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IMS Internal Auditor Course Handout - 01 Leadership /Management Responsibility Forth benef of business and people @ Management Responsbity 5 leadership & Management responsibility 5.1 leadership and commitment 5.3 Organizational roles responsibilty, authoritios 5.1.2 Customer focus 9.3 Management roviow cae 9.3.1 Gonora! 5.2.1 Developing the Quality policy | 9.2 Review input 9.3.3 Review output 8.2.2 Communicating the quality policy © | EERE so | ernst care Handout 01 - Management Responsibility 1 IMS Internal Auditor Course S& att Pty 80 sot z0tsciase 82 appropiate tothe purpose & contest ofthe organisation ‘commento sai comply wih requrements& conway improve the efeciveness of the GMS + famework for estabishing & reviewing gusty obectves communicated and undrsood ard apped wit tho organisation vase to relevant inierested pares, a eproprista ‘Available 08 Documented information Envionnentl polly 80 140042016 Claure 6:2 appropriate tthe purpose & context of te organisation ‘ommiment to protection of evtonment,incuding prevention of olan, and oer specie commitments ‘Commitmesto compliance obigatons ‘Commitment o continual improvement of EMS and enshence environmental perfomance ‘amework for establishing & reviewing quality objectives communicated wit the organisation ‘Available onesie pts © ) ‘Avallable 2s Documented Information 1: SSS 5 @ ‘ate 9.3.4 Goneral, “op management sal review ne organizations qually management system, at planned itera, ensure is cong sutabty,edequary, eleciveness and algnment wi te satel dreclon of the crganizaton, 193.2 Management roviw inputs ‘Management Review “Tha management reviw shal bo planed and cared out aking into consort: 2) the sats of actions from previous management reves; changes in esteral anna sues that are relevant othe quality ranagemant system; «infra on he performance ad oecveness ofthe quaty management eytem,inuding ends +) ustomerealieacon and eecback rm relevant interested pars; 2) the extent to which qualy objectives have been mt 2) process performance and confoiy of produce and serves 4) nonconformies and cortetv acon; £5) monitering and measurement resus Handout 01 - Management Responsibi IMS Intemal Auditor Course a ee 0D sang toennty > @)lntrmaton on te cxganizato'senvcnmeril perfomance, cluding tends 1) nonconormites and corctve action; 2) mentoring and measurement resus 8) fllment fs comptancecbiigaions: 4) aa rsuts; ©) adequacy of resources; ‘)roovan commuricaton(s) fom interested partes, incuting complaints opportuni for continual inpcovement ‘The outputs of the management review shall incude: » —conctision onthe continuing sutaity, adequacy and efetveness of the endonmenta ‘management sam: — decison ested to continual improvement opportunities econ eatd lo sny need for changes tote environmental manager system, nlng acon, tneedes, when environmental objectives have nol been achieved | | Handout 01 - Management Responsibility 5

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