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Value Stream Mapping of APS Paper Company

Production Customer B
Customer A
Supplier 1 Supplier 2 Control

Production supervisor

Chipper Pulp Washing Bleaching/refin Paper making

Machine & Packing
System ers and
2 People
cleaners 1 People
C/T = 2 min
5 People System C/T = 2min
Batch = 50 C/T = 2min
3 People Batch = 50
Uptime = 72% Batch = 50
C/T = 2min Uptime = 82%
Uptime = 70%
Batch = 50

Uptime = 78%

5days 10days 15days 8days

2min 4min 7min 2min

Note: Takt Time = (Production time / Customer demand)

APS Paper Company

Pulp and paper manufacturing is highly complex process and integrate many different process areas
including wood preparation, pulping, bleaching, and papermaking to convert wood to the final
product. Processing options and the type of wood processed are often determined by the final
The pulp for papermaking may be produced from virgin wood by mechanical means or may be
produced by the repulping of paper for recycling. Wood is the main original raw material. Paper for
recycling accounts for about 50 % of the wood used. Paper production is mainly a twostep process in
which a fibrous raw material is first converted into pulp, and then the pulp is converted into paper.
Some integrated pulp and paper mills perform multiple operations (example, chemical pulping,
bleaching, and papermaking; pulping and unbleached papermaking etc.). Separating the useful fibre
from the rest of raw materials (Cellulose from wood, cotton) and beating down the fibre into pulp.
Then the bleached or unbleached pulp may be further refined to cut the fibres and roughen the
surface of the fibres to enhance formation and bonding of the fibres as they enter the paper
machine. The harvested wood is first processed so that the fibres are separated from the unusable
fraction of the wood, the lignin. Pulp making can be done mechanically or chemically. The pulp is
then bleached and further processed, depending on the type and grade of paper that is to be
produced. In the paper factory, the pulp is dried and pressed to produce paper sheets.

 Answer 1: Here we have taken 8 processes when the customer places an order it goes to our


1.  Then the production department checks whether we have the required amount but then if
the said amount is not there then we the production department places and with the

2. Then the supplier takes the required time and delivers to the production supervisor which
initiates the manufacturing process.

3. The raw material which our production supervisor gets is then put in our first process of
paper making.

4. The first process is putting the raw material into the chipper machine which then cuts and
processes the wood which is an essential step for production of paper.

5. Then the processed wood goes for pulp washing which would be used for making paper. This
step makes the wood soft which is also an important step.

6. The next process is bleaching and refining the pulp which makes the pulp clean and it can be
made to use our final paper in the last step of manufacturing.

7.  Then putting that clean dry pulp into the paper making machine for the final paper product
that is paper. 

8. Then after manufacturing it is delivered to our customers through our logistics department.

Answer 2 - The two activities here in the process that create value are:

1. The wood pulp making process- because this is what makes the wood soft and processed
which can be later used for making our final product that is paper as this is not a final
product some customers might think thirds process does not provide any value but majority
of the customers will understand as this our first step to make the paper.
2. Paper making machine – Here in this process the final product is made that is paper. These
papers can be customized as per the needs of our customers, so all of the customers would
actually derive value from this process and hence this process can be seen as a value adding

Answer 3 - activities in the process that create waste are:

1. Overproduction – Failing to estimate customer demand leads to overproduction which leads

to damage and loss due to climatic conditions as well rodents and huge holding costs and
machine idle costs.
2. Processing – While treating pulp in machines some pulp gets washed away due to machine
inefficiency and we are hardly able to retain 70% of the pulp. This is one of the major waste
that is created while processing pulp.
3. Defects – Around 7% of the total production is lost due to manufacturing defects that are
caused due to power failure while processing or certain other machine defects.

Answer 4 – For activities that create waste, make short term actionable suggestions to improve
these activities.

1. To avoid over production, we can do production according to the past trend analysis or
moving analysis method of demand of the products and also decrease our inventory
holdings by manufacturing at lower pace or manufacturing just smaller additional amounts
than demanded.
2. In order to avoid wastage while processing we can use machines with latest technology and
more efficiency which may offer precious paper cutting and help reduce wastes.
3. Defects can be avoided by using technologies to inspect at every stage which can
dramatically reduce wastages to up to 2%.

Answer 5 - Value could be created by using digital opportunities in the following ways:

1. The production control team requiring to contact suppliers can be done through the digital
space as the production control team can issue quotation prices and the lowest asking price
supplier winning the bid provided it performs good on quality aspect.
2. The production supervisor can also use the digital space as the workers in each department
would upload their day-to-day work on the digital space as instructed by the supervisor
which the supervisor can easily track through and find bottlenecks or loads in any of the
3. Advertisement can also help to boost the sales that is also another digital use which the
company can do.

Answer 6- Future State Map of the company:

1. To cut the lead time- 38 days which is the current state to 6 days.
2. Value Creating Time- Pulp washing and paper making machine time which in the current
state takes 6 mins to reduce this to 3 minutes.
3. Uptime- To change the or improve the uptime of chipper to at least 80%. Also, to improve
the pulp washing uptime to 85%. Improve the bleachers and refining process to at least 92%
and to improve paper machine and manufacturing uptime to 95% or more.
4. Try to reduce the scrap from 10% to 2% as mentioned before for efficient process
5. Try to have the required stock available when the customers ask and also improve the
condition of warehouse and get rid of rodents and others.

Aditya Prasad Chourasia- PG2020-P005
Pritam Kashyap- PG2020-P021
Shubham Kumar- PG2020-P031

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