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Havmour ICE CREAMS has a 6 process

1) Blending of Ice Cream Mixtures

2) Pasteurization
3) Aging
4) Addition of liquid flavours and colours
5) Freezing
6) Packaging
For the following production number of employees in each process are 2,3,2,3,2,3. For
Blending 60 units are produced in 85 minutes, Pasteurization takes 70 units and 240 minutes,
aging takes 40 units and 175 minutes, addition requires 50 units and 3 hours, freezing
requires 30 units and 2 hours and packaging requires 20 units and 1 hour. The Inventory stays
for 5 days before the start of the process and 10,12,8,10,5,15 and 26 days before it reaches
customers. There are two suppliers who get daily and weekly orders. Form customer A who
requires 15300 units/month. The company workers take break of 30 and 20 minutes. To draw
Value Stream Mapping.
Solution 1
Given, Requirements = 15300 units/month, also Days =25
Customer demand = (15300/25) = 612
Production time = (8*60*60) -((30+20) *60) = 25800 seconds
Takt Time = (Production time / Customer demand) = 42.15 minutes
a) Blending of Ice-cream mixture
Here, 60 units = 85 minutes
1 unit = 1.416 minutes = process time
Cycle time = (1.416/2) = 0.7083 minutes
Utilization = (Cycle Time / Takt Time) = 100.825%
b) Pasteurization
Here, 70 units = 240 minutes
1 unit = 3.428 minutes
Cycle Time = 1.142 minutes
Utilization = 162.65%
c) Aging
Here, 40 units = 175 minutes
1 unit = 4.375 minutes
Cycle time = 2.1875 minutes
Utilization = 311.38%
d) Addition
Here, 50 units = 3 hours
1 unit = 3.6 minutes
Cycle Time = 1.2 minutes
Utilization = 170.818 %
e) Freezing
Here, 30 units = 2 Hours
1 unit = 4 minutes
Cycle Time = 2 minutes
Utilization = 284.69%
f) Packaging
Here, 20 units = 1 hour
1 unit = 3 min
Cycle time = 1 min
Utilization = 142.34%

Total Process Time = (84.96+205.68+262.5+216+240+180) = 1189.14 seconds

Total lead Time = 86 days & 1189.14 Seconds
Solution 2 –
Two activities in the process that create values:
a) Organic Farming
b) Organic wastage used as fertilizers

Solution 3 –
Two activites in the process that create waste
a) After addition of liquid flavours and colours there is a lot of liquid and sluggish waste
created which can create uneven production and unwanted MUDA
b) The Milk used for Pasteurization can be bad as sometimes it can be creating
disintegrate the Milk and the ice cream to be created will be wasted

Solution 4 –
Two activites in the process that create waste and short term actionable suggestion
a) Before freezing the wastage is created due to addition of liquid flavoured and colours
would be sent for creating renewable energy (Biogas) by using anaerobic digestion
b) While blending, identifying the type of milk which is not suitable for ice-cream can
be diversified for other dairy products

Solution 5 –
Two steps in the process where digital opportunities can be used
a) Advertisement can be generated on social media platforms and televisions, through
this we can provide awareness that 1 Rs. of purchase from the customer will go for
animal welfare.
b) Drones and electronic devices can be used for delivery and provide promotion of our
ice cream which will provide people information about our ice cream which is healthy
and hygienic.

Solution 6 – Future State Mapping

From the solution 1 we found that waste is created and a lot of time can be saved if we
implement solution 4 and 5
This will decrease the process time and total lead time
Given, Requirements = 15300 units/month, also Days =25
Customer demand = (15300/25) = 612
Production time = (8*60*60) -((30+20) *60) = 25800 seconds
Takt Time = (Production time / Customer demand) = 42.15 minutes
a) Blending of Ice-cream mixture
If we check the milk for mixture and remove unwanted milk it will decrease the time
by 20 minutes
Here, 60 units = 65 minutes
1 unit = 1.0833 minutes = process time
Cycle time = (1.0833/2) = 0.5416 minutes
Utilization = (Cycle Time / Takt Time) = 77.096%
b) Pasteurization
Here, 70 units = 240 minutes
1 unit = 3.428 minutes
Cycle Time = 1.142 minutes
Utilization = 162.65%
c) Aging
Here, 40 units = 175 minutes
1 unit = 4.375 minutes
Cycle time = 2.1875 minutes
Utilization = 311.38%
d) Addition
As waste created in this section is removed the process time will reduce by 1 hour and
will produce the ice Cream fast
Here, 50 units = 2 hours
1 unit = 2.4 minutes
Cycle Time = 0.8 minutes
Utilization = 113.87 %
e) Freezing
Here, 30 units = 2 Hours
1 unit = 4 minutes
Cycle Time = 2 minutes
Utilization = 284.69%
f) Packaging
Here, 20 units = 1 hour
1 unit = 3 min
Cycle time = 1 min
Utilization = 142.34%

Total Process Time = (84.96+205.68+262.5+216+240+180) = 1097.14 seconds

Also by the use of Drones the final days of delivery can be reduced by 5 to 10 days which
will save the cost of transportation and time
Total lead Time = 76 days & 1189.14 Seconds

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