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1. A router is used in networks.

Describe how a router routes data packets.

A router routes the data packets with the help of an IP address. When a receives a data
packet, it checks the destination IP address with the stored IP address. The routing table
stores the MAC address of the device, the assigned IP address and the lease time the
Internet Protocol address is assigned for. Hence, the packet is sent to a number of routes
until it reaches its final destination.

2. Describe how data is sent from a networked computer to a computer on a different


Each data packet contains the IP address of the computer/network that the data is being
sent to. The router will use the IP address to work out the best route in which to send the
data to its destination

3. Describe the details of computer addresses that are stored by a router.

A router stores IP address and MAC address. MAC address is given by the manufacturer,
it doesn't change whereas the ip address is given by an internet service provider, it can

4. A school’s Science department has a network which uses WiFi. A teacher has a laptop
computer and whilst in school wishes to connect to this network.
(a) Write down the name of this type of network.

Wireless Local Area Network

(b) In order to access the network the laptop must be within range of a type ofWiFi network
(i) Write down the name of this type of device.

Access Point

(ii) Describe how this device is connected to the network using an internet cable.

A hub is connected

(c)WiFi networks can be limited in their range.

Describe one other disadvantage of a WiFi network compared to a cabled network.

The connection speed can be low comparatively.

5. Describe the difference between Hub and switch

A hub is a hardware device that can have multiple devices connected, with a principal
function to broadcast the data packets whereas a switch is a device that broadcasts data
packets to the appropriate computers only.

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