Pharmacologic Class

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FERNANDEZ, Bianca Nicole G.

March 8-10, 2021

BSN 3B-2a CI: Sir Eugene Flor Ulpindo

Generic Name / Brand Mode of Action Indication/ Side effects and Adverse Nursing Responsibility
Name Contraindication Reaction
Drug Classification
Generic Name Enhances action of inhibitory INDICATION SIDE EFFECTS: BEFORE:
Lorazepam neurotransmitter gamma- PO: Frequent (16%–7%): Dx.
aminobutyric acid (GABA) in Management of anxiety disorders, Drowsiness, dizziness. a) Assessed history of
Brand Name CNS, affecting memory, short-term relief of symptoms of Rare (less than 4%): Weakness, hypersensitivity to
Ativan motor, sensory, cognitive anxiety, ataxia, headache, hypotension, lorazepam.
function. anxiety associated with depressive nausea, vomiting, confusion,
b) Assessed for onset, type,
Drug Classification  Produces anxiolytic, symptoms. Insomnia due to injection site reaction.
Pharmacologic class: anxiety or transient stress. location, duration of pain.
anticonvulsant, sedative,
Benzodiazepine muscle relaxant, IV: ADVERSE REACTION c) Assessed for patient’s
antiemetic effects. Status epilepticus, preanesthesia CNS: amnesia, agitation, ataxia, drug history.
Therapeutic class: for amnesia, sedation. depression, disorientation, d) Reviewed past medical
Anxiolytic SOURCE: OFF-LABEL: dizziness, history, especially
Jones & Bartlett Learning., & Treatment of alcohol withdrawal, drowsiness, headache, epilepsy, and seizures.
DOSAGE: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. psychogenic catatonia, partial incoordination,
Injection Solution: (2000). Nurse's drug complex seizures, agitation (IV asthenia Tx.
2mg/mL, 4mg/mL. handbook. Sudbury, MA: administration only), antiemetic CV (with too rapid I.V. a) Establish baseline data
Jones and Bartlett Publishers. for administration):
before drug therapy
Oral Solution: chemotherapy; rapid hypotension, bradycardia,
tranquilization of agitated pt, tachycardia, begins to determine and
2 mg/mL.
status epilepticus in children. apnea, cardiac arrest, evaluate effectiveness of
Tablets: cardiovascular therapy
0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg. CONTRAINDICATION collapse b) Perform a thorough
Hypersensitivity to Lorazepam, EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, physical assessment to
other benzodiazepines. nystagmus establish baseline data
Acute narrow-angle glaucoma, IV GI: nausea, abdominal
before drug therapy
administration in pts with sleep discomfort
apnea, severe Other: increased or decreased begins, to determine the
respiratory depression (except appetite effectiveness of therapy,
during mechanical ventilation). and to evaluate for the
Cautions: occurrence of any adverse
Neonates, renal/hepatic effects associated with
impairment, compromised drug therapy.
pulmonary function,
concomitant CNS depressant use, c) Periodically assess dose.
depression, history of drug
alcohol abuse, or significant Edx.
personality disorder, pts at risk for a) Educated client on drug
DRUG TO DRUG b) Instructed to report any
INTERACTION: discomfort felt
DRUG: immediately during drug
FERNANDEZ, Bianca Nicole G. March 8-10, 2021
BSN 3B-2a CI: Sir Eugene Flor Ulpindo

Valproic acid may increase administration.

concentration/effects. Alcohol,
depressants (e.g., morphine, Dx:
PHENobarbital, zolpidem) may a) Asses mental status for
increase CNS depression. worsening of depression,
suicidal ideation, anxiety,
Gotu kola, kava kava, St. John’s
wort, valerian may social functioning, and/or
increase CNS depression. panic attack(especially
during initiation of
DRUG TO FOOD therapy and when dosage
INTERACTION: is changed
b) Monitor mood changes.

c) Monitor for adverse


a) Assisted patient during
drug administration.
b) Notified physician of any
significant changes.

a) Educate client on drug
therapy to promote
understanding and
b) Instruct patient to report
any adverse or side

c) Instruct patient to
verbalize feelings and

a) Observed for paradoxical
b) Assessed for signs and
FERNANDEZ, Bianca Nicole G. March 8-10, 2021
BSN 3B-2a CI: Sir Eugene Flor Ulpindo

symptoms of

c) Assessed for clinical

improvement and record
onset of relief of pain

a) In case of
hypersensitivity, be sure
that emergency equipment
is available.
b) Provide safety measures
(e.g. adequate lighting,
raised side rails, etc.) to
prevent injuries.

c) Provide comfort measures

(e.g. voiding before
dosing, taking food with
drug, etc.) to help patient
tolerate drug effects. Edx.

a) Explained to patient that
drug may cause
b) Instructed patient to avoid
alcohol, and OTC
medications (analgesics,
c) Explained that drug may
cause drowsiness,
dizziness, and blurred
d) Instructed to avoid tasks
that require alertness, and
motor skills until response
to drug is established.
 Emphasized to inform
physician if severe
FERNANDEZ, Bianca Nicole G. March 8-10, 2021
BSN 3B-2a CI: Sir Eugene Flor Ulpindo

constipation, difficulty
breathing, excessive sedation,
seizures, muscle weakness,
tremors, chest pain, and
palpitations occur.

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