both places at once. That's
why you must choose.

In this mission, a freighter, carrying valuable food that the Alliance so

desperately needs, has broken down and needs repair. A transport, along with
a pair of X-Wings as escort, are being sent in. It will take quite a bit of
time, but the transport will repair the freighter and then both will enter

Your opponents in this mission will be waves upon waves of gunboats, but the
trick here is to ensure as FEW waves enter the battle as possible. That means
stalling for time. Destroy one of the gunboats, then let your wingman just
fool around with the second one. You'll be surprised at how much time will go
by as this happens.

Things will start to heat up, though, when a pair of neutral freighters, with
Y-Wings as escort, hyper into the area. Under no circumstances are you to
attack any of them; not only are they not involved, but the Y-Wings will
actually help you out with taking down the new waves of gunboats. Again, don't
be in a rush to take all of them out. You're buying time here for the repairs
to be complete.

Once the Op Mus is finally repaired, it will make a run for hyperspace
alongside the transport. When safely away, return to base. As valuable as food
is, pilots like yourself are still the most valuable resource the Alliance has
to combat the Empire.

Mission 6B: Protect Supply Convoy

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), Container D3RM3, FRT Trips
Objectives: Container D3RM3 must be boarded
FRT Trips must complete mission

While one group is overseeing the repair of the freighter, another group will
be sent to recover a lost container filled with food supplies. Unfortunately,
Imperial forces have already spotted it and are on their way to either
recover it themselves, or destroy it to prevent it from falling into your
hands. Those dogs.

Now, first off, start charging your shields and move to intercept the incoming
fighters, but don't stray too far from the container. You'll see why shortly.
Let the fighters come to you, and the bombers will have quite a distance to
cover, so you can put them at the back of your head for a while. Once in
range, take out the fighters, then prepare yourself for a surprise.

A corvette will hyper in VERY close to your location, but it is not your
average corvette. It is specially modified to carry a trio of bombers! Because
you're in such close range, once you see it start to hyper in, switch to your
torpedoes and launch ALL of them before it has a chance to deploy its special
payload. Doing so will save you a great deal of hassle further on down the

With the corvette gone, you can finally turn your attention to the bombers,
though if you're lucky, your wingman will take almost all of them down in one
fell swoop. But the fun's not over yet. Start making your way back towards the
container, and even MORE enemies will start to join the fray, namely a pair of
gunboats. It just doesn't end, does it?

You're near the end, though, once you see your freighter hyper in and begin to
dock with the container. Keep the gunboats clear of that area; fortunately,
you only need a few minutes or so for the operation to be complete. Once
the Trips has entered hyperspace, head home. Your services are required

After completing either of the past two missions, you'll see a cutscene
involving the last of your forces evacuating Yavin. Its quite eerie seeing
the base completely deserted.

Mission 7: Hide & Seek

Craft: Y-Wing Red 1 (you), X-Wing group Gold, TRN Raider
Objectives: TRN Kappa 6 must be boarded
TRN Raider must complete mission
This is gonna be tough. You're on your own, and you've got some pretty
daunting odds here, but aside from that, it all depends on your timing and
your ability to dodge enemy transports.

First off, do NOT charge head-on at the freighters or the transports when they
hyper in. This is a surefire way to fail the mission. What you want to do is
let them come to you, until a certain point. What I do is park or hover by
the probe, let the transports hyper in, then come to me until the distance is
about 3 to 4 clicks. Use this time to charge your lasers and your shields to
max. Trust me you'll need it. It'll feel like an eternity, but patience will
pay off greatly here.

Once the distance is closed, throttle up and target Kappa 6 (it is the last
one as you filter forward through your target list. Switch to ion cannons
and disable it as quickly as possible. This'll be hard because all of them
will be attacking your simultaneously, leaving very little wiggle room, and
I mean that in the literal sense. Collision here means certain doom.

Once disabled and identified, immediately take the action elsewhere and
start taking out the other transports. Two torps will be enough to take down
a single transport, so if you aim right, you can take out four of the five
that remain. The last one you'll have to use your lasers, but by that point
it will be a lot more manageable.

In addition to your own forces, three enemy attack shuttles will hyper in
to take you all out. If you've taken out all of the transports, then the
shuttles should be a piece of cake. Meanwhile, your TRN Raider will dock
with Kappa 6. If you timed your assault right, it should take no time at all
for everything to complete itself, and trust me when I say time is not on
your side here.

If you wait too long, not only will you have to contend with gunboats, but
a frigate will hyper in and launch both bombers and the dreaded TIE Advanced
at you! Yikes! Once the transport has finished its operation and gets away,
get out of the area yourself.

Mission 8A: Clear Minefield

Craft: Y-Wing Red 1 (you), FRT group Plee'h
Objectives: FRT Plee'h 1 must complete mission
All mines must be destroyed
The Nav Buoy must remain intact

Another split mission here. The first of two has you in a pretty simple,
solitary task: clear out a minefield around a nav buoy so that your allies
can pass through unscathed. Of course, there are a great deal of mines, and
you need to be both quick and accurate to achieve your goal here.

You have approximately seven minutes before the first freighter hypers in,
so don't waste too much time charging your shields. Pump power from your
lasers in, and start shooting. Fortunately, the Y-Wing is perfectly designed
for such a task, as it is quite easy to aim with. Keep moving constantly, as
if you remain static, the mines will lock onto you and blast you away. Also,
don't go too far in; instead, clear out outer areas before moving inward.

If you don't manage to make it in seven minutes, you'll see a freighter hyper
in, but you aren't done yet. That just means you have to hurry it up. By this
point, though, you should be mostly done. Finish up what remaining mines there
are, and you're all but set. Let the freighter pass through and hyper away.
I never say this, but take in the scenery while you're at it. Once the first
freighter is safely away, your mission will be complete. Head home; there are
plans in the works.

Mission 8B: Destroy Comm Area

Craft: X-Wing Red 1 (you), Y-Wing group Blue
Objectives: All mines must be destroyed
The com-sat must be destroyed

The other mission involves you, along with a trio of Y-Wings, destroying an
Imperial communications area that is being used to listen in on Alliance
transmissions. The satellite is guarded by a minefield, as well as a group of
corvettes that continue to expand the minefield.

Let the Y-Wings go after the corvettes; with their torpedoes, they'll rip'em
to shreds. Focus right now on charging your shields and using one of your own
torpedoes to take out the satellite. Its too bad your mission isn't finished
so simply. You'll still need to take out the mines, though they won't be as
numerous as in the alternate mission.

If you find yourself under heavy fire from the gunboats, break off your mine
clearing and take one or two of them out before returning to finish off the
minefield. When every last one is destroyed, your mission will be complete.
Hyper home; turns out while you were away, a solution to your food problems
may have presented itself.

Mission 9: Guard Cargo Transfer

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), FRT group Khan
Objectives: FRT Khan 3 must complete mission
FRT Khan 2 must complete mission
FRT Khan 1 must complete mission
FRT TransMor 6 must complete mission
FRT TransMor 4 must complete mission
FRT TransMor 3 must complete mission

Desperation sure does make for strange bedfellows, doesn't it? The possible
salvation for the Alliance may well lie with a man named Ghorin, the Imperial
Overlord for the Lesser Plooriod Cluster. He has agreed to an exchange; he
will give the Alliance grain, and the Alliance will pay him. You have been
selected to oversee the transfer, not only to ensure that he lives up to his
end of the bargain, but also to keep out any Imperial raids or attacks.

The transfer will take place in three phases. During each phase, it will
be the responsibility of you and your wingmen to take out any and all opposing
Imperial forces. This will come in the form of gunboats, who will target you
and your wingmen, and transports that will make torpedo runs at your
freighters! Needless to say what your primary targets should be. That being
said, it is wise to only destroy those gunboats that are targeting you, as
your wingmen will be pretty effective at keeping the others occupied.

The transports will come in pairs, and they'll hyper in well within torpedo
range. If they manage to get a couple off, then its not the end of the world,
but ensure they don't make subsequent passes. Missiles will help, but you'll
ultimately need to use your lasers to finish them off. As each phase finishes,
new waves of gunboats and transports will hyper in, and you'll have to deal
with two waves of transports for the last phase. If you can finish'em all off,
you've all but won.

When the last pair of freighters complete their operation and head into
hyperspace, your mission will be complete. Head home. I'm sure you're starving
by now.

Mission 10: Grain Snatch

Craft: A-Wing Red 1 (you), FRT S
Objectives: FRT Sarsuma must arrive
Container group Chi must be identified
Container group Xi must be identified
Container group Pi must be identified
Container Psi I must be identified
T/F group Alpha must be destroyed
T/F group Eta must be destroyed

That conniving fool. I sure hope you didn't eat any of that food that was
captured, because it was tainted! You may well have gotten sick, if not worse.
Fortunately, scans caught it before it was distributed widely amongst our
forces. This leaves us in a pretty pickle. A hasty operation has been planned
involving recon of an Imperial depot that is lightly guarded. Use of force
has been authorized, underlying the seriousness of the situation.

First off, deal with these blasted fighters. They're more of a nuisance than
anything else, but leaving them alive is not an option. Once both waves are
destroyed, proceed to inspect the contents of the containers. You don't have
to worry about the shuttles; they won't attack you, nor are they critical to
the mission at hand here.

A freighter will come in and drop off the container you need to inspect to
trigger the arrival of your own freighter. Once it arrives, your mission is
complete. Sadly, the arriving star destroyer will destroy it, leaving you
without the means to capture the grain. Double whammy.

Mission 11: Capture Ghorin's Y-Wings

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), TRN Storm, SHU group Typhoon,
SHU group Lightning, SHU group Thunder, CRS Maria
Objectives: TRN Storm must complete mission
CRS Maria must complete mission
At least 50% of Y-Wing group Alpha must be recovered
At least 50% of Y-Wing group Beta must be recovered
At least 50% of Y-Wing group Gamma must be recovered
CRV Halifax must be boarded

Its time for a little payback for what Ghorin pulled. Command has come up with
a plan to turn the Empire against Ghorin AND acquire a stable supply of grain
at the same time! Sounds crazy, huh? Well, it is going to take a daring
operation, one that will certainly fail without your efforts. A corvette,
escorted by a squadron of Y-Wings, is making its way into Imperial space to
engage in a transaction of grain, the grain that was originally promised to
your forces. Rather than simply destroy it, your task is to disable all the
craft so that capture forces can enter, steal the Y-Wings and the cargo aboard
the corvette, and then hyper away before the Imperials can catch on.

First, start charging your shields and your lasers to their maximum levels.
Once the convoy hypers in, throttle up and switch to your torpedo launchers.
Fire four directly at the corvette, then immediately engage the Y-Wings. If
you're lucky, your wingmen will disable the corvette immediately after your
torpeoes hit. Be sure to disable both Y-Wings in a particular group before
moving on; the game mechanics are such that as you disable one of a particular
group, two shuttles will hyper in to capture it.
Once all the Y-Wings are disabled and/or destroyed (only destroy them if you
have no other choice), sit back and let your forces go to work, but also make
sure to order your wingman to wait; otherwise, he may end up inadvertedly
destroying one of the Y-Wings even though its disabled. After all the craft
have been captured and the crusier escapes, you're free to head home. Don't
stick around too long, though. You don't want to be discovered by any Imperial

Mission 12A: Raid Storage Area

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), Y-Wing group Blue
Objectives: FRT group Fig II must be destroyed
FRT Motti must be destroyed
Container group Psi must be destroyed
Container group Phi must be destroyed
Container group Pi must be destroyed
Container group Chi must be destroyed

Another dual mission here. You have your choice here. The first involves
completely destroying an Imperial staging and storage area, guarded by
a frigate, a small detachment of attack shuttles and TIE Advanced, and a
small minefield. You will escort the Y-Wings in, and roughly a minute later,
a cruiser will hyper in and draw off the frigate, leaving the area wide open
to your attack. Oh, and to note, the Y-Wings are from the group your forces
captured in the last mission. Its to serve as part of the plan to turn the
Empire against Ghorin.

Target the lead freighter; it is making a run for it, and you will need
to stop it before it gets away. A pair of torpedoes will be enough, as the
Y-Wings are going to focus their assault on them first. When done, turn your
attention to the attack shuttles and those bloody TIEs. You can put up a fight
against them, but the Y-Wings won't last long against such speed.

Eventually, a trio of gunboats will hyper in to attack you as well, Hopefully

by now you've finished off those TIEs, cause you are going to have to deal
with these guys as well. Clip their wings, then destroy any remaining
containers. If you notice a freighter hyper in, stop whatever you're doing
and launch whatever torpedoes you have remaining at it. (I hope you saved them
instead of using them on static containers).

When the depot is completely destroyed, hyper home. The final phase of the
plan is about to get underway.

Mission 12B: Corvette Alley

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), Y-Wing group Blue
Objectives: CRV Geedon 1 must be destroyed
CRV Geedon 2 must be destroyed
CRV Geedon 3 must be destroyed
CRV Geedon 4 must be destroyed
CRV Geedon 5 must be destroyed
CRV Geedon 6 must be destroyed
CRV Geedon 7 must be destroyed

At the same time, the remaining Y-Wings, along with a pair of X-Wings, will
ambush a Corvette convoy, implicating Ghorin in another attack. I find this
mission to be the harder of the two, if only because you'll ultimately have
to go up against three or four of the corvettes, and the waves of gunboats
that will hyper in, all by yourself.

First off, target the Corvette closest to you, but keep your lasers armed.
You'll want to save your torpedoes for later. Charge your shields and lasers,
then when in range, attack. When your shields are about to fail, turn away,
recharge, and repeat until the corvette is destroyed. If you're good enough,
you'll be able to take down the second one before you have to break off and
deal with incoming gunboats.

Don't worry too much about the Y-Wings. Let them take down two or three of
the corvettes; if they're destroyed, so be it. Keep the gunboats off your
tail and continue to take down the corvettes. When only one remains, its
time to use your torpedoes to send it to oblivion and then get the heck
out of there. Facing large numbers of gunboats by yourself is not advisable.
In addition, your services are needed to ensure the final portions of the
plan are executed perfectly.

Mission 13: Grain Exchange

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), Y-Wing group Gold, TRN group Khivan,
TRN group Kaffir, FRT Talli, FRT Rand
Objectives: FRT Talli must complete mission
FRT Rand must complete mission
Y-Wing group Alpha must be destroyed
Y-Wing group Beta must be destroyed
TRN group Khivan must complete mission
TRN group Kaffir must complete mission
TRN group Kappa must be boarded
SHU group Lambda must be boarded
FRT Hugo must be boarded
FRT Grotius must be boarded

The final phase of the plan involves switching the good grain that Ghorin is
selling the Imperials with the tainted grain that your forces were given. In
addition, the crews will be switched to complete the masquerade. If all goes
according to plan, Ghorin is going to look pretty damn guilty.

First off deal with Y-Wing group Alpha; they will hyper in with the initial
phase of the convoy. You'll more than likely lose Y-Wing group Gold in the
process, but you are more than capable of disabling all of these craft. When
they are destroyed, proceed to disable the shuttles and transports before
moving on to the freighters. You can use your torps to help lower their
shields, but don't inadvertedly destroy them in the process.

When all of the craft have been disabled, you'll have a bit of a lull before
Y-Wing group Beta hypers in. Deal with them quickly, cause these guys can
be quite overwhelming with 3-on-1 odds. You may lose your wingman too, but
once you take these guys out, the rest of the mission will move relatively

The freighters will take the longest to dock, but their operation moves
somewhat quickly, and they hyper out in no time. Which is good, considering
that as they're finishing up, a star destroyer will hyper in to launch bombers
and interceptors at you! Needless to say, ensure the freighters escape, then
make your own. You can't let the Imperials discover what has transpired here.

Mission 14: Confirm Grain Delivery

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1)
Objectives: TRN group Sigma must be identified

Your mission here is not to wreak havoc on Imperial forces, but merely to run
some recon. A convoy of transports is en route to a resupply of an Imperial
frigate, amongst which is a supply of the tainted grain that was switched.
All that is needed is to confirm that it is among those transports, and your
mission will be complete. It is a lot easier said than done, though.

This is going to be hard. The FRG Elite certainly lives up to its name, as the
pilots it carries will be numerous and skilled. The TIE Advanced shouldn't
give you too much trouble, but you have to be sure to take out all of the
other craft, including wave upon wave of TIE bombers, armed with concussion
missiles. These things are huge pain in the butt. Order your wingmen to attack
the first group of two while you assist; it'll be easy to take out these two,
but this is where the real fun begins.

Two interceptors and two fighters will launch as well; they are easily taken
care of, but then more bombers and TIE Advanced will begin to harass you. Do
your best to ignore the TIE Advanced and concentrate solely on the bombers.
Your missiles will work wonders, but make sure they hit their mark. Otherwise,
they'll have multiple opportunities to lay into you. And take them out quickly
because more will launch.

As time passes, you'll find the odds becoming increasingly stacked against
you. You need to ensure the bombers are disposed of quickly, because once
the transports and escorting gunboats hyper in, its time to perform your
task and then get the hell out of there. The reason you want those bombers
gone is so they don't get a missile lock on you. Two missiles is all it takes
to blow you away, even with full shields, so make sure that doesn't happen!

The transport you want to identify is the middle one in a group of three.
Sigma 2 is your target. Identify its contents, then hightail it the heck out
of there. You've done enough; any more and you're certain to get blown away.

Once you've returned to base, a cutscene will play where Ghorin gets his
"just desserts" from Vader himself. Quite a fitting end for one so treacharous
as he.

Mission 15: Steal TIE Advanced

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1)
Objectives: SHU Epsilon must be destroyed
Container group Chi must be destroyed
Container group Psi must be at least 50% destroyed
FRT Ashanti must complete mission

I hate having to go up against the TIE Advanced. They're speedy, armed to the
teeth, and to top it off they have shields. However, Command wants to study
these craft, presumably to find any potential weaknesses in the craft. Finding
the right opportunity has been difficult, but it seems one has finally
presented itself.

You will lead a group of A-Wings in an assault on one of the testing

facilities. It has been timed during a shift change, so a shuttle with the
test pilots will be departing while the other arrives. Your first priority
will be to destroy the arriving shuttle immediately, then engage the two
active TIE Advanced. With three wingmen assisting you, they should go down
with no problem.

The next part will be to destroy half of the containers and all of the parked
TIE Advanced, all while clearing the minefield and quickly destroying an
arriving transport. Also, gunboat waves will come in to harass you, but your
wingmen will assist you in taking them out.

Once the Ashanti has arrived and begun its docking operation, two corvettes
and a second transport will hyper in. Order your wingmen to attack one of the
corvettes while you attack the second. Use all of your missiles to decimate
its shields, then finish it off with lasers. You'll need to make multiple
passes, so don't try it all at once.

When the first corvette is destroyed, turn your attention to the transport; it
shouldn't put up too much of a fight. Then, assist your wingmen in destroying
the second corvette. Once its finished, you're all but in the clear. Your
wingmen will then hyper away, and so will the freighter once its cargo is
secured. Destroy the remaining containers, then hyper home yourself; you've
just significantly improved the Alliance's situation.

Mission 16A: Escort Base Convoy

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), FRT Cielo, FRT Namu, FRT Ox,
CRV group Wasp, CRV group Orca, CRV group Wolf
Objectives: FRT Cielo must complete mission
FRT Namu must complete mission
FRT Ox must complete mission
CRV Wasp 1 must complete mission
CRV Wasp 2 must complete mission
CRV Orca 1 must complete mission
CRV Orca 2 must complete mission
CRV Wolf 1 must complete mission
CRV Wolf 2 must complete mission

It was a great stroke of luck that a number of items and supplies from the old
base on Yavin made it out successfully. A convoy carrying these supplies is
passing through a hyper point, and is vulnerable. Your task is to keep any
opposition off this convoy; everything here is needed to establish a new base!

Your main opposition will be from three groups of gunboats. They will put up a
heavy fight, but you have a top ace wingman assisting you. He'll be able to
take care of himself in this fight, believe you me. Defeat the three waves of
gunboats and you should have burned enough time for the frigate to hyper in.

Almost immediately, waves of bombers and interceptors will launch from the
frigate. Move to intercept the bombers while letting the interceptors be for
the time being. Defeat the follow up waves of bombers and pick off any
interceptors when you have a spare moment.

When all the craft from the frigate have been destroyed, you're basically in
the clear, as the frigate is too far away from the convoy to launch a direct
assault. Simply wait for your convoy to hyper away, then head home; there's
been a development in the action.

Mission 16B: Support Allies

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing group Gold, FRG Whitehawk,
CRS Maria
Objectives: FRG Whitehawk must arrive
At least 50% of CRV group Yavin Express must complete mission
At least 50% of FRT group Cargo-Go must complete mission
At least 50% of SHU group Lambda must complete mission

It seems Imperials are on the move again, this time attacking a Leafar
convoy. Fortunately, this is the perfect opportunity to add another ally
to our cause. If we can repel this attack with enough of a show of force,
then perhaps the Leafar can aid us in finding a new place to call home.

First off, order your wingmen to go after the TIE Advanced while you target
the numerous runs of bombers. It is going to take quite a bit of grinding on
this one; the star destroyer has a large complement of bombers to throw at
you, not to mention those pesky TIE Advanced escorts. Focus on the bombers,
then when you have a lull, assist your wingmen with the TIE Advanced. You'll
find they're quite effective, even without your assistance.

As time passes, more of the Leafar convoy will hyper in and out, and you may
even be assisted by a pair of A-Wings. This is how you know you're close to
your goal. By the time the Maria and the Whitehawk arrive, your mission is all
but done, provided you've kept up with the waves of bombers and haven't gotten
blown away by the TIE Advanced. When you get the message to take off, do so;
the odds will become increasingly stacked against you if you choose to stay.

Mission 17: Attack Frigate Red Wind

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), CRV group Striker, CRV group Hammer
CRV group Arrow
Objectives: FRG Red Wind must be destroyed

The Red Wind is a notorious Imperial frigate that is responsible for a large
number of dirty deeds. Having been spotted in this sector it seems local
commanders have issued a top priorty alert to take this sucker out. You will
fly cover for what'll ultimately turn out to be a very costly operation.

It seems in response to the destruction of the Red Wind, the Imperials have
decided to mobilize their newest weapons: the Interdictor cruisers. A fleet
of them is under construction, yet really only one is needed per task force.
Its a good thing you won't be coming across these bad boys; their function is
to use their gravity well generators to prevent any escape into hyperspace.
Quite the nasty little trick, huh?

Mission 18: Capture Imperial Gunboats

Craft: Y-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), SHU group Leary, CRS Cathleen
Objectives: SHU group Leary must complete mission
GUN group Tau must complete mission
CRS Cathleen must arrive

One of the most frightening Imperial tactics is their research & development
arm. As powerful as their military forces are, their scientific minds are
amongst the most brililant in the galaxy. As such, they are always developing
even more deadly weapons to throw against the Alliance. Word has come through
that new technology is being developed that would decimate anything in its
path, so the decision has been made to infiltrate the siteand capture it,
not only to keep it out of Imperial hands, but to use it against them as well.
However, in order to do so, a trio of gunboats need to be captured, and you
are to take the lead in this operation

The base is guarded by a minefield, as well as three modified corvettes. First

off, order your wingmen to attack one of the corvettes while you pump six
torps in a second one. Use your remaining torps on the third, then pump lasers
and ions in it to disable it before assisting your wingmen with the remaining
active corvette. If you have any wingmen remaining after this is done, you are
honestly quite lucky; I often lose them and have to finish the mission myself.

Hopefully you took down those corvettes quickly, because they have a nasty
payload: TIE bombers, loaded to the gills with missiles. Man, I am really
developing a disgust for these things. Take them down pronto, especially if
there are still mines giving you a hard time. When the corvettes, mines, and
all TIE bombers are dealt with, you can move to disable the three gunboats
that are parked atop the containers.
Once done, three shuttles will hyper in to capture the gunboats, but don't
let your guard down; three enemy shuttles will also hyper in, and they'l go
after you! As if this mission couldn't get any more difficult. Take them down,
then pat yourself on the back, as the area just got a lot more secure with the
arrival of the Cathleen. The six craft will make for the hangar, and once
there, you'll get your mission complete message. Head home; more Imperial
reinforcements are on their way.

Mission 19: Capture Corvette X

Craft: Y-Wing Red (you - Red 1), GUN group Eta
Objectives: TRN Storm must complete mission
CRV Blade 5 must complete mission

With the gunboats, now the plan can proceed. You will play the role of a
"defecting" Rebel pilot, being escorted into the facility by the three
gunboats that you so secretly pilfered in the last mission. Once in range of
the target, which will appear to be an ordinary corvette, the charade will
cease and the plan will unfold: disable it, guard its capture, and then make
away with the prize.

Depending on how you go about this mission, it can be either really easy or
really, really hard. First off, as you cycle forward through your targets,
the fifth corvette is the one you want to disable and capture. Lock it into
your computer, then target the one that, spatially, is above it. You'll want
to pump six torps into it so it won't bother you at all. Fire the remaining
two in the target corvette, then switch to lasers and ions to lower its
shields and disable it. Then clear out the mines. You may have to break off
and engage incoming gunboats, so don't fool around, especially if you're being
targeted for a missile lock!

Once the target is disabled, the Storm transport will hyper in to capture the
corvette. You are free now to assist your gunboats in taking care of any enemy
opposition. The gunboats shouldn't give you too much trouble, but be certain
to keep a little distance and to keep your shields up. The transport will
dock, capture the corvette, then both will make their way into hyperspace.
Keep them unharassed during this delicate operation.

Once the modified corvette has made good its escape, your mission will be
complete. Head home; the final phase of this tour is about to begin.

Mission 20: Defend Ram's Head

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), CRV Libra, CRV Ram's Head
Objectives: CRV Ram's Head must complete mission

Now that the captured corvette has been examined, the secret technology has
been unveiled: highly powerful shields, much more so than the standard
shielding seen on the current ships. However, a plan is already underway to
use this new technology to its fullest advantage, but there's a catch: more
work needs to be done before it can hyper away. You are needed to fly cover
for the upgrade operation.

As the Ram's Head hypers into the area, a frigate will also enter in pursuit,
and it will proceed to launch waves of bombers at you. Fortunately, there is
only one escort, though it is the dreaded TIE Advanced. You'll have to
intercept the waves of bombers as they launch; you don't want them making torp
runs on your corvettes.

The bomber runs will eventually cease, but you can't rest just yet. Presumably
unaware of what is transpiring, a corvette will hyper in damn close to the
transfer! You'll need to launch your torps at it to destroy it quickly. Also,
a transport will hyper in and set up for a torpedo run. You can order your
wingmen to attack it, but you'll be better off intercepting it yourself. If
you have any torpedoes left, you can get a lock and fire; if not, then close
in with lasers. Once turned to slag, your mission is all but complete.

Simply ensure the survival of the Ram's Head and the Libra while they finish
their transfer and subsequent escape. You can also assist Y-Wing group Gold as
they take down the frigate; after all, why let such an opportunity go to waste?

Once the Ram's Head is away, it will attack the Imperial Naval Yard where all
of those lovely Star Destroyers are parked. Using its extremely powerful front
shields, it will ram holes through the bridges of about five Star Destroyers,
rendering them all but helpless. Now if this isn't a victory for the Alliance,
then I don't know what is.

Completing Tour IV will earn you the Shield of Yavin. It will be placed in
your medal case for safe keeping.

E. B-Wing

Mission 1: Protect B-Wing Assembly Area

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), X-Wing group Gold, B-Wing group Blue,
Container R-Gamma, Container R-Beta, Container C-Alpha, Container L-Beta,
Container L-Gamma, FRT Purnell, FRT Niven
Objectives: B-Wing group Blue must complete mission
Container R-Gamma must complete mission
Container R-Beta must complete mission
Container C-Alpha must complete mission
Container L-Beta must complete mission
Container L-Gamma must complete mission
FRT Purnell must arrive
X-Wing group Gold must arrive

Oh its good to be back. While you've been away, the B-Wing has been rushed
into production and is about ready to be deployed to the fleet. The bad news
is the Imperials have caught on and are preparing an assault.

Be careful not to ram into the exiting X-Wings; last thing you want is to fail
before the mission even gets underway. Use the time you have to start charging
your shields, then go after the first group of gunboats that enters. Order
you wingmen to attack one while you go after the other; you'll be pleasantly
surprised at how well your wingmen will perform. Take down the two follow-up
waves before moving on to the next phase.

A second group of gunboats will enter on the opposite side of the area. Have
your wingmen mop up any remaining gunboats from the first group while you
zip on over and engage the other two. These pose the greatest risk to your
mission. Once your wingmen are free, have them help you out with the gunboats
while you start to tackle the incoming corvettes. Use your torps to down one,
then switch to lasers for the others. Take out the ones closest to the staging
area first, then proceed on to the others. If your wingmen finish off all of
the gunboats before you finish with the corvettes, allow them to assist you.

Once all the corvettes and gunboats are destroyed, hang around and wait for
FRT Purnell and X-Wing group Gold to arrive. When they do, assuming all other
craft have survived, your mission is complete. Head home for now, but don't
get too comfortable; you'll be called upon shortly.
Mission 2: Cover B-Wing Evacuation
Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), B-Wing group Blue, X-Wing group Gold,
FRT Purnell
Objectives: CRV Habatok 2 must complete mission
B-Wing group Blue must complete mission
FRT Purnell must arrive

Unfortunately, the security of this facility has been compromised, and an

evacuation is about to get underway. Ferry pilots are being transported to the
currently-stationary B-Wings and will fly them into hyperspace. Also, the
Habassans, who stumbled upon your previous defense, have agreed to lend a
corvette to assist in the operation.

Use the brief lull to charge your shields and prepare yourself for what's to
come. The Imperials are throwing out the big guns for this operation. The
Star Destroyer Relentless is heading up this operation, and it has a LARGE
number of fighters and bombers at its disposal. Take care of the initial
wave of fighters, then focus solely on the bombers. Utilize your wingmen to
attack subsequent waves of fighters while you take out both the bombers and
any fighters you can. There are going to be numerous waves, so keep up your
shields and don't let ANY craft get through.

While tugs are ferrying the pilots to the B-wings and getting them out of the
area, a Habassan corvette SHOULD hyper in and evacuate the crew (for some
reason or another, I sometimes don't see it hyper in, and I'll get the
"mission objectives not complete - return to base" message. Kinda frustrating,
but it does happen). Do your best to protect the corvette and keep at the
oncoming waves. Also make sure to not attack the Relentless directly; if it
is provoked, it will launch a wave of six bombers, each piloted by a top ace.
Not what you want to be going up against.

When all of the B-Wings have escaped and the corvette has made its getaway,
your mission will be complete. Head home; you've done all you can here.

Mission 3: Protect B-Wing Delivery

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), X-Wing group Gold, B-Wing group Blue,
CRS Maria
Objectives: At least 50% of B-Wing group Blue must complete mission
CRS Maria must complete mission

As a direct result of your success in the previous mission, the B-Wings that
you saved are now being entered into service. The Maria will receive thi
shipment, arm them, and then begin using them in actual combat situations. All
that stands in the way are pursuing Imperial forces, but that's where you come

You'll hyper in ahead of the B-wings, so use the time given to you to charge up
your shields. When you see an Imperial frigate hyper in, its go-time. Start by
going after the first three TIE fighters, then switch your attention to the
bombers that will launch. From here, its a matter of whittling down the screen
of fighters and keeping the B-Wings unharassed; remember, those aren't combat
pilots in there, so they're all but sitting ducks without you!

When the fighters from the first frigate are all destroyed a second frigate
will hyper in and launch its complement of bombers and interceptors. By this
point, you'll have some assistance from X-Wing group Gold, so take advantage.
Focus this time on the interceptors, but feel free to take a bomber or two out
when you have the chance. Their target will be the Maria, not the B-Wings, and
the cruiser is one tough cookie.

THe last threat comes from incoming gunboats. They'll show up once the last of
the bombers are taken care of. By this point, you'll have enough allies on
your side that they shouldn't really pose a threat to your objectives. Take
them out then wait for the Maria to make its way into hyperspace. One of the
frigates will be in direct attacking range, but again, the Maria can take a
heck of a lot of punishment, and dish it out as well. When away, make good
your escape. Its finally time to try one of these bad boys out for yourself.

Mission 4: Destroy TIE Staging Area

Craft: B-Wing Red 1 (you)
Objectives: T/F group Zeta must be destroyed
Container Chi 1 must be destroyed
Container Chi 2 must be destroyed
Container Chi 3 must be destroyed
Container Chi 4 must be destroyed
Container Chi 5 must be destroyed

Given the numerous losses the Imperials have suffered in their gunboat fleet,
they feel the time is right to set up less-permanent bases from which to house
and launch TIEs. One of these places has been discovered by your forces, and
you are to take one of the new B-Wings on a mission to destroy it, along with
any armed resistance you may encounter.

First off, deal with the three gunboats that will begin harassing you. Destroy
two of them, and disable the third. THat way, future waves won't hyper in to
give you even further trouble. Next, take care of the fighter screen; more
will launch from the containers, but they will stop once you've destroyed
enough of them.

use your torps to destroy four of the five containers; three in each will
suffice. Use lasers to finish off the last container and the parked group of
fighters. I always opt to take out the minefield, but you don't have to. Its
good practice.

Once you've destroyed all targets in the area, your mission will be complete.
You can either head home, or you can try your luck against the trio of enemy
corvettes that will hyper in and attempt to annihilate you.

Mission 5: Destroy Secret Weapons Base

Craft: B-Wing Red 1 (you), A-Wing Red 2, Y-Wing Gold 1, X-Wing Gold 2
Objectives: Container Phi 1 must be destroyed
Container Phi 2 must be destroyed
Container group Xi must be destroyed
Container group Chi must be destroyed
CRV Trigger 3 must be destroyed
CRV Trigger 7 must be destroyed

If you remember the end of the previous tour, the Rebels used captured
shield technology to completely wreck a fleet of star destroyers. Now it seems
that Imperial scientists are trying to recreate the technology for use against
Alliance forces. Your task here is twofold. Not only are you to completely
annihilate this lab, but the combat data from this mission will be used to
investigate how the new B-Wing performs in correlation with and compared to
other Alliance fighters.

First, filter forward through your targets, acquire the second corvette for a
torpedo lock, and launch six torpedoes into it to completely destroy it. Next,
fire four of your remaining six into the other corvette, then close and use
your ion cannons to disable it. If you have to break off and attack those
pesky bombers, do so, but act quickly.

Once your tail is clear, proceed on to destroy all of the containers. You can
use your remaining torps, but you'll primarily be using your lasers here. Only
when all of them are destroyed should you target the disabled corvette,
provided Y-Wing Gold 1 doesn't take it out first. If so, make sure you get rid
of those containers.

Once both corvettes are destroyed, a second pair of them, along with three
additional gunboats, will enter the fray. Provided you've already destroyed
the containers, your mission is already complete, so you don't have to take
them out unless you want to. Either way, its your call.

Mission 6: Protect Rescue

Craft: Y-Wing Red 1 (you), A-Wing Blue, TRN Ranger, FRT Walker
Objectives: FRT Walker must be boarded
TRN Ranger must complete mission

In light of the recent assaults by Imperial forces, the Alliance feels pressed
to convince the Habassa to join. However, the Habassa are naturally
isolationist, and want to stay out of any sort of conflict. Yet, this will
often lead to turning a blind eye towards atrocities. Intelligence has found
something, though, that may lead them to change their minds.

An Imperial convoy has been spotted, and one of the freighters contains
captured Habassans. Your mission is to disable the freighter and oversee the
subsequent boarding operation. You'll have one escort, but that should be more
than plenty, or at least your superiors think so. The problem is there are
shuttles escorting the freighters. Bloody attack shuttles. And, to complicate
things, you hyper in right on top of the damn convoy, so there's no time at
all to prepare yourself.

First off, deal with the shuttles promptly. They will rip you to shreds if you
aren't careful, and always be wary of collisions. Next, id all of the
freighters to figure out which one is the target. Destroy the other two, then
move to disable the one carrying the Habassans. Once taken care of, your
transport will hyper in to extract the Habassans and exit the area, but they
were followed.

A frigate, the one that was supposed to meet the convoy here and was delayed
by your forces, has arrived a bit earlier than expected. Move to intercept the
fighters and bombers it will launch. The fighters, and ultimately the
the interceptors as well, will target only you, but the bombers will go after
the freighter. Typical Imperial policy - destroy what they can't have so that
their enemies can't have it either.

Give the transport enough time to do its job and get out, then get out of
there yourself. Command has issued a priority alert to all available pilots.

Mission 7: Help Neutrals Out of Ambush

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing group Gold, B-Wing group Blue,
FRT group Starlifter
Objectives: At least 50% of FRT group Starlifter must complete mission

It seems the Imperials have discovered the Habassan's affinity with the
Alliance, and now wish to subjugate them. They have sent a pair of corvettes,
as well as some escorting gunboats, to eliminate a Habassan convoy, and you
are all that stands in the way of a massacre.

Don't rush headlong into the fray; use a little time to charge your shields
and lasers, then start pumping power from your lasers into your engines. Once
you make it, two of the six freighters will have been destroyed, and odds are
one will have some critical damage. Habassan transports will take out the two
corvettes, and when they do, the main threat will appear.

About ten clicks away from the convoy, the first of two frigates will hyper
in and start launching bombers, as well as a single wave of TIE Advanced.
Focus first and foremost on the bombers; you CANNOT let them get in torpedo
range of any of the freighters. Order your wingmen to attack one while you
go after the other. There will be several waves of bombers; the first few will
be easier to deal with because the distance will be enough between them and
the convoy, and you'll have fewer craft harassing you. Later waves will prove
much more difficult, as the gap will have closed and more enemy forces will
have hypered in.

If you manage to destroy all of the bombers, then you can turn your attention
to the interceptors that, by now, will be causing you quite a bit of
difficulty. Habassan Y-Wings should have hypered in by now, as well as a
trio of B-Wings, to assist in destroying the frigates. Yes, I said frigates;
after all, where do you think those interceptors came from? Just keep focused
on the enemy, and the rest should take care of itself.

Once at least three of the freighters have made it safely away, your mission
is complete. It is now time to head home and rest up.

Mission 8: Escort VIP to Alliance Cruiser

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), X-Wing group Gold, A-Wing group Blue,
TRN Bardictol, CRS Independence
Objectives: TRN Bardictol must complete mission
CRS Independence must complete mission

Ensuring the survival of a small transport, one that has most likely taken
some serious damage after being the prime target, in the middle of an all-out
battle between your flagship and two Imperial frigates, is really going to
test your nerves. It is possible to accomplish, though, and I will show you

First, start charging your lasers and pump some of that into your shields.
Next, when you see the two frigates hyper in, move to intercept one of the
two groups of TIEs while you order your wingmen to go after the other. They
won't go after you directly, but they will target the transport. Multiple
waves will follow once you've destroyed the initial ones, and you will also
have to deal with interceptors harassing you along the way.

Focus solely on the fighters. It may not seem like it, but they can inflict
quite the beating on that little transport. By the time it gets to the
Independence, it will no doubt have sustained some damage, possibly even
critical damage. It'll seem like an eternity, but it will make its way into
the hangar of the Independence, and your mission is all but complete there.

Now you can turn your attention to the interceptors, bombers, and those pesky
gunboats that will hyper in. The frigates will ultimately withdraw, and the
only enemies you'll have to deal with will be the gunboats. Once the
Independence makes its way to safety, your mission will be complete, and I'm
sure you'll be quite relieved, too. Head home; a new mission awaits.
Mission 9: Guard Cargo Pickup
Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), FRT group Kielty, Container group Psi,
FRT group Starmover, SHU group Sigma
Objectives: Container group Psi must be boarded
FRT group Kielty must complete mission

The Habassa are grateful for all you have done for them, but they do not wish
to involve themselves fully in this conflict. They have, however, agreed to
provide your forces with supplies. The Imperial presence is high in this area,
and you have been assigned to guard over this transfer.

If you know one little trick, then this mission is going to be a piece of
cake. There will be three containers; two that are next to each other, and
one that is a bit of a ways away from the action. Destryoing this container
will bring in a large number of allies. What for, you ask? Well, you are
about to see.

After your freighters dock with the Habassan containers, a frigate will hyper
in and launch an all-out assault on your forces. This will include bombers and
TIE Advanced, in large quantities. Now, remember that container you destroyed?
If you decided to do so, a large force, including X-Wings, B-Wings, and
transports, will hyper in and launch its own offensive on the frigate, and
as an added bonus the X-Wings will help deal with the TIE Advanced that would
normally be bothering you. Still, though, your task is not done.

The bombers will still set up for their runs. There are five waves of four
bombers each. Use your missiles judiciously, and once you run out, switch to
lasers and finish them off. If the frigate capitulates before all the bombers
launch, then that's an added bonus for you. Either way, mop up all the forces
that you can once the bombers are done for.

When your freighters are safely away, you can head home. It seems that your
services are needed in the cockpit of a B-Wing.

Mission 10: Protect Capture

Craft: B-Wing Red 1 (you), A-Wing group Gold, TRN Storm Unit
Objectives: FRT Libom must be recovered

Imperial probes are quite annoying, no? Well, it seems technicians have come
up with a plan to turn these probes against their masters. A depot awaiting
shipment of these new probes has been located, and you are to lead a raid to
capture these probes. Once done, the tech guys will rig the probes to feed
data to the Alliance, thus keeping ahead of any Imperial offensive.

First, deal with the incoming gunboats. The A-Wings will assist you, but they
will not do it without you. There'll be one follow-up wave, but it'll hyper in
somewhat far, so use the lull between waves to close the distance between you
and the site, taking care to inspect the freighters. Once you do, a pair of
corvettes will hyper in and begin to harass you. Don't destroy them, though;
use your torps to lower their shields, then disable them. If you want to
destroy them afterward, that's up to you. Also, clear out the mines; they're
more annoying than anything to you, but the transport won't take as much
punishment as you.

Once a frieghter hypers in, immediately inspect it and use only your ions to
disable it. Once completed, head towards the bombers and the interceptors that
are almost assuredly coming your way by now. An additional A-Wing will come in
to assist, and it'll be quite effective against the screen. A final corvette
will hyper in, so break off, use your remaining torps to lower its shields,
then disable it.

Now all that remains is covering the capture operation. With a trio of A-Wings
assisting you, this should be a piece of cake. Ensure the transport and the
freighter make it to safety, then withdraw. You've done enough good for today.

Mission 11A: Destroy Corvette Base

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 1)
Objectives: Container group Psi must be destroyed
Container group Chi must be destroyed
Container group Xi must be destroyed
Container group Pi must be destroyed
CRV Olrac Etnom must be destroyed
CRV Cutlass must be destroyed

It seems that Imperial forces have stretched themselves somewhat thin in this
sector. With only one star destroyer coordinating operations, and no true
planetary base to speak of, the Imperials have set up a number of makeshift
"staging areas" from which corvettes and gunboats launch assaults. These areas
are, when not occupied, guarded quite lightly, with only light fighter screens
or a small minefield for protection. With this knowledge, your superiors have
worked out a plan to destroy ALL of these areas. This one is particularly
busy and well-guarded, with known patrols of gunboats as well as a pair of

The secret here lies in taking out the two corvettes quickly. One is disabled,
and the other is active. Order you wingmen to attack the active one while you
take care of at least one of the incoming fighters. Your wingmen should be
able to handle the other two while you go after the disabled corvette and the
tug that is reparing it.

Once the tug and the two corvettes are handled, clear out the mines while
dodging the fire of a third corvette that will hyper in. If you want to attack
the third corvette, you are free to, but I'd advise finishing it quickly; time
is of the essence, and there are a lot of containers to destroy. Make passes
over the containers and take them out while you still have time. An Imperial
frigate will hyper in and launch fighters to take you out, and gunboats will
hyper in once the initial fighter screen is destroyed.

Only when all the containers, and the two initial corvettes, are destroyed is
your task complete. If you followed my advice and destroyed the tug, then a
neutral frigate will have hypered in and launched Y-Wings to assist you with
the Imperial reinforcements. You can either hyper home, or you can help take
out the frigate and its numerous fighters.

Mission 11B: Destroy Imperial Base

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), X-Wing Blue
Objectives: Container Phi 1 must be destroyed
Container Phi 2 must be destroyed
Container Phi 3 must be destroyed
CRV Assassin 55 must be destroyed
CRV Assassin 56 must be destroyed
CRV Assassin 57 must be destroyed

Gotta love the ideas that your superiors come up with. Simultaneously
destroying all of the patrol bases in an entire sector is daring to say the
least. That being said, with pilots like you at the ready, there is nothing
but success ahead.
Start off by charging your lasers and heading towards the group of gunboats;
let your wingman head off towards the containers while you move to engage.
Your escort will help you in this task, and with this help they shouldn't last
all too long. By the time the gunboats are taken care of, the corvettes should
arrive. Order your wingman to target one while you go after the other two. Six
torpedoes in each will destroy them. Finish the third with lasers, and don't
be afraid to use your ion cannons to disable it if you find you're under too
much fire.

Once the corvettes are out of the way, pick off the mines and the containers
to complete this mission, then head home.

Mission 12: Intercept Imperial Attack

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 4), FRT group Jess
Objectives: FRT Jess 7 must complete mission
FRT Jess 8 must complete mission
FRT Jess 9 must complete mission

Those Imperial scum just do not let up. They've ambushed yet another Habassan
convoy, and once again, you are all that stands in the way of a massacre.

First off, you'll need to get rid of some of those bloody gunboats. They are
too numerous to leave alone. Ignore the Imperial freighter for now; you'll
have plenty of opportunity to destroy it. Instead, disable one of each group
of gunboat, then destroy the rest. By now, the freighter will have closed
the distance between itself and the disabled freighter. Destroy it before it
has an opportunity to dock and capture it.

Sadly, an Star Destroyer will hyper in and launch its own attack, but it won't
launch too many fighters. Give the freighters the time they need to escape;
the neutral shuttles and transports are expendable, but not the freighters.
Also, keep your eyes open for enemy transports that will hyper in and set up
for torpedo runs on the freighters you're trying to protect.

A fourth freighter will hyper in, dock with the disabled freighter, and make
its escape. It should do so relatively unharassed, but you should still keep
your eyes on it. If your wingmen inadvertedly destroy any of the disabled
gunboats, you'll have to deal with follow-up waves. Its best to either order
them to wait or to have them ignore the disabled gunboats.

When all three of the freighters have made their escaped, and the disabled
one has a repair crew on board, your mission will be complete. Head home; I
think by now the Habassans have realized the Alliance is the only protection
they will have.

Mission 13: Protect B-Wing Delivery

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), A-Wing group Gold, FRT Rider,
CRS Cathleen
Objectives: FRT Rider must complete mission
CRS Cathleen must arrive

While you've been assisting the Habassa, factories have been proucing more of
the B-Wing you've had the pleasure of flying. Now a new shipment is on its
way to rendezvous with the Cathleen. Unfortunately, the Imperials caught wind
and are sending forces to prevent the Cathleen from being upgraded.

You'll have one wingman with you, and he's a top ace, so you'll be able to
direct him effectively. Fortunately, the forces you'll be facing won't be
completely overwhelming. Just make sure you have him ignore the frigate as a
target; you don't need him blown out of the sky for something stupid like that.
Focus on the bombers while you have your wingman take care of the fighters and
interceptors. The waves are timed, so you'll have to act quickly as to prevent
the odds from becoming too daunting.

The Cathleen will arrive close to the freighter and launch numerous Y-Wings to
assist you, but by this point the only opposition should be the frigate,
completely devoid of its fighter squadrons. Once the freighter enters
hyperspace, your mission will be complete. Head home and rest up; it won't be
long before you're needed again.

Mission 14A: Capture Imperial Frigate

Craft: X-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), CRV Filve, CRV Bilbringi,
B-Wing group Blue, TRN Storm 1, TRN Storm 2
Objectives: FRG Mayhem must be recovered
CRV Filve must complete mission
CRV Bilbringi must complete mission

Now that Imperial forces are on the defensive, Command feels the time is right
to start preparing for two goals. One is the destruction of the Relentless and
the surveillance network in this sector, and the other is the ultimate escape
of the fleet to safety. To achieve the former is to increase the probability
of the latter.

In this mission, your forces are to lure the Mayhem, the one remaining frigate
in this sector that remains capable of intercepting any threats, into a trap,
capture it, and then flee. Once done, technical staff will be able to acquire
even more data on the net in this sector, as well as on any plans Imperial
forces may have in store.

When enemy forces begin to arrive, focus at first on the bomber squadrons the
Mayhem will launch. They will post the biggest threat to the corvettes. Let
the B-Wings take care of the Mayhem while you focus on the bombers and, once
the corvettes have made their escape, any fighters that harass those B-Wings.
Remember: without them, you can't disable the Mayhem.

Ultimately, the Mayhem should fall to the B-Wings and become a sitting duck.
Mop up any remaining fighters, then oversee the capture operation. One
transport will dock with the Mayhem while the other enters its hangar. There
should be no enemy activity at this time, so use this opportunity to charge
your lasers and shields.

Once the Mayhem has been captured, guard its escape. The gunboats shouldn't
pose too much of a threat, but be sure not to let any of them through. Buy
enough time for your captured prize to escape, then get out of there yourself.

Mission 14B: Capture Imperial Officers

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 2), TRN Shock
Objectives: TRN Sigma 6 must be boarded
TRN Shock must complete mission

Ok, I am not going to lie here. If you choose this mission, you truly are
something else. Your goal is to identify the one transport, amongst about 20,
that is carrying Imperial officers, disable it, and cover the subsequent
boarding operation. You only have one wingman to support you, and I hope to
God that's enough.

The problem here is the sheer number of transports that will be attacking you
en masse. The likelihood of collision is extremely high, even if you manage to
match speeds with them. And unless you keep the particular transport in your
computer, if not targeted, at all times, you may inadvertedly destroy it and
fail the mission right then and there. Focus on one at a time, but constantly
be aware of your surroudings, especially at first, when the concentration of
transports is at its greatest. If you're daring, set your torps to dual fire
and let fly at ultra-close range to instantly destroy one.

It will take time, but it is possible to whittle down the squadron. Once only
one remains, switch to ion cannons and disable it, then turn your attention to
the newly-arriving gunboats. Even when the Mayhem arrives, it will be too far
away to have any significant impact. Just keep the gunboats at bay while your
transport completes its operation and hypers away. Easy as cake compared to
the first half of this mission, right?

Once the Shock is away safely, your mission will be complete. Head home, take
five minutes and pat yourself on the back; you've just completed one of the
hardest missions in the game, by and far.

Mission 15: Escort B-Wings in Attack

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), B-Wing group Blue
Objectives: FRG Juveini must be destroyed

In your forces' efforts to escape from the Imperials, they have managed to
whittle down a great number of their frigates. In fact, only one remains as a
viable defense option for the Relentless, the lead ship in this sector. Now
needing repairs, it is clear the time is now to attack. You will provide
escort for two waves of B-Wings that will attack and, ultimately, destroy
the FRG Juveini.

Start off by going after the Juveini's fighter defenses. They shouldn't prove
too much of a fight against you, but the B-Wings can't dogfight as well as
you can, so be quick. As time passes, gunboats will supplant the Juveini's
fighter defenses, providing more challenging opponents. You can use your
missiles if you so choose, but I prefer to save them for just a little later.
Also, make sure to keep clear of the pair of corvettes that will hyper in to
provide a little cover for the Juveini as she tries to make her escape.

When the first wave of B-Wings is either completely destroyed or has hypered
home, the second will enter. Again, keep their path clear while they set up
their initial torpedo run. If the Juveini's shields aren't down by now, then
the next barrage of torpedoes should do it. With all the fighters cleared out,
start making passes at the Juveini yourself. Short strafing runs, alongside a
healthy dose of juking, will be just fine for this task. It will also help
draw off the fire for any remaining B-Wings. Time is of the essence, so don't
wait too long to finish the job.

Once the Juveini is destroyed, your mission will be complete. If you wish, you
can assist the B-Wings (if there are any left) in taking out the corvettes, or
you can head home. There are new developments.

Mission 16: Attack Probe Calibration Site

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing group Gold
Objectives: All probes must be destroyed
Container Chi 1 must be destroyed
Container Chi 2 must be destroyed
Container Chi 3 must be destroyed
Container Chi 4 must be destroyed
Container Xi 1 must be destroyed
Container Xi 2 must be destroyed
Container Xi 3 must be destroyed
Container Xi 4 must be destroyed

It certainly took long enough, if you ask me. Imperial forces have finally
caught on to the dirty trick, and now they are calibrating new probes to be
sent out. Overseeing this operation is the Relentless herself. However,
Command has a plan to stop this dead in its tracks, and you are to
spearhead this operation.

There are a total of eight containers, as well as sixteen probes, that must
be destroyed. Four of the containers are somewhat close to you, while the
remaining four are at the opposite end. Between them lie the probes. Order
your wingmen to attack one of the closer containers while you go after another
one; repeat until all four are destroyed. Once done, order your wingmen to
attack one of the farther containers, and start making your way down there

This is the important part; as you close the distance, destroy the probes
along the way; that way, you don't have to make the trek back later and,
ultimately, close the gap between you and the Relentless. The TIE Advanced
patrol will start harassing you, but A-Wing Gold provides decent protection,
leaving you to focus on the task at hand. Once you encounter the first wave of
gunboats, though, break off and engage them; the A-Wings can't handle both
groups of fighters at the same time.

Destroy the last of the probes, then take out the remaining containers (sadly,
your wingmen will most likely get blasted by the gunboats). Use your torps if
you have any left, then switch to lasers. By now you should be far enough away
that any remaining opposition is too far away to have any impact. When you see
that "mission complete" message, head home; things will only get hairier if
you stick around.

Mission 17A: Ambush Imperial Troop Shipment

Craft: A-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), CRV Chip, CRV ,
Objectives: FRT group Dotermin must be destroyed
FRT group Sornsen must be destroyed
CRV group Shurik must be destroyed

In order to even get close to the Relentless, any possible defenses must be
eliminated. Word has come through that a new shipment of TIEs, including
Interceptors and possibly the TIE Advanced, is en route to the Relentless.
This must be destroyed, or else any frontal assault against the Relentless
would be utterly pointless.

You won't be able to wreak as much havoc against the freighters as you would
in other craft, so you'll have to act more quickly than you normally would
in such a mission. First, clear off the bomber screen; they will quickly drop,
hopefully before they can do you any serious damage. Then begin making passes
on the freighters, but save your missiles. Use only your lasers. Let your
allies in their corvettes focus on taking the corvettes out, but if they
are unable to succeed, concentrate on them first. Just remember that you
can't take as many hits in your craft as you could, say, a Y-wing or a
B-Wing, so make sure you constantly juke to avoid its fire.

Once all the freighters are destroyed and the initial group of corvettes is
eliminated, your mission is complete. Head home and get ready; the real fun is
about to begin.

Mission 17B: Disrupt Delivery of New TIEs

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 1)
Objectives: Container Chi 1 must be destroyed
Container Chi 2 must be destroyed
Container Chi 3 must be destroyed
Container Chi 4 must be destroyed

It seems the intelligence people got their info wrong on this one. Sure, there
are TIEs remaining to defend the Relentless, but there is also a squadron of
gunboats. And shuttles. Bloody. Freakin'. Attack. Shuttles. Ugh. You are going
to need to act fast in order to ensure your survival here.

First, set your laser recharge rate to max and then pump some power into your
shields. Next. engage the shuttle CAREFULLY, but not before ordering your
wingman to ignore it. Use your ion cannons to disable it. By now you'll be
under fire from gunboats, so take one or two of them out using either your
lasers or your ion cannons. Next, filter through your targets to find the
second shuttle that is more than likely harassing your wingman. Disable it
as well. Hopefully by now at least one of the containers is destroyed; if not,
then get on it, and quickly.

If you linger around too long, the Relentless will scramble its fighters and
bombers, and you do NOT want to go toe to toe with these guys. Destroy the
containers and get the heck out of dodge. Otherwise you will be in for a long
and protracted fight.

Mission 18: Destroy the Relentless

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), A-Wing group Gold, B-Wing group Blue
Objectives: ISD Relentless must be destroyed

Here it is; the climax of the tour. With its defenses all but eliminated,
the Relentless is now highly vulnerable to enemy attack. The time to strike is
now, and you are to lead the way.

First, set your laser recharge rate to the max and pump power into your
shields; you are going to need all of the power you can get. Next, switch to
your photon torpedo launcher and set it to dual fire mode. When you see a trio
of corvettes hyper in to defend the Relentless, target the one closest to you
and fire six torpedoes at it to destroy it. It will make your task a lot

The challenging part lies in taking out the shield generators. You won't be
able to lock on with your targeting computer, so you'll have to aim manually.
Three torpedoes directly into each of them will lower the Relentless' shields
instantly. But before you break off to engage the fighter screen, switch to
ion cannons and disable the thing. When that's done, it won't be able to fight
back. Not one bit.

The rest of the mission is simple; whittle down the remaining TIEs and
gunboats while making passes at the Relentless. Your allies will assist in
both of these tasks, as well as destroying the remaining corvettes. It will
take time, and I can assure you those bombers will harass you with their
missiles, but you will be able to ultimately annihilate the enemy.

When the Relentless is destroyed, your mission will be complete. Feel free to
finish off any remaining enemies and then head home. The last phase of the
escape plan is about to begin.

Mission 19: Operation "Blunt Stick"

Craft: B-Wing Red 1 (you)
Objectives: The target probe must be destroyed

With the Relentless gone, there are no Imperial capital ships remaining that
can carry on the same kind of operation. All that remains is to wipe out
the remaining probes in this sector. Enter Operation Blunt Stick. Command
wants to take out all of these probes in one fell swoop, coordinating almost
every fighter in the fleet. You have been assigned to take out a lightly-
defended probe, or at least it seems that way.

You'll hyper in about ten clicks from your target. As you make your way
towards it, the ball drops. Freighters, corvettes, and a whole SLEW of
gunboats all now stand in your way. Damn.

There IS a little trick to make this mission a bit easier, and that is to
target the container that one of the freighters is carrying. Use three of
your torpedoes to take it out, and some of your allies will hyper in. Sadly,
they won't go after the probe for you, but they will divert some of the enemy
fighters away from you.

That being said, you still have to tackle a whole mess of gunboats. Six on
one odds are never good, but if you've made it this far, then you must have at
least some skill. My advice is to disable one of them; that way, replacement
waves won't hyper in to further harass you. The others you can destroy. Repeat
as necessary for each group of gunboats.

Unfortunately, you'll still have to dance with a few TIE Bombers and a couple
of corvettes. But without those gunboats giving you hell, this should not be
too difficult of a task. Once you have enough of an opening, move in and take
out the probe. If you want to take out the mines, feel free to do so, but it
is not required. Once the probe is destroyed, you are free to head home, but
if you want to scrub a few more enemies before you leave, all the more power
to you.

Mission 20A: Save the Cruiser Cathleen

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 1), CRS Cathleen, A-Wing group Blue,
Y-Wing group Gold
Objectives: CRS Cathleen must complete mission

With the Imperial surveillance network down and any serious opposition taken
care of, all that's left to do is to escape this sector and make your way to
the new base. The choice has been made to set up shop on Hoth, a remote,
ice-covered world that has been abandoned for years. Such a location is
considered ideal for hiding from the Empire; nothing of worth, and no reason
to make such an arduous journey.

To ensure a complete and utter getaway, no Imperial ships can witness this.
Any and all Imperial ships that you encounter must be destroyed. One of your
cruisers, the Cathleen, has run across a Frigate and is launching an assault.
This must not only stopped, but the Frigate must also be taken out of

First off, engage the squadron of bombers that the Frigate will launch. You
can ignore it; it won't pose a threat to your mission objectives. WHen it
does withdraw, four corvettes will hyper in and block the Cathleen's path
out. Worry not, though; they, too, won't be enough to derail the objectives.
Let the Y-Wings handle the corvettes while you mop up the bombers and move
on to the incoming waves of gunboats. These things may give you a little
trouble, but fortunately the A-Wings will assist you in this task.
When all the fighters are cleared away, you can move onto the corvettes, if
there are any remaining. But you're not done yet. The last, and biggest,
threat will arrive in the form of multiple transports that will make torpedo
runs on the Cathleen. Intercept and destroy each and every one of them. The
Cathleen can take some punishment, but it isn't invincible.

Finish the last of the transports, and you're in the clear. Simply fly
alongside the Cathleen and ensure it makes it to hyperspace. When it does,
head home yourself. Your task is complete, and you have earned some
well-deserved leave. Sadly, its on Hoth.

Mission 20B: Escape to Hoth!

Craft: B-Wing group Red (you - Red 1 ), A-Wing group Gold, X-Wing group Blue,
CRS Yali, CRS Maria
Objectives: CRS Maria must complete mission
CRS Yali must complete mission
FRG Fear must be destroyed
FRG Fury must be destroyed
FRG Hate must be destroyed
FRG Spite must be destroyed

Meanwhile, it seems other ships are looking to escape as well. Unfortunately,

they've been spotted by a patrol of Imperial frigates, and require your
assistance to make it to safety undetected. If you're ready for the fight of
your life, then by all means proceed.

First off, start by charging your lasers and pumping that power into your
shields. Next, head towards the first frigate, target it, and order your
wingman to attack as well. When in range, fire ALL of your torpedoes at it
and continue to close the distance until you are in laser range. When its
shields are lowered, switch to ions to disable it, then move on to the
fighter screen that will surely be harassing you by now. Focus only on the
interceptors that are giving you trouble, as your main focus should be the

You won't have any more torpedoes, but you'll still have lasers to fire at
the remaining frigates. And don't forget; use your ion cannons to disable
them once their shields are lowered. Not only will this save your hide, but
it will also greatly reduce the fire upon the Yali and the Maria. Keep up
your attacks on the able frigates, and they'll soon all be nothing more than
target fodder.

When all four frigates are taken out of the equation, you can turn your focus
towards the large number of fighters, but be careful. The A-Wings and X-Wings
will also be going after them, so make sure not to collide with your allies!
You must destroy every single craft; none must remain to triangulate the
ultimate destination of the fleet.

Only when nothing more remains are you free to hyper to your new home. Your
allies will be waiting for you, as will a nice long rest.

Upon finishing the last mission, whichever one you chose, you will see a
cutscene of General Riekan and Princess Leia setting up the new base on Hoth,
well prior to the invasion by Imperial forces. You will also be awarded a new
medal, the Talons of Hoth, by Mon Mothma. You've certainly earned this one.

With all tours complete, you'll be able to watch all the cutscenes. You will
also be able to play through all of the missions in the training grounds. Try
to better your skills and learn new tips!
VI. Technical Specifications

Quad laser cannons
Dual torpedo launcher (3 each)
300 KTU Engine
50 SBD Shield

The X-Wing is the standard Rebel fighter, and it emphasizes the main strategy
of the Alliance: keep your pilots alive, and give them the tools they need
to make the enemy suffer. Armed with quad laser cannons and deflector shields,
these craft are superior to the bulk of the Imperial starfighter force.

As opponents, they can be a bit challenging because of their shields and their
tendency to get up on you quick. Make sure you don't let them stick around in
a fight.

Dual laser cannons
Dual ion cannons
Dual torpedo launcher (4 each)
250 KTU Engine
40 SBD Shield

Y-Wings are an older design in use by the Alliance, but they still pack quite
a whallop. With both lasers and ion cannons, they serve a dual role as both
fighter and bomber. You'll often need your ion cannons when in the cockpit of
this bad boy.

When going up against them, make sure you stay behind them; you don't want to
get caught in its line of fire at any point, as they will rip you to shreds
quite easily.

Dual laser cannons
Dual missile launcher (6 each)
400 KTU Engine
50 SBD Shield

A-Wings are the fastest craft available to the Alliance, and as such are used
primarily as superiority fighters and high-speed reconnaissance craft. They
are also the only craft armed with concussion missiles, which come in handy
against other fighters.

I don't remember going up against these in this game other than in a training
misison, but because of their speed, they are dangerous opponents that are
not to be trifled with. Always be careful against them.

Triad laser cannons
Triad ion cannons
Dual torpedo launcher (6 each)
290 KTU Engines
80 SBD Shield

The newest addition to the Alliance fighter fleet, the B-Wing combines the
strenght and payload of the Y-Wing with the attack capability of the X-Wing,
making this the most powerful fighter the Rebels have to offer. Both ion
cannons and lasers are available for use, and the triad-system is unique among
any fighter in the galaxy.

TIE Fighter
Dual laser cannons
150 KTU Engines
15 RU Hull

The standard Imperial fighter, the TIE Fighter is cheap and easily produced,
and thus plentiful throughout your travels. While fast and relatively agile,
you'll find they can't take much punishment due to their lack of shields. That
being said their advantage usually lies in their superior numbers, so make
certain you even the odds quickly.

TIE Interceptor
Quad laser cannons
175 KTU Engines
20 RU Hull

An improvement over the standard TIE Fighter and a direct counter to the
X-Wing, the TIE Interceptor has quad lasers and an improved sublight engine,
but it still lacks shields, which means it won't take much punishment. A few
well-placed shots and you can say bye-bye.

TIE Bomber
Dual laser cannons
Dual missile launcher (10 each)
Dual torpedo launcher (6 each)
125 KTU Engines
50 RU Hull

The TIE Bomber is the heavy weapons craft of the TIE design, armed with both
proton torpeodes and missiles. It also has a heavier hull than its brethren,
making it a little harder to take down. However, it is also a lot slower and
bulkier, making it a lot easier to shoot at.

Assault Gunboat
Dual laser cannons
Dual ion cannons
Dual missile launcher (8 each)
300 KTU Engines
80 SBD Shields

The newest addition to the Imperial starfighter corps is also the first to
have a deflector shield! Uh-oh - it looks like the Imperials are catching on
to something here. These things are heavily armed and relatively agile, but
they aren't the fastest craft out there. The biggest threat lies in their
missiles; they carry A LOT of them, and they use them frequently, so be

TIE Advanced

Encounted at the Battle of Yavin and at points further on, this monstrosity of
a fighter is the latest development by the Imperials of a superiority fighter.
Armed with quad lasers and a dual missile launcher, it is the first of the TIE
design equipped with both shielding and a hyperdrive system, making it a true
threat to any Alliance fighter.

Don't let these things get behind you; with their speed and maneuverability,
they can wipe out even the best of pilots in no time at all.


Transports serve a dual purpose for both the Alliance and the Empire; they are
armed with ion cannons to disable targets, and they also can carry units of
troops to board and capture craft. However, they are slow and relatively bulky
compared to dedicated fighters, making them a bit unwieldy in close-range
combat. Usually, it only takes a torpedo or two to take care of them.

If you have to get in close on them, be careful; like the shuttles, they have
a horrible tendency to collide with you, all but destroying your own fighter.
Not good at all.


Normally, shuttles merely serve as small craft for personnel to travel back
and forth between places, or to engage in diplomatic meetings or engagements,
but someone decided to arm these things with powerful laser cannons and turn
them on us! Their bite is quite impressive, actually, especially in large

I hate having to combat these things; they're sluggish, but they have this
horrible tendency to come in quite close and ram you, which leaves you in a
pretty pickle. Your best bet is to pick them off from long range with torps
or missiles, and get up close only if absolutely necessary, and always,
ALWAYS keep them in sight; otherwise, you may end up as scrap metal.


You'll be seeing a lot of these in your travels; freighters serve as the main
form of transportation for cargo across the galaxy. However, many things can
stow away aboard these ships, from escaped pilots to spies. Fortunately for
you, the freighters themselves are not armed with any defensive weapons, so
if they're merely alone, then they won't pose a threat to you


Trust me when I say that containers are not always as they seem. While often
recepticles for cargo, sometimes they will serve as makeshift bases and even
as hangars for enemy fighters! The only way to find out, though, is to get up
close and inspect their contents.


These tugs are quite weak, but they serve an important purpose; they repair
and rearm craft, and can also shuttle pilots to stationary craft; if you can
take these tugs out before they complete their purpose, life will become ust
that bit easier for you.

Corellian Corvette

Corvettes are used by both the Alliance and Rebellion as fast transports for
both cargo and personnel, and can also serve in an attack and support role.
Their speed has earned them the nickname "blockade runner," and their many
laser turrets protect them well from starfighter attacks.

There is, however, a blind side that you can attack them from. If you're level
with them and coming straight up from behind, then you can let loose with your
lasers or ion cannons. They also can't take too much damage from torpedoes;
4 will lower their shields, and an additional two will destroy them; use this
knowledge to your advantage!

Nebulon B Frigate

Used by both the Alliance and the Empire, the Nebulon B Frigate serves many
roles. While not as powerful as a full-scale capital ship, these ships will
often be used for anti-starfighter defense, not just because of its ability to
carry squadrons of fighters, but also because of its numerous turbolaser

You will need all the skills you can muster to take down one of these monsters
without losing your own craft. If you have torps, use them. If you have ion
cannons, use them too. A disabled frigate is nothing more than an easy target,
and one that's firing dozens of turbolaser blasts at you is nothing short of
utterly deadly.

Calamari Cruiser

The main captial ship of the Alliance, the Calamari Cruiser is one of the few
craft that is able to go toe-to-toe with a Star Destroyer. They often serve
as mobile command posts, while also carrying squadrons of fighters and troop

Imperial Star Destroyer

1.6 km long, able to carry a full wing of fighters and regiments of troops,
and intimidating as all hell, the Imperial class Star Destroyer is the pride
of the Imperial Navy. These things can dish out some SERIOUS punishment, and
unless you have some serious skill and a plan, taking one out is going to be
an absolute beast. I recommend retreat if possible when faced with one, or
more, of these things.

If going up against one, be sure to take out their shield generators first.
You can't miss them; they're right above the bridge, and they look like those
doppler radar stations. Blow them to pieces, and the shields will drop almost
instantly, leaving them vulnerable to both torpedoes and ion cannons, if you
have them. If you manage to disable it, you have nothing more than a giant
target to shoot at.


In the wake of the many hit-and-fade attacks, the Empire decided to design a
craft that would prevent their enemies from escaping so easily after an
attack. Enter the Interdictor. While able to defend itself quite well in an
offensive situation, its primary weapon is purely supportive: massive gravity
well generators that prevent any ship within range from hypering out of the
area, thus trapping opponents that would presumably be overwhelmed.

VII. Rank and Awards

As you play the game, you'll find you'll move up in rank, and you'll receive
various awards and medals for completing tours and attaining enough ToD points
along the way. If you wanted to know the criteria for receiving such awards,
well here they are:

*Note: while you can't lose badges and awards you have obtained, if you die
or are captured by the enemy, and you choose to revive your pilot, they will
restart as a flight officer (or flight cadet, if not yet a flight officer).
Keep this in mind if you're a stifler for having the highest rank possible.

X-Wing Flight Badge - You earn this when you have completed level 8 of the
Proving Ground in your X-Wing

Y-Wing Flight Badge - You earn this when you have completed level 8 of the
Proving Ground in your Y-Wing

A-Wing Flight Badge - You earn this when you have completed level 8 of the
Proving Ground in your A-Wing

B-Wing Flight Badge - You earn this when you have completed level 8 of the
Proving Ground in your B-Wing

Kalidor Crescent - You are presented with this upon attaining at least 10,000
points in a single Tour of Duty mission (training and bonus missions do not
count towards this score)

Bronze Cluster - This addition to the Kalidor Crescent is given to you once
you earn at least 12,000 Tour of Duty points in a single mission (NOTE: this
mission must be different than the one you achieved 10,000 points in prior)

Silver Talons - This addition to the Kalidor Crescent is given to you once
you earn at least 14,000 Tour of Duty points in a single mission (NOTE: this
mission must be different than the one you earned your previous attachment in)

Silver Scimitar - This addition to the Kalidor Crescent is given to you once
you earn at least 16,000 Tour of Duty points in a single mission (NOTE: this
mission must be different than the one you earned your previous attachment in)

Golden Wings - This addition to the Kalidor Crescent is given to you once
you earn at least 18,000 Tour of Duty points in a single mission (NOTE: this
mission must be different than the one you earned your previous attachment in)

Diamond Eyes - This addition to the Kalidor Crescent is given to you once
you earn at least 20,000 Tour of Duty points in a single mission (NOTE: this
mission must be different than the one you earned your previous attachment in)

Corellian Cross - Mon Mothma awards this to you upon completion of Tour I

Mantooine Medallion - Mon Mothma awards this to you upon completion of Tour II

Star of Alderaan - In a grand ceremony identical to the one seen at the end of
Star Wars: A New Hope, Mon Mothma awards this to you upon the successful
destruction of the Death Star. You truly have earned this one.

Shield of Yavin - Mon Mothma awards this to you upon completion of Tour IV

Talons of Hoth - Mon Mothma awards this to you upon completion of Tour V

In addition to these specific awards, there are also patches for each of the
training missions, as well as ribbons for completing each Tour of Duty mission
successfully. By the time you've finished all of them, your uniform will be
quite full of stuff, I must say.
UPDATE: I should note: there are only 12 ribbons per tour, although in Tours
III, IV, and V, there are more than 12 missions. Seems ludicrous, doesn't it?

And now, here are the ranks you can achieve:

Flight Cadet: All Rebel pilots start out at this rank; it is the entry level
position for the Rebel Alliance. It is signified with a blank shoulder pad
on your uniform.

Flight Officer: Simply completing level 5 of the proving ground with a single
craft, a few of the training missions, or a couple of actual tour missions,
will quickly earn you a promotion to Flight Officer. Also, if your pilot is
killed and then revived, they will be reinstated at this rank regardless of
what rank they were before (I have to look into whether this is the case for
a flight cadet, but since I have never died as a flight cadet, I'm honestly
not sure). It is signified by one pin on your uniform's shoulder pad.

Lieutenant: Completing all of the ORIGINAL (not B-Wing) training missions and
earning those 3 Flight Badges will earn you a commission as a Lieutenant. You
can also achieve this through a combination of training and actual tour
experience. It is signified with two pins on your uniform's shoulder pad.
UPDATE: In terms of just ToD points, I found that it usually takes around
50,000 points to acquire (or re-acquire) this rank. This, of course, without
dying or getting captured.

Captain: This is the first rank that requires you to complete actual tour
missions to achieve, even if you complete ALL of the training missions. By
the time you complete your first tour, provided you haven't died, you should
have achieved this rank. It is signified with three pins on your uniform's
shoulder pad.
UPDATE: Becoming a Captain requires you achieve 100,000 ToD points (w/o dying
or getting captured). Depending on how many points you rack up in missions,
you could see this in relatively short order.

Commander: This is a very high rank for pilots that few manage to ever see; to
do so, you'll have to not only complete a large number of missions, but you'll
have to do so without getting captured or killed. This rank is signified with
four pins on your uniform's shoulder pad.
UPDATE: After much trial and error, I've found that once you achieve around
250,000 ToD points (w/o dying), you'll be promoted to this rank. A tall task,
but certainly do-able.

General: The highest rank you can achieve in the game; personally, I have not
yet gotten this rank for one of my pilots, as doing so requires a great deal
of skill and an even greater deal of luck. It is signifed with five pins on
your uniform's shoulder pad.
UPDATE: It IS possible to get this rank, but you have to be one hell of a
pilot in order to do so. Attain 500,000 or more ToD points (withOUT dying, of
course), and you'll be promoted to this rank.

VIII. Conclusion

I have to say, this took me a lot longer to write than the guide I did for
this game's sequel, TIE Fighter. That being said, it was a lot more rewarding
as well. I'm glad I was able to put up a guide for a game that is not only
extremely hard, but extremely fun at the same time. I would also like to thank
the following entities for making this possible:

To LucasArts. Thank you for making this game and many of the other Star Wars
games; the quality that has gone into these games really shows that you care
about what kind of product you put out, and it is a testament to the the men
and women that work for you.
To GameFAQs. Once again, you have provided me with an outlet for my writing
abilities and my desire to contribute something to like-minded people. For
that I salute you.

Lastly, Totally Games! for making an XP-compatible version of this game. Even
attempting to run this in DOSBox a couple of times was a maddening experience,
one I hope never to have to attempt again.

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