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Letter writing

18 Questions

1. Where does the writer's address go on a personal

business letter?

a) At the bottom of the page. b) In the centre of the page at the top.
c) Top right hand corner. d) Top left hand corner.

2. What  piece of information should you write to ensure

your letter goes to the correct person?

a) Your name. b) The name of the recipient.

c) The department of the recipient. d) Nothing.

3. How do you address the recipient if you do not know

their name?
a) Dear Sir or Madam, b) Dear Manager,
c) To Whom It May Concern, d) Dear Computer,

4. What information do you put in the first paragraph of a


a) What you would like the person to do. b) Details of your query.
c) Information about yourself. d) The reason for writing.

5. What is a topic sentence.

a) An incomplete sentence. b) A complex sentence.

c) A sentence which tells the reader what d) A complete sentence.

the paragraph is about.
6. Where does the topic sentence fit in a paragraph?

a) It is the first sentence. b) It is the last sentence.

c) Somewhere in the middle. d) You do not write topic sentences.

7. We use connectives in writing to ...

a) pad out the text. b) join ideas together.

c) confuse the reader. d) to look good.

8. What is the minimum number of paragraphs for a


a) One. b) Two.

c) Three. d) One and a half.

9. What should you write in the middle paragraphs?

a) Your ideas and supporting evidence. b) Whatever you like.

c) Your conclusions. d) What you want to happen.

10. What should you put in the final paragraph?

a) Threats. b) A rant on the topic.

c) Accusations. d) What you would like the reader to do.

11. How do you close a personal business letter?

a) Smiley face. b) Yours sincerely or faithfully.

c) Kind regards. d) Yours.

12. Why are there 4 enters after the complimentary closing?

a) To make room for the letterhead b) To make room for the body

c) To make room for your signature  d) To maker room for your address
13. When you sign a letter, it can only be in what 2 colors of


a) Red or Black b) Blue or Red

c) Black or Blue d) Pencil or Blank Ink

14. There is a 2 inch top margin set for what purpose?

a) Room for the signature line b) For the letterhead

c) For you to sign your name d) For the business' address

15. The last part of a business letter is the

a) Complimentary Closing b) Salutation

c) Signature Line d) Signed Signature 

16. A special notation at the end of a letter indicating that

an item(s) is included with the letter.

a) Attachment notation b) Typist Initials

c) Enclosure notation

17. Business Letters are written in Block Style, which means:

a) Everything is centered b) Everything is right-aligned

c) Everything is left-aligned d) You indent each paragraph

18. After the body of the letter, you include a statement

such as Sincerely or Regards. This is called the:

a) Signature b) Complimentary Close

c) Initials d) Salutation
Answer Key
1. c 6. a 11. b 16. c
2. b 7. b 12. c 17. c
3. a 8. c 13. c 18. b
4. d 9. a 14. b
5. c 10. d 15. c

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