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BLUE PRINTS Tue ORIGINAL tracings for the house designs shown” herein have been prepared at great cost by architects™ — who have given their undivided time to home planning for the past decade. Every plan has been carefully standardized as to dimensions so there will be no waste in construction, and the material lists call for materials usually carried in stock——thus avoiding the necessity of special millwork and other special materials which costs more and causes much delay. ( Complete plans in duplicate (two sets) for any design shown, will be furnished with- in 24 hours, for only $20, subject to re- | turn within two days if not acceptable. This special return privilege does not mean that plans will be furnished for securing cost estimates or loans, for this is a service worth the price of the plans, and a service for which any architect would charge far more. The return privilege is offered for the purpose of giv- ing prospective home builders the opportunity to examine the general character of the plans, and to consider the construction of the home from every viewpoint. THIS PLAN BOOK WAS PRODUCED FOR Northeastern Retail Lumbermen’s Association, Inc. & 810 Temple Building, Rochester, New York Homes of Brick AND STUCCO Standardized as to Dimensions Gof collection of homes shown herein need no descriptive 05) matter to enable the thoughtful to appreciate them more The exterior of each home, as well as the floor plan, will fully explain the skill with which it has been designed and the care that has been given to every detail by experts in home planning, It is in order to state, however, that all designs shown have been carefully standardized as to dimensions so that stock materials may be used throughout without waste which will enable each home to be constructed at the lowest cost possible—good materials and work- manship considered. INDEX Page Page Acdleigh 23 El Dorado. > Arlington 3 att i Baieville > Franklin 7 Bancroft pore Bedford 3 Gladstone 1 Behcicess 3. Grinnell 5 Benton, 8 see 4 Hollister 2 cab Be racin “it ee 42 Jamaica lina 6 Spence: Jamestown aoe Castleton 2 Stanley. Copeland, 44 Lancaster 8 Covington 8 Leighton a Oa Crawford 13 Leonard Wakefield Del Rosa 48 Manchester 6 Wellington Densmore Whittington Don Carlo, 2 Newport 30 Williston Price 50 cents © Page The CASTLETON 38x34') am | [ ’ aie The MANCHESTER—Duplex Size 36x32") + wo—4 £27" If interested, ask for our one family plan for Hl ee Tay The FAIRVILLA (Size gox30 BED ROOM woxite | puns nom . 7 Le BEDROOM 4-0" 114.6" | fo} Q << Ke QF a ys a a B Z iQ Q [o} ° 9 BH The GRINNELL (Size 32x28") 6x38 ENTRANCE. < q oy OF a Q5 5 2 A Pe a & Q iS o Zz < o The js=as | DINING Room —— Rexad +t | entrance | 4 The SHELBURN exes \hoxied The BANCROFT Vo mexee an WK 14.0 PORCH Woned BED ROOM \) Rona BED ROOM [fdeo room , i Wsonie8 lexis es rt I ~ a a & i = 03 a i E \ \ DINING Room eer 4-0 6x 14-0" JAMESTONN, =| The ARDLEIGH KITCHEN DINING ROOM Ronse axis - y The CALVERT — BED ROOM a 6x 76 ALVERT, BED ROOM 6x 10-0" BED ROOM 14-6K 12-6" The ROCKLAND (Size 26x28") Be. wrrcnen {2 cHen HH

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