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2/27/2021 Take Test: MDSP822D-Energy Law & Policy-Jan 21-Assignment1 &...

Nikunj Kumar 6
Question Completion Status: My Institution Courses Community Services

H My Assignments Take Test: MDSP822D-Energy Law & Policy-Jan 21-Assignment1 ?


Take Test: MDSP822D-Energy Law & Policy-Jan 21-


Test Information
Instructions Center for Continuing Education - UPES
Energy Law & Policy
Assignment 1

Total Questions: 63
Total Marks: 100

Assignment Information :

The examination will consist of only Objective type (multiple choice) questions requiring
candidates to Mouse-click their correct choice of alternatives against the related question
number. The questions would carry 1 to 5 marks each depending on the difficulty level of
the question as indicated in the table below:

Difficulty Level of Questions:

1 Mark - Direct, Memory based

2 Marks - Memory & Conceptual
3 Marks - Conceptual & Analytical
4 Marks - Analytical based on understanding of concepts
5 Marks - Application based on understanding of concepts

The question paper will be for 100 marks and considering marks allotted to each
question, the total number of questions would be around 63.
There will not be negative marking for wrong answers.
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mouse-click any option.
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such cases, the student can re-attempt the assignment allocated after enrolling in
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QUESTION 1 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The low per-capita energy consumption level indicates that India’s energy
demand still has a long way to reach -------.
1. Situation
2. Standing
3. Stationary
4. Saturation

QUESTION 2 1 points Saved

State whether the given statement is true or false

One of the prime indicators of economic growth is the Gross Domestic
Product, or the GDP.
1. true
2. false

QUESTION 3 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The Bureau may appoint other officers and employees in the Bureau as it
considers necessary for the ------- of its functions under this Act. The terms
and conditions of service of officers and other employees of the Bureau
appointed under sub-section (1) shall be such as may be prescribed.
1. Efficient use
2. Efficient utilization of the electricity.
3. Efficient discharge
4. Misuse of electricity

QUESTION 4 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

India is comparatively rich in terms of coal.

QUESTION 5 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The duties of a generating company shall be to establish, operate and
maintain generating stations,------- , sub-stations and dedicated transmission
lines connected therewith in accordance with the provisions of this Act or the
rules or regulations made thereunder.
1. Tie-up
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2. Tie-lines
3. Tie-in
4. Tie-frame… 2/14
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QUESTION 6 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

If we look at the pattern of energy production, coal and oil account for 54
percent and 34 percent respectively with natural gas, hydro and nuclear
contributing to the balance .

QUESTION 7 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

For the purposes of clause (e) of sub-section (1), the Central Government
shall, by notification, nominate from amongst persons holding the post of
director or the head of the institution, by whatever name called, of any
research, technical or ------- institution for this purpose.
1. Medical
2. Management
3. Thesis
4. Training

QUESTION 8 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

The chairperson shall be the Chief Executive of the Central

QUESTION 9 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Every licensee, generating company, generating station, substation and any
other person connected with the operation of the power system shall comply
with the direction issued by the ------- under sub-section (1).
1. Regional Load
2. Despatch Centres
3. Regional Centres
4. Regional Load Despatch Centres

QUESTION 10 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The NEPD Group recommends that the ------- directs the executive agencies
to work closely with Congress to implement the legislative components of a
national energy policy
1. President
2. Executive
3. Presider
4. Nominator

Q U E S T I O N 11 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Safety promotional activities shall be organised periodically to create
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shall include
organising safety day, safety week, fire safety day, fire safety week, safety-
competitions, posters, slogans, safety calendars and displays depicting
possible consequences of unsafe acts and conditions in ------- in the pant.… 3/14
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p q p
1. Conspicuous locators
Question Completion Status:
2. Conspicuous locations

3. Conspicuous secrets
4. Conspicuous states

QUESTION 12 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The head office of the ------- shall be at such place as the Central Government
may, by notification, specify.
1. State Commission
2. Central Commission
3. Regional Commission
4. Centralised Commission

QUESTION 13 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The linear programming model used for the scenarios obtains the -------
subject to constraints over ten 5-year periods from 2000 till 2050.
1. Least-count solution
2. Least-cost method
3. Least-cost solution
4. Linear solution

QUESTION 14 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Reserves of hydrocarbons in India are small accounting for less than ------- of
the global reserves.
1. 0.5percent
2. 0.55percent
3. 0.6percent
4. None of the above

QUESTION 15 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The Central Commission shall ensure------- while exercising its powers and
discharging its functions. In discharge of its functions, the Central
Commission shall be guided by the National Electricity Policy, National
Electricity Plan and tariff policy published under section 3.
1. Transparent
2. Opaque
3. Transparency
4. Translucent

QUESTION 16 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

New 2 (ma) ------- means any energy saving certificate issued to the
designated consumers under sub-section (1) of section 14A.
1. Energy Savings meter
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2. Energy Savingstobonds
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3. Energy Savings Certificates
4. Energy utilization Certificates… 4/14
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QUESTION 17 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

The first Indian Electricity Act, enacted in year 1903 ,
was a somewhat tentative measure.

QUESTION 18 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

European Electricity Grid Initiative Focus on the development of the ------- ,
Including storage, and on the creation of a European centre to implement a
research programme for the European transmission network.
1. Electricity system
2. Active electricity system
3. Smart electricity system
4. Passive electricity system

QUESTION 19 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Achieving an efficient configuration of the various forms of energy requires
consistency in the policies governing each sector and consistency in the
pricing of ------- types of energy.
1. Similar
2. Same
3. Different
4. Variated

QUESTION 20 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

Major industry restructuring has separated electric utilities that supplied
generation, transmission, and distribution services into
distinct entities.

QUESTION 21 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The Governing Council shall meet at times and places, and shall observe
rules of procedure in regard to the transaction of business as its meetings
(including ------- of such meetings) as may be provided by regulations.
1. Coral
2. Group song
3. Quorum
4. Spirtual act

QUESTION 22 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Frequent flooding and droughts, deforestation and desertification as well as
possible glacial melting in the Himalayas have focused on climate change
andSave andstrong
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India’sClick Save to
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------- economy.
1. Average-carbon
2. Medium-carbon
3 Low carbon… 5/14
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3. Low-carbon
4. Completion

QUESTION 23 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The ------- energy demand is the key source of projected growth of demand in
India, which will accelerate in tandem with the country’s economic growth.
1. Satisfied
2. Unsatisfied
3. Obligate
4. Approached

QUESTION 24 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The ------- means the norms for process and energy consumption standards
specified under clause (a) of section 14
1. Energy consumption levels
2. Energy standards
3. Energy consumption standards
4. Energy calculation standards

QUESTION 25 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

In practice many policy competencies in relation to energy remain at national
member state level, and progress in policy at European level requires
voluntary cooperation by members states.

QUESTION 26 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The per capita average annual domestic electricity consumption in India in
the year ------- was 96 kWh in rural areas and 288 kWh in urban areas for
those with access to electricity, in contrast to the worldwide per capita annual
average of 2600 kWh and 6200 kWh in the European Union.
1. 2008
2. 2009
3. 2012
4. 2013

QUESTION 27 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

The Indian Electricity Act, 1910 , which replaced it, has,
with numerous amendments, stood the test of time.

QUESTION 28 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

Energy has been a crucial input in the current model of
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QUESTION 29 1 points Saved… 6/14
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SelectCompletion Status: option
the most appropriate
In the event of an ------- of votes, the Chairperson or in his absence, the
person presiding, shall have a second for casting vote.
1. Similarity
2. Homogeniety
3. Equality
4. Equity

QUESTION 30 1 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
Oil and natural gas together account for over 40percent of primary
commercial energy consumption in the country.Then, which of the following
are True?
1. At present, about 80percent of the gas is spent in the power and
fertiliser sectors, 10percent by the sponge iron units and 10percent by
the industry, where it replaces fuel oil and LPG.
2. Natural gas is expected to acquire a larger role in the energy picture for
India, primarily as a means to reduce dependence on foreign oil. Its
environmental benefits include the absence of sulphur dioxide and
reduced levels of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide (compared to
3. At present, about 50percent of the gas is spent in the power and
fertiliser sectors, 20percent by the sponge iron units and 30percent by
the industry, where it replaces fuel oil and LPG.
4. Natural gas is expected to acquire a minor role in the energy picture for
India, primarily as a means to increase dependence on foreign oil

QUESTION 31 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

A number of scenarios are designed to assess the importance of critical
policy options for meeting ------- requirements.
1. Coal
2. Coke
3. Energy
4. Power

QUESTION 32 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

The steering Group on the implementation of the Strategic
Energy Technologies Plan (SET Plan) on 26 June 2008 will set the agenda
for an EU energy technology policy.

QUESTION 33 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

An application for determination of tariff under section 62 shall be made by a
generating company or ------- in such manner and accompanied by such fee,
as may be determined by regulations.
1. License
2. Licensor
3. Licensee
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4. licenship… 7/14
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QUESTION 34 1 points Saved
Question Completion Status:

Select the most appropriate option

Shareholders control the company through a board of directors which, in turn,
typically delegates control of the corporation's day to day operations to a ------
- executive.
1. Part-time
2. Rare-time
3. Full-time
4. General-time

QUESTION 35 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

The EU might not only be forced to accept a less
ambitious global target.

QUESTION 36 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Notably, India’s per-capita energy consumption is still at a much ------- level
than that of developed countries and even of some developing countries.
1. Smoother
2. Lower
3. Higher
4. Tough

QUESTION 37 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

In 2006, the Companies Act has undergone a dramatic ------- whereby
directors' duties were mostly affected.
1. Homomorphism
2. Transformation
3. Conversion
4. Metamorphosis

QUESTION 38 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Energy Efficiency-related legislation across various sectors will be
consolidated in an Energy Conservation Act that has been introduced in -------
1. FY2011.
2. FY2013.
3. FY2012.
4. FY2014.

QUESTION 39 1 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Energy planning is not a one-time exercise, but a continuous, iterative
process in which the results are continuously reviewed and new information
leads to ------- .
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1. General to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers.
2. Traditional analysis
3. New analyses
4 Trend analysis… 8/14
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4. Trend analysis
Question Completion Status:

QUESTION 40 1 points Saved

Fit the best option

Federal, state, tribal and local governments have the responsibility of
protecting unique natural resources and environmental values.

QUESTION 41 4 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
The State shall endeavor to actively disclose information on energy for
allowing citizens to increase their understanding of and interest in energy
through all kinds of opportunities, and shall endeavor to make the necessary
arrangements for:
1. Raising public awareness of appropriate energy use
2. Disseminating knowledge of energy, while considering utilization of
nonprofit organizations.
3. Diminishing public awareness of appropriate energy use
4. Asseminating knowledge of energy, while considering utilization of
profit organizations.

QUESTION 42 4 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
The Governing Council shall consist of the following members, namely:
1. The Minister in charge of the Ministry or Department of the Central
Government dealing with the Power (ex officio Chairperson).
2. The Secretary to the Government of India, in charge of the Ministry or
Department of the Central Government dealing with the Power (ex
officio member).
3. The Secretary to the Government of India, in charge of the Ministry or
Department of the Central Government dealing with the Petroleum and
Natural Gas (ex officio member).
4. The Secretary to the Government of India, in charge of the Ministry or
Department of the Central Government dealing with the Coal (ex officio
5. The Secretary to the Government of India, in charge of the Ministry or
Department of the Central Government dealing with the Non-
conventional Energy Sources (ex officio member).

QUESTION 43 4 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
During the pre-reform period, the commercial energy sector was totally
regulated by the government. Energy prices in India have been under an
administrated regime with subsidies provided to meet certain socio-economic
needs of the public. This has led to distortion and inefficiency in the use of
different sources of energy. The economic reform and liberalization, in the
post 90s, has gradually welcomed private sector participation in which of the
following sectors in India?
1. Coal
2. Oil
3. Gas
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4. Electricity… 9/14
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Question I O N 4 4 Status:
Completion 4 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
The functions of the State Transmission Utility shall be -
1. To undertake transmission of electricity through intra-State
transmission system
2. To discharge all functions of planning and co-ordination relating to
intra-state transmission system with Central Transmission Utility; State
Governments; Generating Companies etc
3. To provide non-discriminatory open access to its transmission system
for use by any licensee or generating company on payment of the
transmission charges
4. To ensure development of an efficient, co-ordinated and economical
system of intra-State transmission lines for smooth flow of electricity
from a generating station to the load centres;

QUESTION 45 4 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
The Strategic Plan Initiatives are expected to lead to:
1. Cost reduction for incubating technologies with high future potential;
2. Opening market channels and introducing new business models;
3. Continuing improvements in regulatory and policy initiatives;
4. Developing and deploying appropriate financial instruments and
developing framework for monitoring and verification of projects;
5. Promoting schemes; and promoting human resource development.

QUESTION 46 3 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Where the State Commission permits a consumer or class of consumers to
receive supply of electricity from a person other than the distribution licensee
of his area of supply, such consumer :
1. liable to pay an additional surcharge on the charges of wheeling
2. As may be specified by the State Commission
3. To meet the fixed cost of such distribution licensee arising out of his
obligation to supply.
4. Not liable to pay an additional surcharge on the charges of wheeling

QUESTION 47 3 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
Electricity has become an absolute necessity in the modem times. It is critical
for all sectors of economic activity. However, only 55percent households in
India have access to electricity and these too do not get uninterrupted reliable
supply. India's power sector is plagued by capacity shortages, resulting in :
1. Frequent blackouts
2. Poor reliability
3. Deteriorating physical and financial conditions.
4. Slow blackouts

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48 to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all3 answers.
points Saved

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answer… 10/14
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India currently suffers from a major shortage of electricity generation capacity,

Question Completion
even though Status:
it is the world's fourth largest energy consumer after :
1. United States
2. China
3. Russia
4. India

QUESTION 49 3 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
Corporate law is a part of a broader companies law (or law of business
associations). Other types of business associations can include: .
1. Partnerships (in the UK governed by the Partnership Act 1890)
2. Trusts (like a pension fund)
3. Companies limited by guarantee (like some community organisations
or charities)
4. Companies unlimited by guarantee

QUESTION 50 2 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
The Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources estimates India's energy
potential from biomass at nearly 20,000 MW, with 16,000 MW from biomass
and 3,500 MW from cogeneration (i.e., combined heat and power) plants
using bagasse from sugar mills. Besides its use for power generation,
biomass is also a large component of the energy mix in poor households.
These include firewood, agricultural residues and cow dung, and are used
mainly for heating and cooking. India has created a sound manufacturing
base for various renewable energy technologies. Energy is used in rural
areas mainly for the following activities:
1. Agricultural operations
2. Domestic activities (grazing livestock, cooking, gathering fuel wood,
and fetching water for domestic use, particularly drinking)
3. Lighting
4. Industry and commerce (cottage industries, viz. pottery, weaving, iron
smithy, flour mills, shops, etc.).

QUESTION 51 2 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
There shall be constituted a Fund to be called as the Central Energy
Conservation Fund and there shall be credited thereto –
1. Any grants and loans made to the Bureau by the Central Government
under section 19
2. All fees received by the Bureau under this Act
3. All sums received by the Bureau from such other sources as may be
decided upon by the Central Government.
4. All sums received by the Bureau from such other sources as may be
decided upon by the regional Government.

QUESTION 52 2 points Saved

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statement Click
is true or falseSave All Answers to save all answers.
Generation from coal-based stations also includes electricity generation from
1. true… 11/14
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2. false
Question Completion Status:

QUESTION 53 2 points Saved

State whether the given statement is true or false

Mitigating climate change is also one of the reasons India seeks to demote
renewable energy, but not the primary force behind it.
1. true
2. false

QUESTION 54 2 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
India's natural gas consumption is currently met entirely with domestic
production. However, demand for natural gas is soon likely to outstrip supply.
India will have to begin importing natural gas within a few years to supply new
gas-fired power plants proposed by the government. In order to raise supplies
in the longer run, liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports as well as the use of
unconventional gas resources like:
1. Coal-bed methane
2. Gas hydrates
3. In-situ coal gasification
4. Coal-hydrates

QUESTION 55 2 points Saved

State whether the given statement is true or false

Due to only minor efforts in global Climate change mitigation it is highly likely
that the world will not be able to reach this particular target.
1. true
2. false

QUESTION 56 2 points Saved

State whether the given statement is true or false

"designated agency" means any agency designated under clause (d) of
section 15
1. true
2. false

QUESTION 57 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

Every licensee shall, on an order made under section 35, provide his
intervening transmission facilities at rates, charges and terms and conditions
as may be mutually agreed upon, provided that the Appropriate Commission
may specify rates, charges and terms and conditions if these cannot be -------
by the licensees.
1. Mutually acted upon
2. Mutually disagreed
3. Mutually agreed upon
4. None of the above

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QUESTION 58 2 points Saved

Ch th i ht ti Th ti h th t… 12/14
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Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
Question Completion Status:
With energy gaining centre-stage in the industrial economies, the cost and
availability of energy was added as one of the major factors in the growth of
GDP along with: ,
1. Capital
2. Labour
3. Technical assets
4. Market

QUESTION 59 2 points Saved

Select the most appropriate option

The Central Commission may, by notification, establish with effect from such
date as it may specify in such notification, a Committee to be known as :
1. Central Committee
2. Advisory Committee
3. Central Advisory Committee
4. Central Advisory Community

QUESTION 60 2 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
The main fuels used for lighting in rural households are :
1. Kerosene
2. Electricity
3. Solar fuel
4. Nuclear fuel

QUESTION 61 2 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
The Regional Load Despatch Centre may give directions and exercise the
supervision and control as may be required for ensuring stability of grid
operations and for achieving the ------- in the operation of the power system in
the region under its control.
1. Maximum economy
2. Minimum economy
3. Maximum efficiency
4. Minimum efficiency

QUESTION 62 2 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
The State Commission shall specify an Electricity Supply Code to provide for
recovery of electricity charges, intervals for billing of electricity charges
disconnection of supply of electricity for non-payment thereof, restoration of
supply of electricity, tampering, distress or damage to electrical plant, electric
lines or meter, entry of distribution licensee or any person acting on his behalf
for disconnecting supply and removing the meter; entry for replacing, altering
or maintaining electric lines or :
1. Electrical
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and Submit
2. Electrical plant
3. Electrical motor
4 Electrical part… 13/14
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4. Electrical part
Question Completion Status:

QUESTION 63 2 points Saved

Choose the right option – The question may have more than one correct
When using energy, the State shall endeavor to reduce the environmental
load by using goods that contribute to reducing the environmental load
associated with:
1. Energy use
2. Taking other relevant measures.
3. Energy Certificates
4. Energy saving certificate

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