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2013 International Conference on Machine Intelligence and

and Advancement

A Fuzzy Logic Rule Based Forecasting Model: Work-

life Balance in IT among Software vs. Services
Industry on the view of Women Software Engineer
Shanthi Rajagopalan Lakshmi Rajamani
Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
SCSVMV University Osmania University College of Engineering
Enathur, Kanchipuram, India Hyderabad, India

Abstract- For any employee to work, flexi place be those for representatives work-life parity are opening themselves
who can function independently and have demonstrated up to developing amounts of disappointed and inefficient
dependability. Nowadays, the causes of employee workers and thus expanded the weakening rates. Basically,
performance problems are attributable to the work making a work-life strategy skeleton is not sufficient;
environment, not the employees. The only answer for this encouraging an organizational society that upholds the
would be "Fix the systems in which our employees work!" utilization of accessible arrangements is likewise of
The purpose of this study is to devise a generic fuzz logic incredible significance. Further there is a need for
rule based forecasting model specific to employee work-life superintendents and workers much the same to find
adaptable and creative results that boost gainfulness without
balance and its effect on attrition and job dissatisfaction.
impeding workers well – being, their family relationships
This helps to explore the views of women in IT on issues that and different parts of life.
pertain to work-life balance among Software vs. Services
industry as process and policy differs from organization to Software engineering projects [7] involve numerous
organization. This paper is focusing on constructing a programming specialists; Management is demanded to
generic fuzzy logic rule based forecasting model which will arrange the exercises and assets included in undertakings.
be used later to evaluate the survey data collected from Productive administration of assets is basic in the execution
of any sort of programming tasks. Programming undertaking
Women IT engineers from Software Vs. Services Industry in
administration is a key part of programming building.
Hyderabad.. Projects need to be administered on the grounds that expert
Fuzzy logic offers noteworthy advantages over other programming building is dependably subject to
methods due to its ability to naturally represent qualitative organizational budget and schedule constraints. The
aspect of work-life balance survey data and apply flexible undertaking supervisor's work is to guarantee that the
inference rules thereby we can analyze the cause and effect programming task meets and conquers these imperatives and
conveying high caliber programming. Great administration
which helps IT organization can establish right policy and
can't ensure venture victory. In any case, terrible
process to deal with it. administration more often than not brings about task
inadequacy: the programming may be conveyed late, require
Keywords - Organization, Software Engineering, Fuzzy Work more than basically assessed, or neglect to meet the needs of
Life balance, Job dissatisfaction, Attrition, IT Professionals, clients.
Retain, Fuzzy Logic
The success criteria for project management obviously
I. INTRODUCTION vary from project to project but, for most projects, important
goals are:

Work – Life Balance [13] is a bewildering issue for IT 1. Deliver the software to the client at the concurred time.
pioneers, supervisors and has likewise tempted the 2. Keep overall costs within budget.
consideration of analysts. Conglomerations need to
3. Deliver software that meets the client’s desire.
determine that they are not simply hearten however
command a functional and workable work-life offset 4. Maintain a happy and well-functioning development
approach, profiting and helping both the conglomeration and team with proper work-life balance to reduce the
its workers. Conglomerations are not giving genuine chance attrition rate

978-0-7695-5013-8/13 $31.00 © 2013 IEEE 241

DOI 10.1109/ICMIRA.2013.52
Risk and individuals administration is the two vital Software applications of 10,000 function points (unit of
occupations for a task director. Hazard administration measure of the business functionality an information system
includes reckoning dangers that may influence the activity provides) cost around $2000 per function point from the start
docket or the nature of the programming being created, then of the requirements until delivery with the assumption of
after that initiating movement to stay away from these experienced programmer in a project and daily scheduled
dangers incorporating wearing down due to work-life hours as 10 hours instead of regular hours 8 which is not
equalization. possible to accommodate by Women software engineers as
they have family responsibilities provided if they are married.
Risk administration: Project directors need to evaluate the However, this is varying from organization to Organization
dangers that may influence a venture, screen these dangers, (Software vs. Services).
and initiate movement when issues roll out.
In case of an experienced programmer quits from the
People administration: Project chiefs are answerable for project/organization because overtime more than 8 hours
operating a group of individuals. They need to pick which is impacting work-life balance which in turn having
individuals for their group and create routes of working that impact to the project and the project will not be finished
accelerate successful group execution and determine the within the estimated schedule, time and cost as onboarding a
group is having legitimate work-life parity. new resource and ramp them up within a stipulated time
requires time and cost.

We can think about a risk as one thing that we might like

Though different methodology and software engineering
to not have happen. Risks could be the project, the software
process (function point estimation, extreme programming) in
package that's being developed, or the organization. There
place, work-life balance is one of the project risk which
are, therefore, 3 connected classes of risk:
leads to increasing the attrition rate and it is still prevailing
in IT industry. This still requires continuous monitoring and
1. Project risks: Risks that affect the project schedule proactive steps to mitigate the risk as work-life balance is
or resources. An example of a project risk is the one of the factors for attrition and it may vary from time to
loss of an experienced designer because of work-life time and organization to organization such as Software vs.
balance. Finding a replacement designer with Services.
appropriate skills and experience may take a long
time and, consequently, the software design will This article focuses on devising a generic fuzzy logic
take longer to complete. rule based model for forecasting to study work-life balance
in IT on the view of Women IT engineer. There are 2 factors
2. Product Risks: Risks that influence the quality or which we are going to use in our study to devise Fuzzy logic
execution of the programming being created. An rule based forecasting model to study the work-life balance
illustration of an item danger is the disappointment and its effect on attrition as the attrition rate is varying from
of a bought segment to execute obviously. This may year on year as well as the policy and process of work-life
influence the general execution of the framework balance varies from Software vs. Services IT industry
with the goal that it is slower than envisioned. specific to women engineers. For an instance, flexi
arrangement might have been implemented in Software
3. Business Risks: Risks that influence the companies but utilization of such benefit may not 2% as
conglomeration advancing or getting the deciding authority is Manager and moreover India is a
programming. For instance, a contender presenting country where in people used to work in front of managers
another item is a business danger. The presentation otherwise effort will not be recognized. These cultural
of an intense item may imply that the surmises differences are also playing a vital role. Below are the
made about offers of existing programming items factors to construct a fuzzy model.
may be unduly ideal.
x Work-life balance satisfaction among employees
from Software Vs. Services
If an experienced programmer leaves a project because of
x Longevity of stay Software Vs. Services
work-life balance then this can be a project risk because,
even if they are immediately replaced, the schedule will be
The present invention leverages the above mentioned 2
affected. It inevitably takes time for a new project member to
factors and devise generic Fuzzy logic rule based model to
understand the work that has been done, so they cannot be
forecast the employee satisfaction in terms of work-life
immediately productive. Consequently, the delivery of the
balance and its effect on attrition.
system may be delayed. The loss of a team member can also
be a product risk because a replacement may not be as
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses
experienced and so could make programming errors. Finally,
about literature review. Section 3 discusses about designing
it can be a business risk because that programmer’s
Fuzzy logic rule to forecast employee satisfaction in terms of
experience may be crucial in winning new contracts
work-life balance and turn over intention. Some specific
conclusions are summarized in Section 4.

II. LITERATURE REVIEW Services Industry. Below are the options which are part of
work-life balance and there is no automated way of
Deepak D Rangreji [8] led "A Study On Emotional forecasting employee satisfaction specific to work life
Intelligence And Work Life Balance Of Employees In The balance and their impact to attrition.
Information Technology Industry In Bangalore, India" as a
x Diversity
feature of his MPhil (Computer Science paper) from Christ
University submitted on 2010 and the outcomes of restricted x Schedule compression
ANOVA uncover that work identified variables meddling x Wellness policy
with individual life and chance in position with the use of x Teleworking
work life parity is more for men than ladies IT workers. x Childcare
There is a wrong observation that work – life parity systems x Financial planning
is implied just for ladies and not for men. Workers utilizing x Concierge services
such projects are seen as less conferred to their work and x Software vs. Services Industry specific to Women
conglomeration. Life comes to be all the more
However, out study is going to construct a Fuzzy model to
comprehension and dynamite just when, both men and ladies
predict employee satisfaction specific to work life balance
impart family obligations similarly. The point when an
and their impact to attrition on the view of Women in IT
individual revels in a sound particular life and when his
(Software vs. Services). In this paper, generic Fuzzy model is
individual life is loaded with bliss and delight and free from
going to be constructed which will be leveraged once data
clashes, representatives will be in an improved position to
survey is conducted with IT professionals and then evaluate
amass in their expert life. They can perform better, their
how this model helps in terms of forecasting.
gainfulness and nature of work will enhance and they will be
more reliable to their conglomerations. Thus it is suggested
that bosses and conglomerations should not debilitate III. BUILDING FUZZY LOGIC RULE BASED
representatives from utilizing the work – life equalization FORECASTING MODEL
projects. Conglomerations may as well urge representatives Representatives [10] have an expanded worry about
to make utilization of the accessible work – life offset adjusting their work and particular lives (Grant-Vallone &
projects and evacuate the fear that utilization of work – life Donaldson, 2001) and even this definitely varies from
equalization systems will have a negative effect on a Software vs. Services IT industry. This is the after effect of a
world of work portrayed by change and expanded request on
representative's profession.
time, vigor and work responsibility (Burk, 2000). Besides,
the concern is not restricted to a particular aggregation of
Joanna Hughes, Nikos Bozionelos [9], has led a study on workers and the exploration studies has indicated that
work-life equalize as a wellspring of work disappointment representatives crosswise over distinctive organizational
and withdrawal demeanor against Bus industry. The levels and with diverse family structure are concerned with
discoveries obviously showed that work-life parity issues accomplishing an improved equalize between work and life.
were of major concern to transport drivers. Besides, the
issues brought on by the failure to equalize work and non- Problem Statement:
work life were recognized by the transport drivers as the
fundamental drivers of work disappointment, work turnover Attrition rates portray [3] the rate at which representatives
leave an organization. High weakening rates are an issue in
and non-attendance in their occupation. Different
numerous commercial ventures, particularly in the IT
wellsprings of disappointment and withdrawal conducts, business. Representative turnover does not dependably give
incorporating medicine by the administration and pay, a complete picture of an organization's status, and the case is
developed as a great deal less genuine issues for these not greatly improved the situation when distinctive
drivers than work-life awkwardness. organizations utilization diverse computations and recipes to
figure out steady loss. Major IT companies won’t reveal the
Judy De Villiers and Elize Kotze [12] led a study on attrition rates to public as it is confidential and private data;
Work-Life Balance: A Study in the Petroleum Industry and private data will not be shared with public as it will impact
their Findings are that the Dilemma Of work-life parity is the status of the company among other IT companies.
not simple to amend. Not just is it a single thought that However, forecasting attrition rates using fuzzy method
fluctuates as time passes and scenarios, it is altogether would be beneficial to IT organizations for data analysis
affected by complex working environment issues, for purpose and standardize the process of forecasting depends
example administering change, supervisory aptitudes, on various factors. In this paper, we are going to form a
authority and organizational qualities. generic Fuzzy Logic Rule based Model for Forecasting
based on work life balance and its impact to attrition and job
Previous studies specific of work-life balance [8], [9] [12] dissatisfaction.
and [16] did not cover some of the following factors rather
research gaps against Women in IT specific to Software vs.

Model Design called for. A prototype system can also be developed based
solely on domain knowledge without relying on extensive
Forecasting [1] is the process of building statements training data. Furthermore, performance of the system can be
about events whose actual conclusions (typically) have not gradually tuned as more data become available
yet been perceived. A common place example might be
estimation of some variable of interest at some specified We selected (a) and (b) as the primary factor to design
future date. Forecasting is a similar, but more general term. Fuzzy Logic Rule Based Forecasting model.
The expressions "forecast" and "forecasting" are now and
again held for evaluations of qualities at certain particular x Work-life balance satisfaction among employees
future times, while the expression "forecast" is utilized for from Software Vs. Services
additional general gauges, for example the amount of times x Longevity of stay Software Vs. Services
surges will happen in excess of a long period. Hazard and
questionable matter are key to determining and expectation;
Suppose the data set [4] under investigation consists of
it is ordinarily recognized great practice to show the level of
four dimensional data where the first two coordinates from
doubt joining to conjectures. In any case, the information
the input, and the third and 4th one is the output. The goal is
must be exceptional in place for the estimate to be as precise
to design a classifier capable of forecasting the output given
as would be prudent.
new 2 dimensional inputs. So we have two input variables
and two output variable. We have to know the ranges for
Fuzzy logic offers important advantages over other
both input and output.
methods due to its ability to naturally represent qualitative
aspect of work-life balance survey data and apply flexible
Our task [4] is to generate a set of fuzzy rules from the
inference rules thereby we can analyze the cause and effect
training input-output pairs and use these fuzzy rules to model
which helps IT organization can establish right policy and
the system as per our need. We continue in the following
process to deal with it.
method. First, we divide the input and output spaces into
several fuzzy subsets and assign linguistic terms to them. Let
At Tata Consultancy Services [5] (TCS), 12.2% of the
us assume that the domains of input variables: one and two
workforce stop in FY12, lower from 14.4% a year prior.
are divided into 3 regions and are assigned the following
While at It major Wipro, steady loss dunked to 17.6% in
linguistic terms: Low, Average, high. The domain of the
FY12 (22.3% in FY11). Steady loss at second-bar Infosys
output variable, out is divided into 3 regions with linguistic
Ltd tumbled to 14.7 (17% in the past year) and at HCL
terms Low, Average and High assigned to them. Following,
Technologies to 15% from 17%. Hexaware Technologies,
we consign to each region a fuzzy membership function.
which accompanies a timetable year, saw 11% of its workers
Different shapes of membership functions are possible, but
putting in papers contrasted with 16.4% a year back. In the
we use triangular shapes with height 1 at the center of the
event that we take a gander at the example, there is no
region and 10% overlap between neighboring sets. The next
unwavering methodology to say if the wearing down rate is
step is to generate fuzzy rules using the linguistic terms
normal, high or Low according to the It business gauges.
assigned in the previous step.
When developing a Fuzzy Logic Based Forecasting
Fuzzy Logic started [6] as the study of language in
model for Work life Balance and its impact to attrition, one
arguments and persuasion, and it can be used to judge the
must first classify the factors that strongly influence job
correctness of a chain of reasoning in a mathematical proof
dissatisfaction and attrition. Unfortunately, it is extremely
for instance. The goal of the theory is to reduce principles of
difficult, if not impossible, to accurately identify appropriate
reasoning to a code. The ’truth’ or ’falsity’ assigned to a
quality factors. Furthermore, the degree of influence is
proposition is its truth-value. A suggestion in fuzzy logic
imprecise in nature. That is, although exact and discrete
may be true or false, or an intermediate truth-value such as
metric data are used, inference rules used in drawing
maybe true. A form of knowledge representation suitable for
conclusions may be fuzzy in nature. Suppose, for example,
notions that cannot be defined precisely, but which depend
that Human resource team reported an attrition rate 45%, upon their contexts. Fuzzy logic provides an alternative way
whereas typical attrition rate ranges from 3% to 17%. We to represent linguistic and subjective attributes of the real
can argue that such attrition rate significantly exceeds the world in computing.
reported average from IT industry, and experts will most
likely agree unanimously with the conclusion. However, We identified 2 factors to construct a Fuzzy Logic Rule
such assessment is fuzzy because the term “significantly” based model and the weightage of both factors are given
cannot be objectively quantified. Moreover, if a HR team below. For convenience, we shall here restrict the possible
reports attrition rate of 14%, experts are likely to differ in Truth-values are in effect to restricting a discrete the domain
their opinions as to whether or not the Attrition rate {0, 0.5, and 1} for Low logic, Average/Moderate or rather
exceeded the industrial norm and by how much it exceeded. high, three-valued and true. In doing, so we are in effect
In other words, decision boundary is not well defined. restricting the theory to multi-valued logic, or rather three
valued logic to be specific.
Due to its natural ability to model imprecise and fuzzy
aspect of data and rules, fuzzy logic is an attractive In training, one would subdivide the unit interval into
alternative in situations where approximate reasoning is finer divisions, or work with a continuous truth-domain.

However, much of what follows is valid even in a specify conclusions drawn from assertions known or assumed
continuous domain as we shall see. to be true. One such rule of inference is modus ponens. It is
often presented in the form of an argument:

In words: If 1) P is known to be true 2) We assume

that P=> Q is true then 3) Q Must be true. Restricting for a
moment to two valued logic, we see from the truth table for
If we look at the above table, there is a factor called P => Q
“longevity of stay” which will be used for forecasting along
with other related factor “work life balance satisfaction”. As
there factors are mutually related and contributing for job
dissatisfaction and leading to turnover intention. Here, we
used the linguistic variables (High, Average/moderate, and
Low). High represents the impact is high (negative impact)
in terms of Work-life balance as well as longevity of stay

Whenever P ⇒ Q and P are true then thus is Q; by P true

we have a tendency to reflect solely the second row, going Q
true because the solely possibility. In such Associate in
nursing argument, the assertions on top of the road are the
premises, and therefore the assertion below the road the
conclusion. Notice the premises are assumed to be true, we
have a tendency to don't seem to be considering all potential
truth mixtures as we have a tendency to have done once
proving tautologies. Here is that the reasoning fuzzy rule
Below is the Fuzzy Logic Rule Based Model
used for coming up with the model for forecasting.
constructed based on the factor the factor (C1) and (C2) and
their corresponding cause and effect also represented. 1) If longevity is (0-1) years and WB is very bad then
most likely attrition will be High and job
dissatisfaction also will be high
2) If longevity is (1-3) years and WB is very bad then
most likely attrition will be high as Job
dissatisfaction is high because of Work life balance
3) If longevity is >3 years and WB is very bad then most
likely attrition will be High as job dissatisfaction will
be High due to bad work life balance
4) If longevity is (0-1) years and WB is very Good then
attrition most likely will be Average as job
dissatisfaction will be low due to WLB is very good
5) If longevity (1-3) years and WB is average then
This model can be leveraged once the survey data is
attrition most likely will be average and job
collected from Software vs. Service IT industry specific to
Work life balance and their impact to job dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction will Average
attrition specific to Women Software Engineer. Based on the 6) If longevity is >3 years and WB is Average then
data, we can find out the % of people falling under different
attrition most likely very low and Job dissatisfaction
rules and based on the weightage IT organization has to take
necessary steps to mitigate the risks in terms of work life would be average
balance and their impact to Job dissatisfaction and attrition. 7) If longevity is > 3 years and WB is Very good then

Inference Logic [6] provides principles of reasoning, attrition most likely Low and Job dissatisfaction will
by means of inference, the drawing of conclusions from be low
assertions. The verb ’to infer’ means to conclude from
evidence, deduce, or to have as a logical consequence (do not
confuse ’inference’ with ’interference’). Rules of inference

8) If longevity is (1-3) years and WB is very good then REFERENCES
attrition will be most likely average and job
dissatisfaction will be low 1. Forecasting:
9) If longevity is (0-1) year and WB is average then 2. Does your organization have healthy employee turnover?
attrition most likely will be average and job
dissatisfaction will be average 3. How to calculate attrition rate:
Once the survey data is passed to this model, whoever is 4. Generation of Fuzzy “IF … and … Then Rules by Les M
falling under the Fuzzy Sets of Rule 1, Rule 2 and Rule 3 Sztandera, Philadelphia College of Textile and Science,
those people are the potential candidates may leave the USA.
organization because of Work life Balance. IT organizations http://www.polytech.univ-
have to focus on remediating those issues by bringing in new
strategies to address and retain potential talented women IT
5. Attrition dips in IT sector in FY12 following employee
software engineers.
retention programmes
Below scatter diagram represents the fuzzy sets of (E1, sector-in-fy12/1/24624.html
E2) for the cause factor (C1, C2). 6. Tutorial on Fuzzy Logic by Jan jantzen
7. Software Engineering (9th Edition) by Ian Sommerville
published by Adison-Wesley
8. A Study On Emotional Intelligence And Work Life
Balance Of Employees In The Information Technology
Industry In Bangalore, INDIA by Deepak D Rangreji on
9. Work-life balance as source of job dissatisfaction and
withdrawal attitudes on the view of Male worker by
Joanna Hughes
10. Case Study Series on Work-Life Balance in Large
Organizations by Gill Maxwell student workbook
11. Advancement, voluntary turnover and women in IT:A
cognitive study of work–family conflict by Deborah J.
Armstrong published by Elsevier
12. Work-Life Balance: A Study In The Petroleum Industry
By Judy De Villiers Elize Kotze, Department of Human
IV. CONCLUSIONS Resource Management Rand Afrikaans University
13. A Study on Emotional Intelligence and Work Life
In this research work, we have constructed a Balance of Employees in the IT (2010). Retrieved from
generic Fuzzy Logic Rule Based Forecasting Model to
forecast the employee satisfaction specific to work life _Dissertation_File_-_Deepak.D.Rangreji_-
balance and their impact to Job dissatisfaction and attrition _0930002.pdf
14. Information Technology sector's worst nightmare over :
as well. The resulting solution is linguistically inferred as a
India ..." <
set of possible rule bases.
As a next step, the author is working on leveraging -over/1/187697.html>.
this model to substitute the survey data once collected from 15. Empirical Evaluation of fuzzy logic based Software
“Women software engineers from both Software and Quality prediction model by Sun Sup –Elsevier Science
Services IT Industry situated in Hyderabad on the view of 2001
Work-life Balance” to compare the pattern of data in terms 16. Jia Dan: Impacts of conflicts in work-family interface on
of similarity or issues among software vs. services industry psychological outcomes of frontline service employees:
specific to work life balance issue and their potential impact Supervisor support moderation Pg. 1281 - 1287 by IEEE
– ISSN: 2155-1847 – published on Sep 2012
to job dissatisfaction and attrition.


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