Bài 1. Word formation and word order: Luyện thi Toeic 450+

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vn – Học chủ động - Sống tích cực

Khóa học Luyện thi Toeic 450+ (Cô Hương Fiona)

Bài 1. Word formation and word order

Bài tập tự luyện
Giáo viên: Hương Fiona

Choose the best answer in each of the following questions:

1. _______ for the money management seminar will be forwarded to all

the managers tomorrow.

A. invite B. invitations C. inviting D. invitation

2. The conference's keynote speaker addressed _______ impacts of digital

technology on the current music industry.

A. variety B. variably C. variation D. various

3. The effects of affordable housing _______ in rural areas will be

discussed at the conference.

A. develops B. developing C. development D. developed

4. Even if residents in the area have shown strong _______ to the project, the
city government may not be hesitant to proceed with it.

A. resisting B. resistant C. resisted D. resistance

5. We had to spend the whole month searching for better solutions, and
_______customers were impressed by our efforts.

A. fortunate B. fortune C. fortune D. fortunately

6. The more we spent with the sales team, the more _______ we were with
their innovative marketing skills.

A. impression B. impress C. impresses D. impressed

7. The manager said that it is _______ to test emergency equipment frequently

to avoid any malfunction.

A. appropriate B. appropriateness C. appropriately D. most

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Hocmai.vn – Học chủ động - Sống tích cực
Khóa học Luyện thi Toeic 450+ (Cô Hương Fiona)


8. The unexpected operating complexity was more serious

than______ anticipated.

A. origin B. original C. originally


9. Applicants must possess a master of business administration or _______

experience in a related field.

A. compare B. compared C. comparable D. comparing

10. The expansion of the natural history museum is most _______ the cause
of significant revenue increases.

A. probabilities B. Probability C. Probable D. probably

11. During this time your application will remain available for _______ until
opportunities become open.

A. considering B. considered C. consideration D. considerable

12. Many science majors enter graduate school _______ after completing a
bachelor of science degree.

A. directly B. direct C. directed D.


13. Customers who purchase more than 500 dollars worth of items can request
an HDTV cable box at no _______ charge.

A. additional B. addition C. adding D.


14. Mr. Garry Noxon in accounting was _______ warned about having to
many numerical errors the budget report.

A. repeat B. repeatedly C. repeater D. repetition

15. According to many _______ of the industry, the majority of small –

sized firms are hoping to enter into lucrative businesses.

Hệ thống giáo dục HOCMAI Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 6933 - Trang | 2 -
Hocmai.vn – Học chủ động - Sống tích cực
Khóa học Luyện thi Toeic 450+ (Cô Hương Fiona)

A. survey B. surveys C. surveying D. surveyed

16. The first step in preparing a fairly _______ presentation is to do your

research thoroughly on your topic.

A. informative B. inform C. information D. informer

17. It is likely that _______ of the annual conference will reach an all –
time high this year, with more than 1000 people planning to attend.

A. attendant B. attendance C. attended D. attendee

18. A detailed quotation on the ongoing _______ will be provided for free
anytime upon request.

A. maintaining B. maintenance C. maintained D.


19. The customer service department is responsible for fulfilling _______

from the public and has to forward them to the chief financial officer.

A. requests B. request C. requesting D.


20. Employees will be given bonuses and incentives _______ depending

on their performance achievements, not base on their relationship with

A. exclusive B. excluding C. exclusively D. excluded

21. We invite qualified professionals for urban _______ project.

A. renew B. renewed C. renewal D. renewing

22. You can _______ rebuild your credit by taking steps to repair your credit
rating as soon as possible.

A. easy B. easier C. easily D. easiness

23. Make sure you provide the requested _______ when submitting advertising
proposals since incomplete ones will not be accepted.

Hệ thống giáo dục HOCMAI Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 6933 - Trang | 3 -
Hocmai.vn – Học chủ động - Sống tích cực
Khóa học Luyện thi Toeic 450+ (Cô Hương Fiona)

A. information B. inform C. informing D.


24. While smokers are highly _______ of the ban nonsmoking in workplaces,
most non- smokers support the ban.

A. critic B. critically C. critical D.


25. You can reach us either by phone or e-mail when you need technical _______
or have any questions about the product you purchased.

A.supported B.supporter C.supporting D.support

26. After hours of debate, the Review Committee created a list of _______ to
the proposal drafted by administrators.

A.changed B.change C.changes D.changing

27. In recent years, most companies have been favoring rigid criteria systems that
require employees to _______ discretion.

A.exerciser B.exercising C.exercised D.exercise

28. The agreed-upon _______ sanctions are not limited to tariffs, trade barriers,
and import or export quotas imposed on individual countries.

A. economic B. economically C. economist D. economy

29. The unions requested that they be offered _______ pay increases
equaling about 40,000 dollars a year.

A.substantiate B.substantially C.substance D.substantial

30. You will have a full week at the resort of your _______, departing on July 20
and arriving back in Tokyo on July 26.

A.choose B.choice C.choices D.chose

31. Discuss any changes with your employees, fully explaining the reasons for
any planned change and take into _______ the influence of the modifications
on them.

Hệ thống giáo dục HOCMAI Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 6933 - Trang | 4 -
Hocmai.vn – Học chủ động - Sống tích cực
Khóa học Luyện thi Toeic 450+ (Cô Hương Fiona)

A. consider B.considered C.considering D.consideration

32. Here’s another piece of evidence that there has been enormous _______ in
the supply of customized services to customers.

A. growth B. grows C. grown D. grower

33. Our aim is to increase the efficiency of the rail services both for freight
and passengers by providing services on the network and increasing
_______ among companies.

A.competes B.competitively C.competitive D.competition

34. We are sorry to announce that we will not _______ any credit cards starting
next year since a cash deposit is required.

A.accepts B.accepting C.accept D.accepted

35. The elegant hotel known for its fabulous amenities is _______ located near
the local airport.

A.convenience B.convenient C.conveniently D.conveniences

Giáo viên: Hương Fiona

Nguồn : Hocmai.vn

Hệ thống giáo dục HOCMAI Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 6933 - Trang | 5 -

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